vi OrMVori re o re Gold Hill P Craafasf N a tu r a l R aaoureaa a f S uut ha rn O rag a n t l h a u u tifu l R ag ua R iuar (In Ijc O fà VOL 16 A r i'' ♦ 'f <7 Jackson Co. O na C o m m u n ity o f O p p o r­ tu n ity --H o gu a R iaa r V a lla r, tahara I ha ap p la g a in a d fa m a GOLD HILL JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURI AV, NOVEMBER 16,1913 || Local Exports Increase .. Riverside Makes Apple Record .. Hunted Salmon with G u n l GOLD HILL EXPORTS SHOW LARGE GAIN IN YEAR — P H — M — mun i i n i ... ■■■■'irrm i i B — m m i RIVERSIDE ORCHARD NETS $540.00 PER ACRE Apples are Graded ^ john purroy MITCHELL Extra Fancy and Sell at Top ,L , ........................................... Markat Baakat Day In Klamath. Klamath Falla.—Plana hava been practically completad for holding a weekly market day In thia eHy. The chamber ot commarca and the Klam­ ath Water Usara’ aaaoctatlon have In- dorsad the movement. It la planned to gat the producers and the consum­ era In direct contact. Y o uth fu l B urglars Hava W in te r Shoes Albany.— A double robbery Involv­ ing the theft of $$00 worth of doctor s Implements, six pairs of shoot and 110 In cash from a store la believed to have boon committed hero by two 17- year-old Independence boye. Among tin, (rult rancluw of i I h < valley which have made horticultural history (luring the |uwt aeaaon la the Riverside orchard, time- and one-half mlkw east ol thia city, owned and operated by J. F. Morrill and Sprague Rcigel. The River­ side la a typical valley orcltard, and Ila 1WIS production rivals those of more pre­ tentious orchard tracts for th e simple reason that its owners exerci*» equal ran» In growing, picking, and marketing t i i e superlative fruit that lias carried the Rogue River label to all quarters of the _ - Two Men Killed; Duel Indicated. Prineville.—Evidently the victims of a rifle duel between tbemselvee, the bodies of Felix Jones and Roecoa Brown were found at a remote spot on Grixzly mountain, near the sawmill of J. W. Jones, father of Brown s wife. The opinion Is general that the fatal fight was dne to Brown’s Jealousy for his wife. Tbe bodies were lying I t feet apart Jones had been shot through the back, while Brown had been shot through the chest. Each still clasped his rifle 1 In hie hands when found. Indicating I almost Instant death In the oaae of each. CITY PAST TEN MONTHS Year To Establish Record for Local Shipments How many of you knew that Gold Hill exports have largely increased during the past year? Don’t all raise your hands at once. They have. The shipping records I of the Southern Pacific »»rnpany for this station show plainly that (J»?Jd HilJ an pn-aent moment, is con- ceding the au|s-rionty that R o g u e River Angling for salmon with a shotgun re­ Valley climate and soil alone make ,«oa- ceived tiie Judicial Inin in Judge More sihle. lock's court mi Wednesday evening, when Bussy Tt-pwa, at, Austrian rancher living cast of this city, was convicted of tliis unique offense against the game and tish taws of the stab-. Tepwa plead guilty and received a fine of $50 and costs, tile tine Ix-ing remitbsl upon his earnest It is sincerely hoped that every person promise to he a gotsl American everafter having tin» welfare o» the Boys’ and Girls’ ward. The costs, amounting bi $1.50, Aii! Society at heart, will not fail to re­ were paid, and Tepwa liherulcd under member them this year. This Society Is suspended aentenoe. Tiie arrest was made by deputy war­ raring for all tbe dependent ami n**gl»-ct- ell children in the state who may be com­ den Riley llaminersly, upon information mitted to it by tiie proper authorities. furnished by Melvin Ballard aud Harry ted to. Their Issvklct is descriptive of some of Hicks, two Gold Hill schisil hoys who The sUverside is one of the choicest of salmon, and lias always been a ( l i e work they liavc arcompiishi-d during witnessi'd the violation of the law upon great favorite witli the farmer as well as sportsman. They ascend all of tbe tin- past year, showing that they have Novemlier 2d. The Isiys were up-river small streams with the first high water and are in prime condition for the pas-ssl 436 children through tin- receiving on that particular Sunday, enjoying their table. The run reaches Jackson county about the first of November. The home at Portland iu that time. That holiday after the fashion of youth before fish average from « to 12 pounds, take a spoon readily and offer the angler Tom Sawyer’s time aud since, when Tep these children committed front 21 differ about the only sport at this season of the year. en t counties in the stab- as follows: Baker, wa, wlio was hunting along the river, ap­ Tiie fish ways at tin- Ament dam, eonatrueted only afb-r years of agita­ Benton, Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, proached a riffle, and final into the water tion by sportsmen, which provid«- adequate passageways for tiie flsli to pass Coos, Crook, Douglas, Jackson, Joseph­ with a shot-gun, The load found a single over the .lam, are now being put to a new use. Instead of being exits for ine, Klamath, lame, Linn, Malheur, Ma­ lielabsl sore-lmek Olinnok dowager, the fish, they have been fenced and not a flab of any kind can pass over. rion, Multnomah, Poik, Umatilla, Was­ whirh Tepwa rescued from the current They have become closed doors. The result is that no silversides have and bore home. The stilna-qni-nt infor­ co, and and Yamhill. reached Jackson comity »luring tin- two years tiie fishways have been put to Another grand tiling which tin- Society mation to Warden Ilammersly was given this inverted use. Accomplishes is the investigation of c >m- in the spirit of boyish gossip, but the of- What does it benefit Jackson county to hatcli and liberate the fish at plaints of abuse and neglect among child­ fii-er promptly availed himself of it. Elk creek, when they go to salt water the first year and are barred from the When arrested t h e Austrian, who ren and they will quickly have an agent county when they return? It makes a hollow mockery of propagation » ork on the spot ami what otherwise would he speaks hut little English, protested his as far as silversides are concerned for Jackson comity. nobody’s business they make the busi­ innocence in four languages. Upon the This unjust and unfair discrimination is a subject for the anglers and ness ,if this notile institution, and if there advice ol friends however, he consented fishermen of Jackson count, to take immediate action upon. The superin­ is merit in the complaint they see that to admit his guilt in court and the sus­ tendent of hatcheries should lx- requested at once to move further upstream tin- matter is brought before tiie proja-r pended sentence was handed down as a for his operations—at least half way up the county. The stab- game an,I authorities and the children made such deterrent to further mistakes, ami in con­ fish commission, which represents the people, shonid be asked to protect disposition of as may be for their best sideration of the hard-working young I Jackson county and if necessary, the Oregon delegation in congress must he - man’s circumstances. interests. requested to take the subject up with the bureau of fisheries. Therefore, one eannot donate anything Warden Hammersly, when asking for ! The present condition is an intolerable one, for tiie rights of the people for a lietter cause than the work of this the judicial clemency, remarked that of Jackson county are entitled to as much consideration as those of the few institution. Their nis-ds an1 everything "while the department desired to temper commercial interests below. The state commission and t i i e bureau of hatch­ th at can Is- used iu a household,—canned justice with mercy, tin- fish and game eries have done ami are doing fine work in restocking the streams, but in goods, groceries of all kinds, es|ss-ially laws were made to be enforced,” and the matter of silversides th e , are working an injustice. sugar, provisions, vegetables and fruits of added that the next example of the sort, all kinds. The railroad, steamboat and would fare badly, indeed. express companies running into Portland have recognized the importune»- of this Breeding For Mutton. General Felix Diaz was wounded in Wtllie Ritchie, lightweight cham ­ Institution sufficiently to deadhead all do­ Pendleton.—Sh cpmen of Umatilla pion of the world, defeated Leach an altercation which occurred In the nations sliipjK-i] to i t if properly boxed county are In the midst of their breed­ Cross in n 10-round bout, which went Malecon at Havana. He was stabbed and plainly marked, Tin Bovs’ A.xn ing senson and reports from their the limit, at Madison Stjuare Garden twice, being wounded behind the ear Gums' Ain S ociety tli--OiiKiaix, Portland, camps Indlcnte that many are chang- and in the netjt. He was aJso beaten in New York. < I r e g o ll. Irg from the fine wool breeds to the Dr. Charles McBurney, who was in with canes. The results of the work of this institu­ coarser, and that a number are also Mrs. Hope McEldowney. at Chicago, tion can now lie seen in many parts of breeding for early or w inter lambs attendance at the bedside of the fatal testified that she had given James Illness of the late President McKinley, th e state. Many j if t h e children have There seetnH to be a growing tendency Ryan, clairvoyant, known as Profes now grown into man and womanhood, among loual flockmnsters to pay more died at Stockbridge, Mass. sor Crane. $15,000 for advice, after Dr. David A. Arter, believed to be many are happily married, and (0 per attention to the growing of mutton, she had been convinced by him that eent of the cases have turned out gcssl their reason being the high prices of the last remaining delegate to the sfie was followed by bad Influences convention which nominated Presi­ and law abiding citizens. Therefore, help meat, and the change which the tariff which make investm ents unsuccess­ dent Lincoln, died at Canton. the good cause along. ful. hns made In tho wool market. Shoots a Salmon; Learns a Lesson Worthy Charity Solids Donations 75 CARS SHIPPED FROM present year are an follow»: JAKVAKY Lime........... febmiahy A pples........ ....................................................... ---- 1 car A Lime........... ........... ........................................................... . . . . 1 car the democratic national committee, who was recently married in London A pples........ to an American girl. Lime........... APRIL ........................................... ... • 1 car MAY Siskiyou Attorney is Sadder, Wiser H a y ............. Hogs............. Lime............. . . . 1 car 1 ................ ’............................................. . . . 3 cars ................................................... JVX1 ’ C attle........... a a a a a ■ . . . . . . . . . . ... . Tliere is a fairly grind story in connec­ G ra in ........... ! Lime............. tion with H. D. Reed’ and George L. JULY HaflTs recent, vi«it to Yreka, aa witneaBea in the ease again-t John Williams, a i H a y ............. • « • • • a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lime............. youthful barber, formerly of this city. Two weeks ago district attorney 8. A. VV»xxi........... • a . ................................................ . . . AÜGÜHT Hooper, of Siskiyou county, visited Gold Hill for the purpose of securing witnesses Box shooks to testify to the bad moral character of H a y ............. Williams in his former home. As the W ood........... SKITEM HER 1 car 2 cars 1 car I pg- young man’s reputation bore no local bar .. 3 cars sinister, Mr. Hrvsper failed in his errand, Apples......... ........................................ .. 1 car anJ entrusted the commission to W. S. Box shooks.. ........................................ Burr, a Siskiyou county acqnaintanro H a y ............. .................................................... , .. 2 cars .. 1 car who chanced to be stopping in tills city, G ate............. . ................................... a . . . advising him that if successful in the Wood............. ............................................................ .. 9 cars OCTOBER search he would forward subpoenas for A pples.......... ........................................................... . - 5 cars two witnesses. Here the comedy of errors began. Per­ Concentrates .. 5 cars haps the wily Mr. Burr misunderstood, Hay ............... perhaps he was passing fond of a practi Lime............. eal joke; in any event, he persuaded Mr. Lime-rock. . . . Reeil and Mr. Huff to visit Yreka »luring W h e a t........... • a - . a . a a a a a a a a a . .. 1 car the progress of the case and inform the WlKxi............. N ovember —to date court of the character of Williams in his .. 10 cars boyhood home. The subpoenas arrivtsd Apples............ .................... ....................... .. 2 cars and on Tuesday the witnesses left for H a y ............... Hogs............... Y n-ka. .. 1 car ‘W hat are yon driving at?” queried Poles............... ............................................... .. 1 car the Gold Hill witnesses in their subse W ood............. qnent confidential interview with the Total............................................ 75 cars prosecuting attorney, when the nature of For a corresponding period in 1912, in­ the testimony expected became apparent. In the ensuing explanation, the absent cluding the entire month of November, Mr. Burr was warmly criticized by the 60 carloads of local produce were shipp d distraught prosecution. Arrangements from this city. One-third of this was were made for a meeting at. the district iime alone, since which time the closing attorney oflira- the following morning, be­ down of the Calcito White Lime con»- fore court opened, when the expense pany’s plant has materially reduced tiie vouchers of the witnesses were to be hon­ total for the following year. In exports ored and an invitation extended to tarry of fruit, hay, live-stock and miscellaneous products the 1913 increase is easily 33}$ not upon their departure. Perhaps Mr. Hooper lingered over his per -ent over the previous year. The figures are significant in view of coffee—bnt the witnesses kept the ap­ pointment. Into the otfico of the prose­ the fact that Gold HUI and its tributary cuting attorney of Siskiyou county strode districts are largely employed in mining first a stern and monstaehed gentleman, and industrial pursuits, a source of reve­ who satisfied himself as to the identity of nue which finds no expression in export the waiting witnesses, and promptly ser­ statistics. Together with the awakened ved subpoenas upon them to appear for thriftiness of fruit and produce growers, the defense. He was the sheriff ot Siski­ the year 1913 lias set a point of prosper­ you. ity for tliis portion of the valley from In the court room. Witness Half tip- which there will he no retreat. A slight j on the stand. Attorney for tiie defense, hut. constant influx of settlers and home- “ Will yon tell the court who brought you stx-kers, who wiU bring new land into | bearing, together with the new industrial as a witness from Jackson county?” " I object, your honor,” exclaimed the enterprises, will n an lt in a mammoth in- ! uncoin fort able Mr. Hooper, springing to j crease far 1914, while there yet remains his feet. more than a month of heavy shipping to " ’Bjection sustained’’, decteed the add to the already splendid total for the court. present year. But the story crept out. The ease against Williams, »barged For Sale:—I have for sale fine q- with statutory rape, will g o t , the jury apple eider, vinegar and apples, a- 1st.- this week. It is the general opinion enable prices. Orders may h • i ft . : ,bt» that he will be acquitted upon technical­ 1 Rae,lei feed store and will i ■ r ,ni­ ities. pt attention. — J . .