Professional Cards W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. GENERAL PRACTITIONER G old H ill , O regon . NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL Senate Banking Committee Is Likely to Report Four- CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. Bank Plan. Practice Limite<£to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ths Underwood tariff bill. In transportation of stocks, bonds end other securities, the Interstate commerce commission held that carrier Is responsible, In case of loss, for the market value of the securitl<>s only and not the par value. By direction of President Wilson, Commlaaloner of Internal Revenue Os­ borne Instructed co llecto r throughout the country that the recent action of congress In removing deputy collec tors from the protection or the civil service did not mean a return to the spoils system and was taken only for efficiency. Preparations have been begun for the wedding of Miss Jessie Wilson, daughter of the president, and Francis B. Sayre. Though the White House is reticent ns to details. It Is given out that the date certainly will be Nevem ber Î 5 and that the ceremony will take place In the White House, where It Is said the bride will have tor her attendants her two sisters. Margaret and Eleanor. AN OPTIMIST'S APHORISMS. Meu are beginning to see the value of living lit the moment. Thnt Is a poor human soul that t-au only he beaten Into comely Gold Hill Livery Darling & Hodges shape. We have to lie (rallied by fate or life or God, If you will let me say eo -to put higher and higher quality Into our Joys. Thia la a fearsome and awe­ some world, aud out of Its Gau­ gers and dlfficulttee a man makes character aud courage. As one looks around at life one sometimes feels that the first vtrtuh and the last the one In dispensable quality for llvtug this human life, is Just courage. Courage ta the virtue of the strong, fortitude the virtue of the miserable. Courage 1» strength In action; fortitude Is strength In endurance. Courage Is the masculine, fortitude the feminine virtue. The brave soul has three chances to one. More men have suffered through Ignoble fear than through all the maladies of earth. Joy never leant on what hap t>eu». but on what Is. It would seem that only spirit­ ual gifts can t>e equal.—Louise Collier Willcox In "Tlis Road to Joy." Proprietors Rigs for all occasions Good horses and drivers that know the roods Waahln*ton. D, C.—When the aeu We make no specialty of any darn of trade Eyes scieutifically examined and gl* ate banking and currency committee tnraislesl raisin' * when needed ended its flrat week of deliberation« .4* xt-C orey P'«L -jug M-slfsid, Ore, It appeared certain thnt the bill to be reported to the aenate would contain certain prorlalona for a four regional reserve, government controlled bank system, the $106.000,060 stock of MANUFACTURER’S which will be offered to the public. AGENT for With progress on the fundamentals of the aenate measure Just begun, only the framework of the Qlasa-Owen measure has been retained. The most Roofing, Hydraulic Pipe, all sizes, Skylights, Contract­ radical change In tbs administration A. E. KELLOGG measure has been the complete re­ or’s Supplies. I represent Manufacturers and Jobbers in moval of the regional reserve banks GOLD HILL. OREGON from bank control. Briefly, the fol­ lowing were the provisions of the Embaí mer and Funeral many lines, and can quote low prices. Address, measure, which it was believed would Director govern its final drafting. Complet« line of burial robes, Four regional reserve banka with a caskets, etc. total capitalisation of $100,000,000, di­ FUNERAL CAR vided according to the financial loca­ Office Phone: Home, 0—M; Residence tion of the center from which the President Wilson Sends Ulti­ Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 4 6- J’lii banks will operate. matum to Dictator and De­ Absolute control of the banks by the mands Quick Action. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE government and regional reserve -WHERE THERE’S A WILL." boards, to be appointed by the prssl DENTIST H I S life Is a d iffic u lt riddle. Mexico Clty.-President Huerta must dent F o r how m a n y people we see resign the presidency of Mexico with­ G A S A U M IS I8 T E 8 K D W ith faces ae long aa a fiddle The regional reserve bank stock to W h ic h o u g h t to be s h in in g w ith bear either 6 or 6 per cent Interest out lots of time and must not leave as glee! RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD and to be sold to the public by sub­ his successor General Aurellano Bian- I'm s u re In th is w o rld th e re la p len ty quet, his minister of War. or any O f good thliurs. enough fo r ue a ll. scription, the balance. If any, to be Y e t th e re Is not one o u t o f tw e n ty taken up by the member banka. This other member of his official family or B u t th in k s t h a t hla s h a re la too ainaU. A. E. KELLOGG stock will have no voting power, and of the unofficial coterie whom he CHORUS. NOTARY PUBLIC will not share In the surplus. That might be expected to control. Then w h a t la th e use o f rep ining? This ultimatum from Washington F o r w h ere th e re ’s a w ill th e re ’s a w ay. will accrue to the government. Phone 3 i Main was conveyed to President Huerta T o m o rro w th e sun m a y be ahlntng. Co-operation With States Proposed. through his private secretary, Senor A lth o u g h It be cloudy tod ay GOLD HILL, OREGON If congress, at the regular session, Rabago by Nelson O Shaughneesy, the D id you e v e r h e a r te ll o f th e spider lio trie d h a rd th e w a ll up to clim b? will authorize an additional loan of American Charge d’Affalres, acting I f W you w ill ta k e th ia ae a gu ider $100,000,000 to the reclamation fund. under instructions from the State De­ Y o u ’ll And I t w ill serve you In tim e N in e tim es he trie d b a n ) to he m oun ting . In accordance with the recommenda­ partment. B u t e v e ry tim e he had a fa ll. tion to be submitted by Secretary Official Mexico Is no longer in doubt 9o he trie d h a rd a g a in w ith o u t co u n tin g Lane, the Interior department will un­ that the Washington administration A n d o f course reached th e top o f the w a lk If you are, don’t waste any time, any money until you DEPARTMENT OE THE INTERIOR dertake, in co-operation with the sev­ favors the rebel cause and Is con­ U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, ¡Oregon, eral states, to redeem those Carey act vinced that this is the means taken Borne g ru m b le because th e y ’re not m a r ­ have seen us. We have the BEST and CHEAPEST ried September 16, 1913. projects which have proven failures, by President Wilson and Secretary A n d c an n o t procure a good w ife . N otice is hereby given that William W. and which threaten, without some Bryan to assist Carranza to win. W h ile others they w ish th e y had ta rrie d SILO that has ever been constructed. Truax, whose post-office address is Gold such aid, to entail heavy loss on set- J Changes in the military situation A nd long fo r a bach e lo r’s life T h ia life It la re a lly b e w ildering . Hill, Oregon, did, on the 26 day of Janu­ tiers who have undertaken to estab­ throughout the country Included, ac­ Som e g ru m b le —th e y m ust be In fu n — ary, 1911. file in this office Sworn State­ lish homes under their canals. cording to reports, the advance of the Because th e y h a v e too m a n y c h ild re n ha v e none. The plan ot the interior department rebels to attack Zacatecas, but th e ! A nd o th ers because th e y —U ment and Application, No, 00927, to pur­ nid en tified. chase the SE i SW ><, Section 6. Town­ is to have the federal government join government believes that the garrison ship 37. S., Range 2. west, Willamette with the states in completing Carey there Is sufficiently strong to resist Meridian, and the timber thereon, under act projects which have fallen Into an attack successfully. Queretaro, THE BAUBLE. the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, disrepute through failure of contract­ capital of the state of the same name, B ehold th e child by n a tu r e '! k in d ly and acts amendatory, known as the “Tim­ ors or from other cause. , « on the main line of the National Rail ! la w ber and Stone Law,” at such value as way, south of San Luis Potosí. Is sur- ■ Pleased w ith a r a t t le , tlc k to t w ith Members Lose Mileage. a straa- might be fixed by appraisement, anil that, rounded by rebels and practically in a : e lie r p la y th in g gives hie Senators and representatives will state of siege. »North of San Luis Po- , Som e y o liv pursuant to such application, the land u th d e lig h t be obliged to forego the mileage bill A lit t le louder, b u t as e m p ty quite. and timber thereon have been appraised, tosi a new method has been adopted S c a rfs , g a rte rs , gold, am use his 8100, the timber esti nated 80,000 board at the coming regular session of con- . by the rebels to prevent the operation ! rip e r stage. A nd bends and p ra y e r books a re the feet at 80.7-5 per M, and the land $40.00; gress, much as they may dislike to do , of tralDS Placarj8 adJ^ 88ed to em. toys o f ago that said applicant will offer final proof so. The fact that the special session ployes have been posted notifying j Pleased w ith th is bauble s till, ae Is to run into the regular session with­ th a t before. in support o f h is application and sworn them they would be hanged If they at­ T ill tire d he sleeps, and life 's poor statement on the 5th day of December, out substantial break makes It Im­ tempted to run the trains. As a result p la y Is o'er 1913, before Herbert Smith United States practicable for congress to pass the the men are refusing to take out the —A le x a n d e r Pope. mileage appropriations this winter, trains. Commissioner, Grants Pass, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this and If any attempt is made to put such purchase before entry, or initiate a con­ a bill through it will be killed by pub­ Frank Fields Acquitted. YOU OR IT test at a n y time before patent issues, by lic opinion. Portland.—Frank S. Fields, ex- F w n coold know Senators and members have re­ W h ic h o f us. d a rlin g , w ould be flr« t filing a corroborated affidavit in this of-i county clerk of Multnomah county, to go; lice, alleging facts which would defeat’ ceived mileage for the special session. was acquitted by a jury in the circuit W h o w ould be first to bre.m t th e s w e ll­ the entry. in g tid e court of a charge of larceny of public Mail Efficiency Is Aim. A n d s tep a lo n e upon th e o th e r side— funds. His attorneys defended him —B. F. J oxeh , Postmaster General Burleson has i f w e could kn o w ! 20-2 Register. . decided to standardize the entire post­ on the grounds that the money was I f It w o re you We p a y 4 p e r cent, on Tim e Deposits al service, so far as possible, with a lost through the failure oa Decembei Should I w a lk s o ftly , k eep ing d e a th In 16, 1911, of the American Bank A v ie w ? DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR view to greater efficiency. To this I m y »ove to you m ore o ft e xp reae* t . S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. ’ end the department will operate sev­ Trust Company, in which part of the Should O r should I g rie v e you. d a rlin g a nd I« m - county funds were deposited. > September 18, 1913. eral model offices, "dynamos from I t It w e re you? N otice is hereby given that Harry L. which to charge the entire system of I f I t w e re I Tabke, whose post office address is 1172 offices throughout the country.” WALLS CRUSH TENEMENTS Should I Im p ro v e th e m om en ta «lip pin g by? East Evcrette Street, Portland, Ore., did, These offices will be used to discover Explosion in Hartford, Conn., of Mys Should I m ore closely fo llo w God s g re at on the 2 day of January, 1913, file in this the best practical way of administer­ p lan . • terlous Origin, Kills Seven. office Sworn Statement and Application. I ing the postal facilities and to test out Be filled w ith s w e e ter c h a rity to m a n — Hartford, Conn.—At least seven per I f It w e re I? No 08508, to purchase the SJ£, Sec- 1 devices and methods that may prove sons are dead or dying as the result tion 14, Tow nship 34 S, Range 3 West, ¡ of value. of an explosion In Loveland's five- w . can n o t. d a 7 ‘ n?°UB'nd,‘ n, ?.’ « • ! « w,. Willamette Meridian, ami the timber ' story brick warehouse. The walls ot I should fo rg e t. Jurt as I do today, National Capital Brevities. thereon, under the provisions of the act ! w a lk a lo n g th e sam e old s tu m b lin g the building toppled on the roofs 0« A n d way— Saved His foot The secretary of war is urged to of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, METHODIST EPISCOPAL ( IIC1H II two adjoining wooden tenement I f I could know . known as the “Timber and Stone Jaiw,” modify the examination required for houses. Sunday I w ould not know ai such vaine as might be fixed by ap­ students desiring to enter West Point. Hlllhiuy School . . 10:00 a. in. IL D. Ely.ofiBan'.am, O., suffered from Michael Oreenhurg, one of the part W h ic h o f us. d a rlin g , w ill be firs t to go. praisement, anil that, pursuant to such The plea is made that 60 per cent of Sermon 11:00 a. in. horrible nicer on his foot for four years. 1 o n ly w ish th e space m a y not be long ners of the warehouse, declared to application, the land and timber thereon the applicants fail. A government 0:30 p. in. B etw een th e p a rtin g and th e g re etin g Doctor advised amputation, but he refu­ Epworth Is-ague buVdíng J V i Song Service song. 7:30 p. in. have been appraised, $410.00, the tim preparatory school is suggested as one ) sed and reluctantly tried Bucklen’s Ar­ dynamited. He refused to assign any B u t w h e n o r w h ere o r how w e r e called Thursday tier estimated 680,000 board feet at $060 remedy. to go— nica Halvo na a last resort. He then I-arliea' Aid motive for such an act. 2:30 p. in. I w ould n o t know . per M, and the land $70.00; that said ap­ the constitution limiting the member­ wrwte: “ I used yonr salve and my foot Prayer Meeting The explosion seemed to wreck the — E v e ry S a tu rd a y . 7:30 ¡i. ir. plicant will offer final proof in support of ship of the house of representatives was soon completely cured.’* Best rem­ building in a diagonal manner, one A sincere Invitation to all. his application and sworn statement on to 450 has been commenced by Repre­ edy lor burns, cntK, bruises ami eczema, whole side—the one that fell on the the 5th day of December, 1913, before sentative Cardell Hull of Tennessee, Rev. A. Coslet, Pastor. THE PESSIMIST. Getabox today. Only 25c. Alldrugglsls adjoining house—falling down. Register and Receiver United States Land author of the income tax provision of N o th in « to do but w o rk . or by mall, H. E. Bucklen A Co. Phila- N o th in g to eat bu( food; Office, at Roseburg, Oregon. A special bargain in the way o f a good, ve described. , Torpid liver, constipate J bowels and I s , kinds of worms h orn children and adults. Tlie first dose checks the symptoms and N o w h e re lo come but back. these deposits now are in the before SV. H. Canon, U. . ¡’ U. 8. 8. Cumini G oin iiii-i« . disordered -toinach a n :ii ■ rauieji of nine nt M.