Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, November 08, 1913, Image 3

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: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Flour and Feed
Stock complete at a ll times
r Q u a lity
C o u n ts
For more than prices when it
comes to buying o f Merritt & Co.
Our expenses are light and th ere­
fore we can save you money on
every line of goods. Orders
promptly delivered.
Gold Hill Flour and Feed Store
11. C. KAEDEL, Proprietor
Phone 1 7
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :
Gold Hill Meat Market
M erritt & C om pany
G en eral
M e r c h a n d is e
A big supply of fresh meat always on hand.
We carry the best of creamery butter.
Ail kinds of fresh fish in season.
Woodcock & Blackert
Y oh read it—take it—Tile New».
Local News Notes
Bert Castle« returned on Monday from
Marslifleld, in which vicinity he ha* pass-
i*l the last w-vcral month*, and will re­
Read your iu*ighbor»' Newt.
main at the Inane of Id* sister, Mr*. F.
QimrU «ml placer location notice. at II. Willmarth, for tins prwsnL
The New» office.
Mr». A.Coslet and daughter arrived on
Mayor It. 0. Kelsey was in Medford , Wednesday from Portland. Rev. Coelet
.Monday u|M>n i lly bnsines«.
met hi* family at Glendale and accompan­
Joe Hick 1» employed noun city plumb­ ied them to ltd« city, where they will oc-
ing work at Roguerivrr tliepraaent week. ettpy the M. E. parsonage.
Mi. anil Mr». (’baa. Chapman, of Med­
11. 11. Comon arrived *rotn Redding
ford, were Gold HUI visitor« Saturday the flm l of the wis'k and «pent m vor.d
day* visiting at the Dnsenberry ranch < n
Mra. W. 11. Miller, and Mr«. J. K Sardine Creek, departing on Tnewlay f..r
Davida, hi spent Monday with relative. at his home at Birmingham, Michigan.
Grant* 1‘aiw
Mi«» Florence Morris, of Lakeview, vis
. Wiu. Mee arrived on Wednesday from
itod with Mr*. W A. Cook, of this city,
Ma dcton, where I h * ha* been employed
and at the Morris anil Haymond home*
during tlx- rammer.
at Rock Point, during Saturday and Sun
Mra. W. E Darling waa the gue*t of day la*t. Mi** Morris i* at present a t­
A-hlaud friend* for aeveral day» the fore tending business college at Medford.
|>art of the week.
Monday evening the members id the
Miiw lone Elion and Mi*» lxirslne Hit- Methodist church will hold a reception for
ton, of Medford, were gu< *la of Mix* Olive Rev. and Mr*. Coelet at the church build­
Turner on Sm iday.
ing to which everybody i* invited. A
Mr*. G, A. Landia and Mr*. It. II. tine program 1» living prepan d. Gaines
Moore vialted with Grandma lb lecca will lie played, and refreshments served.
Moore at Central Point on Friday last.
W. Elmer, of Portland, engaged u*
Mr*. It. 0. Kelsey and daughtei, Dol­ chemist and assayer for the Beaver-Port­
ores, and Mr*. S. T. Hodges, attended land Clement company, arrived in thi*
the Sunday school convention at Medford city the first of the week to assume hi-
duties. Mr. FJiuer has been recently etn
Found: On Fair Day in Gold Hill, |>air ployed in Alaska.
of Kol'i rimmed eye-glasses, and case.
President J . C. Burch, of the Beaver-
Owner may call at thi* office, pay charge* Portland Cement company, and Leigh
end recover *ame.
Hunt, of the Hunt Engineering company,
For Sale or Trade—Sugar l» e t* oratoek have lieen in this city the greater part of
carrot*, at my ranch on Sardine Creek. the past week supervising preliminary
work at the site of the cement plant.
Will deliver if desired.
— W. I,. V an Unirnex.
Never was a more successful dams',
George Iverson, president of the Jack- Isith from the standpoint of good-tinu
son County Sunday Sehool Aiws'iation, and finance, than the Hallowe’en featlv-
conducted the convention at Medford on i ily tendered by the hand l*iy* on Satur-
i day evening last. In the splendid old
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Treat your need grain lor smut anil in­ phrase, “ the best of good times was had"
sure a eli an yield. Itlneatone, 10 cent* and the band organization added $10.
per pound, formaldehyde, 40 cent* per above expenses, to the treasury fund.
Harry C. Ford, of Pittsburg, Pa., who
p'nt. At the Bower«’ drug «tore.
years ago purchased the former Erl-
For Sale:—I have for »ale fine quality
apple cider, vinegar and applua, at reas­ wein ranrh on Sardine Creek, was in this
onable prices. Order« may be left at the city the first of the week while inspecting
Itaedel feed «tore and will receive prom­ hi« property. Mr. Ford 1» delighted with
the climate and poasibilltiee of the valley,
pt attention.
—J. D avi ».
and will in the near future make his
Mr. and Mr». W. J. Hughes, of Rose­
home here.
burg, were gue«t* of Mr«. Hughe«' sister,
M. 8. Johnson, M. D. Bowersar.d Har­
Mm. J. M. Hnteon on Saturday and Sun­
day la«t, continuing to Klamath Fall« the ry Tresham, returned on Saturday from
an invasion of the wilds of Josephine
latter evening.
county, where they linnted during the
O. I. Gregg, manager of the Sleepy last few day« of the open season. Altho
Hollow ranch, underwent an operation they found the district heavily brushed
for ankyloai« of the right knee at Grant« and difficult to hunt in, the party secured
Pa«« on Saturday last, and 1« rejxirting to three fine buck«. Bear sign was encoun­
be rapidly recovering health.
tered in abundance, and a return trip
I)o not now diseased grain when «impie with dogs is planned.
treatment guarantee« a better crop. Take
J. A. Calfee, the aged Ashland resident
yotir choice of—blueatone, 10 cent* per who wan brought to the Kelsey hospital
pound, or formaldehyde, 40 cent« per In this city last week, suffering from a
pint. For »ale at the drug «ton1.
dislocated neck, shows every indication
Hone eart house No. 2 i* now complet­ of Improvement and his recovery is not
ed and houses equipment for the protect­ despaired of. Mr Oalfee is 81 years old,
ion of south side property. The new and is evidencing unusual stamina under
house is located at the roar of the McFar- an injury that almo*t invariably proves
ren building.
Instantly fatal.
FOR SALE—40 acre stock, poultry or
FOR SALE—400, 600 or 1000 acre* in
fruit ranch, all tillable black loam, 10 a compact body, nearly level and nearly
acre« cleared, valuable timber on part, all under high state of cultivation, finest
si mile* north of Gold Hill. Price $25. proposition tor colonization in the st°te
|icr acre. Inquire at The New* office.
of Oregon. No better la id for fruit, grain
For Sab, quick, my beautiful Welter or alfalfa anywhere. Very cheap. Suh-
piano, used only nine month*, for which Irrigated, every 40 acre* is choice. Well
1 paid Filer* Music House six hundred located and only 5 miles from 1!. it. sta­
tion. For particulars call upon or write,
dollar*; sacrifice for cash or time.
—C. S. Kriu iF.m, Agent.
—Box 1I0JI, Medford, Oregon.
Hot Chili
Hot Coffee
Hot Tamales, Saturdays
Hot Drinks
Hot Lunches
Served at all times
B u n te 's C h o c o la te s
T o b a c c o s , E ct.
A T T U R N E R ’S
At Jacksonville. n Monday afternoon occurred after the close of the hnnting
were wedded Thomas W. Kirk, of Sar­ Mason.
dine Creek, to Mrs. Ida Blackert, of this)
city, the ceremony being performed by I
County Judge Ton Vdle. Th1- bride and (
grisiin were aixutnpanled by Mr. and Mr». :
J. B. Palmer. Mr«. Kirk is the daughter I
of Mr. and Mrs. A. J nningx, of thi»city, '
while Mr. Kirk 1» a Gold HUI boy, now i
engaged in operating t h e Luccy B a rt,
mine. Both possess many warm friends | Olympia, Wash.—Statistics compil­
who join with The New» in congratula­ ed by the Washington industrial wel­
fare commission, through reports from
tions upon tlicir happy union.
Ik’puty game warden Riley Hammer»- . employers, ebow -that half of the fe­
ly, of Willow Flat, was in the city sever­ male employes in mercantile establish­
al days this week, instructing local sport»- | ments throughout the state get week­
men as to the provisions of the new fed­ ly wages of $9 or less, or below the
eral law for the protection of migratory j minimum set by the Oregon commis­
birds, which became effective October 1st. sion.
These totals include girls under 18
A dailj dosed seanon on all migratory
and insectivorous birds exist* Ix-tween classed as minors under the Washing­
«unset and sunrise. Crane, »wan, wisxl- ton law. but the figures for females
iluck, and all shore-birds, with a few ex­ above 18 years of age show that a
ceptions, are protected by a five year ruling similar to that of the Oregon
dosisl season. The open season for ducks commission would have sweeping ef­
and geese is from October 1st to January fect in this state.
A comparison of the reports of
in various localities shows that
While engaged in digging a well at the
Riverside orchard Sunday last, John W. girls employed in country stores ap­
Jones was struck on the forehead by the parently draw the highest average of
handle of the windlass, sustaining several wages. Wages in Seattle and Spo­
ileep wounds. He received immediate kane are also classed as good, but
medical attention and returned to his Tacoma lz at the bottom of the low-
work. From a minor scratch, however, wage list. In both Tacoma and Ever­
inlection set in, and he is now suffering ett more than half of the female em­
from a severe case of septic poisoning. ployes of stores receive less than $9
The location of the injury reeulted in a per week.
The N e w s management has made arrangements,
with the P o r t l a n d E v e n i n g T e l e g r a m , en­
abling us to give subscribers the advantage of a gigan­
tic combination offer for a limited period. You can get
a metropolitan evening paper with all the latest news o f
the world, and all the news of Gold Hill and vicinity in
this paper at a remarkably low price.
T h e E v e n i n g T e l e g r a m is the best paper
in the state, market reports unexcelled, Saturday edition
contains a magazine and comic section in colors.
- 1 Year 1 3 0
-$ 6 3 0
Both papers thru
this office if paid
in advance for 1
year, before Dec- rh
ember 31, 1913... v P J e v / v z
’swelled head” that practically closed
Road Liable for Big Slide.
Imth eyes of the unfortunate patient.
Seattle, Wash.—William Topping, of
While his condition is serious it is yield­
RY A SMOOTH SHAVE at q p _ ï 1 *
Ashland. O.. a minor, obtained a ver­
ing to careful treatment.
dict for $20,000 against the Great
Twenty crates of choice Spitzenbuigs,
Northern railroad company because
damaged beyond shipment, the end of
hta father, Edward Topping, was kill­
Sam Hodges’ little finger of the left hand,
and you’ll come again.
ed in the Wellington, Wash., snow-
together with a battered box-car, lx,re
slide disaster of March 1, 1910, when
They all do. Particul­
evidence on Monday morning to the dia-
93 persons perished.
bo'ical nature of the “ flying switch.’’
ar attention to latest
Mr. Hodge. with a crew of men was e n - ,
style haircuts. Next!!
I Now It the time to boy property t a
gaged in loading telegraph poles upon a
Gold H ill; don’t w ait till yon have
flat car stationed on the siding. Further
, have It ; bny now and mako the te<-
along the track and opposite the ware­
vestor's profit, a word to the wise 1»
house George Lyman was completing the
East of ’phone office
sufficient; if yon have not the o n tk r
s cond tier of a carload of apples from
talk to Kellogg he w ill get It for yowg;
h l' Sams Valley orchard. All was serene
Nogales, Sonora.—Through Dr. Hen­
until a freight crew, engaged in yard
he has some real bargnlna Jast nows
Allen Tupper, of the International had been with him there for severs In Gold H ill properties.
work, decreed the flying switch. W ith­
out warning two csrs. a heavily laden box­ peace forum, who Is regarded as an days. The rebel chief Intended at
car and a gondola, bore swiftly down up­ unofficial agent of the American sec­ first to ask recognition from the Am­ ..O w n your own homes; stop pnyfme
on the car of poles. With the exception retary of state. Genevlestano Carran- erican government, but after confer­ re n t The Pacific Rnlldlng A L m w
of the unfortunate Sam the men sprang xa, head of the rebel constitutionalists ence with advisers, determined to Assorlntlou w ill furnish yen the mon­
from the load. Engag'd at the tackle of Mexico, transmitted to the United confine requests to the lifting of the ey; pay by the month; jnsf like pay­
the sudden tension upon the rope drew States government an official state- ban on the shipment of arms across ing rent; It cost* n i more; talk w ith
his left hand Into the bl<w-k, completely ment which suggests that President the border.
Kellogg, he doe* tbelr business Ira
severing the end of the little finger and Wilson can solve the Mexican prob­
Gold H ill.
National Issues Loom In O ff-Election.
crushing the third finger. In the apple lem merely by according to the
car Mr. Lyman and his assistant escaped stltutionalists the right to Import
Washington.—Although It is an "off F i r e , L i f e , C n i u a l ’ y , A c c i ­
unscathed from the cascade of heavy lxjx- arms freely from the United States.
dent and
In s u r a n c e «
year” In politics, the election on No­
The struggle In Mexico will con­ vember 4 furnished several local cam-
L o a n s a .,d In v e s tm e n ts
cs, a score of which were broken and
their contents ruined. That any of the tinue until one side or the other Is . paign situations that assumed nation­
men on either car were not seriously in­ beaten Into helplessness, the state­ al Importance. Three governors were
jured was no fault of the reckless train ment asserts. It further declares that ballotted for In Massachusetts, New
crew, who merely did the Ixist they could the constitutionalists are confident of | Jersey and Virginia—and In more than
to furnish work for the coro.ier. The S. wiping out Dlstator Huerta and his I a score of the larger cities mayors
P. claim agent arrived on Tuesday and partisans In u short time If the em­ were elected. In all of these It is
certain the votes cast by republicans
adjusUsl damages—but Sam is packing bargo on arms Is lifted.
Carranza come here from Hermosil­ and progressives were qlosely watch­
his left arm in a sling and finding his
sole sohice ill the fact that, his disahlcini nt lo, the rebel capital, with Topper, who ed and analyzed.
K e llo g g
T a lk YVitR
K e llo g g