Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1913)
Professional Cards W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. GENERAL PRACTITIONER G old H ill , O regon . NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL President Will Accept Amend ments to Currency Bill to CLARK E. SAUN DER S, M. D. Obtain Speedy Action. Practice LitnitadSto Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat dedication of Congress hall. The u tin night he will leave tor Mobile, Ala. where he la to deliver an address be fore the Roulhera Commercial con green "The whole weat has felt bitter to ward the Interior department," said Secretary Lane, on his return to Washington, "and I have devoted much thought and study to ascertain the reason. I have concluded that thia bitterneaa la dua partially te the ku reaucratlc administration of tha de partment, but tha main complaint Is because there la too much red tape.' Active preparations by Argentina to taka Immediate advantage of the free beef clause of the new tariff law and send to the United States large ship ments of beef were reported by Dr A. D. Melvin, chief of the bureaa ol animal Industry, who haa Just re turned from South America. Former President Taft spoke nt th. dedication of the Grover Clevelam mem oriel tower at Princeton nnlver slty on Wednesday. HENRY LANE WILSON MAKES LETTER PUBLIC Gold Hill Livery Darling & Hodges Reviews Circumstances Lead ing Up to Instructions to British Ambassador. Proprietors Rigs for all occasions Good horses and drivers that know the roads Washington—With President Wtl Spokane.—The letter to Secretary We make no specialty o f any class o f trade son willing to accept substantial of Stats Bryan. In which Henry I-ane amendments to the administration Wilson tendered hla resignation rrtt-Corev P o l Iiu:r, M-dferd, Ore. currency bill In the hope of obtaining American ambassador to Mexico was speedy action on tha measure In the made public here by Mr. Wilson. The senate committee, supporters of the letter was written In Indlanapolla Au administration grew optimistic over gust 28. In part Mr. Wilton wrote; the chances for the passage of the "I have the honor to acknowledge measure before the end of the extra tha receipt of your note of August 14, session of congress. transmitting a copy of a telegraphic The president himself. In a latter to Instruction of the department of state Majority Leader Underwood, announc to the American ambassador In Lon ed hta willingness to consider a pro don, directing him to dtaclalm all re posal for a recess of the house, be Roofing, Hydraulic Pipe, all sires, Skylights, Contract sponsibility on tha part of thia gov cause, he said, conference« with mem eminent for an Interview attributed to bens of tha senate committee lad him A, E. KELLOGG me." or s Supplies. I represent Manufacturers and Jobbers in to believe the bill would bo reported GOLD H ILL, ORRGON Mr. Wilson then reviews tha clr- to the senate the first week In Novem oumataacea leading up to tha Instruc many lines, and can quote low prices. Address, ber and passed at the present aesalon. Embalmer and Funeral tions to the ambassador In London. Republican members of the oommlt- Director A London dispatch was published In tee and Senator Hitchcock, of Ne Compiei« line oi boriai robe«, thia country August 11, any lug that braska. were Inclined to look upon <'aak«ta, eto. one of the factors determining Brtttah thia plan as too optimistic, but other Mexico City.—In a brief statement recognition of the Mexican provision FUNERAL CAR members of the committee said they Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence hoped to be able to five up to the President Huerta denounced as base al government was tha "congratula less that he was contemplating resign tory" speech of the American ambas Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 46- Main president's expetations. lng or fleeing from the capital. sador on the occasion of Hueria'a re A reduction In the number of re Persons close to the president de ceptlon to the diplomatic corps. Mr. serve banka, fixed by the administra clare that he has received sufficient Wilson says he did not believe tbta DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE tion bill at 12, and the removal of the assurances of support from the army came from an official British source, secretary of agriculture and the con DENTIST heads as wall aa from the provincial and when he read articles “evidently troller of the currency from the feder governors and la satisfied that th« tnaffired from administration sources, gas a d m ìn is t u s d al reserve board, which would control revolt In the north will soon be ended containing expressions of gratifica the new currency system, were the RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD with the recapture of Torreon by th. tion over the supposed propitiatory amendments which the prealdnt let It strong federal force now being con explanation" of the British govern be known he would not oppose. centrated upon the city. ment. Campaign Bill Is Drastic In Effect. A. E. KELLOGG Ten of the Imprisoned deputies were 'It seemed apparent to me that this The first direct result« of the con set free, there being no evidence tbat was the first evidence of your inten NOTARY PUBLIC gressional investigation of campaign they had taken part In a conspiracy. tion publicly to question my official Phone 83 Main expenditures came when the senate Seventy-four of the remaining 100 acta," be continues, “and I accordingly passed Senator Clapp's bill prohibiting were formally held for trial In the gave to the press the Interview re GOLD HILL, OREGON the sending of campaign funds from federal district court on charges of ferred to.” one state to another. •edition, rebellion and contumacy. In hla letter he criticised Bryan’s I If the house approves the measure foreign policy as a "spirit of hazard 1 it will put rigid limitations, not only ous adventure" and claimed he (Wil j on the activities of general political son) was actuated only by unselfish interests, but also on the work of such If you are, don’t waste any time, any money until you motives In his attitude toward Huerta organizations as the National Associa and Madero. .h ave seen us. We have the BEST and CHEAPEST DEPARTM ENT OF T H E INTERIOR tion of Manufacturers, the American U. S. Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, Federation of Labor and the National Washington.—President Wilson and SILO that has ever been constructed. September 16, 191?. Association of Woman's Suffrage. Secretary of State ITrynn will make N otice is hereby given th at W illiam W. no reply to criticisms voiced In Spo The bill prohibits the carrying or T ruax, whose post-office address is Gold sending of funds from one state to kane by former Ambassador Henry ! H ill, Oregon, did, on the 2« day of Ja n u another to be used In the eelction of Lane Wilson of the administration's I ary, 1911. file in this office Sworn State president, vice-president, presidential attitude toward Mexico. Secretory [ m ent and Appli -ation, No. 06927, to pur electors or members of congress. Bryan intimated that WllBon was dis chase the SE i i SW 14, Section 6. Town credited, and that no official notice The proposed new law would not ship 37. S., Range 2. west, W illamette prohibit the present work of national would be taken of nny of the former M eridian, and the tim ber thereon, under political committees, so long as they ambassador's "rebukes." th e provisions of the act of Ju n e 3, 1878, make public reports of all contribu and acts am endatory, known as the “ Tim tions received and expeditures. GERMAN BALLOON BURSTS her and Stone L aw ,’’ at such value as Lane to Insist on $100,000,000 Loan m ight be fixed by appraisem ent, and th at, Airship Drops 900 Feet to Ground and Secretary Lane, head of the Interior pursuant to such application, the land Navy Officers Lose Lives. and tim ber thereon have been appraised, department, intends to make a deter Berlin.—Twenty-eight persons were mined fight before congress the com 8100, the tim ber esti nated 80,000 board killed neur JohannlBthnl In the explo feet at $0.75 per M, and the land $40.00; ing session to secure the loan or bond sion and fall of Count Zeppelin’s latest issue he advocates, which will make th a t said applicant will offer final proof dirigible balloon, the L-II. in support o f h i s application and sworn available $100,000,000 for government The 28 men represented the entire statem ent on the 5th day of December, irrigation and drainage work In the personnel of the admiralty board west. To that end he Is endeavoring 1913, before H erbert Smith U nited States whleh was to conduct the final trial to center -the attention of the entire Commissioner, G rants Pass, Oregon. of the dirigible looking to Its accept country on the Irrigated sections of Any person is a t liberty to protest this ance by the gqvernment as a new purchase before entry, or initiate a con the west. unit of the German aerial navy, the Once the general public realizes test at any tim e before patent issues, by pilot and crew and invited guests what irrigation has done and can do ® 191X fcy A m e ric a n Press A ssociation filing a corroborated affidavit in this of Every person that went aloft In the fice, alleging facts which would defeat for the desert regions, he believes Oscar W. Underwood, Democratic big airship is dead. there will be little objection to a lean the entry. Twenty-seven of them were killed to the reclamation fund, even if it be house leader, who has announced hit IVe p a y 4 p e r cent, on Tim e Deposits —B. F. J ones , candidacy for United States senator almost Instantly by the explosion of for the sum named. It Is to the Irri 29-2 Register. from Alabama. the gas in the balloon or burned to gated lands that the country must look death aa the flaming wreck fell to the for its increased production of food Idaho is Urged to Act. .D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E IN T E R IO R products, In the opinion of the secre ground from a height of 900 feet. Boise.—That Idaho (should follow 1 . 8 . Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon. tary, and If $100,000,000 in addition to September 18, 1913. amounts now avaialble can be expend the lead of Oregon and Washington N otice is hereby given th a t H arry L. ed for irrigation and drainage during in joining hands with the reclamation Tabke, whose post office address is 1172 the next decade. Secretary Lane be service to complete Its half finished E a-t E veiette Street, Portland, On-., did, lieves the problem of high cost of liv Irrigation projects and again turn the on the 2 day of Jan u ary , 1913, file in this ing will be at least partially solved. tide of Immigration to the northwest is the opinion expressed by F. H. New- office Sworn Statem ent and Application, National Capital Brevities. ell, director of the reclamation service No. 98508, to purchase the 8 J i Sec New York.—Mrs. Emmallne Pank- Secretary McAdoo states that he has while here. tion 11, Township 34 S, Range 3 West, hurst, the militant suffragette leader, Do You f»er Consumption? W illam ette Meridian, and th e tim ber no intention of resigning from the was allowed to land on Manhattan Is Strengthen Week Kidney« Prison Farm Is Indorsed. thereon, under the provisions of the act cabinet. land from Ellis Island, where she had Don't suffer longer with weak kidneys. Secretary of the Navy Daniels de Olympia, Wash.—The state hoard of been detained by the Immigration au of June 3, 1878, and acts am endatory, No lustier how chronic your cough or You can get prompt relief by taking clares that American citizens should control has announced its indorse thorities. She had been ordered de known as the “ Tim ber and Stone Law, tiow severe your throat or lung ailment Electric Bitters, that wonderful remedy be compelled to cast their ballots on ment of a plan proposed by Warden ported as an undesirable alien, but is, Dr King's New Di«coverv will surely praised by women everywhere. Start a t such value as m ight be fixed by ap Drum for procuring a 14,000-acre pris President Wilson and Secretary of praisem ent, and th at, pursuant to such matters of state. Postmaster-General Burleson con on farm to be operated In connec (Litbor Wilson Intervened on her ap help you: it may save your life. Stillman with a bottle to-day, you will soon feel application, the land and tim ber tliereon like a new woman with embltlon to work ferred with a delegation of American tion with the Walla Walla penlten peal from thlB decision and Instructed Green, uf Malicblta, Col. writes« "Two have been appraised, $410.00, the tim without fear of pain. Mr John Dowling loctors said 1 had consumption and could her estim ated 680,090 board feet at $059 railwav presidents seeking better pay tlary. The farm is to be worked by Anthony Camlnetti, commissioner not live two years. I used Dr King’s New of San Francisco, writes:—"Gratitude for transporting mail. prisoners paroled to the state during general of immigration, to release her Dircoveryand am alive anil well." Your for the wonderful 1 fleet of Electric Bit per M, and the land $70.00; th at said ap President Wilson will go to Phila a probationary period. plicant will offer final proof in support of on her own recognizance and without money refunded if it fails to benefit you. ter» prompts me to write. It cured my his application and sworn statem ent on delphia Saturday to speak at the rr bond. The beat home remedy for coughs, cold» wife when all else failed.” Good for the th e 5th day of December, 1913, before Shortly after she landed Mrs. Pnnk- throat and lung troubles. Price 50c and liver a» well. Nolhing better for ludi- Representative Hawley haa intro Register and Receiver United States Land D EPA R TM EN T OF T H E IN T E R IO R gestion or biliousness. Price, 50c and duced bills appropriating $100,000 each hurst was taken in an automobile to $1.00. Guaranteed by all druggists. Office, at Roseburg, Oregon. $1.00, at all druggists. U, 8, Land Offl.-e a t R o ieb u -g , O r., for the purchase of sites and the erec the residence of Mrs. O. H. P. Bel A n y person is at liberty to protest this Don’t let Baby Suffer w ih Eczema O ctober 2d, 1913. tion of public buildings at Oregon lmont. purchase before entry, or initiate a con “The American people did It—It is N otice is hereby given th a t Charle- City, Corvallis, Ashland and Grants and Skin Eruptions METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHUIH H test a t any tim e before patent issues, by V. H erm an , of Gold Hill, O regon, who. Babies need a perfect skin-covering Pass. He also has introduced a bill their will,” she said. "What will the Sunday filing a corroborated affidavit in this of on Ju ly 20, 1908, made H om estea I F i r authorizing the establishment of a life English say?" Then she paid her re .-•kin eruptions cause them net only in- Sunday School . , 10:00 a. in. fice, alleging facts which would defeat ry Serial, No. 0365, f o r S K ^ , Section 28. spects tartly to Reginald McKenna, ense suffering, but hinder their growth, Hermon saving station at the mouth of the th e entry. 11 :00 a. in. Township 35 8 ., R an g e 3 W ., Wi lam Suislaw river and one authorizing the the British home secretary, character lilt H obson ’ s E czema O intment can be Epworth I »-ague 6:30 p. m. — B. F. J ones , e tte M eridian, has filed notice f int, n- eetabllshr.ient of a mining experiment izing him as “the chief torturer of relied on for relief and permanent cure Song Service 7 :30 p. m. 21-30 Register. England.” She said it was not het tion to m ake Five year Proof, to e -tale s'ttion at Grants Pass. I »ufieling babies whose elfin eruptions Thursday purpose to preach militancy in this li.'i claim to tiie land above desc-ilied live made their life miserable, "Our L idins’ Aid 2:30 p. m. before W. H. C anon, U. S. C o m m it Youthful Golfer Ties Britain's Best. country, but that she would confine was afflicted with breaking out. of Safest Laxative for Women l ’rayer Meeting 7 :30 p. m. N early every woman needs a good sinner. »( .Medford, O regon, on th e 21-1 Brookline, Mass.—An American herself to an exposition of the treat lie- skin «Hover the fsceand scalp. Doc A sincere Invitation to all. laxative. Dr K ing's New Life Pill» «re J a y of Novem ber, 1913. youth—a stripling scarcely out of his ment. accorded the suffragettes in Eng t e s and skin specialists failed to help Rev. A. Coslet, Pastor, 1 I imant nameg g» witnesses: good been 11-e they a re p ro m p t,«afe, a, d teens—carved a niche for himself in land. W e tried Dr Hobson’s Eczema Ointment .1. Sm ith, of Gold H ill, Or. do not cause pain. .Mr» M C D unlap rf and were overjoyed to see our baby com international sporting history here. Secretary Houston has advised Rep R Brigg«, of Gold 11111,11--. L ead ill, T en n . says: “ Dr. Kin •’» New Francis Oulmet tied with England's pletely cured before one liox was used" A sjM-cial bargain in the way of a resentative Slnnott that he recom T 9 . G iffito. Of Gold H ill, O r ’ Life P u l. h-lp ed b e r tro itile» , , a lly ." i nous professional golfers, Harry writes Mrs. Strubler, Dubuque, Iowa well-built «tven room dwelling, and large mended the elimination of 24,000 ncres .1 I. I Pankev, of Gold H ill, Or. Verdon and Edward Ray, In the final All druggists, or by mail, 50 cents, G«t a liox ioday. P r i e , 25c. R e a m - lot. Best of garden land, well located, from the Deschutes national forest. mein ed by all druggists. —B. F. J o . v k s . round of the national open champlon- P fkiffkii C hrmical C ompany must be sold. For participara call upon 22-27 *bip. . » , St. Louis, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa. * Register. 8. R rdfiki . u . Eye« scientifically examined and gl, Jas! ‘ when needed. tarnish A ll Get th e Best W. H, Smith RESIGNATION DENIED BY PRESIDENT HUERTA W. y. Smith, 1 I Medford, Oregon SJ A re You G oing to B u ild a SILO ? Legal Notices Big Pines Lumber Co’y Gold Hill 73 Anybody can spend more than they earn-- BUT YOU! Can’t you SA VE A LITTLE? I MRS, PANKHURST IS PERMITTED TO ENTER THE GOLD HILL BANK