Professional Cards * dmialslr a l f » N«tw« of App«iwlm»m. and to Present Clotma In the County Court, tor the County of P. CHISHOLM, M. D. Jacksou, State of Oregon. \ I RAL PRACTITIONER In the m atter of the Estate of W illia m Sm ith, Deceased. : d H ill , O regon . Notice is hereby given that the lio n . F. L. Too Velle, t\>unty Judge of Jack- son County, Oregon, on the 9th day of v i.V E. SAUNDERS, M. a August, 1913, appointed A. K. Kellogg, Practice Lim ited ^« adm inistrator o f the Fatale o f W illiam Smith, weease,!. Any persons having a Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat claim against tla> said Estate is hereby Eyes scientitically examined and ghuaee notified to present same duly verified to tu rn ¡slu'd when needed. the undersigned, at his office, in Gold .-»•. wit-Corey P:tL ling. M-sifoid, Ore H ill, Oregon, w ith in six mouths from the dah of first publication of this notice. Date of first notice, August 16, 1913, —A. E. K kijam *., A dm inistrator, A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S F IN A L NO TIC E In the County C ourt oi the State ol Oregon, for the County of Jacksou. In tn e m atter of the Estate of John R M attis, deceased. Notice is hereby given th a t the un ­ dersigned a d m in is tra trix Ima filed w ith A. E. KELLOGG the said C o urt, her du ly verified final aocount o f said estate, and said c o u rt GOLD HILL. OREGON on the lo th day of September, 1913, baa fixed Sat un la y, October 18, 18i3, a t Embalmer and Funeral 10 o’olook in tbe forenoon of the said Director day a t the cou rt room of said co u rt in Complete line of b u ria l robee, the County C ourt House in Jackson­ casket«, etc. ville , Oregon, as the tim e and place for FUNERAL CAR the hearing of »aid final a-count. A ll Otfice Phone: Home, 9— M; Residence persous interested are hereby no tified Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 46-Main to make or file th e ir objection w ith said court to said final account, if anr they have, on o r before said tim e. D R ARTEMAS W. DEANE Date of first publication, Septem ber 20, 1913. DENTIST — M abv M att is , G AS AIIM IX ISTX R K D A d m in is tra trix of the Estate of Jcbn B. M attis, Deceased. RIALTO BUILDING. MEDFORD AN O P TIM IS T*« APHO RISM «. Men are beglnulug to see the value o f liv in g In the moment. T h a t Is a poor humau soul that can only be beateu Into comely shape. We have to be trained by fate or life —o r God. i f you w ill let me aay ao—to put higher and higher q u a lity Into ou r Joys. T hia la a fearsome and awe­ some w orld, and out o f tta dan­ gers and difficu ltie s s man makes character and courage. As one looks around at life one sometimes feels th a t the first v lrtu o and the last, the one In­ dispensable q u a lity fo r liv in g th is Sumaa life , la Just courage. Courage Is the v irtu e o f the strong, fo rtitu d e the v irtu e o f the miserable. Courage ta streugth In action: fo rtitu d e Is strength In endurance. Courage la the masculine, fo rtitu d e the fem inine virtue. The brave soul haa three chances to one. More men have suffered through Ignoble fea r tban through a ll the maladies o f earth. Joy never leans on w hat hap lieus, hut on w h a t Is. I t w ould seem th a t only spirit- ual g ift« can lie equal.—Louise C o llier W llloox in “ T h e Road to Joy." W H E R E T H E R E 'S A W IL L .” H IS life la a difficult rlddls. T F o r how m a n y people wa sea W it h races aa lo n g as a fid dle W h ic h o u ght to tie s h in in g w ith gleet r m s ura In th is w o rld th e re Is p le n ty O f good things, enough ro r us a ll, l e t th e re la not one o u t o r tw e n ty B u t th in k s th a t hla s h a re la too em ail. D EPAR TM EN T OF T H E IN T E R IO R U. S. Land Office at Roeeburg, Oregon, A. E. KELLOGG September 16, 191,’’ . CHORUS. N O TAR Y PUBLIC Nones is hereby given that W illia m W. Th^n w h a t ta th e use o f rap IningT Truax, whose post-office address is Gold F o r w h e re there*» a w ill th e re ’s a w ay. Phone SS M aia H ill, Oregon, did, on the 26 day o f Janu­ T o m o rro w th e sun m a y be shin ing . A lth o u g h It be cloudy tod ay ary, 1911. file in this office Sworn State­ G O LD H I L L , O REG O N ment and Application, No. 06027, to pur- D id you e v e r h e a r te ll o f th e spider W h o trie d h a rd th e w a ll up to c llm b f hase the SE -a SW . Section 6, Town­ I f you w ill ta k e th is as a g u lder Y o u ’ll And It w ill serve you In tim e. ship 3". 8 ., Range 2. west, W illam ette Meridian, and the tim be r thereon, under N in e tim e s he trie d h a rd to be m oun ting . R u t e v e ry tim e he had a fa ll. the provisions of the act of J une 3, 1878, So he trie d h a rd a g a in w ith o u t c oun ting and actsameudatory. known asthe “ T im ­ A nd o f course reached th e top o f the w all. ber and Stone Law ,” at such value as N O T IC E O F T H E A P P L IC A T IO N m ight be fixed by appraisement, and that, *°a e g ru m b le because th e y 'r e not m ar of N . H. L a tim e r, fo r a U nited States pursuant to such application, the land 1 A r ^ r a n n o t p rocure a «ood wire, Patent for the B lack Gold Channel and tim ber thereon have been appraised. While oth ers they w ish th e y had ta rrls d Placer M in in g Claim s Nos. 4 A 6. $100, the tim ber esti listed 80,000 board I r a,nd„ i “ nl* f ° r “ . . s> , , , , „ I This life It Is re a lly b e w ild e rin g M in in g A pulication No. 09001. , ra e t at $ 0. p e r M, anec- la ratlo n o f Indeiamdence, o f w hich he was a alguer. Ambas­ sador to France d u rin g Revolu­ tion ary w ar and helped to make treaty by which France recog­ nised Independence o f America. W ith Jay and Adams concluded treaty o f peace w ith England In 1783. I lls autobiography «biography is bis f beat known book. t . , . . ........ . . . j OBEDIENCE. We m ustn’t be In a h u rry to fix nnd choose our ow n lot. We must w a it to be guided. We are led ou like the little ehlldrcu by a way that we know uot. I t la a vain thought to tire from the w ork th a t God appoint» ua for the sake o f finding a greater Itleaa- lug to our own aottla, aa I f we could cbiktae fo r ouraeltroa where we shall find the fullness o f the d ivin e preaeocw Instead o f aeek- Ing It where aloue It la to ba found. In loving obedlenc«.— George E liot. I Darling & Hodges Proprietors Rigs for all occasions G ood horses and drivers that know the roods We make no specialty o f any class of * A ll G et t>he Best W. H. Smith saare™”* H Roofing, Hydraulic Pipe, all sizes. Skylights, Contract­ or s Supplies. I represent Manufacturers and Jobbers in many lines, and can quote low prices. Address, W. y. Smith, Medford, Oregon Vi Are You Going to Build a SILO If you are, don’t w aste any tim e, any m oney until you have seen us. We have th e B E S T and C H E A PE ST FRENC H PROVERBS. The man la beat served who has no occasion to put tho hands o f others a t the end* o f hl» arm». He who devour* the substance o f the poor w ill find n t leugth a boue to choke him. He mum needs awtm th a t’s held up by the chin. W hat makes m any persons dis­ contented w ith th e ir own condi­ tion Is the absurd Idea which they form o f the happiness o f others. W lia t orators want In depth they g ive you In leng.'b. Pleased w ith a ra ttle , tic k le d w ith M in in g Claim s Nos. 4 A 6, has applied ■,e8t at a,ly tn,H' befon* P«h.‘n t issm s, by a at m a ­ fo r a patent from the U nited States to j AUng “ corroborated affidavit in this o f- sonic liv e lie r p la y th in g gives hla the Black Gold Channel Placer M in in g fire, alleging fact- which would defeat y o u th d e lig h t. A lit t le louder, but ns e m p ty qu ite Clauns Nos 4 A 6 Io,sled in the Fools tin-entry. S carfs, g a rte rs , gold, am use hla Creek M ining D istrict I unorganized) — B. F. J ones , r ip e r stage. C ounty of Jackson, State of Oregon, And beads and p ra y e r books a re the Said C laim No 4 being more p a rticu la r- 20-29 Register. toya o f age. ly described as fo llo w -; to -w it: Pleased w ith thia bauble s till, aa The East h a lf o f the Northwest D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E IN T E R IO R th a t before. T H E PILG R IM S P IR IT. T ill tfred he sleep-, a nd llfe 'a poo- • quarter of th e Southeast q u a r­ U. 8 . Land Office a t Roseburg, O r., p lay ta o ei te r of Section 12, Tow nship 37, South of The p ilg rim s p irit has not fled; October 2d, 1913. —A le x a n d e r Pope Range 4 West of W. M. and described I t w a lks in noon's broad lig h t. N o tic e is hereby given th a t Charles by ntetes and bounds as follows, to -w it And It watches the bed o f the V. Herm an, of Gold H ill, O regon, who, Commencing at a stake 1320 I t West 1 glorious deed The Greek war office o ffic ia lly an­ of the q u arter section corner common on J u ly 20, 1908, made Homestead E nt- W ith the holy stars by n ig h t; to Section 12, Twp 37 8. K. 4 We t ot ry Seria , No. 0365, fo r SE t», Section 28, nounced that Junltin, the great west­ I t watches tile bed o f the brave " . M . and Secti-n 7, Twp. " T K ’ j 37 y C S. o ^ i3 i Township 35 S., Range 3 W ., W i lam - ern T u rk is h fortress, has surrendered. who have bled W estof V\ . M . and run ningthe nce Sooth The Greeks have taken 32,000 prison­ 1320 ft. to a s ta k e ; thence West «60 tt ette M eiidian , ha- til d notice of in te n ­ And s till guard th is Icebound ers. to a stake; thence N orth 1320 ft. to a tion to make Five year Proof, to e-tab shore March 14 was selected as Salmon stake; thence East ObO ft. to the place liah c la im to the la rd above desc ib rd . T ill the waves o f the bay where o f beginning, containing tw en ty acres the M ayflow er lay before W. H . Canon, V . 8. O uiutui - day, because it is the fiftie th a n n iv e r of Placer M in ing Ground. Shull foam and freeze no more. sioner, at Medford, Oregon, on the 21st sary o f the establishm ent o f the salm And said Claim No. 6 being m ore par­ on packing in d u stry on the Pacific —John Pierpont. day of Novem ber, 1913 tic u la rly described as follows, to - w it: coast. C laim ant names as witnesses: The N o rth half of the W est half ol G overnor Ralston of Indiana has the N orthw est q u a rte r of the Southeast ' W. J. S m ith , of Gold H ill, Or. signed the Joint resolution which ra ti Quarter of Section 12, T ow n -hip 37, S ' Geo. R. B rigg-, of Gold H ill, O r. of Rai ze 4 West of W. M. and describ­ fies the am endm ent to the federal MUSIC. ed by metes and bounds as follows, to- i T. M . G riffith , of Gold H ill, O r. c o n s titu tlo i p ro vid ing fo r the d ire ct When I tiear music I fear 110 w it: I John J. Pankey, of Gold H ill, Or. election o f U nited States senators. danger. I mu Invulnerable. I — B. F. Josas. Commencing at a stake 1980 f t. Wes' By a vote o f 89 to 53 the Maine see no foe. I am related to the of the q u arter section corner common to 2227 Reg is ter earliest tim es a'nd to the latest. bouse kilte d the b ill p ro vid in g fo r Section 12, T w p. 37 S. R. 4 West o f W . _____ —Thoreau. M. and Section 7 T w p . 37 S. R. 3 West i' referendum vote o f the people on of W. M. ai d running thence -u u th 660 woman suffrage am endm ent to the YOU OR I f ft. to a stake; thence West 860 ft. t " a Ju st ns gym nastic exercise Is con stitution . The b ill had passed the F Wa could know stake; thence North 660 ft. to a stake- necessary to keep the body W h ic h o f ua. d a rlin g , w ould be first senate. thence East 660 ft. to the place of be­ healthy, so Is musical exercise to go; ginn ing , con tain ing ten acres.of Placer 1 W h o w o u ld be firs t to bre as t th e s w e ll­ necessary to keep the soul M in in g Ground. D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E IN T E R IO R in g tid e healthy. The projaw nourishm ent Said M in in g Claims being adjacent to A n d step alo n e upon th e o th e r aide— I ’ . S. Land Office at R i-'b tirg , Oregon o f the Intelie -I and passions can I f w e could k n o w : each oth er and contignoue one to the September 19, 1913. no more take place w ith o u t mu- other. I f i t w e re you N otice is hereby given th a t H a rry I ale than the proper functions o f And the said application of the said Should I w a lk s o ftly , k eep ing d eath In Tabkc. who-e post office i i d d r i i s 1172 the stomach ansi the blood W ith ­ N. H. La tim e r is now pending before view ? out exercise Plain. United Slates Land Office and any and Should I m y 'o v e to you m ore o f t e xp re s s ’ East Even-tte Street, Portland, Ore., did all persons claim ing adversely any por­ O r should I g rie v e you. d a rlin g , and le a a - on Ibe 2 day of January. 1913, filj- in t lii I f It w e re you? tio n of -aid M in ing Claims above des­ iffice Sworn Stgtetnent and Application cribed are required to fils th e ir adverse I f I t w e re I Claims w ill, the R e gi-te r ol the United Should 1 Im p ro v e the m om en ts slipping No 08508. in purchase tie- SV, S1^, Sa­ W O R KERS AND EATERS. lon 14, Township 34 9, Range 3 AV« -1, S jtef, Larni Office nt Oregon, ’ by? • lu rin g th e - ix ty d a v peril d of the pub.’ Should I m o re closely fo llo w G od's g re at W illam ette M eridian, and tin - tim ber Whereas God A lm ig h ty has plan. licatinn o f tin - Notice or they w ill lie given to every man o n e m outh Io thereon, under the provisions of the m l barred tro r- doing so the re after by v ir ­ Be filled w ith s w eeter c h a rity to m a n — be fed and one p a ir o f hands of June 3. 1878. nnd act- amendatory. I f It w e re I? tue of the provision- of the s t,m ite in adapted to fu rn ish food fo r Hint known n’ tie- “ T in iis r and Stone Law ,” such cates made and provided. I f w e could k n o w : m outh, I f a n yth in g can be proved at such value a- m ig ht Is- fixed by ap The only adjoining cla im an t is W. S. W e can n o t, d a rlin g , and tis b e tte r so to be the w ill o f heaven II Is I should fo rg e t. Just aa I do tod ay. Bailey, to tile South of Claim No. 4. praisement, and tlia t, pursuant to stn-li proved by tills fact tha t that Date of posting notice on the claim is A n d w a lk alo n g th e sam e old s tu m b lin g application, the laud nnd tim be r thireon w ay— mouth Is to be fed by those Ju ly 10, 1913. I t I could know have Is-en apprai-vd, $410.00, the tini hands w ith o u t being interfered Date of first publisation of this notice tier esliuiated 680,000 board fis-t at S050 w ith by any other man who has I w o uld not kfiow is Aug. 9 , 1 913, a n d date of last p u b li­ per M, and the land $70.00; that -aid ap­ W h l- h o f us. d a rlin g , w ill be firs t to go also hla mouth to feed and Ids cation of Ib is notice is Oct. I l , 19)3. I o n ly w ish th e s p a re m a y not be long plicant w ill offer final p r-> ( in support of hands to labor w ith. I hold I f B. F. J on es , B etw een th e p a rtin g and th e g re etin g the A lm ig h ty had ever made a Ilia application and sworn statement on song. Register U . 8. Land Office, 1 et o f mpn flin t should do n il the B u t w h e n o r w h e re o r how we re called the Olli day of I) 'eemls-r, 1913, Is'fore 14-23 Roseburg, Oregon. to go— eating nnd none o f the work he Register and Receiver United States Lam, I w ould not know . w ould have made them w ith - E v e r y S a tu rd a y , j Ollii'e, nt Roseburg, Oregon. m onths only nnd no hands, and “ M Y LO VE IN HER A T T IR E ." Any person i- a t lils irty to protest tlii- I f he had mnde another elaaa Mrs. H. C. Foster, fo rm e rly M ir j AT Y L o v e tn her a tt ir e do th show her w it; purchase tiefore entry, or in itiate a eon * ’-*• I t d o th so w-ell become her th a t he Intended should do nil H a ttie Long o t Pendleton, a bride of 1 te-t at any tim e liefore patent i-suc-,' L F o r e v e ry season she h a th dressings fit— the w ork and none o f H ip eating leas than a m onth, has secured a w a r­ filin g u eorrolsirateil affidavit in this of F o r w in te r, spring nnd s u m m er he would hnve made (hem w ith N o b e a u ty she do th miss ra n t fo r the a rre st of he r husband ¡1 fire, alleging facts which would defeat out m ouths and w llh a ll hands. W h e n a ll h e r robes a re on. San Francisco, charging him w ith dis­ the entry. B u t B e a u ty 's s elf she Is Abraham Lincoln. appearing w ith $1000 w hich had bee:: W h e n a ll h e r robee a re gone. — B. I ’. J oses , —Author Unknown (1602) given Into his care. , 21-30 RegisU-r. i Gold Hill Livery SILO th a t has ever been constructed. Big Pines Lumber Co’y Gold Hill Anybody can spend more than they earn-- BUT YOU! Can’t you SA VE A LITTLE7 We p a y 4 p e r cent, on 1 im e Deposits THE GOLD HILL BANK Do You f»ar Consumption? No m a tte r how chro nic your cough or how severe your th io a t or lung ailm ent ia, D r K in g'» New Direoverv w ill surely help y o u : i t may save your life. Ht III man Green, o l M a licb lte , Col. writes: "T w o doctors said I had consum ption and could not live tw o years. I used D r King'» New Discovery and uni a live and w e ll." Y our mo ey refunded i f it fa lls to b nSllt you. The la»st home renieily for coughs, colds th ro a t and lung troubles. Price 50c and $ 1.0 0. Guaranteed by all druggists. Strengthen Weak Kidneys Don’t suffer longer w ith weak kidneys. You can get pro m pt re lie f by is kir g E le ctric B itters, th a t w onderlul remedy praised by women everywhere. M a r t w ith a bo ttle to-day, you w ill soon te c like a new woman w ith a m b itio n to w o rk w ith o u t fear of pain. M r John Dowling of San Francisco, w rite s ¡ - " G r s t i lii ile for the wonderful 1 fleet ol E lectric B it­ ters prom pts me io w rite . I t cuu-,1 ,,iv wile when a ll else fa ile d .” Good f„ r the live r as well. Nothing better lor lu d i- geslion or biliousness. Price, 50c anil $1.00, at all druggists. Don’t le t Baby Suffer with ftze m a METHODIST EPISCOPAL <11 V IH T I and Skin fruplin ns B .hies need a perfect skin-covering. Sunday Skin eruptions cause them nut only In ­ Sunday S choo l IO:On a. m. tense suffering, but hind er th e ir g ro w th . Sermon I I :00 a. in. D ll H odson ' s E< zp . jia O in tm B nt can be Epworth Ix-ague 6:30 p. in. relied on for n -lle f and perm anent cure Song Nervine 7:30 p. in. of -u lie fin g babies whose skin eruptions Thursday have made th e ir life miserable. “ Our Ladles' A hl 2:30 p. rn. baby was afllicted w itli breaking out of Prayer Mis tin g li » p. in. t i c skin a llo v c r thefaceand scalp. Doc­ A sincere Invitation to all. tors and skin specialist.« failed to help. Rev. A. CoKlet, Pastor. We trie d l) r Hobson’s Eczema O intm ent and were overjoyed to see our baby com- I iim pkina for Sale:-—I have any quan­ pletely cured before one box was used” writes M rs. S trubler, Dubuque, Iow a J tity of flue pum pkins for sale at the fo l­ low ing prices, $3.50 per ton delivered in A ll druggists, or by m a il, 50 cents. the city, $2.50 at the ranch. P raiF-rra C iik m ic a i , C om pan y —II. B. N ve , Riverdale ranch. St. Ixm is, Mo. P hiladelphia, I ’s.