Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1913)
Seattle, Washington, t h e undisputed I owner of and the sole fxwaeasor ol the Morris Placer Mining Claim, has applied for a patent from the United State* to the Morris Placer Mining Claim, located AV. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. in the Foote Creek Mining District, f l ’n- GENERAL PRACTITIONER organiaxl) Couuty ol Jackson, State of Oregon, and more particularly described G old H ill , O regon . as follows, to-wit: ■The North hall of the West half of the CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. Southwest quarter of the Northeast ottar- ter of SecVon 24, Township 37 Soittli of Practice Limited to Range 4, West of W. M. and describe* Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat by met»» and bounds as follows, to-wilt Beginning at a stake 1320 ft. South ol Eye* sctenufically examined and glaase* the quarter section corner betwtvli 8»c- furnished when needed. tion 13 and 24, said township and range, ,v n-tt-Corey P u t .¡Mt. M-xilard, Ore and from said stake running East 660 ft. to a stake; theneeSouth060 ft. to a stake; t luncv West GOO ft. to a stake; thence North 600 ft. to the place of hegintdng. containing ten acres of Placer Mining Ground. And said application of the said N. H. Latimer is now |>ending before the U. 8. lan d twice and any and all persons, claiming adverely any portion of said U * i f 1 v - . . „«XT Mining Claim above dmcrilied, are ré uni redto file their advene claims with llie Register of the U. S. Land Office at Riwe- hurg, Oregon, during the sixty day period A. E. KELLOGG of the publication of this Notice or they will be barns! from doing so thereafter GOLD H IL U ORFGON by virtu»- of the provisions of the Statute in such cast* made and provided. Embalmer and Funeral Tile only adjoining claimant is H. T. Findley, who is the owner of the property Director to the West of this Claim. Complete line ol burial rabee, Date of posting notice on the claim is caskets, etc. July 10, 1913. Date of the first publication of this not FUNERAL CAR Office Plum e: H om e, 9—M; Heeidence ice is Aug. 2. 1913. Date of last publi cation of this notice Is Oct. 4, 1913. Phone, H om e 2—K; Pacific 46-Main B. F. J onks , Professional Cards DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE DENTIST GAS A O M tX IB T K R K D RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD A. E. KELLOGG NOTARY PUBLIC P h on e 39 Main GOLD H IL L , O REG ON Legal Notices BRANCHES OF PARTY NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL AIM TOWARD UNITY W ashington.—Senator Cummins out lined In part the reform plans ot the so-called ''conciliation committee" of Republicans and Progreaaivaa which hopes to bring about tha holding ot a national Republican convention early la 1914, The change la the representation ot tout hern states In the national con vention la a secondary matter In tha programme of tha committee. With the added support of many Republican leaders who did not participate laat spring In the “get-together" confer ence In Chicago, they will Insist that tha control ot the Republican national committee over seating ot delegates in a national convention be abolished. "Where states have primary laws that govern the election of delegatee It will ba an easy matter to provide by party rule that the certificates Is sued by local election officials shall ha final evidence entitling the dele gates to seats In the convention. Where such jaws do not exist, how ever. I believe that Republican au thorities In aach state should pass on all contests and settle the eligi bility ot delegations before they go to the national convention." Register U . S. ljuid¡O ffice Woman la Elaetad city Traaaurar. Roseburg, Oregon 13-22 Roseburg. Or.—In the city election, which was characterlxed by a heavy Administrators Notice of Appointment, women's vote, the electors of Rose and to Present Claims In the County Court, lor tin? County of burg chose Agnes Pltchford city treas urer over Danna Howaar, by a vote of Jackson, State of Oregon. In the matter of the Estate of William 65$ to 476. Mlaa Pltchford has the Smith, Deceased. distinction of being the first woman Notice is hereby given that tlie Hon elected to office In Roseburg. F. I.. Tou Velle, County Judge of Jack- son County, Oregon, on the 9th day of August, 1913, appointed A. E. Kell.igg, administrator o f the Estate o f William Smith, Decease«!. Any persons having a claim against tlie said Estate is h»*reby notified to preseut same duly verified to the undersigned, at his office, in Gold Hill, Oregon, within six months from the date of first publication of this notice Fire Fighting Apparatus De- Date of first notice, August 16, 1913. FIRE AND BLIZZARD DEVASTATING NOME — A. E . K ellogg , Administrator. Gold Hill Livery t troyed and Water Works Darling & Hodges President Wilson Signs Under wood-Simmons Tariff Proprietors Rigs for all occasions Good horses and drivers that know the roads Bill. Washington. — Surrounded by tha leaders of a united democracy, Presi dent Wilson signed the Underwood- Simmons tariff bill at the White telegrams House. Simultaneously were tent to cuatome collectors throughout the oountry by the treas ury departmeut, putting Into actual operation the first democratic tariff revision since 1894. A happy group of legislators, mem bers of the cabinet and friends encir cled the president as he signed the bill, uelng two gold pens. Its pre sented to Representative Underwood the pen that had written the word "Woodrow," and the one which had completed hla name to Senator Sim mons. We make no specialty of any class of trade A U G e t t h e Best W. H. Smith MANUFACTURER’S AGENT for Roofing, Hydraulic Pipe, all sires, Skylights, Contract or s Sufjpties. I represent Manufacturers and Jobbers in many lines, and can quote low prices. Address, Many T a r iff Rates Abolished by Bill. The Underwood-Simmons bill brings Into effect one of the most far-reach ing revisions of tariff rates and rev enue laws enacted for many years. A new Income tax. applying directly to the Incomes of clttxens; the aboli tion of all tariff on scores of Items of immense Importance to American In dustry and American consumers, and a heavy reduction of tariff rates on most of the articles In general use In this country are Its chief features. While certain portions of the new law do not take effect at once, most of Its provisions and almost all the direct tariff reductions do. The federal government has been spending nearly a billion dollars a year and the new tariff law will raise less than one-third of that sum. Re- oent estim ates by tariff experts In congress predict that the rates will raise $249.000,000 a year, and that the Income tax will raise $127.000.000. The remainder of the government's great Income Is made up principally ot Inter nal revenue taxes and postal receipts. W. d. Smith, Medford, Oregon A re You Going to Build a SILO ? NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION Out of Commission. If you are, don’t waste any time, any money until you of N. H. Latimer, for a United States ADMINISTRATOR’S FINAL NOTICE have seen us. We have the BEST and CHEAPEST Patent for the Black Gold Channel In the County Court of th e State of New Bill Summarized. Nome, Alaska.—Fire has completed Oregon, for the County of Jackson. Placer Mining Claims Nos. 4 A 6. SILO that has ever been constructed. A brief summary of the new tariff In tne matter of the Estate of John the destruction of blizxard-wrecked Mining Application No. 09001. Nome. taw as prepared for the senate follows: B Mattis, deceased. United Slates Land Office, Following a night and day of terror, Notice is hereby given that the un Average percentage of tariff rates Roseburg, Or., Aug. 5, 1913. Notice is hereby given that in pur dersigned administratrix has filed with 24 hours of the worst Arctic storm as compared with the value of all Im suance of Chapter 6 of Title 32 of the the said Cjurt, her duly verified final that ever visited Alaska’s most fa ported merchandise: Old law, 37 per Revis«*d Statutes of the United States, account of said estate, and «aid court mous mining camp, flames started In cent; new law, 27 per cent. N. H. Latimer, whose Post Office ad on the 19th day of September, 1913, has the ruins of wrecked buildings and Vqjue of annunl Imports added to dress is S eattle, Washington, the un the free list. $147.000.000. disputed owner of and the sole posses fixed Saturday, October 18, 1913, at swept the city. It was Impossible to cope with the sor of the B ack Gold Channel Placer 10 o'clock in t i e forenoon of the said Estimated revenues from all import Mining Claims Nos 4 A 6, has applied day at the court room of said court in flames. All of the flre-flghtlng ap rates: Old law. $; new re for a patent fr-rn the United States to the County Court House in Jackson paratus was destroyed by the storm law, $249,000,000. the Black Gold Charnel Plac-r Mining and the waterworks also Is out of Estimated revenue from corporation Claims Nos 4 A 6, fixated in the Foots ville, Oregon, as the time an I place for Creek Mining District (unorganized) the bearing of said final a count. All commission. The firehouses and their and Income taxes: Old law, $37.000,- County of Jackson, State of Oregon, perrons interested are hereby notified contents were swept away by the gale. 000; new law. $122.000,000. Said Claim No 4 being more particular to make or file their objection with said Hundreds of homeless persons Altogether, consumers In the United ly described as follow*; to-w it: struggled against wind and wave in States probably will receive from court to raid final *ccount, if any they The East half of the Northwest If three mlnrnt who left three little pnkni of dust • an effort to collect enough food from abroad, free from all tariff, more than quarter of the Southeast quar have, on or before said time. at tlie San Franeiix-o mint in th<“ golden ilsy* of the debris to sustain life for them ter of Section 12, Township 37, South of | Date of first publication, September $1,000,000,000 worth of merchandise the '50’*, anil never returned to claim them, had selves and fam ilies for a day or two. Range 4 West of W, M. and descrió«*! 20, 1913. during the next year. During 1912 the by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit il<'po*lle<l the dust in hank* paying 4 per cent In It Is estimated that the loss will amount of "free Imported" was more — M aev M a t t is , Commencing at a stake 1320 It West terest—a surprise would await them today. Administratrix of the Estate of reach $1,500,000. So great was the than $880,000,000. and when the tariff of the quarter section corner common destruction of provisions that It Is is entirely removed from wool, sugar, John B. Mattis, Deceased. If Joseph Baker, whose «take was only $3:10.27, to Section 12, Twp 37 S. R. 4 We-t ot feared that a famine will follow. ha«l placed It in such a hank, he would find to W. M. and Secti-n 7, Twp. 37 S. R. 3 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR iron ore and cheap Iron and other Im West of W. M. and running thence South hia credit today $2,865.00—gained without effort! portant Items, the total Is expected to U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, 1320 ft. to a stake ; thence West '»60 ft. Increase notably. Under the old lnw Josephine County Grapes Fine. September 16, 1913. to a stake; thence North 1320 ft. to a Grants Pass.—The grape crop of more than 53 per cent of all goods stake; thence Ea-t (>o0 ft. to the place N otice is hereby given that William W. of beginning, containing twenty acres Truax, whose post-office address is Gold Josephine county will be of an excel brought to the United States from all of Placer Mining Ground. Hill, Oregon, did, on the 26day of Janu lent quality as well as enormous is parts of the world paid no tariff, and W e pay 4 per cent, on Tim e Deposits And said Claim No. 6 being more par ary, 1911, file in this office Sworn State quantity this fall. The season has that proportion will be Increased by ticularly described as follows, to-wit: the new law. been Ideal for the ripening of the The North half of the West half of ment and Application, No. 06927, to pur The free wool provision of the new SW >£, Section 6, Town grapes, and the present warm weather th e Northwest quarter of the Southeast chase the SE Quarter of Section 12, Township 37, S. ship 37. S., Range 2. west, Willamette and bright sunshine are giving the fa law takes effect December 1. 1913, and of Range 4 West of W. M. and describ Meridian, and the timber thereon, under mous Tokays a beautiful purple blush. the free sugar provision May 1, 1916. ed by m etes and bounds as follows, to- Congress at Work Nine Months. the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, wit: A new counterfeit, a $10 National The new tariff law, passed four Commencing at a stake 1980 ft. West and acts amendatory, known as the “ Tim Bank of New York, haa been discov of the qnarter section corner common to ber and Stone Law,” at sneh vain«- a- years after President Taft signed the Section 12, Twp. 37 S. R. 4 West of W. might be fixed by appraisement, and that, ered by the secret service division of existing Payne-Aldrich law. Is the re M. and Section 7 Twp. 37 8. R. 3 West pursuant to such application, the land the treasury department. It is a pho sult of more than nine months of work of W. M. and running thence 8outh660 tographic reproduction of fair quality ft. to a stake; thence West 660 ft. to a and timber thereon have been appraised paper without silk threads or im ita In congress. Hearings were started stake; thence North 660 ft. to a stake; $109, the timber e-sti nated 80,000 board January 6 by the house ways and thence East 660 ft. to the place cf be feet at $0.75 per M, and the land $40.00; tion of them. means committee. Chairman Under ginning, containing ten acres of Placer that said applicant will offer final proof Do You Fear ( onxumption? wood Introduced the tariff bill April 7, Strengthen Weak Kidneys Mining Ground. in support o f h is application and sworn Immediately after President Wilson Don’t suffer longer with weak kidneys. Said Mining Claims being adjacent to DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR bad convened the new congress. It each other and contiguous one to the statement on the 5th day of December, Nn matter how chronic your rough or You can get prompt relief by takir g U. S. L and Office a t R oseburg, Oregon 1913, before Herbert Smith United States other. passed the house May 8, and the sen liow severe your throat or lung ailment Electric Hitters, that wonderful remedy S eptem ber 18, 1913 ate September 9. And the said application of the said Commissioner, Grants Pass, Oregon. is, Dr King'* New Diacoverv will surely praised by women everywhere. Mai c N otice is hereby given th a t H a rry L N. H. Latimer is now pending before Any person is at liberty to protest this help you: it may save your life. Htlilmsn with a bottle to-day, you will roon feel National Capital Brevities. United States Land Office and any and purchase before entry, or initiate a eon T ab k e , whose post office a d d rem i* 1172 all persons claiming adversely any por June 1 has been designated as Fath Green, of Malichite, Gol. writes: "Two lik e a new woman with ambition to work E ast E verette S tre e t,P o rtla n d , O re., did, tion of said Mining Claims above des test at any time before patent issues, by on th e 2 day of J a n u a ry , 1913, file in this ers’ day. In « resolution Introduced In doctors said 1 had consumption ami could without fear of pain. Mr John Dowling cribed are required to fila their adverse filing a corroborated affidavit in this of not live two years. I lined Dr King’* New of Fan Francisco, write* :-»G ratitm le claim s with (he Register of the United fice, alleging facts which would defeat office Sw orn S ta te m en t a n d A pplication, the house by Representative Moore of Discovery and am alive and w ell.” Your for tlie wonderful «fleet ol Electric Bit No 08508, to p urchase the S4$, Sec Pennsylvania. He would make the States Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, the entry. money refunded if It fail* to h-nnllt you. ter* prompts tne to write. It cuicd my during the >ixty day period of the pule tion 14, T ow nship 34 S, R ange 3 W est, rose the emblem. —B. F. J okes , lication of thi- Notice or they will be A bill for the cr«-atlon of a public Tire be»t h -me remedy for coughs, cold* wife when all else failed.” Good for the W illam ette M eridian, am i t h e tim ber 20-2!) Register. barred from doing so thereafter by vir liver as well. Nothing better for Indi tliereon, u n d e r th e provision* of tin -act land court is to be advocated In con throat and lung trortIII, s. Price 50c and tue of the provisions < f the Statute in gestion or biliousness. Price, 50n and $1.00. Guaranteed by all druggist*. DEPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR of J u n e 3. 1878, am i acta am endatory, gress by Senator Walsh of Montana. such cases made and provided. $1.00, at all druggist*. U. S. Land Office at, Roseburg, Or., The court is designed to save time In know n a* th e “ T im ber a m i Stone L aw ,” The only adjoining claimant is W. S. Don’t le i Baby Suffer with Ccrema October 2d, 1913 a t huc I i value a* m ig h t tie fixed by a p land cases and to decide all points of Bailey, to the South of Claim No. 4. M ETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Date of posting noticeon the claim Is and Skin Eruptions NOTICE is hereby given that Charle- p raisem ent, and th a t, p u rsu a n t to such law at issue. July 10, 1913. Sunday Babies need a perfect skin-covering. V. Herman, of Gold Hill, Oregon, who, application, th e land ami tim ls-r tliereon Representatives of small hanks of Date of first publication of this notice on July 20, 1908, made Homestead E n t 10:00 a. m . the middle w est and south protested Skin eruptions cause their net only'in- S un d ay School have been appraised, $410.00, th e tim is Aug. 9, 1913, and date of last publi Serm on ry Seria , No. 0365, for SE '4, Section 28, •eni-e suffering, hut hinder their growth 11:00 a. m. against the currency bill before the her estim ated 680,000 board feet a t $050 cation of this notice is Oct. 11, 1913. Township 35 8., Range 3 W., Wi Iain 1 st M, and th e land $70.00; th a t said a p senate banking and currency commit Dii H oiirok ' b E czema O intment can he E pw orth League 6:30 p. nt. B. F. J o nes , Song Service relied on for relief and permanent cure ette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tee. The chief objection was against 7 :!W) p. nt. plicant will offer final proof in support, of R e g iste r U . 8. Land Office, T hursday tion to make Five year Proof, to eotah his application am i sw orn sta te m e n t on the provision preventing the smnller of «nfiefing babies whose skin eruption* 14 23 R oseburg, Oregon. lis'i claim to the land above described, th e 5th day of Dccenils-r, 1913, Isdore hanks charging for the collection of Have niadu their life miserable. “(Jur L adies’ Aid 2:30 p. m. baby was afllleted witli breaking out of P ray er M eeting before W. H. Canon, U. S. Cornini • Register and Receiver U nited State* Land out of town checks. . 7 :3 0 p . in. N O T IC E O F T II E A PPLIC A TIO N A sincere Invitation to nil. On the heels of the failure of con the skin all over tlie face and scalp. Doc sioner, at Medford, Oregon, on the 21-r Office, a t Roseburg, Oregon. of N. H. Latimer, for a U nited States ja y of November, 1913 Any person is a t liberty to protest thi* gress to legislate In the tariff bill to tors and «kin specialist* faileil to help. Rev. A. Coelet, Pastor. Patent for the Morris Mining Claim. (.la im s n t n a rrie s as witnesses; purchase before e n try , o r in itiate a con prevent gambling In cotton futures, We tried Dr Hobson’s Eczema Ointment Mining Application No. 08997. W. J. Smith, of Gold Hill, Or test a t any tim e before p a te n t issues, by Representative Harrison of Missis and were overjoyed to see our baby com United States Land Office, Geo. R. Briggs, of Gold Hill, Or. filing a corroborate«! affidavit in thi* of sippi Introduced a resolution provid pletely cured before one I xjx was used” If you want a «mall ranch, remember Roseburg, O r., Ju ly 28, 1913. T. M. Griffith, of Gold Hill, O*. flee, alleging fact* w hich w ould defeat ing for nn International campaign writes Mrs. Strubler, Dubuque, Iowa that I have for «ale the very best 40 acre Notice is hereby given th a t in p u r sgnlnrt such speculation. All druggists, or by mail, rg) cents. J,dm J. Pankey, ol Gold H ill, Or. tire en try . ranch for the money in the Rogue River suance of C h ap ter 6/>f T itle 32 of the Re l’EKtEirKB C hemical C ompany — B. F. J okes . —11. F. J okes , vised Statutes of the U nited States, N. II. Valley, nil under cultivation anil g ia a l L atim er, whose Post Office address is 22- 27 Register. St. Louis, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa. 21-30 Register. buildings —c . 8. R ki . eiki II, Big Pines Lumber Co’y Gold Hill 7Ì Three Bags o f Gold! THE GOLD HILL BANK