Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1913)
FEED P R IC E S Middling», 100 pound» . . . . $1.85 Short», 8 0 p o u n d » ...................... 1.35 M il! Feed, 70 pound» J.2 5 . . . . T h e s e a re R E G U L A R P rices and not Cut O n e s Bran, 5 5 p o u n d » ....................................QQ Olympic Process Rolled Barley, 75 pound» • W heat, per bushel • • • • . . 1.35 1.00 R.-in.nils-r this feed ka of the very best quality, and full weight. Also n Iiiemla r th a t the atiutta weigh HO Iba., not 7# or 70 lbs., or ss low aa 08 lbs . as ywi som.-tlm.-s get them. Do not forget that the Barley In th e (Ilyin pic Prou-ss Harley, that it la the test manufactured, and weighs 75 | hiii nt la. Gold Hill Flour and Feed Store II. C. KAEDEL, Proprietor Phone 1 7 niiniini....... — □ lllllllin iiiiiiiu Amoskeag A. F. C. Ginghams, per yard 12 l-2c Apom Ginghams, per yard 8c Amoskeag Utility Ginghams, per yard 12 I-2c Lemon Extract. 2 ozs. I5c.~VaniIIa Extract, 2 ozs. 20c Every b o ttle guaranteed.—Pelton Lard 5 lbs. 85c Red Beans, per lb. 5 c —White Beans, per lb. 6c 6 bars Laundry Soap 25c—Fancy Alaska salt Salmon, lb 10c. Gold Hill Meat Market G en eral M e r c h a n d is e A big supply of fresh meat always on hand. We carry the best of creamery butter. All kinds of fresh fish in season. Woodcock & Blackert Proprietors U M n O N W *T » » * Ih lM K H C o . Gold Hill, Or., Sept. 1, 1913, To Water-Users: Owing to a change in the management of the Oregon Water & Power Co., all delinquent water rents must be paid in full on or before October 1st, at which time unpaid accounts will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. Failure to settle a delinquent account will be followed by suspension of service. —O regon W ater & P ow er C o . I'rank Ray has been in this city during the past several days supervising the ship ment of 800 cords of Arc-wood to his Medford yards. The greater portion of the shipment was cut upon the Braden ranch south of Gold Hill. Buy your school liooks at the Bowers’ drug store. All books required in the various courses arc now on sale here. No need to send elsewhere. We carry a complete line of student supplies of the best quality —The Bowers’ Pharmacy. Miss Ih-carda OI cn, recently employed Mr and Mrs. James J. Gauld, Frank at the Cardwell hotel, departed on Wed Wolsey, and James Kibeon, of Portland, nesday for Eagi.-ne, where she will visit terminated a pleasant and successful week her parents for several days before going hunting and Ashing In the vicinity of to Portland, to enroll for the winter term Gold Hill on Saturday last. So pleased in business college. were they with the steelhead angling that j Evangelist Harry Joseph Elliott, who the party w fllietnm the latter part of Is at present holding special evangelistic month for another outing. All the gen "•«•tings in the gospel tent on the rail tlemen are well known Portland business road commons, will give his experience men, who look forward with keen delight on Munday evening, MepL 7th, the subject each season to their annual visit to Gold title of iiis discourse being, "From the Hill and the splendid Ashing of the Rogue Barroom to the Pulpit.” river. Gold Hill friends of the Gaulds Mrs. Wm. Mee and son, Gerald, ar were sadly reminded by the visit of the rivisi Saturday last from Point Terrace, party, of the absence of Charles C. where Mr. Mee is employed and where Gauld, formerly a yearly visitor to this the family have their home for the city—an ardent angler and genial sports past two months. They will again make man—whose accidental death by drown their residence here in order that Master ing in tin- Willamette river occurred sev G. ral.1 may have the advantages of Gold eral months ago. Hill schools. [ l ocal News Notes You read it— take It—The Nows. Cedar fe n ce Posts fo r Sale Don’t Let Baby Suffer with Eczema and Skin Eruptions Mound Is sly and la-ait cedar fence posts Before purchasing your fruit jars call at Babies need a perfect skin-covering. Miller’s Hardware am is v tile new Golden —no sap—by the 100 or 1,000, 15 cents, You read It—take ¡1—The New«. -tate fruit jar—the caps are guaianteed delivered; on the ground, near Asbestos Skin eruptions cause them not only in P. O ., 8 eta. Call or address. tense suffering, hut hinder their growth. Quartz ami placer location notices at or five years without replacing. I DR H ohson ' s E czema O intment can be Hillbilly Ranch, Tli ■ News office. A S|Ms ial bargain in tin- w ay of a relied on for relief and permanent cure Asls-stos, Oregon. BARGAIN: Oak aideh.iord for sale. well-built siven room dwelling, and larg« of siiAefing babies whose skin eruptions L. R. Cardwell and Andrew Jennings lot. Bust of gurden land, well located, Enquire ut postofflee. have made their life miserable. “ Our must be sold. For particulars call upon an- absent from the city this week, unon baby was afflicted with breaking out of b.-rmin Zana transacted business at a little jaunt by auto to Crescent City —C. 8. RinriKi.n. M dford Monday, and return via MarshAcld. They left th.- skin sllover the faceand scalp. Doc Miss H Ix.lelu Norton, of the primary G ild Hill Sunday morning, will campen- tors and skin specialists failed to help. E. W. Lilj.-grun, an aaaayer and ch< ui- <1 -partment of the local schools, returned route and at the beach, hunt and A-h We tried Dr Hobson’s Eczema Ointment I it of Medford, was in Gold Hill Tueaduy on Friday last front Ashland, where she whenever opportunity offers, and expect and were overjoyed to see our baby com upon proftwsiuual business. pletely cured before one box was used” spent the vacation months at the home t > complete the trip within a week. J. I- Ihdtrich departed on Wednes. lay of her parents. writes Mrs. Strnbler, Dubuque, Iowa. Three pumpkins each over a yard in for Hayden, Arizona, where be haa at cur U tters received from Roy Cameron, length, three others weighing 05 pounds j All druggists, or by mail, 50 cents. ed employment in a smelter. P r g tr r K K C hemical C ompany who left this city for the coast last week, gross, were the contributions ol Riverdale ! St. Louis, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. ami Mrs. Carlow, of Medford, n late that he has secured employment in Ranch to the Rogucriver harvest festival, j were the guests of Mrs. Carlow’« «inter, a lumlier camp near Bandon and will re held yesterday. H. B. Nye, who grew main for some time. Mr«, Collins, on Saturday and Sunday. the mammoth pie producers, has literally j Strengthen Weak Kidneys Dad Turner motored to Grant« Pass If you want a small ranch, rem.-mter wagon-loads of them yet n-mainingt . the j Don’t suffer longer with weak kidneys. Thursday afternoon in company with that I have for sale the very best 4b acre field, and the season’s pumpkin crop will You can get prompt relief by taking Henry Haswell, tin- Medford produce ! ranch for the money in the Rogue River figure largely this year in Ids recipe for Electric Bitters, that wonderful remedy n un. praised by women everywlieie. Htart 5 alley, all under cultivation and good making ranching pay. Bert Kellogg, w h o operates a larg. with a bottle to-day. you will soon feel C. W. Martin, of the California-Ore buildings _ c . g. R rm iEij., gon power company, was in Gold Hill in Clarence Shelley departed for Helena, ranch near Ashland, arrived on Saturday like a new woman witli ambition to work the interests of the company for several Montana, Thursday morning, having been last and visited with his brother, A. E , without fear of pein. Mr John Dowling Kellogg and family. On Sunday he was of San Francisco, w rites:—“ Gratitude day« the present week. a incmter of the pleasant family reunion joihed by his wife, who accompanied M- J for the wonderful . ffeot of Electric Bit J. R. Morrison, proprietor of the old nt the Shelley ranch In Sams Valley dur and Mrs. John Btrneburg, and Mrs. M. ters prompts me to write. It cuied my Moon ranch in Sams Valley, waa a visit ing the past two weeks. E. Kellogg, of Medford, in a motor party ! wife when all else failed.” Good for the or to Medford Thursday afternoon, seek R. E. t.aut, of Chicago, consulting en to this city, and the following day was ; liver as well. Nothing better lor tudf- ing medical conaultation. gineer of the Rogue River Public Service spent In angling for steelhead. Both | gesliou or biliousness. Price. 50c and Mrs. L. P. Brown and children arrived corporation, w as in this city Wednesday gentlemen secured ten-pound Ash as re |1.00, at all druggists home from an extended visit with friend« conferring w ith the company’s local wards for whipping th j riffles of the and relatives at Oakland, California, on manager, H. D. Reed. Rogue, and the entire party returned to Sunday evening last. Miss Jennie M. Balc.m, Ph. B., mem- Medford Monday evening. Mr. and Mr«. T. J. O’Hara motored U r of the local high school faculty and N o rth b o u n d up from Central Point Thuraday after instructor In language« and science, ar- 8:07 a. m. Tuesday evening it was d -elded to call No. 20 noon, and visited at the home of their rived on Saturday last to oouimence the 24 (motor) 11:14 a. in. for estimates upon the cost of .-ertoin im No. No. 32 (motor) daughter, Mrs. M. D. Bowers. 4:52 p. m. , fall term of school in this city. provements to the water system for Are- No. 14 . . . . 0:20 p. m. Mr. ami Mrs. Win. Childers and Miss G r a n t Moore, pharmacist a t t h e protection. This 1 ndu.l-a an extensi > n S o u th b o u n d Pearl Nowela returned on Saturday last , Bowers' drug store, left this city Thurs- of .lie system to the extreme southern No. 23 (motor) 8:07 a. m. fro n Glendale, where they have spent ' day forenoon for Eugene, w here he will section of the city, and tin- laying of a No. 31 ( motor) 1:42 p. m. the past several weeks ut tlieir ranch. 2:40 p. m. | visit his home for several weeks, return- small Are main to the school property. No. 15 No. 19 . . . . 11:06 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Martin and child to this city the Utter part of the month. It was also decided to build and equip a ren, of eastern Oregon, arrived the fore Howard Patch and mother, guests of reel house south of the tracks, adjoining METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH part of the week, and are visiting with Sprague Reigel at Riverside orchards for the Big Pines lumber yards. The resig b. nd >y Mrs. Martin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. ten days, departed on Monday for the re- nation of Bert Darling as recorder was Munday School . . 9:45 a. m. J. Olson. turn to their home at Buffalo, N. Y. accepted, and the appointment of B. G. Sermon 11:00 a. in. Epworth League Mias Viola Myers, of Rogucriver, a r ' Enroute they will tour Yellowstone Park. Harding conflrmed. 7:00 p. in. 8:00 p. m. Private Frank Turner, of the 7th Com Song Service rived on Saturday last alld will attend Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller and family, Thursday school in thia city throughout the coming Mr. an I Mrs. S. T. tlodges, and Miss pany, coast artillery, O. N. G., hi full 2:30 p. in. term, making her home with C. N. Shav I Ix-tsy Hodges, returned on Saturday of marching equipment, returned home on Ladies’ Aid er and family. I last week from McAllister Springs, at Mon.lav from tin t neampraent 3:00p. n-. Fort Prayer Meeting A sincere Invitation tu all. Tlic Bressler ranch in upper Mains Val- which sylvan teauty spot they encamped Stevens, where the boys profess to have I for ten days. gathered fresh laurels with the big guns. Ernest C. Rlcliards. Minister ) .) ,! ' -im-riy owned by Ferniln Zanti, has I mh o sold to E. E. Phipps, oi Ashland, All school books required In the pre In civilian life Frank is an excellent bar the deal involving the transfer of valu scribed course for Jackson county tuay ter, and his patrons will regret the clos able real pr.qierty in that city, including now bo secured at the Bowers’ pharmacy. ing of his shop in this city, occasioned by Caminetti defendants, convicted at the Phipps implement business. F, W. Do not send to other towns—save trouble his departure- for Central Point, where he San Francisco on four of six counts, Bressler, who operated the farm the past and expense by buying here. Also a I has engaged in a partnership with John In an indictment charging white slav year, left on Tuesday to assum? charge of complete line of stationery, tablets, pen- ! Ross. Mr. Ross, a veteran of the brush ery, gave bail in the sum of »20,000, and blade, was formerly proprietor of a furnished by his father and uncle, and iho iuiph'uii nt business. ells, and accessories for the student. tonsorial business in this city. will be sentenced September 2. S. P. Time Card L A ¡{n ow all ye by these = presents that a cor dial invitation is given each of you to attend ■sA-^— — — _______ ______________ __________________ GOLD HILL’S FIRST = ANNUAL =------ INDUSTRIAL \ FAIR SA TURD A Yf SEPT 2 0 , >13^ PRIZES A WARDED: Farm Produce, Stock, Special Sports and Races FREE AUCTION Free Salmon Supper Street Attractions BASE BALL GRAND BALL & COME