Professional Cards NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION | O IN .H . Latimer, for a United Stale, Patent for the Black Gold Channel, W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. uruyp H M I I Alin NEWS ’ F , R OM OUR , U I " U U I1 by the administration. This was most emphatically declared by Chairman Glass, of the house banking commit tee. coauthor of the “administration' measure. Gold Mill Livery Placer Mining Claim« Noa. 4 A 6 Mining Application No, OtXtOI. ' • United um Land Office, I HosoUurg, Or., Aug. 5, IMS. Outlines Mexican Notice ia hereby given that In pur- President CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. auance of Chapter 8 of Title 32 of the Proprietors Policy to House and Sen Revised Statute» ol the United State«, Practice Limited to , N. 11. Latimer, whose Post Office sd- ate Committees. Rigs for dll occasions dresa ia S eattle, Washington, tho un- Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ilixputad ow ner of and the Mjle noa,«,. Good horses and drivers that know the roads • ■f 1 Eye«* scientifically examined and glsiw e «or of the Black (told Channel Placer W aahlngtoh—Thw policy of tha furnished when needed. Albany, N. Y.—Governor Suiter Mining Claim» No» 4 A 6, ha* applied We make no specialty of any clans of trade United States was outlined to the showed Interest In the report from the .-»• lelt-Corsy PaLJiug, M-slford, Ore for a patent from the United State« to the Black Cold Channel Plac-r Mining members of two congressional cotn- assembly districts throughout the Claim , No» 4 A 6. located in the Foots uritteee of foreign relations at a con state. Indicating that many of the up (.reek Mining District ( unorganized) ference at the white house by1 Presi state assemblyman who had oppoaed County of Jackson, State of Oregon. hla direct primary bill or had voted Said Claim No 4 being mor» particular dent Wilson and Secretary Bryan. The m essage prepared by the presl ly described as follow-*; to-wit: for Impeachment were being refused mt on the Mexican situation rocatv- designation by their party committees. I he East half of the Northwest 7 quarter of tba Southeast quar ed practically universal support. The The governor declined to comment on ter of Section 12, Township 37, South of course of thia government will be one any of the changes being wrought In Range 4 Went of W, M and described by mete« and hounds as follows, to-wit oT non-interference, in the hope that the personnel of the assembly, but - Commencing at a stake 1320 ft. West the effect of ft« present efforts and see med to take It for granted that pub of the quarter section corner common the pressure of foreign government* lic sentiment was strongly In hts fav A. E. KELLOGG to Section 12, Twp 37 S. R. 4 W o.| ot will constitute a moral suasion that or. " M. and Secti»n 7, Twp. 37 S. R 3 ultimately will bring about peace In GOLD H IL L . OREGON The moat significant changes In the Roofing, Hydraulic Pipe, all sixes, Skylights, Contract ' ' « t o f W. M. and running thence South Mexico. designations for the assembly la con- 1820 ft- to a «take ; thence West Mid It. Embaímer and Funeral The meeaage makes It plain that sldered the turndown of Assembly to a stake; tlience North 1320 (1. to a or’s Supplies. I represent Manufacturers and Jobbers in lh.eo<3** E a,t !id0 *’• ,o ,h e P1»1’*' there will be no lifting of the em man T. K. Smith for another term by Director \ b^nrrnin’r. containing twen tv seres bargo on arm»; that no faction or Francis A. Hendricks, the Onondaga Compieta line o4 burial robe», of Placer Mining Ground. caskets, etc. government In Mexico will be allowed county Republican leader. Smith was many lines, and can quote low prices. Address, And said Claim No. 6bo>ng more psr- to receive munitions of war from the one of the seven Republican members ticularly describe,! as follow», to-w n : FUNERAL CAR United States. If neceasary the pres who voted to Impeach Governor Sul The North half of the West half of Jtfice Phone: Home, 9—M ; Keeidenee the No thwest quarter of the Southeast ident proposes to Increase the Ameri zer and Is now serving his third term Phone, Home 2— K; Pacific 46-Main Quarter of Section 12. Township 37, S can border patrol to enforce thia from a strong Republican district. of Range 4 West of W. M. and describ policy. ed by nihtea and bounds as follows, to- It is a m essage of friendship, not Sulzsr's Enemies Now Under Firs DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE wit: hostility, and precedes a policy of New York The indictment of Commencing at a stake 1980 ft. West DENTIST It pro Charles F. .Murphy, lender of Tam of the quarter section corner common to absolute non-lnterfarence. Section 12, Twp, 37 S. R. 4 West of W claim to the world the sympathetic many Hall; Aaron J. Levy, leader of OAS SUMIMSTBRKO M and Section 7 Twp. 37 S. R. 3 West feeling that the United States govern the Democratic majority In the as of W. M. and running thence South««) ment and the American people have RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD sembly, and James Fruwley, chair ft. to a stake; thence West 669 ft. f> a stake: thence North 660ft. tow stake for their neighbors In the rebellion- man of the comm ittee which tnvestl thence East 660 ft. to the place of be-' torn republic south of the Rio gated Oovernor Sulzer's campaign A. E. KELLOGG ginning, containing ten acres of Placer Grande. It records the views of the contributions, has been requested of NOTARY PUBLIC Mining Ground. United States on constitutional gov the district attorneys of New York Said Mining Claims being adjacent to ernment, Ita unalterable opposition to and Albany counties by Lynn J. Ar Phone 38 Main each other and contiguous one to the government set up by the Irregular nold. of Albany, an ardent Sulzer azp- other. GOLD HILL, OREGON porter. And the said application of the said and arbitrary acta of ambitious indl N. H. Latimer ia now pending before viduals and formally announces that L nited States Land Office and any and the government of Vfetorlano Huerta THE MARKETS. all persons claiming adversely any por shall not be recognized. tion of said Mining Claims above des Portland. The United States had proposed cribed are required to file tbeir adverse Wheat, New Crop—Club. 79c; blue that a constitutional election be held claims with the Register ol the United States Iutnd Office at Roseburg, Oregon and that Huerta should not be a can stem, 33c; red Russian. 79e. Notice of Special Election for Is •luring the sixty dav period of the pub- didate. To these suggestions, through Hay—Timothy. $16; alfalfa, $13. Butter—Creamery, 32c. liCHtion o f th is Notice or they will be which the United States believes suing Road Bonds for Jack- barred fror- doing so thereafter by vir- Eggs -Candled, 28c; ranch, 22c. peace could be restored, Huerta re son County, Oregon. tue of the provisions of the Statute in Wool—Eastern Oregon, 16c; Wil plied In the negative. Foreign gov- such cases made and provided. lamette valley, 19c. The only adjoining claimant is W. S 1 ernments generally since that rejec Notice B hereby given: That on Tues- Bailey, to the South of Claim No. 4. tion have been active In support of Seattle. dap the 9th day of September, 1913, Date of noatibg notice on the claim is i (he American policy to persuade Wheat. New Crop— Blueatem. 84c; July 10, 1913. I Huerta to yield. a special election will be held in Jackson j flub, 79c; red Russian. 77c. Date of first publication of this notice tounty, Oregon, to determine whether' is Aug. 9. 1913, am) date of last p u b li Work on Tariff Bill Progressing Hay—Timothy. $17 per ton; alfalfa The County Court for Jackson Owmty.j cation of this notice is Oct 11, |9 | 3 Republican senators are Riving evi $13 per ton. < »n-gon, shall issue bonds of said county, | Eggs—28c. B. F. J o nes , P . .la m p , over c u u im u e u t frult- r u ll- dence v,» of « tiring continued and provide for permanent road construc Butter—Creamery, 31c. Register I S. Land Office, less opposition to the tariff schedule 14-23 tion, to the amount of Live -Hundred Roseburg, Oregon. and rapid progress Is being made In Tlionsand ($600.000) Dollars, to mature. ANXIETY FELT IN MEXICO --------------------------------- ------- consideration of the bill. One Hundred Tlionsand ($100,000) Nt »TICK O F T H E APPLICATION i The wool schedule has been dispos- Swift Break Predicted If Congreaa De Dollars, par value, ten years from the of N. H. Latinier, for a United States, e<) of 80 far as It will be considered bates President's Statement. date thereof. a Patent for the Morris Mining Claim. 1 bv ’be senate In committee of the , Mexico City.—The keenest anxiety One Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Mining Application No 08997. whole. ! was manifested in the capital us to Dollars, par value, fifteen years from the 1 nited States Land Office, Though no vote was taken on free what will be the development of the -late thereof. Roseburg, Or., July 28, 1913. raw wool, the decisive showing on that undertaking of the United States g o v One Hundred Thousand ($100,000 ) Notice Is lien by given that in pur- having been deferred until the bill "rnment In Mexico's Internal affairs. . Dollars, par value, twenty years from tin v S ' v s , ' ‘ ‘ a p t c r t i . i f Title 32 of til,- If,-¡co m es from (he committee of the Mexico's attitude Is one of waiting, » ¿ate thereof. Latimer, ''Gto* ‘ Post | Wh®’e’ th* flnance committee rates on while the .people resident here, both £ J Gne H undred Thousand ($199,990 ) Seattle. Washington, th e undisnott d w° o1 manufactures were agreed to naflvc and foreign, are displaying deep a .¿Dollars, par value, twenty-five years from V,"“vr an'1 ,,le P*#*e**>r tin without amendment and there was ev apprehension. J? ih date thereof. Morris I Jacer Mining Claim, h ts applied ery Indication that raw wool would Rumors are that Huerta Is still con One Hundred Thousand ( $199,000 ) for a patent from the Un ite* I Stales t., remain free. tta- .Morris Placer .Minin/ < 'laim. located sidering resigning In favor of General Dollais. f c r value, thirty years from tin- m t. e Foots ('a y k .Minin? District. i I n- With only a part of the free list, a Trevino, but there is no sound basis date tlnJSlii^ orcaui/ed) County of Daekson, <t tte .4 Portion of the paper schedule and the for this assertion. The public opinion ¿ jtl.a n i'n in t tla jasta ,i Dn goti. and more particularly described sundries schedule remaining to be con- is expressed here that there will be a ill uu »j- \tj' if y«. -imli «.. aa folio wm , t/j-wit”? , sldered In committee, democratic lend ■ wift culmination of all peaceable re ■ 'T I)e North h.-ltf-nfthe West half of the " I 'k r ^ i.^ f Ij/.y inter,-» m. ,,f tl„. Xorth -ast q u ar ers expressed confidence that the in- lations if congress Is given an oppor- , ti l*T 'g?t |/r /n n , iim . - and - all th- ( e*,uthweH. ,pn,rt»-».oi - of — xowusmp 37 bouu ter of hetfon 24, Township Soutii , J of ? 0® * * « wow,d be disposed of b«* (unity for free debate on President fun I «¿expended in build-1 L u i i - l. West of W. M. and deserilxul IorP ,he end of ihe coming week. Wilson's statement of tlio facts In the , ing i^împ. fng Permanent road " l * ‘" '" 'id - ,n f.,11,,«.. to-wit: Among the articles on the free li .i case. in MUdâi unti tqwfc ‘ ! r " r" lU-L'&ñl Fth» A JM A M M O T H A M U S E M E N T E N T F R P H ÎR ÏÏ tween fract- tion 13 and 24. said township ami ran X ' b 1 an<1 **USar C“ ne' m achlnery- a >co- ional W-e! (thi f l and fourteen ; an‘l fro® said stake running East tlfWft’ ° 1’ b<>nM* *nd muh-s and animals for <14 toy (dp ' l«k‘ ‘, - | , q t,, „ si.ik.'- breeding, bibles, breads, biscuits and ■ ig h t^ fc jn o rth o f range se Mendiai I < •r^n",|,n2 1,1 a< ’ " Ol P,a" r Amendment Made to Currency Bill. tfiirv ¿ ti. way ,a caring, tin ' not, And said application of the said X. If ! The asHcultural currency amend- ' - 'b g r j i x . t - i miiner i> now fx-nding 1» f,,n- the L. > mpr>( to the administration currency iresent ( ...... _ as 1 ! 7 " l ,1 any aU I" r-'-is. I bill was adopted by the house Demo- pilo« as J 4 r near /æ s / tu n © .go | i i i n i n j ' i( ' ‘aim , 'd s )vo d -ie /il^ d I”'“ 11® A f,er HeV,>ral Prpllm' main ( , laim sw ith th« ! ”ary Bklrmlsh's , in which other I through th “ ty of .f t h f in ^ a T '.lnir.'-.|t4<file th e ira d v Now Is the time to buy property In >n of Jack 9)'feo;|£y ! *■ - l' l< r " 1 I be I S. Land Gffi< at ‘¡pal corp, 1 amendments were beaten, the cauce •■«Id H ill; don’t waif till you haxe to 5- "iirg, Orf-gon, fjjirmg ilie.-ixty lay puri, m ! ; without a dissenting vote, adopted an Oregon; thence following tin atg tftfv- j of the pilhlieatiSWi of thi- Not liaie ft; hoy now ¡mil make Hie In-, «led County Road through 11 n « t ,« n.-of I « ‘H •» barred from’ d o in g -o* U, or 7 Ux»v amendment agreed to both by the Tur “insurgent" contingent and the bank ■ csfor's profit, a word to the wise Is Talent, I'lexilix, Medford a c.-m ral ' . ' '5 ' " " " ■’< Hi'- of the Mta ing and currency committee, to put Mifficlenl; if you luive not Hie cash; P o in t, in I 1 northwesterly direction 1 “ ‘-iT ’* a " '1 pruvided. th, nee f o i l ' l l a - m a-p ru , ,i, a |. , | Fi..,'............................. ............' ip " T I paper based on agricultural products talk to Kellogg he will get If for you; Comity R o il i ; " ------ Y ‘ I-r"P rly . on the same basis as commercial pa- he has some real bargains just now ’ el ' J Per for banking purposes. It also ia Gold Hill properties. to i t , o i m _ J V,r n ,, r ,1 ■ - i in i m , h i n I----- IX U V o l n o " i i n ■ n n-fr — rm — IT . _i .- - ' ' ' would extend the maturity of notes IVe giuM-anfee per cent and I bills admitted to discount, under U N D E R A PALACE P A V IL L IO N T H E A T R É Ì never paid less than II per cent mendraent, to 90 days. Instead # 5 » -, saving accounts paid by the monili, s p e c t a c u l a r P R O D U C T IO N ! the originally proposed 60 days, both large mid sm all.. The Pacific I action disposed of the last of M or. Mao, Woman .„ d C h lld r .n l Moro H e r . . . , Mora P o n i.. m Z7. • - s - ¡- — ? ig controversial issues In the ad- Building A Loan Association, Talk D onkoysl Tho Lorgost P . c s SIB E R IA N BLOOD H O U N D S I ; I 3 ;= c M. -e with A. E. Kellogg, local a g en t — -•ç ifif:.W i_ '^ ra tio n currency bill. 8 '0G E R ' BETTER * N O GRANDER THAN EVCRI ITS PR E .C M I Own your own homes; slop paying NENCE OVER ALL O TH ER S QONCEDEOI rent. The Pacific Building A Loan S' j¡ tssoclntton will furnish you (he mon- _____________ * c «no»r* Bond and S y mphony O rohastra I •J5 pay by the month; Just like puj- W ATCH FOR THE iag real; It costs no more; folk w ith , GENERAL PRACTITIONER G o l d H il l , O r e g o n . S NATIONAL CAPITAL Darling & Hodges SULZER RECEIVES UP-STATE SUPPORT AU Get th e Best "C f w . H. Smith £ e Z A£ URtR,s W. y. Smith, Medford, Oregon B ig ' P i n e s L u m b e r C om pany Legal Notices (0 Sugar, W hite and O regon * Beaverboard, C em ent, R oof ing, Shingles, W indows, Doors, & Fixtures Iliv GOLD HILL OREGON Z CABIN Gw rale T a lk W it h K e H o g 'g ' 1C. *4 - GRAND Kellogg, he docs their business Gold Hill. yl Í -c In IL if"«-, Co sxz tx 1 * y , A c c i- ^Ivjrzt a n d S ic H Irxsixzx-txjTicc» L o a n 's a n d I n v e s t m e n t » T a lk W it h j BIG FREE STREET PARADE ! ------ d e r ^ a t e r P ro of C a n v a s , R a in or S h i n e 1 GRAND FREE EXHIBITION ON SHOW 6R0UNDS~AT 7 :0 0 p, m ", WILL GOLD HILL, FRI. NIGHT 1 t 5 ?Z. a 5 •-2 Ï5 3 T 1 Î * Í - V ¿ ? ¿ S -S s = ” I & Ï ? - 4 Í ? z e “ ¿ £ a = ¿ = cg l 5 - 3 S '- = ? 5 « S J ? ? w s 1 -2 £ a = • X X- i- á ’S *3 i** “c * i 1 1 f, 1 1 ¿ 1 " ^ H 'S JS é¡ 3 ¿ S 5 « / ’s 5 J H 'i S X S ï X Ja EXHIBIT AT SEPT. 5