Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1913)
r>: • '•>/ Hilf • t¡ i) / J LlllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII W iìiiiiiiiiin: I FEED P R IC E S . . . . $1.85 Shorts, 8 0 p o u n d » ...................... Middling», 100 poOnda 1-3S M ill Feed, 70 pound» 1.25 . . . . Brcm, 5 5 p o u n d » ....................................SO Olympic Proceaa Rolled Barley, 75 pound» 1.35 W heat, per bushel 1.00 It. im mh»r Ibto (rial to of II* very hurt quality, and loll wr|g|it. Abo n iiH i i i h T l i i t i t tlx- »holt« ««Igll •*> H * . M<A ”r’ or 7U ***• "r , 'w M ns It«., as yin sometimes «el tliein. 1*> not («»rip-t that the Barley is th r Olympic Prisa »» Barley, that II to thelw * manufactured, and weighs 7A {munito. Gold Hill Flour and Feed Store II. C. RAEDEL, Proprietor Phone 17 riiiiiiiuuiiinnii iiiiiiiiitititiinii : Gold Hill Meat Market These are R E G U L A R xvot C3cit O n e s Amoskeag A. F. C. Ginghams, per yard 12 1 -2c Aporn Ginghams, per yard 8c Amoskeag Utility Ginghams, per yard 12 1 -2c Lemon Extract, 2 ozs. 15c.-~VanilIa Extract, 2 ozs. 20c Every bot*t,le guaranteed.—Pelton Lard 5 lbs. 85c Red Beans, per lb. 5 c —White Beans, per lb. 6c 6 bars Laundry Soap 25c—Fancy Alaska salt Salmon, lb 10c. G en eral M e r c h a n d is e M e r r itt &, C o m p a n y A big supply of fresh meat always on hand. We carry the best of creamery butter. All kinds of fresh fish in season. lu u read it—take it—tlie .sews. ranch near Asbestos, visited with her A sjiecial bargain in the way of a good ’son, Ben II. Ijunptnan, and family for well-built »< veil ria n ii dwelling, and large severs) day» the first of the week. lot. Beat of garden land, well located, Harry Hay, of Boston, arrived in Gold i must be sold. For particulars call upon Proprietors —C. S, R edfield . • ' Hill the latter prat of last week and lias i decided to locate permaiH-ntly in this Cedar Fence Post» for Sale city. Mr. Hay to an accomplished m u -; Bound bixly and In-ait cedar fence posts sician, witli an especial talent for tla- Mra, M. R. Rio-, Eapo- telegraph op —no sap—by the 11W or 1,000, 15 cents, clarinet, and is warmly welcomed as an erator at Medford for several month« delivered: on (he ground, near Aalaatoa •cqutoiUon to tlie Gold Hill concert band. ' pout, ha» been transferred to Siskiyou, p. o ., s eta. Call or adore»«. Oregon. Mra, Rio- waa ag-nt at Gold Miaa Bessie Hurst, of Ashland, and You read it—U k .1 t—T ir N ew . Hillbilly Ranch, Mrs. Britton Slack, of Sntlierlin, were tlie Hill f.-r a number of year». Asboatoa, Oregon. Quartz »lid placet location notices at gueats ot Mrs. Slack's stoter, Miss Beulah Mr. and Mra. Arthur Fitzgerald, ac Cranking an auto, still hot from t h Bamber, tla- totter part of last week. The N«"ws office. companied l.y Dr. and Mra. Halloway, Mrs. Hurry Harvey visited with Med moUin d Rom Grant« Pa»» Wedneaday to ru n from Medford to this city, resulted Mins Bamber entertained in their honor in a near-fracture of the right arm for S. last Friday afternoon, a number of young ford (rienda Tuesday; the Eilzg-rald ranch in Sams Valley, W. McClendon on Wednesday evening. ladies being preaent. Mis« Hurst return BARGAIN: Oak sideboard (or «ale. when- they an- at piwe-nt vtoiting. Fortunately no hones were broken, hut ed to Ashland on Wednesday. Knqulnt ut jHwioUli*. Mlaa Natalie Swigart, t h e talented U h - Injury waa sufficiently severe to place A prililem to teat the powers of a chief Il D Ri-ed and F. W. Ilodgi- were in young lady who pn-aidea over the society Sam’s good right arm in a sling for some dtopauher or a champion chess player Ashland ii|Xin busi inssi Monday evening. column of the Ashland Record, spent the lay* to come. presented itself in tlie local Southern Pa Superintendent Burt A. Allanta was a week end ua the guest of Mra. Lynn W . Mr. and Mra. John Barnebiirg, Mr. cific yards Bunday evening, when two visitor in Medford between traina Satur Smith. ami Mr». Charles Stacey, and Mrs. M. long trains of Ringling«’ circus, two Bruce Hunter and Howard (lark , who E. Kellogg, motored from Medford on day. freights and passenger train 14. bound II. N. Clark, a real catate agent of wen- vtoitor» at the Claris ranch in Sams Wednesday and were visitors for the day north and south, oonatltuted a temporary Medford, vtolted (rienda in Ulto city Tuca ! Valley during the la»t fortnight, returned at the Kellogg home. The gentlemen of tie-up of traffic. The passenger was dls- to their home» and euiployineiit at Eu tin' party captured a nice string of steel [Kis»-d of without delay, but tlie remain day. gene on Saturday. head that afternoon, returning to Med ing trains advanced and retreated, switch Mlaa Nora Newton vtolted in Grant«, Mra. 0 . W. Champlin, for the part ford in tlie evening. ed from main line to siding, for a full pass Wednesday, returning that after- aeveral tnolillia the gui-at of her son Mra. Lizzie Roland returned to her half hour before the tangle of rolling noon. i. — , .—.n.rl.-d ami traffic resumed. M ia le d a Harvey to visiting at the Charles ChampUn al tla- Champlin ranch home of Mra. Curtia Miller in Sams *>'al on pilots Cna-k, departed oil Wedneaday -evening for her Inane ill Cnicago. ley the preaent week. Georg. <’ Palmer, accompanied by M-. sieurgi- E. Saunders, president, and R and Mr.. J. II. Beciuan motored to Med- E.-laauut, engineer for the Rogue Rive i Public Service corporation, were in thi ford Tuesday city bhiuraday looking over iheeompany’ The Miaaca Helen and Florence Reddy, ‘ power property. Both gentlemen are < ol Medfonl, are girata ..( the Mlaaea Rolfe Chicago. .luring till' present week. Mtoa Lucy Gillx'rt, of Toledo, 0 ., ia I A. E. M’ta.lverton, of Rivendile, s|s-n t, present tlie guest of Mtoa Pearl Collin Tuesday ill Medfonl. when- he will abort- MiaaGilis-rt will leave tlie first of tl ly I« permanently employed. month for Kirksville, Mo., where a’ Mra. Hurry Harvey ia the gu- -t of Mt>. will complete her training a« a num s s. A. Duavtiberry and other Bardini Mr«. Nellie Wing, of Medford, ape Creek friend» the pirautit week. Saturday and Sunday at the Col lb i a h o i Howard Patch and mother, of Buffalo, east of tliia city, returning Sunday aft N. Y., an- (tirata of Sprague Rit-gcl at-( noon accompanied by her daughter M Riveraide Orchards the present week, j pern, who was the gueat <4 Mim P< H r . K. Huvto, of Cenimi Point, motor-' Collins for aeveral weeks. ed to thia idly on Sunday, visiting friends | John Thompson, of Bonanza, Khun hen* and in tin- pleasant little vale of , county, arrived on Wednesday and Galla Creek. tiewcd lito aequaintanee with many Mra. A. F. Re.ldle and son, gia-ata at time friends in t liia city. Mr. Thoittpa „„ Rozalia raiieli for n number of weeka, who formerly ranched in thia vicinity, the returned to their home at, Eugene yeater- soon locate near Jacksonville. day umrning. Buy yonr school lasiks at the Bow Mra. Lottine McMillan, engag'd an a drug store. All Issiks requlnal in member of tin- Gold Hillachonl I r ulty various conraea are now on sale h e _ ............. U .. ».»■>(■> arriv«l u r r iv tw l fin W e . ln e a - for term, on Wednes No need to send elsewhere. We cai complete line of student supplies of day afternoon. Mias Inez O. Fitzgerald returned to best quality.—The Bowers’ Pharmai Grants l'aaa Wedro-aday morning follow Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hibbard, for ing a visit to the Frank Fitzgerald ranch days the guests of G. A. Landis, i in Barns Valley. MeFarren, and families, departed Mias Agnes Dietrich n-turned home on latter part of last week for Washin Monday from Grunts Pass, where she D. C., where they will visit friends. was for several days the guest of Mrs. B. Hibbard is a practicing attorney oi erslde, California. .1. Brinkorhoff and family. Joe Hamineraly and Clav Hutson re For tlie particular benefit of the turned on Monday from the vicinity of classes and tile general use of the si Klamath Falls, where they have bean a new Chickering piano was instal employed for some time |«a«l. the higlt school rooms Wedneaday. Mrs. L. F. .Ionian arrived Thursday instrument ia provided on trial by a from Tuolumne county, California, and ford musical house, snd if found aa will visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, tory will probably Is» purchased. Wm. Blackert, on Galls Creek. All school hooks require«! in tl Ref ore purchasing your fnrit jars rail at scribed course for Jackson county Miller’s Hardwan- and see the newtìoMen now be secured at the Bowers’ phai State fruit jar—the caps are guaranteed Do not. seild to other towns—save I and expense by buying here. . for five year» without replacing. complete line of stationery, talilet WANTED— Places to work for hoard eils, and acei'ssories for tlie stnden and lodging by deserving boys and girls Miss Anna Tuttle left on Wed • who want to coinè to our city and HI tend afternoon for Ashland, when- a school. Inquire nt News office. Harry Murray, old time typographer, visit with her sister, Miss Cynthia proapeetor and philosopher, assist«! the for aeveral days tx-fore departing f News force on Wedneaday, leaving for York. Mlaa Tnttle, during tin- ) Drain tlie following day. Mr. Murray ailionl term a inciids-r of thchigl conducted the News for several montli» faculty, is compelled liy thmllliie- father to deeliiie further egfploym some years ago, and is widely known in hasten to her former home. tills vicinity. Woodcock & Blackert WHY a z SPEND August in Newport? Get away from the heat and dust of the valley. Newport ia now at its be«, and the beach seas on to in full gwing. Recreation anil sport for all. Deep-sea fishing, surf Ijathing, driven to Otter Rock, the Punchbowl, Lighthouse, etc., with boating and fishing on Yaquina Bay. \ Local News Notes />/ NOT Low Season, W eek-end and Sunday Round Trip Excursion Fares and Double Daily Train Service Leave Albany 7:30 a. m. and 1:00 p. m., connec tions with north and south bound 8. P. tram- <5^ 7 ■V