Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1913)
V i e G o ld H ill vi ta > ati i . day vi ».ui n •____________________ _ __ OREGON, BY — N ew s B R IE F N E W S OF OREGON The number of pensioner» on the hili ., . iavk > i »\ coi m v . roll of tile pension office July 1 In Ore (on »»» 7T$$. Amouut paid them »as >»• m — ■ '. t ¡— .s - s b - j s $1.655,749 a year. ■ S U M M E R GREETINGS! J Think c f that recreation trip you have been planning, and when making up the bill-of-tare, Thtr thousand watches have been pawned In the city of Portland In the past 365 day», » hlch, excluding hull day». 1» almost an even 100 for every b u siu e » s day In the year. Richard January, charged with man Entered at the Gold Hill postotlice for tran*mli«uon through the maita «s _ T _ . . slaughter, as the result of kilting Hor wcond-cliuw m atter ace Bradley at Harlan. Oregon, last December, was acquitted In the circuit court at Toledo. - - .15 Fancy Tillamook Cheese, per lb. - .25 Vienna Sausage in glass By a prompt campaign against a SATURDAY, AUG. 16, 1913 Boneless Herring in jars - - - .25 Veal Loaf in flat can - - - .16 flourishing colony of bark beetles on the Ochoco national forest In central - .16 Sweet Pickels per quart - . - - .25 Peanut Butter, large glass - Oregon, the government Is eltn-'natlng Ripe Olives in cans . . . .25 Corn Beef, in tin cans . . . .26 a danger which threatened t droy Van Camp’s Pork and Beans, .10 and .20 Fancy red Salmon, per can .15 and .25 SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 TER ANNUM IN ADVANCE millions of feet if timber. That the government may have lie Chip Beef in glass . . . .20 Grape Juice, per bottle - - .25 pure milk exhibit complete, the Port land milk show has been postponed SIDETRACKED ON THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY? nearly one month. Instead of being given the last week of August It will held September 22-27. ACKSON COUNTY will be foremost among her sister dis be Hundreds of acres of land that will Camp on the mossy banks of a crystal stream/way back in the mountains, where tricts of Oregon in assuming advantage of the recently en produce between 50 and 60 bushels of acted bonding measure for the establishment of better roads. wheat and vast areas that will run Nature has prepared everything for your enjoyment; kill three, whit h is the limit, Acting upon the petition of interested citizens of the valley, a between 40 and 50 bushels to the acre sack the “jerky”, return to Gold Hill and t all and see us is the encouraging status In the grain call of special election for the 9th of September has been issued situation In the Grand Ronde valley. by the county court, outlining the proposed bonding plan and Harvesting Is actively In progress In Grande Ronde valley and Its crop la presenting it for the acception or rejection of the taxpayers. estimated at 1.500,000 bushels. The With the merits of the general movement toward more ad • yield of wheat Is exceptionally large, equate highways no objection of moment will be found. It has and is said to be runutng between 40 been frequently demonstrated that the ratio of progress in any and 60 bushels per acre. Madras. Bend, and a number of oth district is directly concerned with the attention paid to its er towns In Crook county will be con system of highways—those indispensable arteries of labor and nected by 100 miles of good roads. If commerce that are all too frequently broken-down and ineffi the plan of the Crook county good roads association Is fnvored by the cient. Regarding the proposed Jackson county highway it is county court. It calls for a bond issue argued that the completion of a serviceable and permanent of $200.000. The Southern Pacific company built trunk line from border to border is the first essential advance Its Eugene & Coos Bay railroad a mile from the present chaos of inefficiency and lack of method. to the south of Elmira, and that town As set forth in the order and call o f election, however, ar. is said to be preparing to move to the uncertainty exists as to the proposed course. Definitely tracing railroad, where a new town site Is being laid off and a depot will be con the progress of the road through the cities of Ashland, Talent. structed. Phoenix, Medford, and Central Point, the itinerary of the new According to the government crop highway is thence clouded in a vague and general reference to reporting board, the yield of winter its course, “in a northwesterly direction to a point at or near the wheat In Oregon is 21.4 bushels as ----------------- H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r ----------------- with 14 in California. 27 In J ’ever look into the coolcreaui- stream known as Rogue river; thence following the main travel compared Washington and 27.4 in Idaho. Con iness of a Bon Ton Milk Punch ed county road along said stream in a westerly direction and ter dition is 97 per cent. The state will on a hot day — as compounded by our new Electric Mixer? minating at the point where the main traveled county road on have 11,599.000 bushels as compared H ardware S io c i-a Tin. G ranite and Aluminum Ware Garden Toola 16.884.000 bushels In 1912. the south side of Rogue river crosses the county line between with Great S tu ff, Folks! Governor West has written letters Haying and H eading Toola Builder«* Materials and Toola Roofing the counties of Jackson and Josephine.” to Dr. Bailey K. Leach, Socialist edltot Building Paper Paint« Oils Vamishea Brushes Glass Cm ckeryw arr Q u a lity It is admittedly a question of some interest to the neighbor deported from Bandon, and I. W. W l-arge Assortment of queensware As tin e a line and aswtrtinciii of agitators who were deported from Quenchers a t ing cities of Gold Hill and Rogue River, whether or no the vague Marshfield, informing them that If F is h in g T a c k le Grape; Purple Vin Fiza ness of direction indicated after leaving Central Point will ex they are law-abiding citizens they may as there is in the county Cattaraugus Cutley Guns Ammunition lick* 4,‘slwa Grape Jnico Shovels Miners' Su|$ilii-s Powder, E ll«-anil C i,ts Base Balls and clude either city from the course of the proposed county high live in any county In the state and be Cherry Drips Orangeade by its laws. H ires’ Reliable Root Ih-er Mitts, amt Buis. M k la complete in every line and my prices an- right way. The explicit naming of other cities upon the course of the protected Strawberry — Pineapple After a trip of Inspection through R e m e m b e r t h e p l a c e t o p u r c h a s e t h e s e G o o d s is new road and the neglect to so include the two western commun the woolen mills kt Oregon City, Fire T ry o u r S p e c ia l 1 ities is by no means of trivial consequence to the taxpayers of Chief M. H. Long declared that they B a n a n a Sundae T. CJC, are a fire trap for the many women either district. At the risk of being broadly classified with the and children employed therein. He importunate gentleman from Missouri — they desire to “be said that the matter will be taken up by the city council unless conditions showed”. are at once remedied. While it is commonly conceded that the fancied slight is Nearly all of the 750 window trim utterly unintentional, and merely one of the frequent error.- mers who attended the convention o f , that intrude in every enterprise of magnitude, the citizens oi that craft at Chicago, competed for a grand sweepstake cup awarded for the Gold Hill do not desire to enter the booths with any misappre best appearing window. The prize was hensions as to the course of Jackson county’s principal thorough won by Malcolmb Tennant, chief win 1 ONSORIAL PARLORS dow trimmer for Meier & Frank, of fare. Portland. In the interests of the taxpayers of this city, The News de A large Cadillac automobile carry sires to suggest that an official expression from the county court ing nine persons crashed Into a fence | Particular Attention to All Roseburg and three of Its occu i Details of Barbering. interpreting the actual course of the road with reference to this near pants were injured. A large sliver j I/>catc<| in the Beeman Building, city and Rogue River would be both timely and welcome. If it penetrated the lung of Miss Helen i Kant oí the ’Plume office. be not intended to avoid both cities enroute to the Josephine Wilbanks, who may die. The car county line, the order of election is susceptible of amendment struck a dog. causing its driver to lose ERANK TURNER. Prop. control. without damage. Dry lands In the Interior of Oregon which have been determined to be un The official notice of election is as follows: irrigable are to be opened for settle Notice of Special Election for Is ional sections thirteen (13) and fourteen ment under the enlarged homestead (14) in township forty-eight (4X) north of designation, according to an order is suing Road Bonds for Jack- range seven (7) west of the Mount Diablo sued from Washington. Settlers will son County, Oregon. Meridian. California, connecting with the he permitted to file on 320-acre home Miners, I can sharp survey o f the State Highway of Californ steads in a region embracing over 412. Notice is hereby given: That on Tues- ia; thence northerly along the route as 000 acres. en, repair or make dap the 9lh day of September, 1913, now staked out to present County Koad ’ The county court of Jackson county tools, and guarantee t — _ , , a sjscial election will be held in Jackson thence following, as near as prac has called a special election for Sep my work to stand County, Oregon, to determine whether tical t h e main C o u n ty Road tember 9, at which the question of Is the racket; try me the County Court for Jackson County, into and through the City of Ashland, a suing $500,000 in bonds will be sub and be shown Oregon, shall issue bonds of said county, municipal corporation of Jackson County, mltted to the people. It is proposed and provide for perm anent road construc Oregon; thence following the main trav to construct a paved highway from tion, to the am ount of Five H undred eled County Road through the towns of the California state line to the Jose | Thousand ($¿»0,000) Dollars, to mature, Talent, Phoenix, Medford and Central phiae county lige, a distance of 50 il- A C K S M I T H One H undred Thousand (1100,000) Point , in a northwesterly direction ; miles. Dollars, par value, ten years from the thence following, as near as practical, th< Senator Chamberlain has been In date thereof. County Road in a northwesterly direction formed that the forest service will One H undred Thousand ($100,000) to a point at or near the stream known open all lands in the Sluslaw national Dollars, par value, fifteen years from the as Rogue river; thence following the forest which are better suited for agri date thereof. main traveled County Road along said culture than forestry, and list them for I f you want your One H undred Thousand ($100,000) stream in a westerly direction, and ter agriculture entry. He was told also Dollars, par value, twenty years from the m inating at the point where the main that 850,000 acres In the Paulina ns tools put in good date thereof. traveled County Road on the south side tlonal forest and 60,000 acres In the One H undred Thousand ( $100,000 ) of Rogue River crosses the county line Deschutes national forest would like shape be sure to see Dollars, par value, twenty-five years from la-tween the counties of Jackson and Jo- wise be opened. Senator Chamberlain has presented the date thereof. sephine, Oregon, and at or near said One H undred Thousand ( $100,000 ) stream known as the Rogue River. The a bill to cut in half the fees In all Dollais, par value, th irty years from the termini of said mail, as herein directed, United States district courts and re B la c K s m ith date thereof. is definite and perm anent. The line pealing the law which allows of double fees In Oregon, California and Nevada The total am ount thereof to be issued above described between the termini Cedar fence Posts for Sale in one year, if the County Court shall so thereof shall he as herein ordered, and Believing that the fees and comperrsa Sniind Issly and ln-ait cedarfence posts order, and to Ix a r interest Mt the rate of shall follow the most practical route for a tionr, of the clerks are excessive, he five per cent per annum , amt all of the |s-rniaiiint m ad, and said mad shall lie also Introduced a resolution providing —no sap—by the 100 or 1,000, IS cents, funds so raised shall be expended in build a la rnianeiif mail and highway through for the appointment of a committee delivered; on the ground, near Aslx-stoa of five senators to Investigate this P. O., M cts. Call or address, ing and im proving one perm anent mad said county. Hillbilly Ranch, matter. in said county, described as follows, to» i t : —G. A. G ardxkr , B en H. L am pm an JUST TAKE THIS TIP S S s TAKE THIS ALONG WITH YOU J LANCE & COMPANY “The Big Store” GOLD HILL WTuzz/ Whirr!! B-u-r-r!!! D. H. M IL L E R 5c The BoN-ToN T URNER’S D . H . M I L L E R ’S “ G o o d q u a lity g o o d s a n d P r ic e s R ig h t ” Ready for Hot Weather J u st a w o r d ! Try our Sundaes, Sodas, and Cold Drinks Turner’s Lunch Room C .F . C A R T E R M IN E R S CHARLES KELL Iron by E le c tr ic ity Late Model Electric Irons. Guar teed 5 years, n o w $ 3 .5 0 W e will send y o u on e on tr ia l >* CALIFOR.NIA-OR.EGON POWER COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. 11 „’inn't :■ at the corner between fract County Clerk for Jackson County, Or. Asls-slos, ( iregon. -I