You are not the Only One that is pleased with FLY KNOCKER —s s ■ ss 3 k . s k - ■ - — •— —■ T h e se are R E G U L A R P r ic e s ar>d n o * C u t O n e s — Everyone that bought a can of Fly Knocker from me in simply “dee-lighted” with it, und repeat orders are coming in fast. It is certainly a pleasure to see your stock comfortable and contented; also to know that you ure making money by keeping your stock in that con­ dition. Get another can Amoskeag A . F. C. Ginghams, per yard 12 l-2c Aporn Ginghams, per yard 8c Amoskeag Utility Ginghams, per yard 12 l-2c Lemon Extract, 2 ozs. 15c.—Vanilla Extract, 2 ozs. 20c Every b o t t le guaranteed.—Pelton Lard 5 lbs. 85c Red Beans, per lb. 5 c —White Beans, per lb. 6c 6 bars Laundry Soap 25c— Fancy Alaska salt Salmon, lb 10c. a t the Gold Hill Flour and Feed Store H. C. RAEDEL, Proprietor Phone 17 iiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiii: riiiiiiiu ia iiiiiiH Local News Notes H a r d a n d t o f t w o o d f o r t a la . U rltu tr . The Uneflt cuts of beef, pork, and m ut­ ton, all »trletly fresh at the Blackert A I Wisaleock m arket. At the old location. I | I M erritt &. C om p an y G en eral If you want a »mall ranch, remember M e r c h a n d is e e d a ! y o u r ,h e d . — MF. L . V a n H u u t e n that 1 have lo r wile the very best 40 acre* Mr», George II. Patrick w«» u Med­ raneh for the money in the Rogue River Valley, ull under cultivation und gi»«l ford visitor m i Wednesday. —C. > R kiu iKi.n. Mr». .1 II. Beeman was tli«' u'11«*»! of bu ild in g » Medford friends .Monday. I f anyone hasn't lu urd of the Royal M i-- l.r . . Range 4, West of W . M. and described nsuilt of a formidable petition present» d i,.. „ i ■ , , „ both the Rock Point and Dardanelle» , , ,. * , by tnetes and bounds as follows, ta -w it: “ 1‘ete” Moon arrived on Tuemlay from ny citizens who object to entertaining the ,, * _ , ....... - , Eugene and 1» at prew nt the guest of s i ' l l , ».I buildings. The latter w ill tie given hnrnyard nis-ka i, of < their o ii I i B o n i n , g at a stake 1320 ft. Sooth of neighbors, to tlie a new dress of paint by D. H aight, wh ..... ■" . . . . , the quarter section comer between Sec- hi» brother (Ira n i Moore, of tlie Bower» detrim ent of garden truck. Members i f ! . . . , commenced work this morning. i ii h . » .. won L i and 24, hhki townMuip and ranue. pharmacy. t !»<• council auto th a t the new ordinance un/i i . 1 .. ... *7 j and from said Make running ¡«ant 6H0 ft. Complying w ith tla* state law Which w ill lx* strictly e u fim n f. Mi»» M yrtle B ia ik h iiru departed Sun ! Io a Rtakc; thence South 660 ft. to a stake ; day evening for N e w |» it, when* »he w ill nspiin*» tin pn*wiM*e of an adequate Wm. Burr, of (iuauajuat Mexico, ar- j tht'iin* tVent- 660 ft. to a Htake; thence he the gin »t of friend» for at the beat'll water «apply in public stack yards and at loading station», the Southern Pacific rivisl in this city the latter part of la rt North «tit, ft. to th«* place of la-ginning, a fortnight. week to aasume the management of the I containing ten acres of Placer M ining Before puri-ha»ingyour fru it jam eall at company this week connected the local famous Braden tniuc, three miles south ¡Ground. M iller'» I lardw arc and see the new ( ioldett loading corail w ith the city water mains of this city. Mr. B u rr is a m in ing sup­ And said application of the «aid N. II. State fru it ju r—the c n | M an* guaranteed Mr. and Mrs. T. J. O’ Hara visited at erintendent of lung experience, principal­ Latim er is now pending la-fore the U. S. for five year» without replacing. the home of the ir daughter, Mrs. M. D ly in the southwest und Mexico, and de­ latnd Office and any and all persons, Some »|»'eiul luirguin» in stock, .grail Boners, on Saturday last, leaving that parted the latter country to escape the claim ing adversly any portion of said • veiling for Pendleton, where they w ill and fru it rancho», Imth large and »mall unpleasant p ro xim ity of the persistent M in ing Claim above described, are re- it w ill pay you w ell to we me before pu r inspect Mr. O ’ Hara*« various ranching revolution. He 1« accompanied by his q n ire d to flle the ir adverse claims w ith the pro,» nies in that vicinity. eha»ing —C. S. R xu piki . i i . w ife und her »later, fur whom cozy quar­ Register of the V. H. Land Office at Rose­ Mi»» Bernice Myer, o f Ashland, ac­ ter» are now being fitu*d at the Brailen. Mi»» lerne Ahern and Mi»» Elva Dona­ burg, Oregon, du rin g the sixty ld H ill schisils throughout the coming the rural schools. M r. Henry and fam i­ Notice is hereby given that in pur­ the Northweat quarter of tbe Southeast Mr». L. A. Barriek left on WcdneHday term. Date of fir-t publication of thia notioe ly w ill leave w ith in a short tim e for Bel­ suance of C hapter« of Title S2 of the QUHfter of Section I», Township 37, S is Aug. 9, 1913, and date of iaat publi­ m orning for her home at Salem, after Carl C. Darling returned to Oakland, lingham , Washington. Revised Htatutee of the United State«, of Range 4 West of W. M. and describ- cation of thia notice is Oct 4, 1913. having viaib'd w ith her parent», Mr. and C alifornia, on Tucaduy of the presem Bruce Hunter and Howard ( ’lark ar­ N. H. Latimer, whose Poet Office ad- i • d by m elts and bounds as follows, to- Mr». S. V. McFarren for the part »everal B. F. J on kb , week, after spending the past month up­ rived on Monday afternoon ftotn Engine, dree« is S eattle, Washington, tbe u n - * it; weeks. Regiater U . S. Land Office, on a vacation visit w ith his parents in and are at present, visiting at the Clark disputed owner of and the sole posses- Commencing at a stake 1880 ft. Wea: 1 I,r . Yanllovenhurg, of Kingston, New 14-22 Roseburg, Oregon. this city. M r Darling'» employment raneh in Sams Valley. They w ill spend sor of the Black Gold Channel Placer j of the quai ter « c'ion corner common to Y ork, arrived on Monday of the present w ith an Oakland electrical firm was in week, and i» the guest, of hi» »on, H . terrupteddiy a general strike of employes, a m onth’s vacation in this vicinity inelu M in in g Claims Nos. 4 A- 6, hat applied Section 12, Twp. 37 S. R. 4 West of W Yon read it—take it—The News. Van Ilovenhurg, at the latter'» raneh in •ending the «ruleinent of differences hi ling Crater la k e among the many point« j for a patent from the U n ited States to M. and Sect'on 7 T w p . 37 S. R. 3 Wi at f interest to I»' visited. M r. Hunter, the Black Gold Channel Placer M in in g I W. M ai d running thence South 660 Sant» Valley. has accepted an engagement w ith another who is now employed in tlie office of tlie | C laim s Nos 4 A «, located in the Foota ft. to a stake; thence West 6AU It t * a We are now giving the public of Gold oncern. Eugene Register, learned the caaes in the I Creek M ining D is tric t (unorganized, »t ke; thence North 6«0 ft. to a s ta k e ;1 l l f l l a high grade m arket service, and The cruise of the old-fashioned auto, News office and was for seven 1 years in C om ity of Jackson, State of Oregon, thence East ««d ft. to the place of be­ m aking mtiafled euatomera every day. w ith .I. J. H oucks at the helm, “ Dad" barge of tin* mechanical department of Said Claim No 4 being more p a rtic u la r- ginning, con ta in in g ten acres of Placer A t the City Meat M arket, Blackert A , |y described as fo llo w s ; to -w it: Hays as crew, and Horton Beeman as tins paper. M ining Ground. Woodcock, proprietor». B E G I N S its forty-fifth school year supercargo, is reported to have been a To Roy Cameron belongs the distinc- The East h a lf o f the Northweat Said Mining Claims being adjacent to A »|»‘cial bargain in the way of a good successful one. A fter a week’s pleasant S eptember is . lets. ion of having brought in tlie first veni- J quarter of the Southeast quar- each other and contiguous one to the DEGREE C O U R SE S la many phases of w e ll-b uilt hi veil room dwelling, and large outing along the river to the mouth of other. A O R IC U L T U R E . C N O IN E E R IN O . HOME lo t. Beat of garden land, well located, Elk Creek, the party returned with a son of tlie present season. M r. Cameron te r o f Section 12, Tow nship 37, South of And the said application of the said E conomics . M inino , forebtrv . com ­ must be »old. For particular» call upon goodly catch of fish, among them more did not jo in any of the numerous parties Range 4 West of W. M. and described merce P harmacy . w ho »ought the distant lulls to stalk the by metes and ' oundsaa foi ows, f e w ft N. H. L a tim e r is now pending befoie —C. S. K k iip ik i . i i . than forty gamy steelhead tro u t from two wary buck. Instead, he carried in tin* t w o - y e a r C o u r s e s l a United States Land Office and any and Commencing at a stake 1.4X0 it West W. P. W etlierell rati down from Rose­ to ten pounds weight being included. t u m . M e s a e econc day’s w o o d early Saturday morning, of the quarter section corner common all persons claim ing adversely any por- A R T S . r w w i.a T w V . C O M M E R C E . I burg the fore part of the week »nil fra­ “ B illy " McFarren, a form er Gold H ill took his rifle and walked up the liig liliu e ti in of »aid M in ing Claim s above dei- T E A C H E R 'S C O U R S E S »■ ternized w ith folk» In this city. “ B illy " Isiy who is now a popular harls'r at Arl- ! tra il. That afternoon lie was buck in to Section 12, Twp 37 8. R. 4 West ol W. V. and Section 7. Twp. 87 S. R. 3 cribed are required to fila th e ir advene returned on Wednesday to the former ington, W ashington, is at present, visit­ fen« art. town, accompanied by the carcass of a W estof W. M. and running thence South claim s w ith the_ Register ol the United place, when* he 1» employed in the Kapee ing hi» parents, M r. and Mrs. 8, V. M c­ fine, fat fo u r-|siin t buck—killed w ith in a 1320 ft to a stake ; thence West «60 ft. States Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, i M U SIC , Inclnding piano, string, office«. Farren in this city. M r. McFarren few mile» of the city. Reports from those to a atake; thence North 1320 ft. to a •luring the sixty day period of the put» I Instruments and voice evitar«. W aller Brown, of Portland, arrived on motored from A rlington to this city in local sportsmen who went farther attelil _ licatiou o f this Notice or they will be A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entfUat stake: then e East «60 ft. to the place Monday and »|»ent several day» visiting nt company w ith .1. W. Gales and son, of and who are eainped at variou.« la'auty- of beginning, c inU ining twenty acres birred fror* doing go thereafter by vir- “T iik E nrichment op R ural L ipw " the home of Id» uncle, J. W. Hayes. the former place. Mr. Gales w ill con- apot« in the mountain», are that veni»» n of Placer Mining ( round. and a C atalogue will be mailed free j ^UB *^e provisions of the Statute in on application. This was the lirut meeting of nephew ami tinnì' (lie trip in to C alifornia, where he is a feature of tin ir dally menu and that And said Claim No. 6 1 e*ng more par- cases made and provide I. Address H. M. T ennant , Registrar, , miele for nion- than th irty years. w ill visit u n til laic fall. hunting was never ls*tter. tioularly described as follows, to-wit: ^he onlj* adjoining claimant 1» W. 8. J STINGY? Wie THE GOLD HILL BANK 82 P in e s L u m b e r C om pany Sugar, White J J 2 _ _ and Oregon * 1 I 1 .C Beaverboard, Cem ent, Roof­ ing, Shingles, Windows, Doors, & Fixtures GOLD HILL OREGON 71 OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE (tw-7-15 to at) Corvallis, Oregon. {»• /