Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1913)
Gold Hill Livery Darling & Hodges Proprietors Rigs for aH occasions Good horses and drivers that know the roads W e m ake no specialty o f any class of trad e A ll Get t»he Best W. H. SMITH X T £ TLRERS R oofing, H ydraulicJP ipe, all sizes,’(Skylights, C o n trac t o r ’s Supplies. I rep resen t M anufacturers and Jobbers in m any lines, and can quote low prices. Address, W. H. Smith, Medford, Oregon Gold Hill Meat Market A big supply of fresh m eat alw ays on hand. W e c a n y th e best o f cream ery butter. All kinds of fre sh fish in season. Woodcock & Blackert P ro p rie to rs SEATTLE MOB BURNS AND WRECKS HALLS Pacific Fleet Sailors Alleged to Have Been Incited to Vio lence by Speech. S eattle.—All of th e Industrial W ork er« of th e W orld m eeting place», the Socialist headquarter* and a Socialist new» stand w ere w recked aud the fu rn itu re piled In the «(reel and burn ed la front of each place by a great mob, led by 100 sntlnra from the Pa clflc reserv e fleet and half iu many soldiers from th e Puget sound forts, last Friday. O ne m em ber of th e 1. W. W . w u «lightly Injured, and It la re ported th a t one aailor austalned a bro ken arm . T he Time« printed a report of s p e e c h made by S ecretary of the Navy Daniel«, at the R ainier Club. In which th e secretary 1« «aid to have urged forcible suppression of the red flag and th e I. W. W T he secretary de nled th at he had any intention of coun eellng violence and several who heard him «peak corroborate h it statem ent. T h e m ayor professed to see In the Tim e»' account of the secretary 's speech a cause for th e attack of sail ors on th e h ead q u arters of I. W. W. aud Socialists and gave this as an e i- cuse for Issuing a proclam attng for bidding th e publication of the Time« unless proofs of its contents should first have been subm itted to him for scrutiny. He followed this up with a proclam ation closing all the saloons of th e city on th e final day of the an nual P otlatch. S aturday. la w y e rs for the T im es Immediately w ent before Ju d g e John E. H um phries of th e su p erio r court, and obtained a re stra in in g o rd er preventing the may- | or o r police from in terfering with the ' publication of th e paper. Saloonm en also secured an order from the co u rt enjoining the o rd er to close. Remarkable Premium To subscribers of Offer T h e GOLD H ILL N E W S THE EXCELSIOR COM ¡NATION KITCHEN SE T ¡tegular R-etxiil V alue 5 0 C w d i with 1 y e a r s paid in advance d*Q Subscription to The N ews, o n ly ...... J p Z .L X j E ight piece set, exactly as illustrated above, fully warranted by maker. Limited number o n ly . REVOLT IN CHINA GROWS ALARMING Professional Cards Vóur Wages Unsightly Face Sores CITY WIPED OUT BY FIRE Are cured by Dr. H obson’s E*z«ms O intm ent, w hich h. sis all rkin eru p E ntire B usiness Section of Sheridan. tions. No m atter how long you have O r e g o n , i t D e s tr o y e d Pekin.—The C hinese governm ent la l>een troubled by itching, burning, or scaly skin hum ors, ju s t p u t a little of S heridan, Or.—As th e result of the »till dispatching troops to subdue the th a t soothing an tisep tic, Dr. H obson’« explosion of a sm all gasoline stove In revolutionary movem ent In th e disaf Eczema < h u tm en t, on th e sores and the Honering stops in stan t v H ealing tar-: a 'e s ta u ra n t here th e business section fected southern provinces, but has not gin« th a t very m inute. Doctors use it ! I of S heridan Is a sm ouldering heap of w ithdraw n any soldiers from Mongo- Are you getting more pay than you in th eir practice and recommend it. Mr w reckage, and alm ost every firm is Ba. •A llen in an .o f L ittletow n, Pa ,*ay«-,, Had put out of business. One blacksm iih did last year ? Are you reasonably P resident Yuan Shi Kai Is anxious eczem a on forehead ; Dr. Hoi,eon's Ec shop, a garage, one bakery and one! to proceed south to lead his troops, sure of getting still more next year? zema O intm ent cured it in two w eeks.” ! G uaranteed to relieve or money refu n d -i m eat m ark et a re all th a t rem ain for! but his associates have persuaded him If not, thia is your time—NOW—to A. E. KELLOGG j to rem ain In Pekin, for fear that he o l i 11 d ’7?Bri»»s. or by m ail. Price ftOc th e accom m odation of the people. mail the coupon below and let the Pfeiffer Chemical Co., P h ilad elp h ia The fire sw ept over th ree blocks on might be assassinated on the way to GOLD HILL. OREGON and b t Loois r International Correspondence Schools th e south side of th e Yamhill river,! the scene of hostilities. E m balm er and F uneral explain how they can qualify you to em bracing th e business section, de- It Is now generally believed that stroylng buildings and stocks of m er ! G eneral Sun Yat Sen. form er provls- enter a more important line of work— D irecto r chandlse valued at from $250,000 to iqnal p ri-ld e n t o f the republic who C om plete line of burial robes, in your present occupation—or in a $300,000, w ith in surance of about $125,-j has taken sides with the southerners caskets, etc. different one where yon can command a 000. As th e m ajo r portion of the j and who Is now a t N anking, and Oen- higher salary a t the start, with no limit _ ^ F U N E R A L car buildings w ere of wood construction, eral Huang Sing, form er generallsai-I □ ffio-ihone: Home, 9 - K ; Bmfcfcaoe to your earning power. th ere w as little chance to save them ' mo of the revolutionary arm y, never I Phone, Home 2—K; Pacific «-M ala. from th e fin mes. Intended to support P resid en t Yuan In making this offer, all your cir Shi Kai perm anently, but only to use I cumstance« have been taken into con 100 P riso n ers to Leave Reform atory him to bring the revolution to a sue- j Olympia, V ash.—O ne hundred prls Cessful end. sideration, and it only remains for you W. P. CHISHOLM , M. D. Now Is the time to buy property In o ners a t th e Monroe R eform atory have to fill out and mail the coupon. How Gold Hill; don’t wait till yon have to general practitioner been g ran ted paroles by the board of yfft/can succeed with the aid of I.C.S. have it; buy now and make the in- G old H il l , O regon . m anagers. One w as g ranted Imme BALLOONIST LEAPS TO DEATH res tor's profit, a word to the wise is d iate freedom , while th e o th er 99 will training by mail, aa thousands like sufficient; if you have not the -~ cash; you have succeeded, will be fully ex- *„» « , * I f ■■ a . -« w — p l leave .u .c m e e 1 U O I I I 11 I I U U / A V I ugust l K U l s l 1, 1 th Institution consti- P arachute Jum per Dies in F irst Aero- talk to Kellogg he will get it for yon; tu tln g th e larg est clacs ever "gradu A. E. KELLOGG plane Drop plained at no cost whatever to you. he has some real bargains just now ated.” S eattle.— F rancis L. T hayer, aged 47 notary public _____________ _____ in Gold Hill properties. | I years, a parachute Jum per, known PhODe 33 Main | throughout the west, was drowned GOLD H IL L , O REG ON Me guarantee 7 per cent and have INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS while m aking a p arachute descent 11 p per cent 01 on Bo« 7M, K RA STO N , F a . I from an aeroplane as p art of the Pot- r r a tvtz t -> r, « — never ----- paid less than " 11 er cent C L A R K E. SA U N D ER S, M . D . ,aT,n* accounts paid by the month ! latch a ir sports. Please explain, without further both large and small,. The Pacific Practice Limited • to He w ent up in an aeroplane with obligation on my part, liow I can Building A Loan Association. Talk Eye, Ear, N ose and T hroat Johnny B ryant. At a height of 750 qualify for/a larger salary)in the willi A. E. Kellogg, local agent. San Diego.—The w edding of U. 8. I feet he dropped from the aeroplane. tnrn^T s?,entifiR»Hy examined and glasses position before which’ I have nxriujthed when needed. * G rant, Jr., of this city, and Mrs. Am er ; A fter a descent of 100 feet he broke ..Own yonr own homes; stop paying marked X .1” -.eit-Co.-sy F '.L .i.g, Al-dford, Ore. rent. The Pacific Building A Loan ica W orkm an Will, of Los Angeles, loose from the p arachute and fell to ■eefceete^ l»eeAe«aea Association will furnish yon the mon- w hich was to have taken place Sat- ! the w ater A t v -M o ffr a p lir r urday in a San Diego hotel, did not T r lt - p b o a e t a f l a e o r T hayer did not rise to the surface Ad«»rtiawMe«| Wrifa r pay by the month; just like pay. r'.l«-«'. l . l g h l l M e * M p f . DR. ARTEM AS W. D EA N E W e. h . M » « « f a e e e *h i> w < a r i l W r i t e r l Ing rent; it costs no more; talk with occur. Instead of a wedding it wns a fte r going Into the w ater. He had M e rv e p a r W la d w w T r la n a a e r announced to those p resen t a t the ap been giving parachute exhibitions 25 d en tist r e la l L « w Kellogg, he docs tlieir business in < l » l l 1 n < la e e r llla a fr a to r pointed tim e th at the m arriage cere years. T hayer called Chicago his H u ll,tin * In a lr a e U r O A S A D M IN IS T E R E D < 1*11 M e r « |e « Gold Hill. A rrh llw r'l H r a f U a M i ’fcMaale« mony had been perform ed one week home. He leaves a widow, in Seattle, A r e h lf< -e t RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD J e t i l l e W ill « . e t , A f e a r t a r a i f n fff N««p F .le e tr lr ia a ago by Ju stic e George Pnterbaugh. H r id < .- 1 r g ln e a F and relatives a t A berdeen, Wash. F le e . K a g ln e e r F ir e , L ife , C a s u a lty , A c c i U. 8. G rant, third, w as the only oac Prize Lists For Industrial Contests d e n t a n d S i c K I n s u r a n c e , of th e bridegroom 's five children who X a f lM Ready For Distribution L o a n s an d In v e stm e n ts Bogus Money at Bandon. | was in the hotel p arlor when the an- • S t m t and N o I nouncem ent of th e m arriage wrs Bandon.— In the last few days busi Pamphlet* containing a complete prize ! made. ness men and o th ers have found them C it y list, also rules and regulations governing H is grow n son C haffee G rant and selves possessors of half dollars which .............. - Z -Î i exhibit for ( bildren’s Industrial Conte* his th ree d au g h ters absolutely refuse nre not genuine. Upon Investigation a t the state fair at Salem, September 211 I to recognize th eir step m other, and It It Is learned that the circulation of the to October 4, an- ready for distribution | is said th a t Mr. G rant, in retaliation, "w nt.erfelt money began during the R E PR ESEN TA TIV E FOR SO U TH ERN OREGON aud may 1« xeenred for the asking from -V.W..VU n entirely in I th reaten ed «w to vui cu t niniii them o off In i ’oui*th of July celebration In Bandon any of the following: 1 0 3 R o o s e v e lt bis will, u nless they ch an g e th eir a ttl A pproxim ately >250 of the half dollai A venue Supt. J . Percy Wells, Jack tontille I tude. •“ w,uu — « hers. us was v.i«z.v»n placed !«• In circulation Miss Alvie Hcott, itogueriver M. D. Bowers, Gobi Hill Rid Your Children of Worms Ships 109 C ars of S traw berries f or ( tits. Burns and Bruises Mr*. Rose Gay, Rock Point BLUE SKy LAW IS REACHING Hood R iver.—T he straw b erry ship You can change fretful, ill-tem pered In every homo th ere should lie a bog W. A. Cowley, C entral Point S tatu te A pplies to All Companies ping season hns come to a close in the children into healthy, happy youngsters of B ucklen’a Arnica »alvo, ready to a p M r? Fredenburg, Butte Fall* Hood R iver valley and the records of by ridding them of worms. Tossing, roll- ply in every case ot burns, cut.*, wounds W ith S ecurities to Sell. At n m eeting of the otiieere of theSouth- Prin. H. W. Alter, Phoenix •he Apple G row ers' association show ing, grinding of teeth , crying out while or scalds. .1. H. p„ia n ,.„( |i e | va| | 0( Salem. — C orporation C om m issioner ern Oregon Soldi--rs’ and Sailors’ A—ocia- A. .1. Florey, Eagle Point th at 109 car loads have left Hood Riv asleep, accom panied with intense th irst, Tex., It, No 2, w iile s: “ Bucklen'a A r tion held at Talent, Ore., Ju n e 21, it was W atson has announced th a t all com Mrs. I). Perozzi, Ashland e r this season, which Is the largest pains in the stom ach anil bowel«, fever nica Salve saved my little g ir l’s c u t lout. panies w ith stocks or bonds to sell, derided to hold the next annual reunion Miss Edna H ouston, Trail num ber of cars that have ever been ishness and bad breath, are sym ptom s Noone believed it could be oured.’’ The a t Talent, ix ginning Sept. 1.5th and con even though they are not o ffer-d at th a t Indicate worms. Klokapoo Worm w orld’s best salve. O nly 25c. Itecom- Supt. T. S. Collins, Medford tinuing fie,. ,layH. There wf|, fln _ n the p resen t tim e, come w ithin the pur shipped from thls point. Killer, a pleasant candy lozenge, expels m ended hv all d ru g g lsis, Snpvr. G. W. Ager, Talent view of the blue sky law. He said tertainm ent each night. Monday night To Stop Gambling In San Francisco the worms, regulates the bowels, rest, r- —J. P ercy W ei Ihe King of All Lmatives will I*-¡Talent, Tuesday night Central th a t th e only Investm ent com panies San Francisco.—San F rancisco's 16 cs your children to health and l.appi- For constipation, headaches, indlges- Point and Gobi Hill, Wednesday night th a t a re exem pt are those (hat have big gam bling clubs m ust close th eir ness. Mrs J. A. Brisbin, of Elgin, III., dyspepsia’, „ " h r . K ing’s New B lackert A Woodcock, proprietor* of Issued and sold all th e ir securities. All Grant* Pass, Thursday night Medford doors a t onee and for all time. This *«ys. the City M arket, solicit your orders for have used Kickapoo Worm Life PHI«. Paul M athulka of lluffal, com panies, he holds, th a t have stocks Friday night Ashland. was flat r an Issued by Chief of Police fresh ami salt meats, sansa -e, lard etc hite the a fte hour’. confcrencoT iZ <hihlre„°or w orm s" i ' l o u K t d o w S h T h ^ " " ’n " o r secu rities not co n tracted for prior W —J. I’. SAYI.E, F b h on Friday*. They guarantee satis to Ju n e 3 m ust live up to the provis hind c lo se , doors will, th e proprle- out it. .................... . All druggist* by S t a n d ’»X faction. Col. Commanding. ions of th e bill. tors, "cappers,” em ployes and a ttach es '" “ B. Price 25c. Kickapoo Indian Med- home*" C « t " k'’P|’ » •«« " t Att< -t : .1. W Hicks, Adjt. ° f the 16 C,“ b’ - ' 'Cine C° ’ ’’’■‘'•O C phia and St Louis. 25c. R e c o m m ^ d " X X » £ ICB T a lk W ith K e llo g g U. S. GRANT WEDSi CHILDREN OPPOSED T a lk W ith K e llo g g «... • • R. H. Ï _________ M e d fo r d O regon *