I Illlllllllllllllllll tlllllllllllllllllt You are not the Only One that is pleased with FLY KNOCKER T h e se are R E G U L A R Everyone that bought a can of Ely Knocker from me ia »imply “ dee-lighted” with it, and repeut orders arc coming in fast. It is certainly a pleasure to see your stock comfortable and contented; also to know that you arc making money by keeping your stock in that con dition. Get another can P r i c e s an<^ not C u t O nes Amoskeag A. F. C. Ginghams, per yard \2 l-2c Aporn Ginghams, per yard 8c Amoskeag Utility Ginghams, per yard 12 l-2c Lemon Extract, 2 ozs. 15c.—Vanilla Extract, 2 ozs. 20 c Every b o ttle guaranteed.—Pelton Lard 5 lbs. 85c Red Beans, per lb. 5 c —White Beans, per lb. 6c 6 bars Laundry Soap 25c—Fancy Alaska salt Salmon, lb 10c. a t the Gold Hill Flour and Feed Store H. C. RAEDEL, Proprietor = Phone 17 2 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; : iiiiiiiiin iitiiiiii B inile B ru tta r* faninn» «Andie« fur «ale ul the drug whirl'. Local News Notes Yun read tin« Jfnyal magazine lids'! Fn-d Turner baa the ir style book. See Henry M iller wan a busincM visitor hi him WMiii. tira n la 1‘am .Mum lay. If you want a «mall ranch, m n i'n ih -r I T. HaUigar, <>( tin* Del Bio ranch, that I have for «ale the very l» »t 40 acre wax a visitor at M o lfo n l Saturday. ranch fur the money in the Ihiguc Itlve r Mi»« M illie llodgea visited at Hrant« \ alley, ail under cultivation and gixxl I ’aaw Thuraday. building« —('. S. B kioikm *. M erritt &, C om p an y Runic Brother« H oiilx'ii«—Bowers. H ard a n d to ft w o o d for ta le . D eliver F r.il Keldel and fam ily. M S. Johnaon e d a l you r th ed . W. L. Van H outen and fam ily, Ed Bolt, Clyde W alker, and (¡sorgo Lance and anil, Floyd, were Floyd Sutton, were in attendance at Medford visitors h> (io ld H ilt Saturday ('«ilcMtin Sunday laat, when the antlen i lodge member« of Jackson county went laat. I picnii ing, Mra. 8. T. Hodge« returned on Thura- I.. I*. Brown retnrned. on Monday from <lay from a several day« viait w ith friend« an enjoyable fo rtn ig h t’, vacation a« tin and relative* at Aalilaud. W in, I ’. Kelsey departed yesterday gueat of Id« father at Santa Monica, Cal m orning fur W ilb u r, where he w ill act Mm. Brown and Larry Jr. w ill remain for «everal month« la-fora returning h aa relief agent fur the Rapes. Hold H ill. Mm. A. L. Harvey, of Aahland, vini’id at the home of her «on, W. I I. Harvey, I Ham id Rneniach liade hi« (¡old H ill on Friday aud Saturday of laat week. | friend» " goodby ” Tuesday evening Mm M B . Bln-, ol Medford, visited " ,M> ,lt'l" ‘ rt' d for Calgary, Canada w ith ta r mother, Mm. K. M M cIntyre, I * when- her" * he * r,w n l1 * « 'ce p t'd a «filiation recently accepted For the ,»a»t «everal yearn the young man between train» Saturday evening. "permed the Turtle B<« k ranch in upper J. F. Dietrich departed on Munday fur Sam» Valley, Halice, where he w ill ta employed by E. Lott A fox hound bitch, color black t i. Perham upon a bridge contract. and Ian, whit* br*a*t and belly, antwert Mr. and Mm. Fred W itt returned on Friday laat (ruin lla la ry , where- Mm. to the name of "Pepper” . Reward will W i t »»« the gueat of friend« fur «everal be paid for information leading to the recovery o f tame. Addrett, WOeka. — Chat. Cilchritt, Chocolate bontana, atrawla-rry. cherry, Same Valley, Or. pineapple, lticioua ami dainty. The Perry H u lb u rt arrived on Saturday Bunn- brother»' famuu« confection. At laat from Marshfield, when- he went nev- the Itowem drug «ton-. eral weeks ago in «-arch of |«-rmauent Mi«« Ita m ta r returned from Aahland employment. I«uk of opportuuity in the tim t of tlie week, having i«-cu the the coa-t country amt the impending gueat of friend« in tliu t city fur «everal I mm 'I ii in «outheru Oregon brought the week«. wanderer home again. Before pun lia-ingyuur fru it jam call at J. J. Houck, form erly of thia city but M ille r’» II ard wan- and m-c the new ( iuldeii now I'M-atcd at C orrallia, a|«-nt «everal Slate fru it ja r—the en,is an- guaranteed day« in (¡old H ill the present week re fur five team without replacing. newing hi« many friendships and gossip Dr. C. B. Bay wa» in (io ld H ill Thura- ing of old timer» w ith old tinea. Mr. day iiHikiug after matter« |»-rt«iuing to Houck w ill remain in «outhern Oregon the Braden mine and other intereat« in for »ome w eks, com bining hi« annual till« locality. vacation w ith a long planned prospecting Mr. and Mm. V B. Myem, of Bogue- trip . river, viailed w ith Mm. Myem’ parent«, Mr«. M ary L. Mansfield, wife of W. A. M r. and Mr«. John Bigham ,, in Sam» Manafleld, paim-d away at the family Valley on Saturday and Sunday laat. home near Tolo, on Thursday foren<«'n, Some »|««'ial bargain« in «tuck, grain and fru it ram lie», l«-lh large und «mall, it w ill pay you well to see me l«•fnn• pur- <-ha«ing —C. S. Br.nriKi.ii. L. I*. Brow n went to Medford Wedne« d a , evening, where he attend'«! the Page and wilne».«ed John Maaon in "A n a Man T hin k«” . N. U. Carja-nter, president of the East Si'le Citizen« Bank, of Portland, wa« in thia city Tia-aday in the intereat« of the hank’ « 'iiiu iu g property on Senline Creek, the (Iray Eagle. fOR SALf New Alfalfa Hay Of tlie heat quality. *0. per ton In the Held, or *10. delivered in (io ld H ill. —Sleepy Hollow Farm O. I. Gregg, Mgr. M r. and Mm. John Harvey returned home Saturday from Hrant« Pa««, near which city M r. Harvey ia at preaent em ployed. Mr. Harvey retttrni-d to hia em ploym ent the lirat of tlie week. A special bargain in the way of a good well-built HI ven room dwelling, and large lot. Beat of garden land, well located, must ta »'»lil. For particular» call upon —C. S. B kiifiki . i ». B. Bordier, secretary of the B ill Nyo M ining company, arrived in (io ld H ill Thuraday evening and w ill »pend some tim e »Ufierinten'ling improvement« at the famous little property on Hail.« Creek. The Progressive Bible da«» w ill hold the ir enjoyable m onthly aoeial nt Un church on Monday evening next. A program ia in count- of preparation, luncheon w ill I«- served, and an in v ita tion 1« extended to all. Mr«. George Lane, who ha« been tlie gueat of her parent«, M r. and Mr«. .1, II. Beeman, for tlie past »everal week«, w ill leave tomorrow fur her home at Aums ville. Enroute «lie w ill visit friend« nt Boaeburg. w; S3 Tlie Saturday evening concert w ill be an inatitution. From the judgement ol thorn who attended the in itia l perform ance of that evening laat week, it ia gath ered that the diarnntiniiance of thi« pleaaing feature would lx- a public calam ity. Every number upon the program wa« well re iriv v 'l l»y the large audience, and many expression, of appreeiation at the conclusion voiced tin- popular pleas ure. The «econd concert, for which the following program ha.« Iieen prepared, w ill lx- given tonight at tlie band stand, following which tin- band txiya w ill ten- ta r one of their enjoyable dance« at the o|x-a hotwe: 1 2 3 4 5 March Apollo Band March National Fencibles Orchestra Solo Selech-d Mi«« Punk- y March Albion Band Selection Espiritus Del Vino Orchestra (I Fairy M oonlight Quartet 7 Selection Band S Love’« Old Sweet Song Earl Adams II Overture Royal Emblem Baud III Those Ragtime Melodies 0.-, hestra Sung by tin- entire ci in p in y Why should you save for a Rainy Day ? B ig P in e s L u m b e r C om pany (0 Sugar, White " D 1 _ and Oregon 111X7 Beaverboard, Cement,, Roof ing, Shingles, Windows, Doors, & Fixtures GOLD HILL Because you m ig ht want to buy an umbrella W e p a y 4 p e r cent, on T im e Deposits THE GOLD HILL BANK OREGON 7? Gold Hill Bachelor Steals March on Local Friends BALKAN SITUATION IS NOT IMPROVED T hat John Pate«, Hold H ill liachclor and s-x-ialist pliiloHoplier, lias «tolen a London.—The B alkan S ta te s a p p ear march U|xui hi« friend« at Hold H ill is vid i-nw il by tlie following dispatch, to be again In th e m elting pot. T h ere ia no sign of peace a t present. G reece wiiiehappeared in the Oregonian: and S erv la have declined so fa r to A L B A N Y , O r., July 23 —Plunging in ag ree to an arm istice. T he T urkish to iiia triiiio n y for tlie tir«t lim e at the arm y is advancing by forced m arches age of (ill years was tlie experience today from T ch atalja and Bulair, ap p aren tly f John Pates, of Gold H ill, O r., who ( w ith th e consent of G reece and S er t<H>k Mr«. 11. M. H ixxlcll, of I.you«, O r., vla, to a tte m p t the recap tu re of Ad agi-d 55, a« hi« bride here today. rianople and T hrace. Mra. Goodell had been m arried oncp1 R oum ania is said to be proceeding r- ■ before. Tin- wedding ceremony was i«-r- ecupy a m uch larg er ex ten t of fonned by County Judge M i-K night in hig;' after an ¡line«« of many month« durati- n. j^-rtasiU errttory th an she p re v io u s Mr«. Manafleld wax agi-d 27 year«, 10 -thee in tin- County Courthouse in thi ly*clalm ed. and G reece is b u rning to mouth« and 22 day». Funeral acrvlci, » y- a» enge th e B ulgarian m assacres, con M r. Pates lias Ix-cii a resident of Gold cerning which horrifying d etails con werec-'iidiicted at tin- re«i<leineyi-lerdiiy at noon, the I. (I. (I. F. I«alge of thia city H ill for a niim lx-r of years, and his re- tinually a p p ear In official rep o rta Is being in charge. The remain» wen- laid urn from A llx in y w ith hi« bride w ill ta sued from A thens and Salonlkl. Ac to test in the B<«-k Point cemetery. welcomed by many well wishers. cording to th ese rep o rts, ears and fin Mr. and Mr«. ( ’. F. I.nce, accompanied by their daughter,, Mi««e» l.ucy, Lon la and Eredrieka, and » o i l, Master Fn-drii k, arrived from Taeomatlie firat of the wet k and an- rvgialcrcd at the hotel. They w ill remain fo r «ome time while M r. Luce at tend» to affair» connected w ith tlie exten sive dredging project al Dowden Fall«, and w ill then depart to »pend the re mainder o f the «ea«ou at their «imitnei home near Eun-ka Spring», Arkanaaa. G en eral M e r c h a n d is e gers of G reek women still w earing e a r rings and rings w ere found in th e Salem .—C oincident w ith an an I pockets of B ulgarian prisoners. nouncem ent th a t S ta te S u p erin ten d en t of B anks W right had d eclared a IDAHO BANKERS SET FREE dividend of 20 p er cen t for th e deposi tor« of th e F irs t S tate Bank of Philo Kettenback and Kester P ardoned by President. m ath, m aking a to tal of 80 p er cen t I W ashington.— Precedent WU m u h a , declared. Is a n o th e r th a t Jam es Evar». cash ier of th e bank, convicted of for g ran ted unconditional pardon t , Wtl- gery nnd sentenced to serv e from two ' ' uni F. K ettenbaeh aad Qeeiiga » . to 10 y ears In th e p en iten tiary , has ! K ester. Lew iston. Idaho, b uakm . con victed on the ch arg e of h av tag falsi been paroled. T he liab ilities of th e Institution fled records of th e F irst National w ere $55,000, and Mr. W rig h t believes Bank of Lew iston, Idaho. T he pardon th e assets will be sufficient to pay w as granted a fte r th e p resid en t had the d epositors in full, but there will coll,erre<1 w l,h S en ato rs Borah, of Ida be no money for th e stockholders. ho; Lane, of Oregon, and K ern, of Indiana, and a fte r they had strongly T he bank failed in O ctober, 1911. a n ’ E vars, w hose rig h t nam e is Evans. to ,he P W W » n t to d . Justice to m en. v> ho. they showed, w ere m a r w as indicted soon arterw aru . Money afterw ard, ty rs to abuse of privilege by govern he Is alleged to have used frau d u len t m ent prosecutors form erly em ployed ly w as Invested In a cream ery by the by the d ep artm en t of Justice. cashier, and. It Is said, he got no ben But for this pardon K ettenbaeh and efit from i t K ester would each have been required to serv e five years In th e penitentiary. O regon City. Or.— E arl McAlty, about 18 y ears old and a resid en t of Banana Finds A dvocate. P ortland, w as shot and probably fa New York.—P resid en t W ilson may tally w ounded by D eputy S h eriff W il be deluged with hundreds of le tte rs liam M um bower ns he was try in g to In defense of th e banana aa th e ' poor escape from th e officer on th e C lacka m an's fru it,” It w as said by som e of m as road a few m iles e a st of this those p resen t a t a m eeting in Cooper place, w here he had been placed under Union, a t which sp eak ers advised pro a rre s t for shooting a dog. Mumbower, te s t against the proposed tax of one- who Is engaged in farm ing n e a r the ten th of 1 per cen t a pound on ba scene of th e shooting, w as arrested nanas Im ported Into th is country. and lodged in th e C lackam as county jail. Bank Cashier Paroled. For a Seashore Outing GO TO NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY No noting is complete unit-»» yon visit this old reliable seaside re sort which offers to the summer visito r a charm of environm ent not found elsewhere. D elightful points of interest in the neighbor hood, deep-sea tishing, surf bathing, boating, hot sea bathing in tlie new Natutorium . Cottages, room houses and tents at reason able rates. Am ple hotel accomodation«, abundance of sea-food, oyster», clains, crabs—m ilk and vegatables, absence of form ality and a homelike welcome for all. Double » Daily Train Service Leave A lb an y D aily 7 :30 a. m. and I ;30 p. m . Ex. Snn. A rrive Newport “ 12:40 p. m “ 6:90 p. ni. E x . Sun. LOW ROUND TRIP FARES Season, Week-end anil Sunday Excursion Fares East Tickets on sale da ily u n til September 30th from all main and branch line point« to Eastern destinations one way through Cali* fornia or via Portland. Return lim it October 31«t. For illustrated booklet on Newj»ort, or copy of “ Vacation Days in Oregon,” call on nearest Agent. |0C0lN»SHASTA| ROUTES J ohn M. S cott , General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. FARM FO R SALE— 120-acre ranch in tlie famous Bogue Biver Valley, Southern Oregon; 90 acres in cultivation, 14 acres in (l-year-old pear am i apple trees, 20 acre» in alfalfa, balance of cleared land in wheat, all well fenced, goo«! house, barn and well, seluxil adjoins property; 2 miles from pnstotlice and store, 18 mile» from Medford, 7 miles from (¡old H ill; price *15,000, term». W ill sell part or all. Address I,. M. Fisher, owner, Hold H ill, Oregon. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE B E G I N S >t» forty-fifth school year S eptember i s . 1»13. DEGREE C O U R S E 3in manypha«esof A G R IC U LTU R E E N Q IN E E R IN Q . economics . M inino , forestry . merce . P harmacy . HOM« C om t w o - t Z a r C o u r s e s ■■ txirs . ,-•■£■«(« E conomic «. ATT- PvniâT A ï. C 3 M M S R C E . I FO R SALE—Hay rake and mower— T ïA C H â -» ’« C O U R « « Is little used, practicallv new. Will he .aid i tra in in g . 's a fiji •a a art. at a bargain. I f interetted inquire at M U S IC , in clud in g piano, string, baas The News office. instrum ents and voice esitare. The finest cuts of beef, pork, and m u t A B EA U TIFU L B O O K L E T entitlMi ton, all strictly fresh at the Blaekert A “ T hk E n r ic h m bn t o r R ural L ir e * Wookc'x-k market. At the old location. and a C ataloc -UK will be mailed free Quartz and placer lix a tio n notices at Tlie New.« office. on application. Address II. M. T en n a n t , R egistrar, Corvallis, Oregon.