Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1913)
G /ic G o l d H ill N ew s PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT «¡(»1.1» HILL. JACKSON COUNTY ----------------------------- -------- OREGON, BY BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON Jo h n Montag of P ortland was nom inated by th e president to be United S ta te s m arshal for the d istrict of Ore B en H. L am pm nn gon. AVlth a $30 drying plant and a cheap stove, C harles Hales of Dorena, has Enten-.! at the Gold H ill jawtortiix- for tran.inhation through the mails aa aolved th e problem of m arketing lo seeond-eiasa m atter gon be rrtea. G overnor W eat com m uted the sen ten ce of death Imposed upon Jackson F. Adams, convicted of killing Clinton ’SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1913 C ham berlain, In C latsop county, to life Im prisonm ent. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE The bodies of C. B. Sm ith and wife, Fancy Tillamook Cheese, per lb, - ,25 Vienna Sausage in glass who perished iu a b illia rd on Mount • - .15 8t. H elens, w ere both found a fter a Boneless Herring in jars . . . .25 Veal Loaf in fiat can - . . ,15 long search, and w ere brought to P ort WHAT CONGRESS DID THIS MONTH—ALSO WHOM Sweet Bickels per quart . . . ,25 Peanut Butter, large glass - - .15 land for in te rm e n t Ripe Olives in enns . . . ,25 Corn Beef, in tin cans S en ato r l-ane, of Oregon, has the ap - . . .25 pointm ent of an o th er cadet at Annap Fancy red Salmon, per can ,15 and .25 S enate Van Camp’s Pork and Beans, .10 and .20 olis, and has asked P resident K err, of Chip Beef in glass • - - ,20 Grape Juice, per bottlo .25 D LSSED some hours in futile talk of tariff subjects, mostly th e Oregon ag ricu ltural college. If he 1 about public hearings. Decided to have none (of course). will exam ine cand idates for the place. P o rtlan d 's w heat exports for the Passed a resolution that the United States participate in an fiscal y ear ended Ju n e 30 show au In international education conference (routine). crease of m ore than 20 per cent over Got through an emergency appropriation for the distressed those of th e preceding year, accord ing to figures made public by th e de Camp on the mossy banks of a crystal stream,’way hack in the mountains, where Post Office Department (result of grand stand economies). p artm en t of commerce. Nature has prepared everything for your enjoyment; kill three, which is the limit, H arin g exhausted the supply of cans Required the San Francisco Exposition to deposit its prize th at, before the seaaou opened, was money in advance. sack the “jerky”, return to Gold Hill and call and see us deem ed am ply sufficient, the Eugene Agreed to reimburse subscribers to Ellen M. Stone’s ransom fruit grow ers' cannery have started evap o ratin g loganberries instead of when she was kidnaped by Turkish brigands in 1901. p u ttin g them up iu syrup. Hearu about armor plate frauds and passed a resolution to T he A1 K ader Tem ple, S hrlners, of learn about a government armor factory (perfunctory; nothing P ortland, has advised S ecretary Frank M eredith of th e sta te fair board that doing). th e sh rln e rs will be glad to accept Decided by overwhelming vote to investigate the Coal Saturday, O ctober 4. as th e ir special T rusts military government of W. Virginia after hearing Goff’s day a t th e sta te fair this year. T he most recen t and aproved m in impassioned defense of the Trust. ing ap p aratu s, designed a fte r the put- Undertook to investigate lobbying. tern s now In use in the M assachusetts in stitu te of technology, will be Install Heard its committee whitewash the Washington police for ed in the Oregon ag ricu ltu ral college the disgraceful scenes of March 3, but failed to award it a de school of mines. A piece of currency issued when the served prize for champion brush work. U nited S tates was young Is In the pos In executive session put the kibosh on the British arbitrary session of O. H. T hom as of Portland. treaty. It Is a th ree dollar bill Issued nearly a century ago by th e H udson S tate Decided to have the rotten .Frisco failure investigated. bank, a t Hudson, N. Y. A num ber of new courses in forestry H ouse and m ining, as well as a reorgan I xa fit T IN K E R E D its committe schedule. tion of the work offered In anim al bus ------------- -— H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r — -------------- J*evvr look into the cool crvnin- ■ Heard speaches on Washington’s slums; also on the un- bandry, a re announced in the new c a t inrtw of w Bon Ton Milk H indi alogue of th e O regon ag ricu ltu ral col speakable Japanese (bunk). on a hot day — aa compounded lege. by our now Electric .Mixer? Dispersed without further damage. There was no legisla T he m ayor, board of alderm en and Hardware Stoves Tin, Grunin- ami Aluminum AV a re Garden tion. police at Medford m ade a raid on ev G r e a t S tu ff, F olks! ery room ing house In th at southern Haying ami Heading Tools Builder*’ Materials and Tools IbsiHng A raft of bills was introduced. None was passed. Oregon city, w ith the resu lt th at no Building l*a|«-r Paints Oils Varnishes liru-lie. Gias. Cr.a-k.-ry wan- Q u a lity The Senate was in session a total of 78 hours and 37 minu evidence of w rongdoing w as discover Large Assort.... nt ol Queen«« an- A. tine a line and aMortnent ed. Q u eu e h er s 'a t tes in thirty days; the House 13 hours and 11 minutes; chiefly to F is h in g T n c K le F o r th e reason th a t he was a so Ura|a-;i*nrpk> || *A in Fix* hear the chaplain proy. The Senate averaged five and one half cialist. Police S ergeant Andrew Sor aa there la in the county Cattaraugii* fnlley Guns Ammunition I’i.-k* Calwa Grape Jui.-i- hours to a session; the House 1 hour and i l minutes. The Sen enson was reduced sum m arily to the Cherry Drip* Orangeade Shovels Miners’ Supplies Powder, Fine and Caps Base Balls and Hire*’ Reliable Root Beer ate sessions spread over the possible working days would have ran k s by Police Chief C lark a t Port M-lts, and Bals. My Stock is i-ompl.-te in every line and my price» an- right Strawberry —j Pineapple land, and w as ordered to tak e an E ast averaged 3 hours a day and the House sessions 30 minutes. R e m e m b e r t h e p l a c e t o p u r c h a s e t h e s e G o o d * ia Side te rrito ry until he becom es a pa T ry o ur S p e c ia l J r * These net results of our investments in legislators ought to trolm an, Ju ly 20. B a n a n a S undae l b Sealed proposals will be received fill each heart with gladness. a t th e office of th e life saving service, — Pearson’s Magazine. W ashington, D, C-, for construction ol ten 36-fot self righting and self bail ing lifeboats w ith gasoline engines, th ree of which are to be delivered at PEOPLE IN PRINT A storia. A new m achine for saving gold from Brief News of the Week th e black sands of the beach is being Riverside. I»» tried out in a cove n ear th e entrance The English house of lords has M rs. Benton, of Medford, made a of Coos Bay. It w orks on th e centri- ONSORIAL PARLORS again rejected th e Irish home ru le bill week end visit with Mr. and Mrs. I). H. fugai wheel principle, and is som e by a vote of 304 to 64r If th e bill la Slead. y.; thing on th e o rd er of a cream separ passed- again th e commons, it will Jerry Mariin, of Eugene, is making a a tor. bee«me a law w ithout the approval of Particular Attention to All visit with Prof, and Mrs. Reddy, and also H arry Reard, form erly of Linn coun th e l<4rds. t Details of Barbering, getting a gixsl coat of Un in the haytield. ty, has been sentenced a t R oseburg to According to a rep o rt m ade a t Lodge ten y ears in the O regon penitentiary. Located in the Beeman Building, Mrs. Champlin arrived from Chicago City, Kans., by P. A. Classen, s ta te en Eaxt tfi the ’Phone office. Beard had been paroled by G overnor tom ologist, m ore th an half th e g rass the latter part of last week and is visiting W est and w ent to Douglas county at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles hoppers In th a t d istrict have been kill w here he was convicted of stealing a FRANK TURNER, Prop. ed by poisoned mash which th e farm Champlin. horse while employed as a ranch hand. Mrs. A V . G. Early, Mr«. If. B. Ny. e rs scattered over th e ir fields. W illiam L. Finley, sta te gam e w ard Anna McKeown —— and Lois F raud is charged a t Cleveland, Ohio, and Misses ----------------------- » en of Oregon is one of IS ornitaolo- in the use of th e Initiative and referen- ,'-a r |y " ere business visitors in Medford g lsts and lead ers in bird protection dum. Indications are th a t scores of -**turday. who have been designated by the sec petition circulators will go to prison Mr. and Mrs. Baker made an 8 day re ta ry of ag ricu ltu re to advise him In aa a resu lt of efforts to get a vote on verland trip frim their home in Caiifor- th e fram ing regulations to m ake the th e law, providing com pulsory com- nia to visit their daughter, Mrs. Schauin- new federal protection of gam e effec pensation to workmen. I burg, for a few weeks. " tive. A coroner s Jury which Investigated Mr. El.l. n, of Seven O skT stopped in T he petition of th e sq u a tte rs In the the trolley accident a t Los Angeles, this vicinity Monday to see the irrigation vicinity of Arrow, Lake county «eking which resulted in th e loss of 14 lives, pipe being used by Messrs. Slead and Al th a t th e P ortland business Interests b a . laid the blam e for the d isaster den, while on his way to G rants Pass to assist them in th e ir effort to have the upon the Pacific E lectric RABway , purchase pipe for ttse on his ranch land in th a t section opened for hom e company. j , . L>. J. M iller is enjoying a visit from Ids stead entry , has been taken up by the M em bers of th e N ational G uards of parents, whose home is in Iowa. Tin y P o rtlan d com m ercial club, and every Oregon, W ashington and Idaho and will remain about a month. They i n effort will be m ade to hasten th e relief th e Duke of C onnaught's Own Rifles very pleased with the Bogue River Valley for which the se ttle rs a re asking. of B ritish Colum bia will p articip ate T assle S tew art, a d irecto r of the and would like to remain permanently. in a Joint rifle and revolver com peti Milton Ditch com pany, w as tried in Mr. I. H. Porter was quite «evenly tion a t Vancouver, B. C„ In October. Ju stic e co u rt and fined $10 and costs W ith m ost of the agitato rs in Jail, injured Monday while driving the team for unlaw fully opening the headgate th e disturbances which have reigned to haul up hay. The single-tree broke on his ditch to the d etrim en t of the In P ortland during th e past week be lotting him in the groin making quite a o th er w ater u sers in the com m unity tw een th e au th o rities on one side and gash. His many friends hope he will T his Is th e firs t tim e a conviction has m em bers of th e Industrial W orkers of i soon be about again. been secured th is year under t e oper th e W orld on th e o th er seem to be ation of th e new w ater law of Oregon nearly a t an end. Tom Burns, chief ! His em inence, Jam es C ardinal Gib and much in te re st was shown in the ag itato r, was freed on $750 bail, pend bons of Baltim ore, entered upon hit case. ing an appeal in his case. B urns was eightieth y ear W ednesday. E x penditures in sight Indicate th a t sentenced to 40 days on the rockplle. John P urroy Mitchell, recently ap th e sta te of O regon will have a deficit B la c k s m ith Claim P u t in For S tratto n Millions pointed Collector of th e Port of New of over $1,000,000 bpfore any of the D enver, Colo.— Suit to recover one York, announced th a t he was willing next year's tax es are paid In April, h alf of th e $10,000,000 estate left by to accept the nom ination for m ayor or according to a statem en t issued by Cct’or » rncc Posts for Sale S tate T re a su re r Kay at Salem . AVlth AVinfleld S cott S tratto n , the famous a fusion ticket. Hound body and h<mt <•( dar fence poM* P resid en t McCormick of th e Coo! less than a half million dollars in the —no *ap—by the lOOor l.oon, |f> <cnt.H, Colorado m ining m an, was filed in th a d istric t c o u rt h ere in th e nam e of county, HI., county board, has Issued general fund, th is E ntire fund will be delivered; on the ground, near A r I k ^ o « Irs. Sophia G ertru d e S tratto n , who a statem en t saying th at th e county i: wiped out before A ugust 10, anil the I*. O., H ct«. Cull o r add rem, 17,000 i debt with no assets h sta te will have to begin jjy ln g 6 per to be th e m ulti-m illionaire's II illbilfy ¡¡Punch, cen t i ilcrcst. sight to cover the deficit. SUMMER GREETINGS Think of that recreation trip you have been planning, and when making up the bill-of-fare, JUST TAKE THIS TIP TAKE THIS ALONG WITH YOU LANCE & COMPANY “The Big Store” GOLD HILL IFAizzZ Whirr// ß -u - r-r: D. H. M ILLER Sc The Boh!- ToN Near Neighbors T URNCR’S D . H . M I L L E R ’S “ G o o d q u a lity g o o d s a n d P r ic e s R ig'ht' R eady for H ot W eather Just a w ord! Try our Sundaes, Sodas, and Cold Drinks Miners, I can sharp en, repair or make tools, and guarantee my work to stand the racket; try me and be shown Turner’s Lunch Room C. F. CARTER Iron b y E lectricity B L A C K S M IT H M IN E R « If you want your tools put in good shape be sure to see CHARLES KELL Late Model Electric Irons. Guar- teed 5 years, now $ 3 .5 0 We will send you one on trial AghcMtoR, < lo gon. CALIFOR.N'A-OR.EGON POWER COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE.