Gold Hill Create«« N u t o r u l K ooourooo o f S a a l h a r n O ro g o n II On b o u n t ifu l H o g u o M o o r VOL 16 fte (Solih Mi II Jackson Co. O n o C o m m u n ity o f O p p o r t u n it y - /f o g a o M o o r V a llo y . " ’b o ro th o a p p to f a i n « / fa m o GOLD HILL JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATI RDAY, JULY 2«, 1913 TRACKAGE FOR CEMENT PLANT NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION Killers of DedaskloilS Arrival of Constructing Engineer J Plnvii ic I p k I nnen ' Must Abandon Hope and Start Progress ’ L C tS L ° ° S € Terrific July Storm M on Southern Oregon Plant Supreme Court Up holds Decision and Denies Appeal MITCHELL PALMER GEORGE F. COTTERILL ( onstruction of the sp u n and sidings on the Beaver-Port land Cement company’s property west of this city, was actively commenced yesterday morning. The local section crew and an extra gang, of the Southern Pacific company, will complete the laying of the track within the next few days, when all will be Mike Spam « anil Frank Seymour will in readiness for the arrival of the giant crusher and other mach be broughl before Judge Galkina probab inery, which has already been shipped. ly mutt w.«*k to na»ive th» «m ienm of death according to Attorney McCabe, of The arrival of constructing engineer Leigh Hunt, A. D. Medford. Tin* supreme court baa utlirni- Nicholson, millionaire cement manufacturer, and directors of «1 th e dedaion of the circuit court con- the Beaver-Portland Cement company, is announced for the victing tin* two men of first degree m u r d e r after an appeal bail been w ade on the coming week. With the arrival of the party the final arrange ground* the onnfeaaion wan obtained by ments for the construction of the company’s $500,000 plant at " tliln l d eg n v " method«. A h anon aw this city will be attended to, and construction work immediately Judge Galkina sentence« them to death commenced. Mr. Met ’ala* will put the m atter before < inventor Weal in the laal attem pt to Delay in the actual work of construction has beee caused eave the men'« Uvea. by the endeavor of the Leigh Hunt Engineering company to Spum e ami Seymour killed a fellow G reek Ian fall for a large am*unit of complete a $1,500,000 plant at Medicine Hat, Alberta, before money be waa believed to have bail in commencing the new undertaking. The construction contract Ilia |HNM«Mion. Ilia laaly wax bidden which has been let to this company calls for the completion of «MUler a warehouse m ar the Southern the Gold Hill plant before January 1, 1914, and no doubts are Pacific depot at Medford. entertained of the satisfactory completion of the project upon that date. In affirming tile Judgement of the low e r court in the caau of Frank Seymour Title to all of the land necessary for the site of the large ami Mike Spanoa, convicted o f tin* m ur plant and the necessary yards and trackage has been secured der of G eorge Hftiaxknloii* at Medford, Sepu*mla*r 22, 11112 the suprem e court and the final payments made, while the lime dyke to be operated s a id : was secured by the company several months since. “ The confeaaion ollereil in evidence w ss A. M itch ell Palm er, the Pennsyl Geo. F. C o tte rlll, M ayor o f Seattle, reduced to writing, aigneil by the defend vania Congressman who wee Im per J. C. Burch, president of the Beaver-Portland Cement com who blames the Seattle Tim es fo r the ant*. and contains a detailed statem ent of sonated by David Lam ar, the New pany, who has been in this city for some time arranging details, attacks on I. W. W . and Socialist halls the methods employisl by the defendant* York stock broker. j departed on Tuesday evening for a conference with associates at by bluejackets. am i their conaortato encnni|>w*athv death i Portland. Slualaw Reserve la to Be Opened of their victim. We deem a recital of the Boast G ets Him Behind Bare. Oldtimers Agree for Once,“Never Hap pened Before” So seldom ia it th at aoutliern Oregon experience* a storm , electrical or other- i wise, in the placid warmth of July, th a t ¡ the clouds which advanced and retreated j for several «lays prior to the downpour of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, were j generally dismissed as not worth consid- , eration by the weather wise. J In this district the storm burst first on . Sardine Creek Monday evening, the rain ¡falling in torrents th at inundated the S roads, washed huge piles of debris down i trie m ountain sides, and ruined much ) hay. Early the following morning the i deluge became general, accompanied by i an unusual electrical display. No dam - ! age by lightning in the vicinity of Gold Hill was reported, with the exception of the Blackington ranch on Galls Creek, which was struck but not m aterially damaged The inm ates of the resilience escaped unharmed. Normal July weather produces but .19 of rainfall in this section of Oregon, but more than 2 indies have fallen in this week’s storm. From a cerulean blue tone the Rogue changed overnight to a tawny torrent, rising two feet in a few hours. Report has it th at a cloudburst also enlivened the up,«* Rogue, sweeping away the salmon racks at tne Elk Creek hatchery. AH country telephone lines went down Eugene, Or.—C om plete reversal of grewaonie fai t* profitless, ami .rent by Roaehurg. —- C harles Howard of th e policy of th e forest service with and electric lines were put out of com -ayiug they allow a murderous act com Edenbower, who la u n d er bonds for relation to th e Siuslaw national forest mission in all the smaller towns of the m itted in a deliberate ami foul m anner. alleged bootlegging waa arrneted on and th e w elcom ing of hom esteaders valley. I-urge transform ers of the Calif The ,iroHeeution oili-red in evldeniv a ch arg e of contem pt of court. Ha to the whole coast country of Oregon, o rn ia ! Iregon Power Co. a t Gold Ray, the testimony of the officer* of the law lioasted, It Is raid, th at he could buy from Tillam ook to Coos Bay, w as an Rogueriver and Jacksonville were* burned eunnected with the case, ami a niuula-r Intoxicating liquor a t 14 places in nounced here, follow ing a w eek's in out and a dozen smaller ones throughout of Ollier responsible witllcsaie, to till- ef Roaehurg. w hich Is a dry town. W hen spection of th e national fo rest by the county sntt'ered. fect th a t defendant* while uninfluenced called before th e grand jury he said The only large «laniage reporte«! is to by any insidious surroundings expressed it w as tru e he could buy booze but he not recognize th e H uerta ad m in istra Chief F o rester G raves. grain and alfalfa, principally in the Grif a drain* to make a clean bread of the refused to nam e th e places. He was tion and th a t It would not last a y ta r ; faeta connected with the commission of fined $25 and ord ered held In Jail until (2) th a t the president had sta te d that Referendum Suit is Filed at Salem fin Creek country. No damage to fruit Salem, Or.—Charging gross frauds is reported. Three indies of rain feli (he crim e; Unit they were apprised he-i he consented to tell. th is country would establish a pro fun* m aking the eonfi-Miona that w hat i te cto rate over all C entral A m erican In th e obtaining of sig n atu res to the within an hour at Griffin Creek, about ,5 they would say would la* used against Exiled E ditor Will Return countries to guard the I 't ia m a Canal, p etitions to refer th e w orkm en's com " ’dock Tuesday. A wall of water from them , and th a t any atatement made S a le m —D eclaring th a t he waa k id S ecretary T um ulty stated th a t there pensation act a t th e special election two to three feet in height swept down must Is* the offspring of their own free naped and taken from Bandon. Dr. was absolutely no foundation in tru th tn N ovem ber th e s ta te in relation of from the hills, sweeping everything lie- W ashington.—Reduction in parcel for eith er of the above statem en ts." Gale S. Hill, d istric t attorney, through fore it, hay and grain stacks, and even will and accord. Bailey K. L each, Socialist sp eak er and "A fter a painstaking study of the evi publisher, announced In an ad d ress post rates w ithin the first and second R eports of conditions surrounding E. R. Ringo, rep resen tin g the people, bales of hay were carried away. The rain Tuesday evening made an end dence adduced at tin* trial, we cannot here th a t he would re tu rn to th a t city zones, and increases In th e maximum th e H uertn governm ent In Mexico filed su it In th e Marion county circuit aay th a t the presiding judge, in adm itting in sev eral weeks. He aald he would weight of pureels and su bstitution of have put adm inistration officials in an court to enjoin S ecretary of S talo Ol to five Jackson county forest fires th at t h e confessions, commit U-d an e rro r' resum e th e publication of his paper a new ra te c h art for th e com plicated attitu d e of keenest apprehension to cott from placing the m easure on the threatened to be destructive. One of the present map was ordered by P o stm ast ward th e situation there. fires, tlie most dangerous, was in Ashland mauifeal and d ear, and, in consequence i on his retu rn . Advices official b a llo t e r G eneral Burleson to tak e effect Au which officials believe to be perfecUy canyon and was reported at headquarters • hereof, w,* an* forbidden by the legal gust IS. at Medford Tuesday by Forest Ranger 8. tru stw o rth y seem to indicate th a t the policy of tin* atate from diaturhing the Rich Strike Reported on The ra te of postage In th e first zone strife betw een th e H uerta regim e and Arant Gives Up Fight for A. Moore who with a n u m b e r of Ashland determ ination of tin* trial court. ” Sucker Creek Near Holland Is reduced from 5 cen ts fo r th e first the revolutionary elem ents Is nearing Stewardship of Crater Lake men fought the fire. The others were Pound and 1 cent for ench additional a point w here som e definite conclusion near the Crater I-akc forest, about Pros Liquors To Be Seized pound to 6 cen ts for th e first pound is to bo reached. pect, near the Elk creek hatchery and Salem , O r.—-Governor W est h as Is GRANTS PA SS,O r., Ju ly 22.—Reports and 1 cent for each additional two PORTLAND, July 23.—Unites States Two senators. Nelson and Clapp, or received the attention of the Jackson aued a proclam ation Instructing peace | from H olland, in t lie Illinois valley, i. Il pounds. T he nfixiinum w eight of p ar M innesota, took the stand before th e M arshall Scott today wired Federal Dis County Fire Patrol association. Several officer« to seize all intoxicating li of the strike of gold-hearing on* on upper cel post packages is Increased from 11 com m ittee of th e ir colleagues Investi trict A ttorney Kearnes from Crater Lake other small fires were reported on the q u ors shipped Into th e sta te in viola Slicker creek, which, if true, will eclipse to 20 pounds, but only in th e first and g ating th e “lobby" and denied the National Park that the work of transfer east side of the Cascades near Pelican tion of federal and s ta te laws. any strike ever la-fore made in southern second zones for the present. If this tru th of sta te m e n ts made by M artin ring the office of superintendent of the Bay. The fires are the first of the season ‘ It Is dally brought to th e atten tio n Oregon. A vein of telluride on* ISO f<s*t w orks o u t th e m axim um will be made M. Mulhall, all around field w orker for park from W. F. A rant to W ill G. Steel and were started by the electrical storm o f th is office,“ says the proclam ation, in width ia said to have been traced for a 20 pounds everyw here. th e N ational A ssociation of M anufac hail been completed and that he would Monday evening. “ th a t unlaw ful shipm ents of such li distance of 1500 feet and assays Hindi In addition, th e insurance rate, orig tu rers. leave for Portland today. He stated that The total rainfall for the season from q u o r an* being m ade, particu larly by from it show gold values of from $>100 to inally 10 cen ts, will be reduced to 5 In letters reed into the record Mul Arant announced he would m ake no fur September 1 to date is now 20.07 inches. m eans of ocean and riv er steam ers $l2iki l*-r ton. A group of eight claim cen ts on p arcels up to th e value of $25. hall told of conversations with S enator ther effort to push his contention th at he The norm al is 20.81, and the season is plying betw een points w ithin this s ta ts surrounding and including that of John Bryan Proposes to Guide Nicaragua N elson—a m em ber of tho lobby com had been illegally deposed. shy 6.74, despite unusual precipitation and points w ithin th is and o th e r Sowell, original locator, has already laeii Deputy Marshall D. B. Fnller was left for April, May, June a n d July, October, A new policy tow ard Nicarngmi, In m ittee— in relation to the rejection states.** opliotiial by a company from lliia city, at Crater Lake while A rant, who was al early In 1909 of a bill am ending the i-.x peris left G rants Pass thia morning to volving th e v irtual control of the a f Sherm an a n ti-tru st act by a senate lowed three days in which to complete November, December, January, February and March were shy, but the distribution Bulgaria Not to M ake Resistance investigate tin* alleged strike and already fairs of th a t republic by a United subcom m ittee, of which Mr. Nelson some work, rem ained in the park. lias been better this year. London.—Any Idea that th e B ulgar a small rush ia on to the district, which S tates tru s t p ro tecto rate, sim ilar to w as chairm an. th at now exercised over Cuba was ou t Fishermen everywhere in the valley ian arm y Is preparing for a co u n ter is forty mile« west of hen*. in one le tte r Mulhall spoke of being Sand In W ate r Kills Cows lined by S ecretary Bryan a t a confer are impatiently awaiting the fall of the Stroke has been a ban do tied It haa Bend.—Sand as an enem y of the river, when a fresh run of salmon and ence with m em bers of th e sen ate for introduced to S enator Clapp by Mr. become known th at III Ills anxiety to Nelson and of talking w ith both men dairym an has just been discovered by steelhead trout is confidently anticipated. • eign relatio n s com m ittee. Crawford Makes Ruling bring about peace, King F erdinand ap Mr. B ryan's proposal, coming as a about a recen t decision u n d er the a Powell B utte rancher. A fine dairy The rush of a summer freshet to the sea M arshfield. -Attorney G eneral Crnw- pealed to tiie G erm an em peror reg ard Sherm an act. cow of his died suddenly and to d e te r is the signal for a large school of fish to ing R oum anla'a action. The n atu re of ford, In n w ritten opinion sen t to su rp rise to m em bers of th e com m ittee, j mine the cause of h e r death he m ade begin the ascent of the Rogue, and altho h as been taken by many sen ato is aa National Capital Brevities Judge Pennock, of M arshfield, holds th e em peror's reply has not been d is that reg istratio n clerks, under the new th e first pronouncem ent of a general . W ashington advices say th a t both an exam ination and found th a t th ere fishing will not be attem pted for several closed. A semi-official dispatch from Sofia law, can n o t reg ister v oters In o th er policy on th e part of the ad m in istra foreign and A m erican com m ercial in w as nearly a q u art of fine sand be 'lays it is believed that the la st angl ing aays th a t even should tho R oum anians p recincts th an the one In which they tion to extend A m erican control ever te re sts are clam oring for recognition tw een th e second and third stom achs. of the season will open next week. Invade the capital no resistan ce would are appointed. The new lnw requires th e countries surrounding th e Panam a by th e U nited S tates of the H uerta The cow had been d rinking from sh al low irrigation ditches, and the light the reg istratio n clerks to give bond Canal, and to assu re th e stab ility of governm ent in Mexico. he offered. F ifty “women vigilantes" a t W auke for $.300 for the faithful perform ance C entral A m erican republics and th e P resident W ilson ha* selected W il putnlce sand had been so abundant In dom ination by th e U nited S tates of liam L. C ham bers, of th e D istrict of the w ater as to accum ulate and cause gan, 111., seized Mrs. John R ichardson, R epresentative Underwood of A la of th eir duties. th eir relatio n s w ith o th er g re a t pow Columbia, to be com m issioner of medi death. Fine dairy stock previously tore off p a rt of her clothing, rode h e r bam a, dem ocratic house leader, has ers. K lam ath Opposes Revision ation and conciliation under th e New- lost by o th er farm ers is now believed on a rail, pelted her with mud, and ex p ressed uutiafiicllon with th e prog to have died also from the sam e cause. ordered h er to leave town. K lnm sth F alls.- T h e proposed fed Mexican Situation Alarm s Officials Innds act. reus th a t Is now being made with th e In papers filed In the S uperior court An official m essage was sen t from new ta riff law. t »i*ef eral legislation which would close the So d elicate is th e Mexican situation of San Francisco, Phil K. Gordon, gen Aphis A ttacks Young O rchards The governm ent has established season for duck hu n tin g D ecem ber 16, considered in official circles th a t tile ; W ashington to H enry lam e W ilson. M onm outh,— Polk county’s young eral agent of the passenger d epart h anking by mall In connection with instead of F eb ru ary 16, ns provided W hite H ouse issued th e following A m erican am bassador to Mexico city, by th e s ta te lnw, would c u t out much to come a t once to W ashington. orchards of cherries and pears are m ent of the S unset Route of th e th e postal savings hank system . De statem en t to clear up m isrep resen ta Chile has signified its w illingness again being m olested w ith green aphis. S outhern Pacific com pany, with head p o sits m ay bo made and w ithdraw als of tho best p a rt of the h unting season tions. q u arters In Son Francisco, w as mado effected h e re a fte r by mail, und an of in Ibis region. T he K lam ath S p o rts "On his atten tio n being called to the to consider th e details of S ecretary The tiny pests app ear on the ends of flclal announcem ent to th a t effect is m en's association lias taken tb s m at following statem en ts appearing in cer B ryan's peace plan. It has becom e the th e sm allest limbs and do dam age to defendant in a suit for $50,000 and te r In hand and will p ress objections 22d nation to endorse the plan in p rin such an extent th a t th e leaves curl up. costs on charges of alien .•••:;:•*; tho af being sen t to th e po stm asters through tain afternoon new spapers (1) . . thnt ciple. I to the undesirable features. wife C herry trees especially are having a fections of Mrs. Lillian .' o u t the country. th e p resident had stated th a t ho would of A rth u r A. Beck, of i , i hard y ear for th eir foliage grow th. Good News from Capital is Lowering of Parcel Post Rate Effective August 15 Increase Limit to 20 Pounds