^he G o ld H ill N e w s Overdrafts tNet urrd & I In s e t u r r d I B. M, I. PUBLISHED — r * EVERY "ATI RDAY AT «¡01.1» llll.E , JACKSON COUNTY. OREt.ON, BY B en H. L am pm an Entered .it the Gobi H ill ponloffici* for tram aitta io n through the mails i revund-t'lare m atter SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1913 SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE A Notable Anniversary EVENTY-SEVEN years ago on the 15th of July, in the good the S old year 1836, a fool in fear of dissolution invented American cocktail. S tir Duit in the ( i n d m D R tt T II E R mine, I m 'I io I i I the star» ■"* ca* li as un til hh I he little ulil W orld ; scattered m ill Hutiif in tla* dt*ri»s of spate mul up through lliv evening hurled One of them gleams for liltR* old na>, an.I one of them IwaniH for yon, anti ono of them shone for the K id —who quit when the l ist fast freight slummed through. They picked him up from the d irty track, the hull ami the section hands, tin* grim y husk of the tail who took first-class to the l'ronii.-»*tl Lands. Am i then* was wet on the gray tish-plate, and then* Was scraps on tin* steel, and then* was a wisp of sod den curl on the left-hand pilot wheel; now they have said that the hum is dead —the coroiier and his crew—amt they have hidden us h it the g rit, his pals— which is me and you. Brother of mine, hehold the stars and th in k of the s|iaces that lie la-tween; of the upper reaches that dwindle away — lonely am i cool ami clean, thn* of them stars went out to n ig h t; it plupged like a cinder in to the dark when the mogul roars on the trestle-work—and that was the K id ’s la-i spark. Am i one of them beams for little old me, and one of them gleams for you, hut the one that shone for him went dark when the last last freight hanged through T in KM is rid ing the cushions now—on a special tra in for hums—ami we must carry tin* tidings back to a Jane in the ’ Frisco slums; here is ’ nt a m oniker over his head, amt no one hut us to can— that the K id who tacklcd.tho fast through freight, at last has rustled the fare. One of the real “od’s blood” Virginia gentlemen, pricked by his opponent’s blade in a well intended effort to take his com patriot’s life according to the code of honor, was borne, spent and bleeding, to a neighboring inn. Here was the birth of the cocktail—a concoction intended to brace and revivify the pallid duellist. It was a memorable occasion and a fitting conception for the fine old drink. Since that glad day whereon the spent bravo pronounced its excellence, the American cocktail has figured in many affairs of honor. It has deprived gentlemen of respecta bility and substance; it has shorne fine ladies of their—lingerie. It has w ased little patrimonies, and g reat It has made the scion of family to beg for a drink of cheap whiskey. It is the grand American institution, which asks no odds of Poppies the green venom of French absinthe or the murderous mescal of the Mexican peon. Harry Thaw, in Matteawan, knows all The poppies have ceased the ir blooming. about it. The blossoms their petals have shed ; Conceived in the afterm ath of attempted murder, it is nobly The petals, once bright and b rillia n t, Are scattered, faded ami dead. preserving tradition, and the knowledge that it has passed Once they wen* caressisl and admired. through three-quarters of a century without deterioration is very Their beauty a theme of the day. welcome, indeed. But the ir mission on earth, here to For Greater Gold Hill brighten, Is o’er, and their life ’s passed away. —M, A. G. Beagle, O r., July 17, 1913. » HE DECISION of the supreme court, establishing the status of municipal affairs in Gold Hill, is a welcome conclusion to T the long legal battle — necessary to remove the suspicion of a bar sinister from the prevailing charter and the elected council. The folly of pursuing city business of importance while the faintest reflection of illegality existed was plainly evidenced by the refusal of eastern bonding companies to consider the city water bonds, voted at the special election of 1911 in which the charter was adopted, and the necessity of legal action to straight en the tangle fully apparent. Regardless of the outcome of the case, the interests of the city were certain to be served by the established legality of either administration. The News believes—in common with every good citizen of Gold Hill—that the decision of the court should be accepted without show of partisan bitterness, if such exists, and that the present tranquility of city affairs be made the comer stone of a greater Gold Hill and a more united citizenship. Within the next few months the city will pass the turning point of its history, and in growth and prosperity eclipse the palmiest day of the past—when whiskered miners with dust in their pokes made it the greatest mining center of the middle coast. The necessity for concentrated, united effort was never greater—the opportunity for burying the hatchet never more opportune. BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON SUMMER GREETINGS Think of that recreation trip you have been planning, and when making up the bill-of-fare, JUST TAKE THIS TIP Fancy Tillamook Cheese, per lb. - .25 Boneless Herring in jars - - - ,25 Sweet Pickels per quart . . . .25 Ripe Olives in cans - . - .25 Fancy red Salmon, per can ,15 und .25 Chip Beef in glass - - - .20 TAKE THIS ALONG WITH YOU ( «imp on the mossy banks of <i crystal stream,'way back in the mountains, where Nature has prepared everything for your enjoyment; kill three, which is the limit, sack the “jerky”, return to Gold Hill and t all and see us LANCE & COMPANY “The Big Store” GOLD HILL Whizz! Whirr!! B-u-r-r!H J'ever look into tin* cool ereaiu- iiioea of a Bon Toll M ilk Punch on a hot day — aa i-otnpoundcd by oor new Electric Mixer? G re a t S tu ff, Folks! T he president has set aside 244* acres In K lam ath county for en try un Q u a lity ¡* d er the enlarged hom estead act. Quenchers a t S en ato r C ham berlain has accepted sn Invitation to deliver the principal OrapeJ l*orple Yin Fizz ad d ress before th e U nited Irish soci Calwa Grape Juice Cherry DriiM Orangeade eties in Chicago A ugust 18. Hires' Reliable Root Beer F ifteen perm its for the construction Strawberry — Pineapple of reserv o irs in th e s ta te a t an e s ti T ry o u r S p e c ia l m ated cost of $1.492,600, were Issued by th e s ta te engineer during the quar B a n a n a Sundae te r ending Ju n e 30. T he citizen s of M adras have organ ized a fa ir association, and will hold th e first annual fair and livestock ex hib it in M adras on O ctober 16, 17, and 18. W hile playing with a sm all ta rg e t rifle a t Baker, G erald Moody, the 9- year-old son of O rson Moody, a weal thy sheepm an, was accidentally shot through th e head and Instantly killed. ONSORIAL PARLORS T he first conference ever held for church m in isters of all denom inations In O regon will tak e place at the U ni Particular Attention to All v ersity of Oregon during the week of Details of Barbering. Ju lf 21 to 27, l/H-ateil in tla* Beeman Building, By unanim ous consent the senate East of the 'Phone office. passed a bill m aking Oregon lands which had been w ithdraw n or classl FRANK TURNER. Prop. fled as oil lands su bject to en try un d er th e hom estead o r d esert land lav.- A pplication has been received by the com ptroller of the currency fcr S ;??:-.cr Juuge W illiam A, H uneke The governm ent has rested its case perm ission to convert the S tate ban: of S pckane has signed an altern ativ e a t New York ag ain st th e so-called mo of Redm ond Into the FlrBt N ation w rit of m andate ag ain st th e city coun tion p icture tru st, a fte r calling m ore Bank of Redmond, with a capital i cil, com m anding it to call a recall th an 100 w itnesses. T he hearin g s w ere $25,000. election ag ain st M ayor H lndley and j adjourned until O ctober 1. To p rev en t the n ecessity of having C om m issioner Failley before Ju n e 21. i T he d irecto rs of th e N ational Edu- to rem ove a num ber of old soldiers Because a tra in crew had throw n I | cational association. In convention at from the Soldiers' home a t Roseburg, him off th e train of which he was try S alt Lake, selected St. Paul, Minn., as th e sta te board of control raised the ing to steal a ride, F rank Sm ith, 22 th e m eeting place for next y e a r’s con pension lim it over which veterans will years old, it is alleiged, tried to w reck vention. The board also chose O ak not be ad m itted from $20 a m onth to O.-W. R. & N. fast mall train on th e $30. land, Cal., for th e 1915 convention. line two m iles east of Hood R lvcer on A ccording to an announcem ent It is announced from St. Paul th at a curve w ithin 100 yards of a high m ade by A ssistan t S tate S uperintend th e N orthern Pacific has refused to trestle. ent of Public In struction C arlton, 1800 At a m eeting of m erch an ts in Lon g ran t th e dem ands of its telegraph teach ers took th e recent exam ination. o p erato rs for Sunday overtim e o r 16- don, Lady B alfour was one of the T his Is th e larg est num ber to take an speak ers and told of a m ethod she had day vacations, although offering to j exam ination In th e history of the accidentally discovered to silence cry m ake m inor changes in w orking condi state. tlons. It gives as a reason ant! ra il ing babies, which she said she had al It does not m a tte r w hat the am ount ways found successful. She said cry road legislation, both federal and ; of a widow ’s salary or w ages Is. if sh" state. ing babies would soon fall asleep. If A ccording to th e report of th e In j has children depending upon her for Iain with th e ir heads slightly low er te rs ta te com m erce com m ission, th " support and has no o th er Income osld- th an th e ir feet, at a “g rad ien t of about em ploym ent of an "inexperienced a n i l , from h er wages, she Is eligible to th< one in 12.” benefits of the widow’s pension lav Ploughing his way through a mob u n in stru cted engineer" was respon: according to an opinion given by th ible for th e w reck of a New York, Nev cf 1000 persons, a block from th e O re atto rn ey general. gon P acking com pany's p lan t a t P o rt H aven & H artford passenger train Although th e law w hich required Ju n e 12 a t Stam ford, Conn., in which ' land, w here a strik e is In progress, com m ission m erchants to obtain stat six people were killed and 20 injured G overnor Oswald W est S aturday B l a c k s m it h The question "Should Religion B< licenses and puts them under the rej planted him self tw o feet from a barrel ulatlon of the state railroad commls T au g h t in the Schools?" was answ ered , on w hich Tom R um s, a S ocialist o ra slon, has been operative m ore than I Cedar Tenee Posts for Sale tor, w as m aking a speech, and, In ter affirm ativ ely by the conference of | month, only one concern has obtain?' m in isters atten d in g th e 26th Interna Sound Issly anil hem I, rediir fence posts ruptin g th e talk, shouted to th e o ra a license. T h e object of the law wa —no sap—by the 100 o r i , (MX), 15 rents, to r th a t if any m ore diso rd er took tlonal convention of C hristian E ndeav th e protection of farm ers and fruit delivered; on the ground, uoai Aala-stos place he would tak e such action as o r Societies a t Los Angeles. So a lto j grow ers and many have asked th d istu rb an ce I 1 ' q u e s t i o n of the teaching o- P. O ., 8 ets. Gall or address, would quickly quiet the railroad com m ission why the law I rex hygiene. H illhilly'llani-h, .* T - p ce. hot enforced. A s b e s t is i, ( f r e g o li. PEOPLE IN PRINT Vienna Sausage in glass - - .15 Veal Loaf in fiat can - - -.1 6 Peanut Butter, large glass - - .16 Corn Beef, in tin cans - - - .25 Van Camp's Pork and Beans, .10 and .21) Grape Juice, per bottle - - ,25 15c The BoN-ToN T URNER’S NEWS IN BRIEF J“2L a word! Miners, I can sharp en, repair or make tools, and guarantee my work to stand the racket; try me and be shown C . F. C A R T E R B L A C K S M IT H M IN E R S If you want your tools put in good shape be sure to see CHARLES K E LL D. H. M ILLER ---------------- H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r ---- ----------- Hardware Stoves T in, Granite and Alum inum Ware Garden T«a la Haying ami Heading Tis.ts Builders* Materials ami Tiada Ilia, ting Building pii|«-r Paints Oils Varnlalies Bruahea Glass Cr.s kcrywarc U rg e A w ortinent «.I Qtnviwware As ilm* a line and .............. n t of F in h in tf T a c K l e as there la in the county shovels Cattaraugus ( ’ittley M iners’ Supplies Guns Powder, Fuse and Caps A m m unition Picks lias,* Balls and M tls, and Buts. My Shs k la complete hi every H im * ami m y prieea un- right R e m e m b e r th e p l a c e t o p u r c h a s e t h e s e G o o d s is D. H. M I L L E R ’S “G o o d q u a lit y g o o d s a n d P r ic e s R i g h t ” Ready for Hot Weather Try our Sundaes, Sodas, and Cold Drinks Turner’s Lunch Room I r o n b y E le c tr ic ity Late Model Electric Irons. Guar- teed 5 years, now $ 3 .5 0 W e w ill send you one on t r ia l CALIFOR.NIA-OR.EGON POWER COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE.