f. 15he G o l d PUBLISHED - --------- _ H i l l N e w s Overdrafts B. M. I. EVERY SATURDAY AT GOLD HILL. JACKSON COUNTY. . OREGON, BY B en H. L am pm an Entered At the Gold Hill pustotfiiv (or transmission through the mail« uh isvond-ela»« m atter SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1913 SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE BOURNE’S SOLUTION OE THE ROAD PROBLEM X-SENATOR Jonathan Bourne would appear to have stitis E factorily solved the problem of providing adequate funds for the construction of better highways. As chairman of the joint committee on federal aid in the construction of post roads, Mr. Bourne proposes: That, inasmuch as ordinary road revenues fall far below the amount required to build and maintain good roads, and that ad­ ditional funds may only be secured by liens upon the property benefitted or by the sale of bonds, the latter suggests itself a- the most equitable and satisfactory, providing the rate of inter­ est be placed at the minimum. That, for this purpose, federal bonds bearing three per cent be sold to create the fund necessary. That the proceeds of suet sales be loaned to the states upon application, guaranteed by the security of state bonds bearing four per cent. The small but vital difference of one per cent in the interest rates of federal and state bonds would automatically create a sinking fund that, with compound interest thereon at three per cent, would effectually cancel the face of the bonds in less than fifty years. This is the Bourne plan. From any angle of view it appears to merit adoption. It would relieve the constant stress of striv­ ing toward proper highways without proper means, it would ob­ viate the constant turmoil of agitation that accomplishes little while aspiring greatly. But best of all. it would place the res­ ponsibility of highway maintenance primarily with the state— where it properly belongs—that each community might receive its proportion of needed improvement without miring in the swamp of local bonded indebtedness. And the burden would be equally borne, as it should be. Mr. Bourne points out the fact that he is in nowise the ori­ ginator of the method; that it has been successfully employed in Great Britain for the financing of Irish tenantry desiring to purchase land under the Irish land purchase act of 1903, at an extremely low rate of interest. “In effect”, adds Mr. Bourne, “the difference between the two rates of interest pays the principal”. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER HE commander-in-chief of the United Confederate Veterans, General Bennett H. Young, in an address delivered at the T Gettysburg reunion, voiced a plea for justice that has long laid dormant in the Northern breast—a plea for the equal recogni­ tion of the gallant old fellows who fought beneath the Star ar.d Bars, by the government of a reunited people. No more lasting illustration of “Woe to the vanquished” is afforded in history than the constant contribution of the southern veteran to the support of soldiers’homes which he may never occupy, of tribute to a pension fund which he may never enjoy. For the boys who went back to the charred and dismant­ led Southland find no recognition on the pension rolls or in the federal homes for heroes. These, according to the stern precept of a day when bitterness still rankled, are for the boys in blue alone. Regardless of the vast injustice inflicted by taxation without benefit, it must be remembered that the lads who followed “Dixie” into battle offered their lives to an ideal as actual, to a purpose as high and holy in their estimation, as that which ac­ tuated the striplings of the North. If the Union is a u nion indeed, it should render the meed of justice that devotion and sacrifice deserve—before the last of the gallant Confed’s answers the roll call beyond the reach of more substantial appreciation than empty platitutes at Gettysburg. T he stockholders of th e Rogue Riv­ e r Valley F ru it and Produce A ssocia­ tion voted unanim ously a t a m eeting held In Medford to issue »40,000 in bonds for th e erection of a sto rag e and pre-cooling plant. In the In terests of th e fa n n e rs of th e state, th e Pendleton com m ercial club and th e Inland G rain G row ers’ association sen t teleg ram s to th e m em ­ bers of th e O regon congressional dele­ gation p ro testin g ag ain st th e placing of a 15 p er cen t duty on grain baps. Jam es V ittltoe, w ho left E ugene sev­ eral w eeks ago, leaving over $1000 In bad bills, was arre ste d at Missoula, Mont., and was recen tly b rought back for trial on a ch arg e of larceny by bailee, w as acqu itted by a Jury In the Circuit c o u r t The Lebanon cream ery has been aw arded th e co n tra c t by th e sta te board of control for supplying the Rtate In stitu tio n s with b u tte r during the m onth of July. T he co n tract price s 28 cen ts for cubes and 29 cen ts for •'neks. A bout 3000 pounds will be i - ‘.he month. i Set urrd & Unueturvd' Tkkrts. Pleavel A FEW REMINDERS: It was the Fool who salliixl forth wht'ii U te was young anti fair, hi* eye wan lit with lendemeM, ho drank the gulden air; the Mad ran light beneath hi* feet, each Iwxlge was gay with bloom, he curtseyed to th e passaig fair hut gave the agr«i nxan. O life waa young ami odorous ami every hour waa tk v t—yet he h en td o v n tuatreke the cur that whimpered in the *treel. I Io not know what folly lit the light with­ in hi* eye, that tlaahctl ami gkauiHsI a* tle«*eeH tlit across the sum mer s k y ; lor folly ’» w as, indeed, that liaile tlie’yoiith- fnl Fool to seek the comfort of the coni- forties*. the friendship of the weak. We have just received a carload of two new brands of best flour we can secure for our trade: "S ir Fool” , they said, " th e idle dream* that charm the youthful m ind, however worthy they may .*wm, are ever blindly k in d ; the Weak who run the race of Life must falter by the road, and lit* is thrice a fool who atoopa to hear hi* brother’* load. It i* the Law that they who err ami east the goal away, though smitten sore a* lauaru*. must by the wayside stay; the Christ we slew on Calvary is slain these thousand years— the tlelg yon seek to pay He paid—in travail and in tears. Tis well to sooth the comfortless, latt paupers do not p a y ; the wisest give their charity ami haste along the w ay.” . “White Loaf” We have a fine lot of loeul Strawberries arriving every morning, at . . . . LANCE & COMPANY W hizz! Whirr!! B-u-r-r!!! Near Neighbors Riverside. Mrs. H. B. Nye is spending the week with her relatives in Medford. Mr. and Mr*. Driscnl of Medford made a week end visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wald. Mr. and Mr*. Chas. Champlin were in Medford on business the latter («art of the week. Mrs. Frank Elliott who spent several days at the W. A. Elliott home returned to Medford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wake were down from i Medford all last wo k to spend their vacation on their raneh. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. E arly, Mr. and ; Mr*. G. B. Alden, Mbaes Anna McKeow n and Lois Early spent a very pleasant (lay I at Ray Gold Sunday. Prof, and Mrs. Reddy and son arrived from Eugene Saturday to spend the snmmer on their raneh. Mr. Reddy is one of the Faculty of the State University. Miss Vaidee Dorsey, of Council Binds, Iowa, arrived Wednesday for an extended visit at the Rozalis Raneh. Miss Horsey owns a tract of land on Riverside which I is set to fruit and will eventually make b a r ' home here. B R IE F N E W S OF OREGON To fo ster horse racing and the de­ velopm ent of good horses, th e Lone O ak H rtving Club of O regon has been organized a t Salem. C itizens and m em bers of the Rose­ burg school board a re form ulating plans w hereby m anual train in g may be added to th e school courses. T he South U m pqua riv er is higher than it w as during th e flood last Ja n u ­ ary, and th e h ig h est ever known in June. In a fit of an g er a t Corvallis, Mrs. E. S. T unell shot h er husband and d au g h ter and then turned the gun on A ccording to th e traffic m anager herself. She is dead, but h er victim s of th e O-W. R. & N. Co., several th o u s­ may recover. , and acres of field corn will be grown All th e logging cam ps in th e low er In Oregon th is sum m er. T he com Columbia riv er d istric t are now closed pany distrib u ted 10,000 pounds of seed for th e m idsum m er shut-down. Some corn, and th is was all planted by the of th e larg er cam ps will not s ta rt up farm ers, to g eth er w ith m uch o th er until about A ugust 1. seed . "A storia, th e tow n to tie to,’’ th a t is R egardless of th e fact th a t th e pure th e slogan which has been selected seed law enacted by th e la st leg isla­ by th e special com m ittee appointed tu re says In section 16 th a t th e law is to select one to be used in advertising to apply only to those d ealers and A storia. w arehousem en w hose principal b usi­ George F ry e H erbert, son of Deputy ness is handling seeds, th e atto rn ey Sheriff and Mrs. G eorge A. H erbert, of general has rendered an opinion that Baker, has been appointed to th e U nit­ th e law will apply to all d ealers In ed S tates m ilitary academ y a t West agricultural seeds In th e state. Point, by C ongressm an N. J. Slnnott. E stablishing a c h air of political sci­ At a m eeting of th e W illam ette Val­ ence, the university of Oregon b o ar'1 ley P ru n eg ro w ers’ association it was of reg en ts took th e first step In c re a t­ decided not to form a pool for th is ing a p reparatory law school a t thf season in securing prices for th e crop, u n iv ersity In Eugene. H ereafter uni as has been done heretofore. v erslty stu d en ts may leave Eugeni “G lass Eye,” th e chief m ourner of w ith one y ear’s accredited law, whlcl th e K lam ath Indians, is dead. For will p erm it them to e n te r th e univer m ore than a half century the squaw sity law school in P ortland o r any firt ■ attended every Indian burial on the Clara college as advance students. Klamath res: n atio n . 10c per bo X Also a good supply of Country and Packing House Bacon, Hams, Lard, at bottom prices. Always a good line of Dry Goods and Shoes latest goods and lowest prices. Come and see It was the Fool, who loved the world ami all the folk therein, who jiaawsl in pleasant poverty beyond the vale of sin ; the rime was on his kindly pate above (lie kim llyeyes, the hand was tremulous with I years that knocked at Paradise. ’Twa* lY ter through the wiekel spake, “ Are ye among the blest . " N a y , * am but a weary (tail, unworthy here to rest; no granite m arks the friendly plot my neighbors delved for me, 1 bring no tale of largess large or princely ch arity .” . . . " A h ,” quoth the Saint, "w e do not weigli in gross the deeds men dtsMdd father, enter hem in peace; the friendless prayed for y o u ! ’ ’ , guaranteed ban! Wheat Flour for $1.50 per sack. Call and get a sample FREE V rU Y V ll J’ever look into the cool cream- int'ss of a Bun Ton Milk Punch on a hot day — as COIIl|M)lllllk*l by our new Electric Mixer? G re a t S tu ff, Folks! Q u a lity Quencher» a t 5c Grape Purple Viu Fizz Calwa G rape Juice Cherry Dri|>* Orangeade H ires’ Reliable Root Beer Strawberry — Pineapple T r y o u r S p e c ia l B a n a n a S undae •» D. H. MILLER H e a d q u a r te r s fo r H ardware S tm ,* Tin, Granite and Aluminum Ware G arden Tonis Haying ami Heading Tool* Build« r*' Material* and Tools Risdlng Building Paper Paints Oil* Varnisltes Brushes Gias* t ’riskeryw are latrge Assortment of Q nis'iisuare A* tine a line and assortm ent of F i s h i n g T n c K le as tlicre 1* in llie county Csttarungu* Uutli y Guns Ammunition Picks Shovel* Miners' Supplies Pnw ilur, Fuse and C a p * Ba*«' Ball* and M Ils, and Bal*. My Sti* k iz e o n ip le le in e v e ry lin e slid my prices hie right R e m e m b e r ( h r p i e c e to p u r c h a s e t h e s e G o o d » is The BoN- ToN D . H . M I L L E R ’S 6« T URNER’S ONSORIAL PARLORS Particular Attention to All Details of Barbering. Ixtcatcil in the Beeman Building, East of the 'P hone office. G o o d q u a lity g o o d s a n d P r i c e s R i g h t L»» ’ /f= Ready for Hot Weather FRANK TURNER. Prop. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of Interioi, U. 8. Land Office at RStehurg, Or., Juoe 5th, 1913. N otick is hereby given that George R. Brigg», of Gold Hill, Oregon, who, on June 1, 19)0, made Homestead Ent­ ry Serial, No. M M , fo rS 'i SW>4, Sec­ tion 20, Township 35 8., Range 3 W Willamette Meridian, ha* Hied notice of Intention to make Three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described,before G. A. Gardner, County Clerk Jackson county, Oregon, at Jack­ sonville, Oregon, on the 25 day of July 1913. Claimant names as witnesses*; Ike Coy, of Gold Hill, Or., F. M. Powers, of Gold Hill, Or., T. W. Ray, of Gold Hill, Or., G. W. Garrison, Gold Hill, Oregon. Try our Sundaes, Sodas, and Cold Drinks Turner’s Lunch Room Iron b y Electricity Late Model Electric Irons. Guar- teed 5 years, now —B. F. JO NES 6-11 Register. FOR SALE New Alfalfa Hay Of the best quality. *9. per ton in the field, or $10. delivered in Gold Hill. —Sleepy Hollow Farm O. I. Gregg, Mgr. $ 3 .5 0 8uffr. jilt s Avoid Violence Question. We will send you one on trial But!? peat.—T hanka to th e tactful leader I. In nt Mrrt. C arrie C hapm an C att, the president, the C ongress of the In tern atio n al Woman Suffrage Alliance closed w ithout becom ing e n ­ tangled In a controversy over the ques­ tion of m ilitan t m ethods In the ad vancem ent of the cause. CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE.