Gold Hill Livery Darling & Hodges Proprietors Rigs ¡for all occasions Good horses and drivers that know the roads We make no specialty of any class of trade A ll Get th e Best UNIVERSITY O F OREGON Sum m er S ch o o l Twent>-five Instructors — Fifty Courses Distinguished eastern Educators added to regular Faculty University Dormitories Open Board and Room at $3.50 per week Reduced Railroad Rates For complete illustrated Catalog, address, The Registrar, University of Oregon, Eugene, Or. W. H. SMITH m ™ Hrs Roofing, Hydraulic Pipe, all sizes, Skylights, Contract or’s Supplies. I represent Manufacturers and Jobbers in many lines, and can quote low prices. Address, W. H. Smith, Medford, Oregon OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. Wadding Stopped By Mother Medford.—Goblet L. Sm ith. > youth of 21. of thl» city, declare* he will In voke the (te rn arm of th e law In o r d er to wed his sw eeth eart. M inerva W ithrow , w hose m other, a fte r giving w ritten perm ission for th e Issuance of a license for the m arriage, snatched h er girl, who Is hut 14 y ears old. from th e p rotection of h er lover, w hile the oouple stood before th e m arriage li cense clerk In Jack so n v ille and es corted h e r aw ay to th e protection of th e fam ily home. Instead of to the m a r riag e altar. Sheriff To Face Grand Jurera Salem.— W ith the view of prosecut ing S h eriff K elsay, of W heeler county, Dr. N orrie, of Fossil, and two unknow n person*, whom It la alleged brought a boy to the reform school here sev er al weeks ago In an Intoxicated condi tion, W. 8. Hale, su p erin ten d en t of th e Rchool. has consulted w ith A ssistant A ttorney-G eneral Van W inkle w ith re lation to presen tin g the m a tte r to the grand Jury when It convenes, th e 1st of July. SOUTHERN PACIFIC BILKED Pay Check Robber Knew Methods of Railroad Company GRANTS PASS, OR. JULY 4-5 M O NSTER = = = = = CELEBRATION = = INCLUDING - ... - ....- CURTISS AEROPLANE W ith Flights and Exhibitions Motorcycle and Auto Races Foot Races and Horse Races Log Rolling & Sawing Contests BASEBALL TOURNAMENT P o rtlan d .—S outhern Pacific officials believe th a t th e stra n g e rs who got aw ay w ith 21600 w orth of pay checks on an o rd er to w hich had been forged th e nam e of an assista n t general m an ager, will be found a person closely In touch w ith th e com pany and Its a f fairs. No person. It is held, not th o r oughly fam iliar with th e m ethods em ployed In paying off th e men, would havo figured out how to work the schem e so cleverly w ithout detection. A stra n g e r p resen ted to the pay ag en t at the S outhern Pacific c ar shops In S outheast P ortland an order for th e pay checks of 12 engine and train men, signed by one of the a s s ist a n t general m anagers. It has been cu sto m ary to honor o rd ers in th e past and so th e pay ag en t did not suspect an y th in g w rong when th e stra n g e r handed out th e checks. Virgil C atching, 19 y ears old, a young man who has served one term in jail, and Dan R ile/, alias Sailor Rurke, have been arre ste d In V ancou ver, B. C. T he tw o deny th e ir guilt, h a re engaged a law yer and will fight RAILROADS WILL REFUND ex trad itio n , according to word receiv ed in P ortland. To Be Called On to Distribute $3,000,- With Many Clubs Entered — $5,000 — FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION AT MEDFORD Automobile Races Ball Games, and Horse Races Foot Races, Novelty Races o f all Kinds. Other Games and Sports MARDI GRAS PARADE and ELECTRICAL PARADE Town will be wide open. A big time is assured for Everybody EXCURSION RATES on all Roads Ju st a w ord ! Miners, I can sharp en, repair or make tools, and guarantee my work to stand the racket; try me and be shown M IN E R S If you want your tools put in good shape be sure to see C . F. C A R T E R CHARLES KELL B L A C K S M IT H B la c k s m ith PUBLIC SPEAKING, BAND CONCERTS, CHORUS OF 100 VOICES REDUCED FARES for Round Trip on Railroad 000 to Shippers. St. P aul.—At n conference with R oseburg.—N othing has been heard m em bers of the s ta te w arehouse and reg ard in g the w hereabouts of Ray Dia ' railroad com m ission rep resen tativ es mond, th e G lendale bank robber, and ' of railw ays affected by th e decision th e officers a re m erely aw aiting some , of th e U nited S tales suprem e court in word from the co ast officials which t the M innesota case agreed to put Into » ill tend to su b sta n tia te the theory effect as soon as possible the sta te th a t he is proceeding In th a t direc ra te s declared valid by th e suprem e tion. W ith all tra ils leading to the court. T h ese include the 2-cent pass co ast closely guarded by arm ed offi en g er rate, the m erchandise freig h t cers, S heriff Quine m ain tains th a t D ia schedule and the com m odity freight mond will be cap tu red when he rate, enacted by the legislature but em erges from th e heavily tim bered ’never put Into effect because of the d istric ts through which he is travel Injunction proceedings. T he ag reem en t ended discussion of ing. fu rth e r litigation by P resident G ray the G reat N orthern, assu red the CHOLERA TO BE STOPPED of sta te officials th at th e re would be no State Sanitary Board to Ask Gover fu rth er delay in estab lish in g the s ta te ra te s and th a t refunds due shippers nor for Two Proclamations Salem .—Rules to p rev en t the spread for overcharges during th e period of I of hog cholera, glanders and o th e r con litigation rep resen tin g the difference tagious diseases of anim als w ere dls- betw een the present ra te s nnd those I cussed a t th e first m eeting of the sta te m ade by th e sta te would be paid nt livestock sa n ita ry board, provided for once. In an a c t passed a t th e recen t session of the leg islatu re. The board decided Fairbanks Urges Harmony in Party. O m aha, Neb.—F orget and forgive to ask th e g overnor to issue tw o pro clam ations, one th a t all horses, m ules was the keynote of an ad d ress deliv and jack s m ust be tested to prove ered here by ex-VIce-I’resld en t Chas. th e ir freedom from glan d ers before W. F airb an k s a t a banquet tendered being brought Into th e state, and the him by 300 Republican lead ers of Neb o th er th a t all hogs shipped Into the raska. T he gath erin g was fairly rep state, o th er than those for Im m ediate resen tativ e of both w ings of the party slau g h ter, shall be Immunized from In th is state. cholera by th e use of a serum . Russian Treaty Renewal Refused. C harles Cleveland, of G resham , was London.—A St. P etersb u rg dispatch elected p resid en t of the board. to the S tan d ard ray s th a t P resident Woodrow Wilson has declined R ussia's T H E M ARKETS. request for a renew al of the treaty on com m erce except on the absolute Portland. W heat—Club, 94c; bluestem , $1.01; condition th at A m erican Jew s a re a l lowed to e n te r R ussia freely. red R ussian, 92c. Hay—T im othy, $18; alfalfa, $13. B u tter—C ream ery, 28c. Pelkey Goes Free on Jury's Verdict. Eggs—Candled, 21c. C algary, A lberta.—A rth u r Pelkey, Eggs—Candled, 19c. the pugilist, was acquitted of a m an Wool— E astern Oregon, 16c; Wll- slau g h ter charge which w as placed lam ette valley, 15c. against him as a result of the death of L uther M cCarty, who died in the Seattle. first round of a scheduled ten-round W h eat—B luestem , 99c; club, 92c; bout a t the B urns arena here. May 24 red R ussian, 90c. last. It was charged by the govern- Eggs—20c. ■¡cat ' • ' -.,-ly died from a bljw B u tter—C ream ery, 29c. tidgi'ni tered by Pelkey. H ay—Tim othy, $18 per to n; alfalfa, $13 p er ton. Trace of Robber Is Lost Your Wages A re you getting m ore pay than you did last y e a r? A re you reasonably sure of getting still m ore next y e a r? If not, this is y o u r tim e— N O W — to m ail the coupon below and let the International Correspondence School« explain how they can qualify you to en ter a m ore im portant line of work— in y o u r present occupation—or in a different one inhere you can command a higher salary a t the start, with no limit to your canting power. In m aking this offer, at! your c ir cumstances have been taken in to con sideration, and it only rem ains for you to fill o u t and m ail the coupon. How yowcan succeed w ith the aid of I.C .S. training by m ail, as thousands like you have succeeded, will be fu lly ex plained a t no cost w hatever to you. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS b o x 7Vt, H C U A N T O N , ) A , Please explain, w ithout further obligation on my pari, how I can qualify foi/a larger salary^in the position before w hich I have m arked X ■u H ookkeeper H trn o f r a p h r r Advertisement Writer Mb»W < a rd W r i t e r W in d o w T r im m e r A 'o m m rre la l L a w I lliis tr n to r 4 1*11 H e r * lee 4 Item I nt T e x t ile M i l l A apt. F le e tr le la n E ir e . E n g in e e r ttrrbaslral hraflama T e le p h o n « I nglnenr L ie r . I .Io ti 11 n r N opt- Mt't 'is q , L n g ln tw r h o rv o y or R la ll n n u ry E n g in e e r 4 'lv ll ’ ,ng in n - r I t i i ll d l i 'x 4 untr n c to r ArO 1 > raft sm «M A rch i Ie ri M ene tu rn i Fngla« I l rid pc I n g ln e r r .ìli ni ng I o ffliir i r Street and No._ City R. H. B U L L O C K REPRESENTATIVE FOR SOUTHERN OREGON M e d fo r d 103 O regon