Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1913)
if 1 Salt-Em This is a medicated Stock Salt-- the way Nature solves it P ric e s anc* n o t Kid your uni mais of worm», iàcreaae apfietite, improve digestion, »uve waste of feed, tone up liver and kidneys, increase circulation, cleun the blood, keep the system open, ward off disease, make thrifty guins from feed. Gold Hill Flour and Feed Store H. C. KAEDEL, Proprietor Phone 1 7 £ 1 iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii: ïllllllfU IIIIIIIIIII Local News Notes Hunt)' Brother« Bunboti»- -Bowers, M n. Fred Witt visited hi (■raut« Pa»« un Wediuwlay. <*. 8 Ih-dth 14 paid Medford a brief visit on Widmediiy. t'lms. t "Intii11*11ii went to Medford Wed- nivduy it,Hitt bttHintMM. Mis« Olivo T urner wa« u visitor to Med Grandmu Halley, w ho ha« Imen wriotuly ill at tho hottie of her daughter, Mr«, Jay Davidaon, for the ,ia«t fortnight, is now reported by hr. Chisholm to 1«. rap idly eonvali «ring Mr«. J. C. Horton and daughter, Mi«« Jean Horton, visited at the home of her daughter, Mm. I.. P Brown, for aeveral day« thi' pn-n-nt week, returning to Tal ent Wednesday afternoon. If you want a «mail ranch, retnctnlter that I have for «tile the very l«'«t 40 acre A. I Kill .gg, II. I). Rccit, ami S. W. ranch for the money in the Hogue River M il’ll N'ion, won* at Medford on Tueaday. Valley, all under cultivation and good building« —C. s. Ham I M e r r itt & C o m p a n y ford iH tnooii train« Monday. H a r t la n d i n f l w o o d fo r t a l t . D ilt v r r - Buy a Itoyal Tailored anil for tlie min- "bine promenade, and when the rain« II l>. Iteed ami F. W. Dodge won- descend protect it with a Itoyal Tailond brio! vi'itorn to Grunt« Pa»« Tucday ul- raincoat. latUnt styles and fabric*. Fred terniMin. Turner, exclunive local agent. e d a l y o u r »had. You rend t‘ — W. L . V an H o u t r n Royal magazine ail»? C ut O nes A m o sk e a g A . F. C. G ingham s, p er y a rd 12 l - 2 c A p o rn G ingham s, per yard 8 c A m o sk e a g U tility G in gh am s, per y a rd 12 l - 2 c L em o n E xtract, 2 o zs. 1 5 c.— V an illa E xtract, 2 o z s. 2 0 c E v e r y b o t t l e g u a ra n teed .— P elto n Lard 5 lbs. 8 5 c Red B eans, per lb. 5 c — W h ite Beans, per lb. 6 c 6 bars L aundry S o a p 2 5 c — F a n cy A lask a salt Salm on, lb 10c. For H ones, Cows, Calves, feeding Cattle, Sheep, and Hogs, leave it before the anim als a ll the time. Your money buck i f not satisfied • T h ese are R E G U L A R C I M E ¿S' W it h o u t E q u a l o n t h e C o a s t modern draw-kiln plant is constantly G eneral M e r c h a n d is e WHY WAIT TILL 1 9 1 5 ? Now is the time to open your account with If anyone hasn't heard of thi* Itoyal Froil Turner lot» their «tylo book. Sec in operation, and we are turning out a Tailora, and llielr su|«rlmivi' workman- him «non. »hip in men'a «ult« and raincoat«—let LIME that by chemical test and purity of con Mr«. Mac Avery visited with tier non, them call upon Fred Turner, repnwenta- tent is superior to any lime manufactured on station agent Dave Avery, hi Tuio on tiie of the fatuouslailoringe«tahli«hini'Nt Saturday. this coast. Especially adapted for spraying.' "Doll” Moon* came down from Galice Mi«*'« Ague« Dietrich Hint Mary Smith wen' guest« of friend« at Medford on Sal- the limi of the week and spent several day« with hi« family hi thi« city. Mr. unlay ami Sunday. W R IT E F O R P R IC E S Minn* ia employed by K. G. Perham on a J. W. Merritt, of Merritt A Co., visit- bridge building contract near Galice. ad the loeal «ton* on Monday, n'turningl .Merle Betts, lin t aaaiataut to Tubal to Central Point that afternoon. ! Cain nt the Kell smithy, ia laid off from For Sale:—One 111 It. p. Imilcr and •n-1 work temporarily by an encounter with a Kino, c.tiipli-u*. All in runninK order. cinder The live coal lodged in hi« left K O iT ic e d Apply to " . I,. Childem. Gold Hili, Or. I eye, canting a painful though not aerioua I.. M. I'i-her. accouqianied by hi« able injury. aaal«tuNt and «on, young "Bill” , «us Mm. Janie« Dunking, of the Meadowa, among the Sams Valley vinitora to Gold and Mrs. H H latmptnan, of Aabeatoe, The finest cuts of beef, pork, and mut You read it—take it—The New«. II ill \\ . .In. -.In drove to Gold Hill on Saturday last and ton, all strictly fresh at the Blackert A Mrs. M. I). Bowers and daughter. Mi«« ( ’. W. M artin, ti. D. ('mneinlller, hiu I remained until Sunday afternoon a« the Helen, were guests at the home of In-r Wookcock market, At the old location. (i. D. Ilothnun Wen' Medford huainiss guests of Mr«. Ben H. lutinpman and parents, Mr. and .Mrs. T. J. O'H ara, at men w ho registered at the Cardwell hoat- family. Cedar fence Posts for Sale their Central Point home for several day« lery Monday. Mr«. A. E. Bamber and children arrived Sound Is idy and lieait cedar fence posts the forepart of the week. Mr. hiii I Mrs. F O R S A L E H a y rah » a n d m o u ia r-— on Sunday from Sutherlin, and are now O 'H ara aci'iitu|iuuii'd tliem upon their —no sap—by tlie 100 or 1,000, 15 cents, h t l h u i t d , p ra c tic a lly new W ill be »old occupying tlie Applegate residence on return, autoing to this city Wednesday delivered ; on the ground, near Asbestos P. O., S eta. Call or address, a t a b a rg ain . I f in te re e ta d in quire a t Fimt avenue, made ready for them by afternoon and returning that evening. VIA THE Mr. Buml«'r who proceeded tlie family T h r N ew » o ffic e . Hillbilly’Ranch, by two weeks. J. II. Beeman returned on Friday last Asbestos, Oregon. Chocolate I» ui I h > ii «, «truwherry. cla'rry from a fortnight’s alisence at Portland Professor and Mrs. Burt A. Adams, ac pineapple, Itieiona and dainty. T in Mr«. U llliatn Mee left on Thumday for and other northern points, when* he at companied by Mias Edna Proctor, went Ihinte brother«' famotia confection. At Point Terrace, when* she will join her tended the Bose Festival and tranaacted to Eugene on Monday morning, where Season Tickets on Sale V i / s u n s e t the Bowers drug «ton-. husband who is now employed in that 3-Day Tickets on Sale 10 6 0 EH »SHASTA | business. A new awning for tlie business Daily Until Sept. 30 ROUTES •Saturday and Sunday Walter S. ltedtield urrived on Sunday city. Mr. and-Mrs. Meeexpcct to be ab- place on front street, now occupied by they will make their home throughout from Sacramento, Calif., and i« s|«'iiding acent for aevenu month«, hut will return M. 8. Johnson, was purcliawd by Mr. the summer months, returning to this the wi-ek a« tin guest of Id« pa rants, Mr to Gold Hill at the expiration of that Bee-man during his alisence and will ar city before the opening of the fall term of school. Professor Adams will improve time. and Mm. C. S. Redfield. rive shortly. the vacation period by taking the super- On Monday evening next the Progress Mi«« Virginia Beeman n*turncd from Dr. P. C. Donovan and sons, Masters intendency course at the state University, ive Bible claw will hold their monthly Grant« l’a«« on Sunday, after having Berton and Patrick, arrived on Sunday Ahile Miss Proctor will study in the pre a,«'tit several day« vinitiug with Mm business meeting and social at the chureh. Tlie committee in charge announce thi last from their home at Wittiu|«*g, Can- pavatory course for grade teachers. Miss Steve June«, of that city. Season fares from the principal stations to Newport or Tillamook Beaches ada. Dr. Donovan, who owns the fam- Proctor lias heen engage 1 by tlie local Special Agent Kelly, of the Southern preparation of a plca«iug program and mis Nellie Wright mine on Blackwell hill, biaril of directors to instruct the 3rd and are as follows: many plan« for the evening'« entertain Pacific, was in Gold II 11 on official busi FROM TO FARE will remain in litis city for a period of grade« of the Gold Hill school through- TG FARE ment. ness tne timt of the week, returning to Portland Newport «6.25 Tillamook Beaches several weeks or a month, superintending t”1*' *',c vomlng term. «4.00 J. L. Rowe, of Sum« Valley, expect« to Portland Tuesday evening. Oregon City “ 6.25 4.70 itevi lopmant work and the installing of a Dr. Clement H. Smith, who departed leave within a «hurt time for Fort Klam Salem ” 6.16 Mr«. W. M. Harla'r returned to her 6.00 new twenty-ton quartz mill u | hiii tlie pro- from this city on Thursdaj of la->t week home at A«1 land Tuc«day ion*noon, hav ath, where he will «pend the summer. pvrty. Albany “ 4.00 7.30 to locate at Creswell, is at present an in Mr. Rowe will make the trip in hi« ear, ing been a guest at the home of Mm. Corvallis *• 3.75 7.10 mate of the South Pacific hospital at Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Clark completed an and the trip and visit are to he in the Fertnin Zana the wi*ck previous. Eugene " 5.80 9.00 nature of u vacation from hi« duties at enjoyable overland trip Monday, when Grants Pass, where he is convalescing Roseburg “ 8.75 Mm. A. E. Kellogg and non Noel, and the ranch. 12.00 they arrived at their Sams Valley ranch, from a sneeessful operation for appendi Medford " 12.00 17.20 Mra. latke Jenuing«, apent Snturduy and having driven tlie entire distance from citis. The operation was performed on L o e t— A fo x h o u n d bitch , c o lo r blach Ashland “ 12.00 17.75 Sunday ut Ashland a« gui'Mta of Mm. Eugene. The trip occupied six days, al- | ^»turday afternoon last by Dr». Longb- a n d ta n , w h ile b reaet a n d b e lly , an ew ere Corresponding low fares from other points. Week end tickets on sale from diarlea Farmer, returning Monday. thougn it was accomplished with leisure and Finley, and although Dr. Smith to th e n a m e o f ' * P e p p e r '. R e w a rd w ill various points. Some «peeial bargain« in «tock, grain ba p a id fo r in fo rm a tio n le a d in g to th e and frei|iient stops enroute. Mr. Clark did not do as well as was expected for several days, his condition is now all SUNDAY EXCURSION TRAIN ON THE C. & E. R. R. is a former resident of Sams Valley, and and fruit ranches, ttot It large and amall, reco very o f e a rn *. A d d re te , Leaves Albany at 7:20 a. nt., Corvallis 7 :50 a. rn. and connects with the S. will remain for aeveral weeks attending tliat can lie desired and an early recovery it will pay you well to ace me before pur- — C h a t. C ilc h rie t, to improvements and crops at tlie ranch is predicted. For some time past lie had P. trains 16 and 14 Northbound and No. 13 Southbonnd. ehaHing —C, H. ItKiiriKi.n. Sam e V a lle y , O r. home which he still retains. suffered from the malady in a mild form, ■ C iti-z -u -n -a ! A t t e n d the o p A. E. Handier and prospecting party, and his condition was not considered to A large audience attended the wound en a ir b a n d con cert, g iven by Ed Simmon«, F. B. Willmarth, Ed and lecture on "Spiritualism” , given by Mrs. he rerions until lie was upon the operat- 1 Tickets will be sold from all main and branch line points in Oregon to th e C o ld H i l l con cert band, a t Fred Bolt, returned on Saturday last from Gard, of Ashland, at the Wcgo theatre ing table, when it was discovered tliat i Fatstern destination one waw through California or via Portland. 8top-overe a proapsctingtrlpin the Applegate, when* pus had formed and that grave trouble ' Tuesday evening. Mrs. Gard is an elo th e b a n d s ta n d S u n d a y evenin within limit. they investigated various placer proposi would have ensued upon further delay. quent and convincing «|« axcr. and her We are now giving tlie public of Gold tions on behalf of the leccntly organ TICKETS ON SALE DAILY TO SEPT. 3 0 Manager R. H. Moore, of Merritt A remarks were followed with appreciative Hill a high grade market «ervico, and ized dreilging company which will oper Co.’s mercantile store, prop ises to is n- final Return Limit Oct. 31st attention. Mrs. Carter, also of Ashland, making aatiafled ciiatomera every day. ate from this city. For beautifully illustrated booklet “ Vacation Days,” and booklets describ colloborateil with brief readings for var struet an omlet from a single egg brought At the City Meat Market, Blackert A Mrs. Basil Kellogg and daughter, little ious memben of the audience. Both to market at that store one day this week. ing Tillamook County Beaches, Newport and other points, as well as infor Wixxicock, proprietor«. inches in girth, perfectly! Ml»« Dorothy, returned to their home at ladies will return in the near future to Measuring mation alsiut Eastern Fares, routes, stop-overs, etc., call on nearest Agent formed and smooth of shell, the big egg Mr«. 8. T. Hodges returned on Monday Dunsmuir, Calif., on Saturday last, after conduct another meeting. or write to was heralded by an enterprising I iddy at evening from A«hland, where «he ha« having been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent M. 8. Shroek, deputy dairy and food been the guest of her «¡«ter, Mm. Wm. A. E. Kellogg for several weeks. Basil the Haymond ranelt near Rock Point, i Portland, Oregon Myer and family during the paat. month. Kellogg, well known to many In thi« vi commissioner for Oregon, was in (iold Wlien Mr. Moon* makes hi« omei t he Hill Thursday inspecting the business will sit down to a double portion, as tliesc ! Mr. and Mm. Frank Childem, of Riv cinity, 1« now an employee of the Kspee, places of the local retailers. Mr. Stiroek brolslignagian wonders of the poultry erside addition, welcomed the «tork on on the DutiNtnuir-Afihland run. was emphatic in stating that lie found yard are Invariably two-yolkcd and on Monday morning, when a Itounclng Imy Roy C. Andrews, of New York, arrived conditions in this city more to his liking the Siamese twin order. It has been The constant itching, burning, red and had tried everything. All failed. baby arrived. Mother and child are both on Wednesday and is at present a guest and in compliance with the law than any auggi'sted that, by a precess of careful ness, rash and disagreeable effects of When I found Dr. Hobson’s Eczema doing nicely. at tlie Van Hovenberg ranch in Sam« other city visited so far. At the request selection and breeding h new strain of eczema, tette r, saltrheum, itch.pilesand Ointment I found a cure.” This oint Mr. and Mr«. J. F. Hughes visited with Valley. Mr. Andrews, who i« a field of Woodcock A Blackert, of the city double-action poultry may lie evolved, irritatin g skin eruptions can be read ment is the formula >1 a phys;c’«n end friend« In thi« city for «everal day« the collector for tlie American Museum of market, the Commissioner drew plans for been iu use for vear«—no., an ex whereby eggs of mammoth dimensions ily cured and the skin made clear and hss periment. T hat is'why we can guaran fore part of the week, while Mr. Hughe« New York, is enroute to San Franelaeo the approved type of slaughter house will become commonplace and supersede smooth with Dr. Hobson's Eczema Oint tee it. All druggi-ta, ur by mall. Price iii«l>ect<'d hi« property, the Calcite Whit»' from whence he will depart witli an ex which they will shortly erect west of this the (diminutive article of ordinary com ment. Mr. J. C. Eveland, of Bath, III , 50c Pfeiffer Cliemical Co., Phi'.adelphu Urne Co.’s plant. ploring expedition for northern Alaska. city. merce. says: " I had eczema twenty-five years and St. Loui ‘ he C a lc it e W h ite L im e C C om pany G o ld H ill THE GOLD HILL BANK Summer Vacations SEASHORE OR MOUNTAIN lÄ ^ g Ä l TILLAMOOK & NEWPORT BEACHES EXCURSION FARES EAST