Ijc (£oli> Will 5?« Gold Hill G rea te st N a t u r a l R a a a u rc a a a t S o u th a m O ra go n II On h a a u li /u l H o g u a N io a r VOL. 16 > FISHERMEN FINED Jackson Co. O n a C o m m u n ity o f O p p o r - t u n it y N o g u a N io a r V a tto y , u th a ra th a a p p io g a in o t i t a m o GOLD HILL. JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1918 FOREST FIRE PREVENTION^ .♦.» BANDIT ROBS BANK RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS GRANT CEMENT RA TE REPORT SHOWS H OW FUNDS WERE JUGGLED Shortage in ex-Sheriff’s Office Concealed by Manipulation of Railroad Tax Check ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1909 Shortsi» ♦ 1910 Shortage ♦ 1911 Shortaga ♦ 19U Shortage ♦ Nebraaka Farmer» Give Pledge, Lincoln, Nab.—To do thelr part In reducing tbe high coat of living, >00 Nebraaka farmer» hare pledged them- aelrea to devote (heir time, talent» and energlea to increaalng the produe tioti of beef cattle In thle «tata, and to follow the Inatructlone of tbe uni ver alty experiment station. which for ear- eral years haa made a apéela] atudy of raising cattle for beef by the beat method». MRS. C. L KIRKBRIDGE ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Tim repirt »how« cow'ualvely that tlie uberi IF a office knew of tlie shortage and . 9 3,119.19 ♦ that probably some aaaialant in the offiie ♦ manipulated tile fund« so that thia short­ - - 6,656.76 age would not be tli«covcn*i| when J. H. . 16 .120 .5 0 * Wlimili umile an audit ol tlie county bmika - • 20.S9fl.50 ♦ July, 11112. A eberk from the Southern Pacific rail- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ road company amounting to $24,227.fit) Til« aliOVC statement Ili Ih« shortage III wan received March 23, 1912 and the SlierllT Jon.*' oflhv waa presented to the money deposited but the tax reoeipta re county court Thnnalay afternoon hy W. i preenoting thia sum were not «olenti in ti. Wann, ila* «Xpert aceountant wio 111« tax ledgi'r. ha» «pi ni ih« laat four montila golngover Conanquently when Mr. WilHon w«nt thè connty record» and llie M iai lord city over the hooka he cheeked the fax receipts boohs. R aiser W ilh e lm , em peror of Ger­ with the cash ami found a l-alaiiee on the many, who celebrated the eftver anni­ Hefore leaviug for Gold Iti-aedi Thurs- right «id« i 1 h < ledger. 3000 in cash. Trained bloodhounds in care of their and it ia presumed that «he was tempor­ ; worth ol timber or improvement« and en­ arily demented. She ia said to claim danger human lives. It is hoped that master arrived here from Cottage knowledge of the exiatence and where- > every person will be extremely careful Grove, and soon after were given a about« of a cave in the C«w creek dis­ any for- I ’C<5nt, “ pa‘r of 800)18 htch were Grants Pass, (he capital and metropolis with all fire, and alert to report peace * • Trxrinzs fosM fiiirltlwn'ii ^ found la in w e the fugitive's 1 lonely cabin. Grants I’aaa fishermen's union who were annual achool maeling on Monday after- ! trict, tlie rocky walls of which are fur­ of Jiaa-phin«.county, which has not cele­ est fire seen this season. The hounds took the scent and started nished with the splendor of Alladin— B. I. Shannon, State Supervising War­ brated the Fourth of July for four years, arrested early Sunday morning charged noon, when the election of one director over the rough mountain trail in a with illegal Halting below the mouth of for a term of tlin-e ycara, and a clerk for literally encrusted with gold. According her |M-ople duriiigthis period having help­ den for Jackson county,' with headquart­ westerly direction, followed by the to her story the Rogue River Indiana ers at Mt-dford, will have charge of all ed various neightairing cities to observe Juinp-Off-Jor crank, the down river limit, a term of one year, summoned a em ail1 sheriff and members of the posse. knew of the cave, mined it, and pre- state, county and private patrol work in the nation’s natal day, is preparing for a were found guilty in Jmtlce Holman's gathering of citizen» to the high school | The country west of Glendale is court Tuesday evening after a trial that building, where the meeting was held, t I served the treasure as a trilial secret really ’’monster” celebration on July 4th. this connty and will cooperate with For­ thickly timbered and is traversed by None of tlie prospecting fraternity, who est Sup-rvisors ol the National Forests to anil 5th. laaied all afternoon. The aeiitetice of the H. D. Reed, for the past year a member I hundreds of mountain trails. Many Individual citizens of Grants Pass have the greatest possible extent. court waa a fine of $100 each. The Isiat of the hoard, completing an unexpired i know every rod of rock in southern Ore- of these trails lead In the direction of j gon, have volunteered to enliat in search It is hop-d that residents of the connty rain si several thousand dollars to defray and Halting parapliemalianf the men waa term, was re-elected without opposition. 17 J l i "7 ». i Grants Pass, while others furnish a the expenses of the celebration; the city, will give their hearty suppirt and consult confiscated hy |I m - game warden«, hut the while Mrs. M. fc. Patrick was again en­ direct route to the coast him in regard to burning permits, etc, Arriving recently from Klamath county, through its mayor and council, officially Huai di«|><>Nitinn of thia will mat with the dorsed hy the voters as clerk for the buc - Inquiry has satisfied the officers of a local nature. He will be in touch when- she has made her home for some lias donated a large sum ; and the county atate fi-h commialon, and may either lx* ceedlng term. During the past year the with all local wardens and will gladly re­ that Diamond had made careful prep­ ho I i I or returned to ths fishermen if the clerk’» report allowed a sueueaafnl finan- years, aiie is viaitii.g relative« in the of Josephine has given the affair its offi­ fer requests for in formation to tbe warden arations for the crime and that he ia coiiimisaion think« tin- punishment Was eial lulminiatrution which bail materially vicinity of Rogucriver at present, and is cial sanction and an appropriation. nearest you lor any information or assist­ prepared to stay In the mountains for An aeroplane haa lieen secured for two aiilHcienUy severe without taking tlie out- lessened the indebtedness of til« district, said to have betrayed no evidence of her ance tie may be able to give. A list ol weeks if necessary. Only a few days unfortunate mania until she elected to days for Hights and exhibition ami races fit. It ia nnderstoiMl that the men will while providing excellent inatruetion and local wardens with their addresses an d ! BK° he Purchases, motorcycles and horse», appeal to tlie circuit court. equipment, and left on hand a balance of telephone numbers, will be published in ridges. and these he carried when he which evemts will la* free to every one; The nUtc waa repreaentisl hy Prosecutor $904 .48. M r. Reed, president of the the local papers when such appointments entered the hank. It is also said that the purses in the horse race events will be Kelly, of Medford, and Ilia asaixtant, J. j laianl, a, Mike of tlie lu-avy tax which had he secretly has carried food over the are made. contested for by some of the best runners N. Johnston, of thia city. Tlie defense bt«n necessary to free the district of in- Searchers Fail to Recover It will be impossible for the State For­ mountain trail leading west of town and trotters in southern Oregon; baseball attorneys wen- Messrs. (VilvigA Williams- debu-tiness in the past, and announced Body o f Orlie B. Rush will lie furnished hy clubs from Central ester to p-rsonally inspect all the work for several days, and has the same Tlie proaceution test i lleil that the de­ that tlie levy for the present school year done by the numerous Supervising W ar­ cached In some Isolated section, of the Point, Weed, Grants Pass and probably puties wen- watching la-low the mouth of would not exceeds 10-mill tax and would dens in his employ, and their success will dense wilderness within a few’ miles Search for the body of Orlie B. Rush, Roseburg. Jnmp-OfT-Joe >-n-ek on the night in quea- probably he as low as 8 mills Following dep-nd very largely upon the support of Glendale. Foot races, motorcycle races, log-roll:ng tion, anil that tlie iaiat manned hy Cole a discussion of tin- tuition question a tno- the Ashland youth who waa drowned That he will remain In hiding for they receive from the people whom the while Ashing several miles above the contests, parades, fireworks, liand con- j and Milner was taken thns>-qnarters of a tion was made and vote taken, which several days before attempting to Forest Law is intended to aid and pro­ mile below the limit with the net still in utianimoualy instmeted Hie board of di­ Gold Ray dam on the 11th inat., lias certs hy the Central Point band of 30 tect. make his getaway is the belief of the tlie water anil three salmon in the net. rectors to establish a nominal tuition fee been abandoned. For nearly one week pieces, public sp-aking and a vocal pro­ officers working on the case. Tlie defense witneaaens maintained that for the coming terms. Hitherto free tui­ following the accident Rush's fattier, gram by a choir of 100 voices are some of work, tlie Gold Hill organization has tiiey were not Hahing lielow tlie limit, hut tion has bean extended to all out-of-town with several assistants, worked with grap­ the features that constitute two days of progressed rapidly under efficient leader­ Roseburg, Or., June 19.—After receiv­ pling hooks and drags in a vain attempt diversion during which every hour is filled that It was necesaury to go la-low to Hml pupils. The new ruling, liowever, does ship and by dint of hard practise, and ing news yesterday to the effect that Ray a landing place and to loud the Iaiat, on a not apply to high achool entrants, who to locate the body and bring it to the by program. (¡rants Pass is justified in its estimates their engagement for the Medford cele­ Diamond, the Glendale hank rohtier, had wagon for transportiition Inu-k to Grants may enter without tuition. Professor surface. As a final resort-, wire lias been bration is a fitting recognition of the ex­ appeared at the Benton mine at Mt. I’aas. Other lioata that passed down to Hurt A. Adams reported that he had made stretched across (lie river at- a point con­ that 10,000 people, from within a radius cellent rating which has rewarded iheir Reuben, 25 miles from’ Glendale, Sheriff (lie landing place la-hind Cole mid Milner several trips through tlie country dis­ siderably la-low when- the drowning oc- of over 100 miles, lionlered on the north efforts. At a recent meeting Instructor Quine left Roseburg last night for West were stopped hy the deputies, hut had tricts, interviewing stnd-nts who will en­ j curred, mid it is lio|ied that when the hy Roseburg, on the west hy Cn-scant City Georgi- F. Dyer appointed Thomas W. Fork, from where with a party of men he I Isidy rises to tlie surface it will be held anil on the south hy AVn-d, Cal., will lie their nets in their boats. ter High school next fall, mid tliut as a Kirk as assistant leader, and the hand is will follow a trail into Curry county in by the strands of this barrier and re­ its guests during the celebration. The lauita were also searched by the result of Ilia inveat igations, seven or eight- now holding two rehersals weekly to p-r- the hope of intercepting young Diamond. deputies for steelhead trout, which can not new high scliool stinicnts would doubtless covered . fect tin- organization for the event of its The boy, it appears,» is endeavoring to la- taken legally liy net, iim l which must la- enrolled in September. Much satis­ Rush and his father, who is a tenant Goid Hill Concert Band first engagement ont of town. At the imitate Tracy and Merrill and was after lie liln-ratcil when found in the net. One faction was expressed at the manner in of the Bowers ranch near Tolo, went to time the roster contains a mem- j notoriety more than money when heeom- ateelliead was found in tin- Isiat of Sid which school i>Hairs were being adminia- (lie assistance of two Hsiicrnicn whose Engaged for Celebration present bership of twenty, although the p>rson- ' milled the crime, and if he persists in his Howell and Cal Allen, mid tin- (wo men ten-d, and it, waa apparently tin- general boat, was hung up on a snag. In (lie nel of those who will play on the Fourth boldness he is likely to be caught or were arraigned in court to answer the aeiititneiit that no action should bo taken endeavor to free tlie stranded boat both When the eagle screams his loudest al has not yet been announced. In addi­ killed, soon. All Curry officers have charge, it was demon -(rated by testi­ ill tin- interest of small economy, that crafts were overturned ami tha occupants Medford on the glorious Fourth, tlie noble tion to havingciisiired tliesuccess of their been notified to keep a sharp lookout for mony of (I k - defi n e ‘ ill it tile fish ||A(1 would lessen the excellent rating of our plunged into tin- current, which was swift bird will lx- aided mid abetted by the celebration hy engaging the Gold Hill him. and treacherous. The younger Rush wore achonla. la-cn legally liik .-iiw lih a spinner, and the iiiemlM-rs of the (iold Hill Concert Hand, Concert Hand, the patriots of Medford hip bools, and it- is probably due to this wlm have been engaged to uphold the jury h r - m ill in a m -' i U- i of n< ijuittiil. will s|>enil $5,000 to provide other attrac­ lad Hint, he lost his life. One other musical end of the program. Clad in Governor AA’est has appointed Ar­ tions, including automobile and horse Jack F. Adams, who waa recently uiemls-r of the party was only rescued thur Clark, of Corvallis, prosecuting S. Henson, millionaire tlmhermnn of found guilty of murder In the first with difficulty, and resuscitated hy his nifty new uniforms tin- boys will wuleome races, hall games, anil oilier spirts. Two attorney of the fourth district, to suc­ the winners at the race track in the after­ of the notable features of the great day Portland, will spend a fortune In an degree for klHing Harney Chamberlain companions. noon, and will otherwise and elsewhctv will lie the Mardi Gras parade and the ceed E. E. Wilson, who has sent In his effort to aecure the adoption of a con- on the evening of February 7, ia to Should the body of Rush go any dis­ lend harmony to the jubilant occasion, Electrical parade. The Southern Pacific resignation to become effective July 1. stltutlonal amendment prohibiting the be hnnged at the atate penitentiary at To discuss general condition., an l tance down stream it i • highly probable appearing in tin- evening street parade as will make special excursion rates to pil­ manufacture. Importation and aale of Salem Friday, July 18. That waa tbe that it will never lie recovered, as the lied well. With scarcely two month’s organ­ grim patriots from other towns, and as measures for the improvenn ;it of tret a whiskey, gin and similar aplrltoua li­ sentence pronounced by Judge Baida of the river above tlie dam is a tangle of ized training, and with a majority of Un tin- country eorrespmdent happily phras- and crops, a meeting of all prune grow­ quors. of the circuit court at Astoria. ers in the state will be held at Salem submerged snags and underbrush. members hitherto unfamiliar with liand es it, “ a tine time will lie had.’ i July 3. Grants Pass Fish­ School Meeting Re- ermen Fined for Elects Offices for Illegal Catch Ensuing Terms Curtiss Aeroplane at Grants Pass on Fourth