Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, June 14, 1913, Image 2

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    G7?e G o l d H i l l N e w s
D. P. Blue W rites E nter-
tainingly o f H a w aiian Life
Hbtiululu, IL L, May 26, 1913
OREGON, BY = ^ — ~ _ _
Mr. and Mrs. Zaiia,
Gold Hill, Oregon.
Dear Friends:
We have been her,' altout two weeks
an«l haw certainly enjuyvd the tin»-. The
Entered at the Gobi Hill postoflici; fur transmission through the’raail» a»
climate is just alxiut tlie »ante all the
st<coiid-i-lass matter
year, in fact it b »uiiiiuer all of tlx* tins*.
Tlx* eoMest 1» lk.X>, tlx* wannest S4o or 85o;
there ia a gentle brecac mt art of the lime;
e~ .i r c r r c 1".' r ? s « - ; , = ^
' ^ s r ..z - ,^ -r.-.----- . t : . - . - ; • .Tr-gjaeg-: -a * ■
tlx'eecnuig» are nice. Most of thehouaoa
have lanais, or sleeping pnrehes, and a
ami thin quilt b all that in ueeded;
in fact the laboring people use a hatu-
moek.and for covering wear« light gown
as the nights are alxuit as warm as the
Tltere ia no need for atovea only for
ECRETARY of the Interior, Franklin K. Lane, has no desire cooking.
None of the public building»
to see the emoluments of successful political strife confer­ anti only a part of the residence* bate,
red upon the undeserving ones who aided and abetted the oppo­ chimneys. Moat of tlie cooking ia done
sition in the recent campaign, despite that lovely rumor to the ] with gaa.
As there are neople here from all
effect that the new administration desired to dispense with par­ j parts of the world you aee ali kind.» of
j clothe» worn, but moat of the citiaena
wear thin wljite material all of the year
Regarding the publication of final proof notices in Oregon Thia
ia one place where, if you cannot
newspapers, Secretary Lane reminded Register B. F. Jones, of buy shoes, you can go barefooted.
You no doula are at a loss to know
the Roseburg land office, “that Registers of the Land Service
should recognize the propriety of designating newspapers whose why we came here. Well, it Is, or was a
•surprise to ns, for we really did not in­
political principles are in harmony with the Administration.”
tend to come so soon, and then only for
No charge of discrimination is brought against Register a visit t-> the Island and to visit with
Verne. Rut on the ltith of April we re­
Jones, who has strictly complied with the ruling of the land ser­ ceived
a cable message from Bishop Rest-
vice which provides that final proof publications shall be insert­ erack, which said: "Arrange to come at
ed in newspapers of general circulation nearest the claim to which once, letter follows.” This meiwagc caus­
title is attempted. To the contrary, it has been the practice of ed us anxious momenta, as we did not
know but Verue was sick, or something
the Roseburg register to permit the placing of the notices by the had gone wrong; but in due time the let­
applicants themselves—thus enabling them to make terms with ter came, and in it was a pro|xwitian.
B en H. L am pm an
We have just received a carload of two
new brands of best flour we can secure
for our trade:
publishers for the insertion of the required publication, in many Luvy " "
<•*’ matronship of the
• x
Cluett Memorial Home fjr Girls, her aa1-
cases a circumstance of great assistance to needy homesteaders. Mr,
((lllUy of Ulu1ing Sh.
“It is considered”, however, that the practice of distributing will only have to superintend tlx1 house
favors impartially is in direct opposition to the wishes of the ad­ with sufficient servant« to assist.
Honolulu is a nice plait*, about 62
ministration, which desires to see the patronage meeted out to (WO—-one-quarter Americana, many Japs
the politically deserving whenever practicable.
and Chinese. The native Hawaiian», like
our Indian», are netting lex» each year
Secretary Lane is off on the wrong foot toward the Olympic They
are dark and have straight black
heights. He is attempting to preserve the rotten traditions of hair, and are very kind and intelligent
There is 37 mile» of electric car line
preferment by appointing the governmental patronage only to
those who served in the ranks of the chosen. The final proof in and around the city, g«xxl street», and
even more autues than Medford. Our
g raft is, in most cases, a small one—but it should cease to be a boarding house for Iolani College 1» near
graft, great or small.
the home of “ Qneen Lil” , the last of the
A guaranteed hard Wheat Flour for $1.50
per sack. Call and get a sample—FREE
▼ ▼ 1111.1s L u d i
A ,8 ° f n 'a r n n t e e d ,
at $1.35 per sack
We have a fine lot of local Strawberries
arriving every morning, at . . . .
10c per box
Alsoja good supply of Country and Packing House Bacon, Hams, Ijtrd, at bottom
prices. Always a good line of Dry Goods and Shoes — latest goods and
lowest prices. Come and see
B-u-r-rH !
J'ever look into tin* cool cleanl­
iness of a Bott Tou Milk Punch
on a hot day — as compounded
by our now Electric Mixer?
royal family. Site certainly ba» a fine
houae and yard of about two acre»
Across tlie street from where we live
G reat S tuff, Folks!
Queen Emma’s royal palace—now used
HE abuse of the congressional franking privilege has consti­ a» a school building. It accommodates
400 students, and has alxiut two blocks of
Q uality
tuted a bawdy, and constantly increasing disgrace, since the yard around it. It ap|x-ar» that tlx* roy
first clap-trap political accident in Congress conceived the notion id family willed most of their property to
of conducting his private correspondence, with the boys of the
Calwa Grape Juiee
The Episcopal church owns six acre» in
Cherry Drips
old home guard under the “official business” seal. It has not the center of town, and has five churches
Hire»' Reliable Root Beer
waned with the years, and at the present there are congression­ —Japanese, Chinese, Hawaiian, English
al adepts at the manipulation of the frank whose annual misuse and Trinity—also four school building»,
(lie Iolani for men and boys and tlie Pri
of the privilege rivals the outgoing mail of Shears, Saw-buck & ory
B a n a n a S undae
for girls. Tliese two have about +60
Co. Right under the long nose of the administration, even, students. Then there is the kiudergard
has been consummated the smoothest thievery that ever merited en for children and tlie theological insti
the rock-pile. Tons of literature, printed in the government tute. Nearly all of this property has
been secured within the last 12 years
office, mailed under the government frank, have gone forth at
Sugar ami pineapple are tlie princi
the behest of the Sugar Trust to fight the rising tide of senti­ pal money-making industries of the la
The big V-shaped harrow now being
ment for free sweetening. 1,500,000 copies of arguments for the lands. Tliey give employment to about built at Astoria for the port commis­
+5,000 people. Tliey raise two crops of
beet sugar industry rustled abroad in the land at a single trium ­ cane each year. All crops mature in four sion w ill soon be ready for use In im­
phant effort The Sugar Trust saved thousands—but the people or five months. I saw a field ot alfalfa proving tbe channel across the shoal
at tbe mouth of tba Columbia. It will
paid. First they paid for the sugar, then for the frank, then for that tliey cut twelve times each year, have a spread of 20 feet, with eight
Nearly all of the wild trees bear nuts or
the presses and ink that spread the gospel of vested rights in fruit, liananas and pineapples grow wild three-foot revolving discs.
Taking a dare to climb a tree while
vested interests. To be frank, the frank in the fight on free in the fbot hills. They have some |x*cu
out with a party of Joy riders near
sugar, was the frankest exhibit of applied knavery in the annals liar kinds of fruit here. Bread-fruit grows Medford, Mias Ramona Ladd. 18 years
something likea pumpkin, only on a tret
of franking outrages. Two lumps, did you say?
old, climbed to a height of 30 feet.
They weigh 15 to 20 pounds.
A branch broke and she fell. She was
roasted the fruit tastes something like
carried to a hospital, and It la said
bread or a dry sweet potato. Papia is
that her back Is broken.
another. They are about the size ami
The Tri-County fair will be held In
shape of a tnuskmelon, have one large
Condon this fall on October 1, 2 and
seed like a peach. They are very sweet
according to the decision of the ex-1
W ith a cloudless summer day and
and are served as a breaafast fruit at
about 1000 persons present, Weston's
ecutlve committee In a special meet­
twenty-first animal reunion of Um atil­
ing. The Tri-County fa ir la to be a
rther one. They are about six inches
He cornea a whistling down t h e long la county p.m eers was held.
permanent yearly « ,ent in Condon
lane—bark ! don't you bear, nearer and
During the wool sales at Heppner,
clear, clear as the throstle pipes after the 1,000,000 pounds was disposed of at cucumber. They taste like—well—like
Advices were received by State En
rain—Billy my boy, my dear? Out of prices ranging about three cents less all kinds of soda water flavoring. Tlien gineer I^ewls that 6000 acres of land
the night wings the rones scent, God sets than last year.
belonging to the Columbia Southern
many other kinds of fruit
his stars in the curve of the sk y ; nearer
project, has been withdrawn from en­
F. H. Snodgrass, exdeputy warden
I am to mine heart's content—listen, of the penitentiary and now chief of
try by tbe interior department
for he draws nigh. Over the meadow and the guards there, was arrested on a they only seem interested in two tilings: original project consisted of 23,000
down past t h e hedge, Brindle the cow charge of having attacked and se­ Who Wilson grill appoint Governor of the acres and the 6000 acres were Includ­
Island, and the tariff on sugar. From
pauses Pi low, browsing flank-deep in tlie verely beaten a prisoner May 16.
ed within the Inst few years.
what I can gather neither tlie producers
rustles and aedge—listen, he calls to lier,
The forestry service has ordered a
If the efforts of the 22 widows with or consumers want a tariff, but tlie stock
children who have made application holders of the sugar companies want i telephone line to be Installed connect
Ing Prairie City with the summit ol
He comes awistling down the long lane for pensions under the law recently
a tariff. One of our neighbors, a poor Ht raw berry Peak, 12 miles distant.
—hush, don’t you lieai, neare- and near passed by the legislature are success­
widow woman, says she will lx* ruined
rings the old tune as he shrills it again— ful the stats will expend 1510 a month
A station will be erected on the ex­
financially if "Wilson fakes the duty off
treme summit of tba peak at a height
Billy my boy, my dear? Ho, it was morn­ In Douglas county alone.
of sugar.’’ I asked her how much her
ing when he said goodby, mom with the
Georg« L. Blodgett, sentenced for so ck paid, and she said, "We have been of over 10,000 feet, which overlooks
flushing of dawn on the trees, now swings life in the Salem penitentiary for the
the entire forestry district of eastern
getting 32 per cent, but without the ttrifl' Oregon.
tlie moon in tlie curve ot tlie sky rocked murder of Alice Mtntborn at Portland
we’ll not get more than 15 or l i l percent.
Stone houses may replace the regu
by the clouds and the breeze. Yon was In 1006, haa been released under a
Well. 1 smiled. The Bishop (not our
latlon two-roomed ahanties which now
no night-bird that whistled so high; was conditional pardon given by Governor
Bishop) Sugar Company paid last year
form the abodes of homesteaders on
it the light wind that stirred by the gate? West.
$74,000, without the tariff It would only virtually every quarter section In
God set his stars as a guide in the » k y -
A grand jury at The Dalles haa re­ pay $22,000—’ hardly enough for a man
Biliy my boy, I wait.
turned an Indictment against Oeorge and hia half breed wife to liv eon .” Most Christmas Lake and Silver Lake val­
He shall come whistling down tlie long F. Ross charging him with the em­ of the sugar stock is held by foreigners leys. This Is made possible by the
lane, clearer and clear, nearer and near, bezzlement of public funds to the and investors in the U. 8 .—the real citi­ discovery of a half dozen stone quar­
ries on the side of Table Mountain.
clear as the throstle pipes after the rain— amount of $884.63, while recorder of zen here is for free trade.
Mandamus proceedings have been
Billy my boy, my dear! Home shall that city. He was given bonds.
Well, I am spinning this letter out
compell him over and o'er, memory shall
Jackson county w ill issue a pam­ and not saying very much, but when yon begun by the Oregon A California rail
whisper wherever,!» be; little low, breezes phlet along the lines established by write if you want information just ask road company against Sheriff Reeves
»hall carry before the tune of hi» whistle California counties. The edition will the questions and I will cheerfully answer of Washington county, to require him
io me. Brindle shall pause in the rushes be at least 50,000 and It will contain as well as I can. With kindest regard» to show cause why he will not accept
tender of $19,755.06 In payment ol
t > low, nearer his whi»tle ring.» dearer approximately 100 pages. Including to all,
Very truly,
the company's tax In that ccuntv. Thl;<
»1 cfosr—bark ! ha is calling t he old cow, statistics and maps. The county court
D. I’. Blue aii'l wife.
amount does not Include a special road
has authorized this work.
. i.” —Biily ny boy, my dear!
1310 EminaHt., Honolulu.
tax of $2,186.04.
---------------- H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r ----------------
Stoves Tin, Granite and Aluminum Ware
Garden Tied»
Haying and Heading Ttxil»
Hiiildcr»* Materials and Tool*
Building Paper Paints Gils Varnislie» Urttslies Gia«» Crurkerywan*
latrge Assortment of Queens ware As tinea line and assortment of
F i s h in g T a c K le
an tlwre is in the county Cataraugu» Cittlcy Cions Ammunition 11« ks
Shoveft Miners' Supplies
Powder, Fure and Caps
B:t«e Ball» and
M.ts, nod Bat» My Block ia complete in every line and my prices an* rluht.
R e m e m b e r t h e o l a c e t o p u r c h a s e t h e s e G o o d * ia
The BoN- ToN
D. H . M I L L E R ’S
“ G o o d q u a lit y g o o d s a n d
P r ic e s R i g h t ”
Ready for Hot Weather
Try our Sundaes, Sodas,
and Cold Drinks
Turner’s Lunch Room
Iro n b y
Late Model Electric Irons. Guar-
teed 5 years, now
We will send you one on trial