Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1913)
NEWS FROM OUR Gold Hill Livery NATIONAL CAPITAL Darling & Hodges iff Bill by Holding All- Rigs ¡for all occasions Good horses and drivers that know the roads THE A ll G et t»he Best UNIVERSITY OF OREGON » S u m m e r S c h o o l ’-E/3,10 W. H. SMITH AGENT ^ o r ^ ^ R>^ Roofing, Hydraulic Pipe, all sizes, Skylights, Contract or’s Supplies. I represent Manufacturers and Jobbers in many lines, and can quote low prices. Address, W. H. Smith, Medford, Oregon Professional Cards Farm Journal W IT H Day Sessions. We make no specialty of any class of trade Distinguished eastern Educators added to regular Faculty University Dormitories Open Board and Room at $3.50 per week Reduced Railroad Rates For complete illustrated Catalog, address, The Registrar, University of Oregon, Eugene, Or. Money-making Secrets Democrats Plan to Crowd Tar Proprietors Twenty-five Instructors — fifty Courses G E T . T H E S E W ashington—"Maks the republi cans work" I* the slogan adopted by the democratic leaders of the senate In charge of tariff legislation who pre dict that tha senate would vote on the bill by August 1. Members of the finance com m ittee said that the bill would be out of sub com m ittees by June 3; that the full committee's report should be ready for caucus by tba following week and that the revised measures would be reported to the senate on June 13. Then ‘t will be pursued vigorously un til placed on Its passage. Senator Hoke Smith, of Georgia, said that the senate should vote on the bill In the latter part of July. "We will keep the republicans who want to discuss tha bill working, and we will keep ax work ourselves from tha vary beginning.” he said. "We will meet In the senate every day at 10 o ’clock In tha morning and keep at work until ( o'clock at night. That will prevent the opposition from delay Ing the bill by playing with IL Wa will tire the republicans out of play ing." Lobby Inquiry Started The senate's Investigation of the "Numerous and Insidious lobby," which President Wilson charged was threatening the tariff bill, was begun Monday morning by a com m ittee com posed of Senators Overman (chair man). Walsh. Cummins. Reed and Nelson. The Investigation was conducted openly In the public hearing room of the judiciary comm ittee In the senate office building, and members of the senate were called In alphabetical or der. President Wilson was sent a certi fied copy of the resolution authorising the Inquiry. 3C X 3 p A R M J O U R N A L (“cream, not skim milk'*) is the gre great little ■ paper published for 36 years in Philadelphia by W ilmer Atkinson. It is taken ami read by more families than any other farm paper in the W O R L D . Its four million readers (known as “ O ur P o lk s") are the most intelligent anti prosperous country people that grow, anti they always say the Farm Journal helped Io make them so. Their potatoes arc larger, their m ilk tests higher, their hogs w«igli more, their fruit brings higher prices, because they read the Farm Journal. h i t ii c u t f ' l f t r l j t i l i f "Piultry Seertu” tilli tm u n earry flauti, anJ lite r lie r in fa r H ire im firlanl. D o you know Peter Tumbledown, the old fellow who won't lake the Farm Journal ? By showing how N O P to run a farm. Peter makes many pros|>rrous. Nolm dy run go on reading the Farm Journa 1 and being a Tum bledown tot». M any have tried, but all have to quit »me or the other. T h e F a r m J o u rn a l is briglt1, brief, '• (»oiled d o w n ," pr.irtital, full o f gumption, cheer and sunshine. It is strong on housekeeping and home-making, a favorite with busy women, full ol life and fun for txays and girls. I t sparkles with wit. and a happy, sunny s p irit l*rartical as a plow, readable at a novel. Clean and pure, not a line of fraudulent or nasty advertising. A ll its advertisers arc guarantee,/ trustworthy. (3 I he F a r m J o u rn a l gives more for the money and puts it in fewer words than any other farm paper, ss to 80 (»ages monthly, illustrated. U S E years (6 0 issues') for $1 .0 0 only, Ixss than 1 cents a month. N o one-year, two-year or three-yea'' subscriptions taken at any price. The Farm Journal Booklets have sold b) hundreds of th ou san ds, and have made a sensation by revealing the S£C'K.£rS OF M ON£T- M.IK1MG In home industry. People ail over die country are making money by their methods. POULTRY SECRETS it a collection of discoveries and incihtMl* <4 «w<WM*(ui |w«ultrv -n m . Il gt***» F H c lf « Igm ou, nintl.iK ( h a it. llic C u i U m method <4 u < n i U im « mmp I u i II noire imllet« c o r k n e l* . Hovct ’» method s4 tm>urin< fart lilts , nod |Mk**leaa m r t u of breeding. feeding. ln>w tv j rodtR-« w inter agg», etc. M O R S E S E C R E T S e x p o s **« a l l t h e m e t h o d s <4 “ i» t*h - epi t< ,” •’pingtrinif,” cot ai ie and vatnline doping, and other r ti 1« • . >»< "g t |»s a-1 I »«'■ -I l i f t ». (Ittl rouble» ama ime to t e ll a a u n a o u n d b o ra « . G ives iu u u y valuable It am leg wtcieia. g CORN SECRETS, the NE»V of ProL I I »Men, the ” ( ‘ont K h tf.'* ¿now* u»w to get ten to Fua »rla m o re p e r ttCTO «4 c««rQ, n li l i p f(4 eiii m id tbe baa* aUHk>4««dittg eletitaota, What Our Folks Say About F. J. “ 1 bave Itati m o re help, c»n u iirn ijrrn e iit am t en|«»v- ment out <4 it in one vear than I d id out «MW I m y «Miter papers in ten yeats.* aays C. M Persons ‘ I l 11 a qtirer little |Mtper, I have nowrtimri rend it through ami thought I w o dtme w ith it. then pfc-k H up again and ttnd something new to ml »rest me, * says Alfred K to g h . •‘Farm Journal 1« like a bit of nuti^hiite in otir home. It is m aking a tw tter clam of people out of farmers. It was 4r»t sent me as a C h r iM m a |»resem. and I th in k it the «.hohest pre went I ever received,“ aa>s I’ R. L « V a lle y , “We have rrstl your tirar little |M»|ier fur ST i •e I'tU u te a oath.« «vary |>iuK«roa >4aha. T3ZZ “ BUTTER BOOK** lell* l»«nv «‘even row« were tn.tdv |> produce h a lf a Io n of b u t t e r each yar year. ( I O fo tiu d « i t tbe a « » n t•;«•>. An ex cMqwi»er. t.e t it. weed out >our coveri •« and m ethods <4 I J F arm er, the famous eap eri, in jr m v iiig luaefotts la ll »tHtohertiea elntoat until snow Itiee. H ow and w.ten t<> p lan t, bow to fertiiixe. h >w to remove llte bluiMoms, hoW to i,et three crop* in tw o jc e iv , etc. Limit Put on Work. I wish it a where tha yard i» onlv I x is f - e i , rMu»wt lh a F a iro Journal ' sn« Mu» Kara “ I get loti of books and puiwr and put them n*l«I<y fa r futurs reading. T h e onlv puper * _ _ i I«» have In m> iMuds all the l i m e is F arm Journal, 1 can t Ani«h reading It C a n ’t v«m m ake it less interesting, an I ra n liavv a «iuint< at aty otliL. papers F *’ w rites John Swat). “ If I am loneaonw, tlontvbeailrd. or tired, I go to |M»»r l o u s . an d turn Urn g«M*d ..«tea into r e c o rd - b re a k e r a. STRAW BERRY SECRETS U n revd.iiioti of theiH«- 1 1 WegMcK my bu«iuv»a to read it. aaOAbalai WahaMaalawa '.» >rr > Vkgtau».'' »>• W.K. i'll»,. EGO SECRETS tells bow .-. family e i six can mate hens 14*n It« aeiafM into a d aily *u|>fdv c4 ffreah eggs. If reo b a te a U t « k-> .n d . get ibta I «.»I fat. W ant tw»w to u«e up K u p U tbc kit« lieu *a « te . and liv e I w t le r a t I o a c o a l. t ie i r l v «ft “ iw we d o n ’t live on the farm anv m ore, vet I still have a 1er the ohi paper I Ie ri that I iwloutf to the la n d lv , and tem lH ar a s tile laves of old f ik m l» ," m ) s F a rm Journal (nr cu m fo it, neat to the H : b lr ,” aa>s M abel I Jew ft t. “Farm Journal has a cheerful vein running through it that makes it a splendid cure for live *’b l»:•■».’• W h en «onnng home i n » 1 nt m ind and h o d '. I *H dnwit and t. ad It and I* sm> s Io give me new inspiration lot In» ." win» . t. 1 l lx l il r iu u n The house Democrats In caucus GARDEN GOLD ^bov • how to make your backyard “ We have a brotherdndaw m ho loves a Joke, W o s»n »plv fresh V •.iretahlr« an I fo d t. how to cut «town your eroctny live in G reater N e w Y o rk , and consider etm w lvcs »pin« citified, so restricted the legislative programme U H *, kt *p i In tv i ta b le .a n d get va«b lo r >our aurplu». H o w to when he sent us the F arm Journal as a New Y e ar’s gilt we n c ttly of the present extra session to tariff, p lan t, c u ltik .itc , harvest and u u rk e t. died laughing * ||o w to raise hogs*~«we w h o <mly use hcnoii in glass Jars 1 *|fo w to keep row « < Icnn* w hen w a n-e condensed D t’JK DOLLARS tells bow th** fjreat Weber (lurk- ¡NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR currency, emergency appropriations m ilk even (or rice pudding I * llo w to p i.n t onions’— when a e (arm ne r IU m I o ii in -m e « rte n y e t r M re n ta a a c h on 40.<KM duck* and election cases. Committee assign never plant a tn th ln g m ore fragrant th an lilies of lire valley. I PATENT li’».- 1 ell» w h ' du« k« pay tp in better than th ic k e n » , dtnl Just accetMed the gift w ith thanks, for w e a ie to«» weil-lne«! to look a ments as submitted by Chairman Un H O W titev d o everythin«;. ■ Department of the Interior, g ift horse in the m outh. m y e y e w n « rang lit by a l>eaMiUui »em I began to tra d It, then when I w anted the F arm Journal United States Land Office Roseburg, Or. derwood and his colleagues of the TURKEY SECRETS d i^ ln •- fully the methods of found my hust>aud deeply interested in an a n k le ’I hen my 1 • V’<ve, th«? famous R hode Istathl " im k e v -m a n ,” wt>o sup Application (or Mineral Patent, 0H52S ways and means comm ittee majority oldest son began to ask, ’ lia s the F a rm Journal come vet F lie is plies the W h ite H o a te Titan«.-»KivinK tnrkeva. h tells how to Roseburg, Oregon. a Jeweler, and hasn’t mu» h tim e for literature; hut we find so mtn h m ale, to *»et e^ga, t »batch, u> f -e I and t atc b»r the p>uiw , to pre- were adopted by the caucus without interest and uplift in this fine paper that w e aitpreclute our fVew ve .t •«* kin s-s, to ialtu n , Kuo how t» n u k e a tu rk e t-ta n e n F A Y . | In the matter of the Application fori change. Y e a r’s gift mure and m ore, " w rites K ila It. Uuikm au. The MILLION EGG-rARM S the methods by Patent for the O'Hara Placer Mining A. E. KELLOGG “ I received ‘Corn Secret*’ »ml ’Poultry S« rr« t- The legislative programme as pres S lS .O d O a y e a r . Claim. and corakler them w o rth their w eigh t In g o ld ,” says W. C New a ll. esc*- A ll e tth k e n -ra ijn ra m l.I leant m I mm N the ’'Kancocaa ented by Representative Underwood GOLD HILL. OREGON Notice is hereby given: That ourstiant I n it,M an 1 l«ow Foster F I K lLs liens to produce such quantities “ What your F.^tj Book tells would take a beginner of aapcviallyr In W inter, to the provisions of Chapter VI of Till. was made binding on the Democratic year« to le a iu ,” «ays Roy Cluiney. Embalmer and Funeral 32 of ti»e Revised Statutes of the U n ite d members of the standing com m ittees DRESSMAKING SLUE-TAUGHT -liows h.nv any “ D uck P«»llar* is the best ijo o k I e v e r lutd tm «’tick« iutelug» nt worn.tit can d«*sii:n arwt m ake her ow n clothes, »n tha States, Abbie J. Champlin, whose post of the house. The resolution by which raising,’’ say« F . M. Warnock. Director height of fashion. I !»e a n i'u ir lias tl -nu it since she wa» a girl. office address is the City of Chicago. this was accomplished provided that “ If your other booklets contain a* much vnhtable She qi ( has a sitccesainl «Ires-<naUing e»lahlli»luucnl and a Complete line of burial robes, inform ation as the Egg-R ook, I w ould consider them < ft cap at bl I kmh ot dressm aking Illustra ted w ith diagram s. County of Cook, State of Illinois, by ' no standing committee, except the double the p rice,” says r . W . M ansln ld. caekets, etc. Charles P. Chamuiin, her Attornev-iii- SHALL I EARM? i-. :i clear, inn'.iriisl statement of 4’I think vour h n wonder,’* nay* ract, whoee poa I office addrew» is Goul com m ittees on ways and means, ap- both fdvaniagCN and draw back« <4 farm in g , to help those w ho C . F Shliey. FUNERAL CAR have to decide this im portant question. It w ain « vou <4 dangers, _____ _______ Hill in Jackson Connty, State _ of vrlr. Or* i propriations. banking, currency, elec- swindles, and m istakes, tells h»»w t«» start, equipm ent nreded, Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence goo, is about to make application to the tions. printing, accounts and rules, •’Tit«- Farm Journal (mat* them all f’vi rv fct*u<a ha* its cost, cliaticca l 4 sul - l c m . how Io get govctnm ctit aid , etc. rem inders and ideas w o rth a vear*« su I n m ilp tio n ,” w rite« Phone, Home,?—K; Pacific 46-Main. I United States for a patent lor that cer- should report bills or resolutions to T. It. Rutter. T h ete b o o iM t t r / 6 x y i»u A rj, on«/ fim ifitstht illa il n i ltJ , — i taio placer mining claim comprising 2d the house, or have them placed on the “ One vear a-»o I took another avricuhnral pnner. F a r m J o u r n a l F O U R f u ll y e a rs , L -.iL f - . - <1 AA : acres of placer mining ground situate! and it took a w hole column to tell w hat F a u n Journal tells in w. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. w it h a n y one of th ese b o o k le ts . D O W I Of ^ i.V U calendars, without permission express one |M»ragraph,” sa>a N. M G ladw in. j in F oots .Creek ( unorganized i Mining Tks BssklsP ars NOT soU M taraish - snly witk Fsra JssrssL ly granted by the Democratic caucus. GENERAL PRACTITIONER “ I l o u g h t to Im in every home w here there ¡* a chirk, District, Jackson County, Oregon, th a c h ild , a cow, a ch e rry , or a cucum ber,” aay« I . D . liordus. li e t m , ’ to t a v H ’H I C l t b o v t l d yott w au l, same being the East % of the North Settler Must Pay Operation Costs G old H ill , O regon . east J<of toe Northeast of Section II, W IL M E R A T K IN S O N C O M P A N Y , P U B L IS H E R S F A R M J O U R N A L . WASHINGTON SQUARE. PHILADELPHIA. The recent decision of the United Township 37 South, Range -I West of Willamette Meridian. States supreme court in the case of DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE The original location notice ol satd Swigert vs. Baker settles for all time DENTIST mining claim is recorded and set f o r t h ,__ __________________ , „ of the In the — right of the secretary GAS ADM (SISTER KD of n Kecnrdsof Locations tenor, through the reclamation service ot Jackson County, Oregon, at page 591 I RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD impose and collect annually from thereof, and an amended location notice, ' 3EJC JUL IU I JUL JU I JL dated June 29, 1912, is set forth and re settlers on government irrigation pro A. E. KELLOGG corded in \ ol. 17 of Mining Records of jects the pro-rata cost of maintenance Jackson County, Oregon, at page 339 and operation of projects from the NOTARY PUBLIC thereof, and reference thereto is here time water Is turned into the canals Pbone 38 5Iain had fot a more deiailed description of up to the time the projects are turned GOLD HILL, OREGON said mining claim, and reference is also > here had to the original application over to the settlers completed. OF THE CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. tiled in the United States Land Office On many projects there has been at Roseburg, Oregon, and the proof a c discontent because the government Practice Limited to companying tbe same tor a complete has been requiring the settlers to pay Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Statement of the improvements on sa d the maintenance and operation charge, Eyes scientifically examined and glasses claim and rights whereby the applicant furnislied when needed. applied for United Stat- s Patent there which usually ranges from 50 cen ts to 31 an acre a year. The lower court 5 - Jrtt-CorST P- i. i:g. M-dford, Ore on. Notice of tins application was post ed on the ground December 4, 1912. decided in favor of the government Anv and all persons claim ing adverse- and was reversed by the United States ly the abova described m ining ground, ! circuit court of appeals at San Fran- ' P <., i'7n thereof so described, cisco, but now is sustained by the su purveyed, pi a tied and applied for, are preme court. herebv notified that unleeg their adverse National Capital Brevities claim s are duly filed according* to law, I f yo u w a n t y o u r and tbe regu ations Thereunder, within The president is reported to have the time preacribrd b ylaw , with the tools p u t in good Kegf8tf r of the United States Land Of- agreed with Senators W illiams ano fice at Rosehurj?, in the Couniv nf Simmons that raw materials and their GOLD HILL NEWS, Gold Hill, Oregon shape be sure to see D) ur I hs xnd StaPi of Oregon, they will products in the agricultural schedule fie barred by virtue of the provi-ions ut should be ecuaiized In the tariff bill. | «aid Hat’jte». accept your apedal offer. I'lease send me THE and to every subscriber whose order is received 45-56 B F. JONES, Register. NEWS for one ycitrund FARM JOURNAL F O U R years, before the edition is exhausted, the publishers B etter than Spanking Legal Notices r a i ’ □C lac »SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER G o ld H ill N e w s T he N ew s is regularly 1.50 a year. Subscribe N O W , and w e will g iv e y o u T h e N ew s for one y ea r and t h e Farm Journal 4 years, w ith a n y one o f the Farm Jou rn al BOOKLETS, M IN E R S ALL FOR $1.75 CHARLES KELL B la c k s m ith Just a w ord! M in e rs , I can s h a rp en, re p a ir o r m ake tools, and guarantee m y w o rk to stand th e ra c k e t; t r y me and be show n C. F. CARTER B L A C K S M IT H i A Reminder Obstetrical work is cash. No except- ions to this rule can be made. Clement II. Smith, M. D. Ulcers and Skin Troubles If you nre»uff-rinir with any old, run ning or fever sores, ulcers, boils, eczema or oth r skin troubles, g e t a box ol Bucklen’s Arnica Salve and you will get relief promptly. Mrs. Bruce Jones, of Birmingham, Ala., suffered from an ugly nicer for nine mon.bsand Bucklen’r A m ic i Halve cared her in two seeks. Will l.clp you. Only 25,:. Recommend- , ed by all druggif-tg. Rpanking will not cure children of of the Farm Journal promise to send also their witli thia booklet___ ALL FOR $1 .7 3 wet'ing the bed, been use it is not a famous ALMANAC, “ Poor Richard Revived,” habit but a dangerous disease. The 0 . for 1913, provided you WRITE on your ORDER, My mime i» H. Rowan Drug Co. Dept 1488, Chicago, “ If in time please send the Almanac.” (It., have discovered a strictly harmles- Address____ If you are now taking the farm Journal, remedy fir this distressing disease and your subscription will be MOVED AHEAD for to make known its merits they will s,m l u 50(- package securely wrapped and four full years. prepaid Absolutely Free to any reader flf you name no booklet, farm Journal will b i sen! 5 years i of Th» Gold Hill News. This remedy Are you now taking the Farm Journal? To get Both papers, fill out order herewith also cures frequent desire to urinate (Write “ Yes,” or “ No." . , , . and ioabi itv to c nti ol urine during the and send it to us, NOT to the Farm Journal. night or dav in old or young. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co. is an Old Reliable Best Laxative for the Aged New Lila P ills are especially good for Ho isc write to them to-day for the free For Sale:—One lfih. p. boiler and en Old men Bnd women feel the need of the aged, for they act promptly and eas medicine. Cure the afflicted members a laxative, more than young folk», but gine, complete. All in running order. of your family, then tell your neighbors it must lie safe and harmless and on<- ily. Price 35. Retomended by all drug an I fro nds about this reni-dv. Apply to, W. L. Cliilders, (iold Hill, Or. ,w h ich will not cause psin. Dr. King's gists.