Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, June 07, 1913, Image 2

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    G o ld
H ill N e w s
Ba— - . - a n i - r -
- ~ .....
B en H. L am pm an
Tim ely rain« have fallen In Sher­
man and Gilliam couutlee and the crop
outlook 1« regarded aa very promis­
A new gold Having machine ha« been
EnienM at the Gold Hill poMoOk« for tnuisniM .m through thc&maib a.«
aet up on the aanda at Gold Reach.
wwonri-rlan* nuttier
1« will haudle 160 tuna lu 20 hours.
--........... .
! Thoae Interested hope they have
solved the separation problem.
SATURDAY, JU N E 7, 1913
The state engineer haa approved
■ application« of the Harney Valley Re-
ADVANCE elama“°“ company to Irrigate 64.000
•cree. Four to six reservoir« will be
-L_1------- required for storage purposes.
On the request of Senator [.ane, tha
war department haa ordered the aea-
going dredge Chinook in commission
T H E SONS of Nippon appear to be forgetting their peeve or ” 8 soon
< as possible, on account of the
■ at least holding it in abeyance. To the intense relief of the M,h water on the Columbia bar.
A full c,“
of tb*
the «>**"»•
Pacific coast, and the sadly worried East, it has been n f f i e i . l l v
alfUa‘ lon of
announced that la n a n I» ill o v k i k u t -.i. « , / ueen Officially ment land In the Metolius river valley
♦inn «.’iw nti, u
1 exhibit at the ban Francisco exhibi- ba* be*n »farted by the united state«
has been appropriated for the exhibit almost
enough to construct and equip a destroyer, and the threat of de-
dining to appear among the nations represented nt th»
m o th fiesta haa hn»r> ,,.,'«-k^
" "
moth fiesta has been withdrawn.
There are other indications, also, that the Japanese nation
oi *
s itu ,tio "
8ovetnmen,• following the filings
'?“n> appllcatlona ,or Homesteads
lhat '*r^“>ry.
,h’ ,re,“ ury departeieBt
a large number of ledgers.
h a sit’.
and West i s «
esi , ana the admixture of both is as impossible as the union the Rrand Jury b*Kan an |n»»»ai»«ion
of oil and water. The ideals of American government
ln'° ,he 8" ,,r’ of ,he Ro,ebur« Na
prove" theOT* - ”d
settled by ± e clash of characteristics as old as race, and weaken­ Referendum petitions against the
ed by the production of a half-caste citizenry, could not well workmens' compensation act, the
escape the fate of Havti.
county attorney bill and the aterillza
Crown .99
Also guaranteed,
at $1.35 per sack
We have a fine lot of local Strawberries
arriving every morning, at . . . .
10c per box
Also a ecxxl supply „f Country and Packing House Bacon, Hams la rd at bottom
pnee.. Always a good line of Pry Goods and S h , „ ’- S
lowest prices.
Come and see
AI TOMORIIsE.—-I hare lixted n m odel'
Buick c«r,
mtinitig condition.
W ill sell for $.'k50 cash, or trade for team.
—K. T. Cairn«, Gold Hill. Oregon.
19 oh
H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r ________ _
tlOn bUI have be* B Pr r »en,e<1 •< the
rem aps, japan is coming to a fuller realization of the Cau- 8ecr*tar>' ot »tate a office for filing,
casian viewpoint In any event, nothing save firmness and auie- and the name* are beln|' checked
dignity in support of the prerogative exercised hv Palifn
. Repre,entatlVM ot ovrr «« publish
hpfiFfinry tko
C a li f o r n ia ii Ing firms have appeared during the
oentting the great Caucasian republic of the world.
past few months before the Oregon
St.,ves Tln. «irat.ite an.l Ahiii.liiiiin Ware
Garden T im la
Haylng and Hesdlng Trsds
Boilders* Materials an.l T,«.D
Building Paper Painia ,)||s Vamisls-s lln.-l»-- tila«, Cnak,-rywara
U r g . Asaorttnent of Queeneware As 11,,,. « Ib* and „«..rtus-nt of
f c v a o
text book commission, which will
meet at Salem for the purpose of
adopting text books for the schools of
( Secured &
the state.
B. H. L.
Senator Chamberlain has written to
Two Friends of Ours.
Robert Underwood Johnson has re­ Secretary Lane Informing him that ac
Poor Johnny-Bag, with shaven crown, tired from the editorship of the Cen cording to the statements of Engineer
Hapson the estimated cost of »100 per
New York. He Is a
he is a wandering friar; his cloister is the ’ .....
acre for the West Um atilla extension
thistle-down, his nave the sweet rose- widely known writer.
will be the outside cost of the project
briar; at eve he does his orisons, at dawn
a meeting of the Lincoln
he drones his masses, and all the warm memorial commission, former Presl and that the first unit could be com
pleted for »76 an acre
and weltering day he waddles through dent T aft w ill come to Washington
In a natural amphitheater formed by
the grasses. His coat is (fray with way- June 9, for his first visit since he left
sloping hillsides, with the grass cover
side dost, his path is meek and lowly, the W hite House.
Franklin B. Gault has resigned a> ed hollow at their base as a stage and
yet who shall say, among the jnst, he is
not given wholly to duty on the lowly president of the South Dakota unlver- the blue sky overhead as a celling, the
earth—the lowliest thing npon ip—a l­ slty at Vermillion, S. D„ after serving students of the University of Oregon
though he does not dress in silks or wear seven years. He was formerly pres will this year present Henrik Ibsen's
an Rawer bonnet? Whene’er across ident of Wentworth college at Taco­ drama. “ Peer Gynt,” before the via»
ors to the commencement exercises.
your path, my son, his lowly course he ma, Wash.
The people of Gardiner, Scottsburg
Stephen K. Stillwell has been sen
traces, let him unharmed poke humbly
on to seek the pleasant places. And tenced at New York to from four to and Elkton have decided to Incorpor
Viscount Chinda, Ambassador to the
grudge him not the rose’s heart, wherein eight years in Sing Sing. Stillw ell Is ate the Port of Umpqua, by a majority United States from Japan, who pro­
he oft-times nestles, for that we know the former state senater who was con of 89 votes. A bond Issue will be tested against passage of the Califor­
the sorry world is all too full of thistles; | j vlcted of bribery by a jury after be floated for the purpose of building a nian Alien land bill.
for that we know nanght of the plan that | ing exonerated by the New York state Jetty at the month of the Umpqua.
The proposed port w ill have an as
fashioned all togetlier, to live and learn I senate.
Emmeline Pankhurst, the English sessed valuation of over »4,000,000 and
their little span in fair or foul weather.
hast night at eight the hidden bird suffragette leader recently released contains about 650 square miles
More Power Given Governor as Result
Officials of Milwaukie have an
gave up his heart to singing, when last from jail, is suffering from acute Indi­
of Legislative Acts.
the sleepy breezes stirred as home-ward gestion. She is In a most enfeebled nounced that the town will proceed at
Salem, Or.— All the laws passed at
once to e'en the water bonds of »20,
doves were winging; I do not know what
the recent session of the legislature,
000 authorized at the recent special
song he sang among the shades of even ers are alarmed for her life.
except those having emergency claus­
A dispatch from Nogales, Arts., says election and erect a new plant, refus­
—but, a h ! it seemed, full-throated spran g
es or those to be referred to the peo­
a hymn of praise to Heaven, for nest that Dldler Masson, rebel birdman, ing to purchase the two private plants ple. became operative Tuesday.
nnharmed w th speckled eggs among the sailed his big airplane over the federal at the prices the owners demand. The
Chief among the new measures ore
woven grasses, or for paternal joy he fell gunboat Guerrero in Guaymas bay. He bonds run 20 years and bear five per those relating to highways, Irrigation,
cent interest
in feathered lads and lasses. Whate’er
wages of women and children, pen­
Full negotiations have been conclud
he sang, I know it was about the joy of be­ none of the shells fired by the ship's
sions for mothers, fixing number of
gunners took effect.
ed with an English syndicate through
ing, of beating down the morning wind, '
hours of workmen In factories, mills,
Governor Sulxer of New York has W. J. Wilsey for the sale of part of
of tasting and of seeing. My son, who­
etc., giving the governor more power
Major L. D. Kinney's Coos bay prop­
ever harms his song but robs of joy To­ named Miss Anna Morgan as one of
to enforce laws locally, revising fish
the delegates from that state to the erty for »600,000. and a deal is pend­
morrow» when all the wastrel wicked
and game laws, appropriation for Pa
first American conference on soda! ing for the purchase of the remainder
world is quite too full of sorrow; tlie song
clflc-Panama exp^pltion, regulation ol
insurance, to be held June 6 and 7 at for »475,000, making a total million
brokers, regulation of pawnbrokers,
he sings at evening-time no chorister sings
Chicago. She is the daughter of the dollar sale. The minor portion i f the
uniform system of accounting In state
more sweetly, than he, the Choir-boy of late J. P. Morgan.
Kinney property which has not been
and counties, teachers of Portland on
the Leaves, who hymns the world com­
purchased has a questionable title ac­
civil service basis, pensions for Port­
pletely. God knows, the wonder of it California in G rip of Destructive Pasts
cording to the owner, and when this
land police, abolishing district fairs
Sacramento, Cal.— California from
all is that this hit of feather, finds heart
has been settled In the courts, the
to sing his song betimes in fair or foul San Diego on the south to Shasti English people expect to purchase the and creating county fairs.
county on the north at various sec
tlons Is in the grip ot the "grasshop
J. C. La France, accused of substl
per" and unless an Immediate and de
tutlng a dead body for himself to se
termlned campaign against the Insec­
H. R. Albee is Elected First Mayor
ts prosecuted by farmers and fruit cure Insurance money, was held to the
Under Commleaion Government
i grand Jury in the municipal court at
growers, possibly total destruction to
Portland, Ore,— H. R. Albee was
Portland. The Modem Woodmen ol
elected first mayor of Portland under
some crops may result, according ti
i America are the plaintiffs In this
State Horticulturist Cook.
(he commission form of government,
case. June 18, 1912, La France dlsap
defeating Mr. Rushlight, present may
peared from Portland, a body being
or, and his nearest opponent, by a sub­
found a few days later on the Clacka
stantial vote. In the best residence
mag river, which body was claimed by
sections of the city Mr. Albee ran
W heat-C lub, 93c; bluestem. »1.00 his wife and burled. The Insurance
ahead of Mr. Rushlight as high as
red Russian, 92c.
comp:.ides took up the case and had four to one.
H ay—Timothy. »18; alfalfa, »12.
him arr»
lour weeks ago at Bar
Ideal weather failed to bring out as I
F ia h in g T a c K lc
tls-rv is ¡„ the
C.tarangus <'..tley Guns Ammut,itiön Paita
Shovels Miuers* Suppiies
Po«der. Pure and Ca,..
B ,-e Ball-an,I
Mitä, and Hai- My st.M-k is complete in every line and my pri v . an- risin.
R e m e m b e r t h e n l t c e to p u r c h a s e t h e » e G o o d » ta
D . M. M I L L E R ’S
“ G o o d q u a lity g o o d s a n d
Prices Rig'ht' i ’>
Ready for Hot Weather
Try our Sundaes, Sodas,
and Cold Drinks
Turner's Lunch Room
Iron b y E lectricity
Late Model Electric Irons. Guar-
teed 5 years, now
1913 JUNE 1913
W T “ TS~
1 S
ioni 1213®
¡2 2 ,2 3 2 4 ^ ^ 2 7 ^
Butter—Creamery, 28c
E&fs—Candied, 21c.
A guaranteed hard Wheat Flour for $1.50
per sack. Call and get a sample—FREE
“White Loaf 99
w h ,c h
W ith
We have just received a carload of two
new brands of best flour we can secure
for Our trade:
The department of commerce has
Informed Senator Cha’mberlsfa that It
helptd. The dreaded ultimatum” has not arrived in Washing- * olub reiattlu
Ten striking linemen accused of en­
ton nor does there seem any probability of its ever doing so
Diplomacy chooses milder terms, and the negotiations are c o r. gaging In a riot at Oswego have been
bound over to the grand Jury. One
dueteti in a spirit more befitting the dignity of this republic.
of them was shot In the groin and an­
\\ hether the spirit of California in promulgating the alien other hit with a hand axe by non-un­
ion men.
land ownership law evinced racial bitterness or not. but little
W ith
practically no opposition,
concerns the remainder of the nation, which must judge with bonds have been voted at Klamath
calmness the very probable effects of amalgamation with a peo­ Falls to take up the outstanding war­
rant . c
The city will be
ple distinct in every racial characteristic. With due deference to on
on a cash basis so soon as the bonds
Japan, and with a full realization of her splendid arising from are 8Old
barbarism to a high plane of civilization wifhin a few score
A rancher ,rom Illinois river walked
years, even with sincere admiration for the many excellent out of the third story of the Gold
Beach hotel while asleep, falling about
qualities of her subjects, it cannot be conceded that the inter­ | 30
fe e t
He was picked up uncon­
mixture of race and color would ever be successful-even in a scious and badly shaken, but appar­
ently not seriously Injured.
nation which boasts the fundamental democracy of man
don, Coca ccnnty.
large us vote ns hoped for. a total of I
about 45,600. or about 60 per cent of I
the registered vote being cast.
$ 3 .5 0
We will send you one on trial