Jjr «Mí» H ill V O L 16 GOLD H I L L JACKSON C O U N TY , OREGON, S A TU R D A Y , J U N E 7, 1913 NO. 5 RAILROAD ASKS RATE FOR CEMENT SHIPMENT Southern Pacific Seeks Lower Rate from Gold Hill to Port­ land; Commission to Act S A LE M , Or., June 6 .—(Special.)— Application has been made by the Southern Pacific to the Railroad Commission to put into effect a low rate for hauling cement from Gold H ill, to Portland. Upon the result of the petition rests the future of the cement industry in the southwestern part of the state. Portland also is vitally affected, for cement is now shipped by water from San Francisco much cheaper than it can be shipped from the Gold H ill territory. JOHN PURROY M ITC HELL Theory o f Black Channel . Manager Lead» to Rich Three-Foot Ore Ledge H. D. REED TO BE NEXT POSTMASTER OF CITY Acting upon hi« theory that many ao- Tim ber Hal» Real Batata calfco “ pockets’’, gouged by the argo­ Hillsboro.—The Injunction suit of naut* of earlier day», were in reality the indication of paying ore vein« Ix-neath, Charles J. Cowanlah. aa Indian, to Be» Harriaon, manager of the Black atop the operation of the Reese m ill, Channel plater mine, ia now engaged in 10 miles north of Hillsboro, waa won deyrloping an ore t«xiv upon that prop­ by Cowanlah. The m ill stands on land erty. Hitherto The Black Channel haa sold by Cowanlah, and on whlcn he hold» a mortgage for *4200. His com­ bee» exclusively a plater proposition. Operating upon the aik- of an old pock­ plaint In the case alleges that defend­ et Mr. Harriaon liaa uncovered a stringer ants w ill abandon the land after cut­ of quartz leading to a three foot ledge, ting the timber and that hla security fifty feet from the aurbuv. In ao doing is Impaired. Interest attaches to the haa at least partially demonstrated the I case from the insanity charge brought aeeoracy of Ida theory, for a one poond J against plaintiff by one of the opera­ «ample of the quartz when mortared tor» of the mBI. At the hearing he yitdd««l If grain« of gold, or at the rate of i d«cl*rod sane and discharged •WO per ton. ' " Ida Kennedy did the talking for the Hpta I hm - uh of the quartz have heen sent to a Han Francis«» amay office, where it trie. She and Lucy Qualette and 1« confit is expected that the change on the south spit of Rogue river. The The ordinance provides that the now just closing the children were en- management will be officially made engine refused to work Just ss the ves­ point of a hatpin shall not be permit­ HAN FRANCDKX), Cal., June 2—One eotiraged to commit choice memory genii sometime previous to the end of the pres­ sel was In the entrance of the river. ted to extend more than one-quarter great «-tectrieal service tfiat will cover the A aall waa hoisted In an attempt to j Inch beyond the crown of the hat and and were promise«! that at the end of the en‘ Tnarter, which expires the last ot entire «-oast (nun Portland to Hau Di«*go, school year some of the lx-st of these f*1“ month. make It through the breakers, but a In no caae beyond the brim. Violation tsdon- the opening <’• the Panama-Pacific would bs put dished and also the names The outgoing postmaster lea v«as a splen- heavy wind blew her upon the beach. of the ordinance w ill be punished by expoaition in Han Francimn ia the re- of the pupils who had written the longest recoid of service to the public, and The cargo Is safe. a fine of not more than *100 or Im­ IHirtnl plan today of the Honlhern Pacific lists from memory. Following are the while his departure is regretted it is free- prisonment for not more than 30 days. xuimidiary electric ayatetn. Thin condi­ pupils having the be«*, lists, both as to the *7 predicted that the affairs of the office The Pope Is 78. tion, it ia aaid, will (vault from ll«- tin- number of selections and the general will be maintained at a high standard by Rome.—The pope waa 78 yeara old ■m-rging of the Pacific Electric Company, Acquitted Upon Charge of Libst neatness of the papers submitted. Owing, Mr. Reed, and tlie patrons given yet an- Monday, and Innumerable telegrams and tin- Peninsular Electric and other Portland.— Evidently not satisfied however, to lack of space we are unable other term of the best possible adminis- and messages from all parts of the Iin<>a that have lx«n a (>art o f (he South­ tration. world arrived, felicitating the pontiff, beyond a reasonable donbt that the to give many of the memory gems. ern Pacific system. Portland Dally News was malicious wishing him a long and happy life. Eiina Van Goethen, of the- Wimer dis- nresent the local office is of tlie Paul Hhoup, head of the Pacific Elec­ and untruthful when It called County trict, eighth grade, wrote 75 selections elass, but is closely crowding the tric company, <>|«-ratlng alxint law Aug- Judge Cleeton and County Commis­ containing 186 lines; Agnes Allen, of Der- '‘rait for (Ws rating and will nndonbted- «lea, has just cmled a eonfen-ni-e l i t r e sioner Lightner "plain robbers" last by district, eighth grade, wrote 50, eon- i ontgrow its knee-breeches tne coming with the Southern Pacific olllciala in coli- January, the Jury in the libel case taining 197 lines; Iziuise E. Koenig, also 7*'"- emerging as a full-fledged office ot iw-ction will) tin- extension of the elix-tric against the News, with Cleeton and of the eightli grade in tlie Derby district el«tss. This change will place system, It ia known that tlie proposilloii Lightner as prosecuting witnesses, re­ wrote 30, containing 168 lines. nP°n the flat salary basis, whereas it ia to have tl«> roads connect in on«- great turned a verdict of “not guilty.” The Irene Bottoms of the sixth grade in tlie no* a ’’ani'cllation office. It will also electric line from Portland to the Mexi­ jury was out about six hours. Fix its Creek district, wrote 25, containing nece8B>tate removal to more commodious County Clerk Gardner, acting under can border wan conaidered, ami all indi­ 105 lines. Katherine Cook also of Foots ,luart<'rs. or enlargement of the present, tlie new law has appointed official regis­ cations, according to a reliable authority, The Missouri supreme court affirm ­ Creex, 5th grade, wrote 20 selections, 149 “n^ bring wilb it a new equipment of Sir Reginald McKenna, home secre- trars for all districts in the eziunty, ami (aiint to its adoption. ed the constitutionality of ‘ he law pro­ lines. I office boxes and other needed eonven- Tin- Pacific Electric oxiipany, control­ tary of England, whom the auffrag- oters in the districts must register only hibiting lotteries, policy games or bet­ Home especially good ones sent in by *enoe8- led by the Soulliern pacific, owns the ettea are reported to have threatened witli tlie otficial registrar. ting. pupils in the third grade were by Viola | --------------------------- Under the new law registering starts{ electric line« of Stockton San Jose, Frea-! to kill. A bill has been introduced In the Bottoms of th«» Foots Creek district, who now and continues to within 30 «lays o f ' no, Santa Barliara and many other coaat New York legislature to prohibit the wrote 17 selections with 117 lines, and a general election and 15 days next pre- ( cities. The pur|m«e of th«- cor|Kiratlon, Pithy Paragraph» from employment of children in the can Maude Carr also of the Foots Creek wiiool ceedlng a special election. Every citia-n it ia «aid, 1« to ch-ctrify the entire coast the W eek’s Happenings ami person having taken out their first neries of the state. wrote 19, containing 108 lines. An es- line from Han Francisco, through San pecially good list was made by Ada Dun­ papers, if (tapers ha-x- been out one year , Jon*, Stdina«, Santa Barliara and I-os lap, of tlie 2d grade at the Derby school, Angeles to San Diego, eventually doing Kght of the large railroads entering or more, may be n-gistered if alxivv the ' Governor West Closes That road construction on the postal with 9 selections, 33 lines. away with the old steam railroad. Chicago have posted notices Issued by age of 21 years. Married women take up j roads to be improve«! by the government Disorderly Houses With Others who deserve special mention The Harriman intere«t« have acquired the Illinois Vigilante association w arn­ the citizenship of their husbands, then-- > may lx- started at once instead of waiting Squad o f Slate Militia are Dewey Hill, Juanita Matthews, Ma­ until autumn as was planned by the fed water power route« from Portland to Eu­ ing girls against chance acquaint­ fon- an American born woman that is j rian Hill, Edward Chartrau, Walter R. married to a foreigner who has not had gene, and have mail- extensions into ances. eral office of pul-lic roads is the object of Allen, Alice Humphrey, Alta Dunlap, Klamath Fall« that soon will be electri- A torrential rainfall which caused his first (tapers out a year or more, is notI The Dalles, Or.— Governor West ar- action taken by the county court at its Alva Cook and Lois Call. fled. Thia, it i» «aid, will connect with streams to overflow and destroy prop­ entitle«! to vote any more than her hua- j rived here Sunday with Major- Smith monthly meeting Wt-dnesday when Com­ In addition to many of the old familiar an electric line into San Francisco, erty, did damage to the extent of hand, so should not be registered; while and n 8tate mUitialnen from Portland missioner Leever was instructed to rush on the other hand a foreign woman uiar- and compelled Sheriff Chrisman to proverbs and “ old saws’’, there were matters. *200,000 at Superior. WIs. numbers of quotations from the standard The Scottish home rule bill has rii-d to an American citizen can vote and imprison 32 women who had been ar­ Mr. Leever is in receipt -if the following Six Whole Cents for the passed Its second reading in the house should he registered. A foreign woman rested in a raid made Saturday night authors as well as many leas familiar se­ letter: lections of genuine literary value. Rooseveltian Reputation of commons at Ixindon. It follows that is unmarried should be considered by special agents of the governor. WASHINGTON, D. C. May 29. with some changes the lines of the the same as a foreign born man as long Hon. W. C. Leever, Chrisman refused to imprison those as she remains unmarried. Marquette, Mich.—Complete exoner­ Irish home rule bill. He prayeth best who loveth best placed under arrest without commit­ Jackson County Commissioner, If an elector completes his residence, ments and because, he said, agents of All things both great and small, ation for Colonel Roosevelt, former The Idaho-Washington convention Central Point, Oregon, president, from charges of drunken­ of the farmers' »union, in session at or H-aches the age of 21 years during tlie Oovernor West had failed to convince For the dear God who loveth us i Dear Sir: ness made against him In an editorial Spokane, adopted resolutions advocat­ (s-riod in which the registers an- closed. the sheriff of their authority. After He made and loveth all.—Coleridge. Your letter of May 21, addressed to by George Newett, editor of the Ish­ ing a congressional Investigation of he may lx- registered any time within a conferel,ce with the governor Chris- • • • | Hon. Geo. E. Chamberlain, in regard to peming, Mich., Iron Ore, came here the Jute business to determine on the four months next preceeding tlie closing i lnnn promised Governor W est he And the night, shall be filkil with music Federal aid for the improvement of post j wou(d (end every assistance in his when Newett, after Roosevelt’s case existence of a trust. Congress is aBk- of th«- registration. roads in Jackson connty, Oregm, haa And tlie cares that infest the day was rested, took the witness stand and ed to put grain bags on the tariff free No charge shall Is- made an ch-ctor for power in obeying the order of the | been referred to this office for attention, Shall fold their tents like the Arabs rvgistering. No penBn aliali Is- allowed executive. made complete surrender, and with­ list. Anil as silently steal away.—Longfellow. i In reply 1 am pleased to advise that drew the charge of his paper that Members of tlie boards of aldermen to vote that lias not registered. Every Sworn in as deputies to make the j Mr. B. H. Burrell, who made the orig- Itosoevelt "gets drunk and that not and supervisors at Denver have an­ (s-rson that is registered but fails to vote raid were four ministers and they re­ inal investigation of the road in question, Infrequently.” nounced that they will not relinquish at the next or any of th«- following gen­ mained on guard with their prisoners is now in Jackson county for tlie purpose In a long statement read In open title to office in favor of the five com­ eral elections will have to register again until relieved by militiamen brought might and in that faith let ns, to the end, i i . i , . , ‘laving the ne«-essary contracts made. dan- to do our duty as we understand it. , They la-fore bring allowed to vote, if an el- by Governor West. court, he admitted he hnd combed the missioners recently elected. I have bi-en informed that tin- best time country, but had found not one eingle were el«»cted for four years, they as­ «•tor desires to ehange his political affil­ Governor West said he had no «le- —Lincoln. I to start the work will be about Octolx-r witness who could testify he had seen sert. and the recall has not been In­ iation he tnay register again, and must Bire to prosecute the girls who lived first, and I will arrange to have it starte«! Colonel Roosevelt take liquor to ex- voked against them. re-register when he moves from one pre­ in the houses or visitors, and 29 of l)o not lisik for wrong or evil, at that time unless satisfactory informa­ The London Btnndard advises Japan cinct and gain residence in another, in the 32 prisoners arrested wtll be held You will find them if you do; ces«. To all Intente and purpo«es he tion might be receive