Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1913)
FALLING PIER KILLS 3 4 MERRYMAKERS Gold Hill Livery Darling & Hodges Promenade to Auditorium Col lapses Beneath Crowd at Long Beach, Calif. Proprietors Rigs ’for dN occasions Good horses and drivers that know the roads We make no specialty of any class of trade A ll Get t h e Best Professional Cards L e g a l Notices NOTICE OK I-os Angeles, Cal.—Thlrty-foer pep- tons were kilted and 11T Injured wh*n the promenade leading from the muni cipal pier at Long Beach to the muni cipal auditorium collapsed under the weight of a throng crowding Into the auditorium for the exercises therein celebrating Empire day. the anniver sary of the birth of Queen Victoria, by British resident* of southern Cali fornia. The cause of the accident was the overburdening of the pter. The over crowding. according to an official statem ent, was due to the delay In unlocking the doors. If the doors had been unlocked At the proper time. It was asserted, the crowds could have got Into the auditorium Instead of massing at the doors, where the weight overwhelmed the pier supports. The crowd massed about the audi torium doors was composed mostly of women and children. When the sec tion about the doora tank they went In with It and a half dozen policemen who had been vainly striving to hold the throng In check went with them. Comparatively a small number of men were caught in the trap, aa most of the male celebratora were taking part In the parade. Fallen timbers and flooring were Jammed among the limb« of those caught In the trap and ropes were re quired to pull back the Jagged edges of the sunken flooring and broken Joists before the dead and Injured could be taken o u t APPLICATION FOR PATENT Department of the Interior, L mtod States Lamt Office Koseburx, O r Airplicatton for Mineral Patent, 08528 I Roseburg, Oregon. In the matter oi the Application for Patent for the O'Hara Placer Mi A. E. KELLOGG Claim. Notice ie hereby given: That onreuant GOLD H ILL . OKKGGN I to the provisiooa of Chapter VI of Title ’ 58 of the Revised Statute* of the United Embalmer and Funeral States, Abbie J. Champlin, whose poet office address is the City of Chicago, Director County of Cook, State of Illinois, by Complete lioe oí buriel rabee, Cbarlee P. Champlin, her Attorney-in* citaketa, etc. Fact, whose poatotfiee addree. is Gold Hill in Jackson County, State ol Ore FUNERAL CAR Artice I’h,,ne: Home, 8 — M ; Residenee gon, is about to make application to the United States for a patent lor that cer- Phone, Home 2—1C; Pacific 46-Main. | tain placer mining claim comprising 20 ‘ acres of placer mining ground situated W. P. CHISHOLM, M D. in Foot’s Creek < noorganixed | Mining District, Jackson County, Oregon, the GENERAL PRACTITIONER same being the East U of the North G old H ill , O regon . east V, of ton Northeast l, ol Section 11, Township 37 South, Range 4 West of W illamette Meridian. D R ARTEMAS W. DEANE The original location notice of said DENTIST mining rlaim is recorded and set forth in Vol. 8 of Recordsof Mining Locations O À B A D M IX IS T K B S D o f Jackson County, Oregon, at page 591 RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD thereof, and an amended location notice, dated June 28, 1812, ie set forth and re A. E. KELLOGG corded in Vol. 17 of Mining Records of Jackson County, Oregon, at page X » NOTARY PUBLIC thereof, and reference thereto is here Phone 86 Main had (oi a more detailed description of PANAMA CANAL CUT THROUGH GOLD H ILL, OREGON said mining claim, and reference is also Steam Shovels From Eaa* and West here had to the original application Meet at Culebra. CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D, j filed in the United State« Land Office New York.—The flrit through cut at Roseburg, Oregon, and the proof a c Practice Limited to companying the same lor a complete of the Panama Canal from east to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat _________ ______ statement of the _______ improvements on said west was completed when two steam and ri“h rights whereby applicant shovels working from the opposite di Eyes scientifically examined and glasses claim ?"d ,! wh' reb'r tl e applic applied for United Uniter! States Patent the there- rections met at Culebra, according to m islied when needed needed. ! aPP‘t’'d furnished on. Notice of tliis application was pret- 1 .v a*it-Corey P-.L . u a special dispatch front Panama. M“ dford, Ore i ed on the ground December 4, 1812. With the meeting of these great Any and all persons claim ing adverse- | ly the above described mining ground, steam shovels the canal was opened or any portion thereof, so described, , at grade from ocean to ocean. surveyed, platted and applied for, are j Hundreds of workmen quit work and , hereby notified tnat unle-s their ad ver-e cheered when the big shovels scooped claims are duly Bled according to I f you w ant your anil the regu ations thereunder, within out the last bit of earth that Joined ¡the time prescribed b ylaw , with the | the two continents. There is still to 1 I Register of the United States Land Of- | be excavated In broadening the canal I tools put in good flee at Roseburg, in the County ol about 8,000,000 cubic yards of earth. I Douglas and State of Oregon, they will J shape be sure to see 1 l»e barred by virtue of the f rovi-iuns of ! , said statutes. 4o-5d B F. JONES, Register. M IN E R S Ut, CHARLES KELL B la c k s m ith LUTHER M’CARTY IS KILLED IN PRIZE RING G ET. THESE Money-making Secrets w Farm Journal a p A R M JO URNAL ( “cream, not skim milk") is the g reat little 1 . paper published Ibr 36 years in Philadelphia by W ilmer Atkinson. It is taken ami read by more families than any other farm paper in the W O R L D . Its four million readers (known as " O ur lo lk s ) are the most intelligent and prosperous country people that grow, anti they always say the Farm journal helped to ntakc them to. Their potato«» arc larger, their milk tests higher, their hogs more, their fruit brings higher pricey, because they read the I a rm J o u rn a l. w « ig li rsrJ f r t y t r l f I t U t " P tah ry S ttr tU ” Itili l»au i t ta rry f r v h , t > J ttk t r r ttr tU f a r r a tti iarftrlaal. /» /A m Do von know Peter tumbledown, the old fellow who won’ t take the F a rm J o u rn a l ? By showing how N O P to run a farm,Peter makes many prosperous. Nobody t in go on reading the F a rm J o u rn a l and being a Tumbledown too. Many have tried, but all have to quit one or the other. The F a rm Jo u rn al is bright, brief, “ boiled down,” practical, full of gumption, cheer and sunshine. It is strong on housekeeping and homemaking, a favorite with busy women, full of life and fun for boy» and girls. It sparkles with wit, and a happy, sunny spirit. Practical as a plow, readable as a novel. Clean and pure, not a line of fraudulent or nasty advertising. All its advertisers are grtararrtreJ trustworthy. • The F a rm J o u rn a l gives more for the money and puts it In fewer words than any other farm |>aper. 3» to 80 page* monthly, illustrated. MX l«>vears 1 60 issues) for g i.oo only, 1-ess than > cents a month. No one-year, two-year or three year subscriptions taken at any price. The Farm Journal Booklets have sold by h u n d re d s o f tho usan ds, ami have m a d e a sensation by reveuMtif the S & M tE rS OF M O N ET- M AKING ¡11 home hiduatrv. Peopln ud over I he country are m aking money l»v their method«. PO U LTR Y SECR ETS is a rollec-ion of discoveries and me«h<MU of »u<vc»*Jtil ,w«ullrvn»cn ii give« Fetch*« fam««u» m ail.ig < b a it, ik e CuiU »a m ethod<d ••»»«•-hall m*>r* pull**«« th a n co ck erel*. Hoxet *» niatlxMl «u I i i r u i i n « fe r u llu , ao«l |Mi*-vlcaa secret a «4 brecdiug, lecUm j;, I tow to ¡»twduxe wtwtei a * * » , etc. MORSE SECRETS nil the method* <>i “ »ish* ophig,” ” p lu c < iiiK ." m ca h ie an I enMUin« «loping, «m l other ti ti k» <>1 p»'" u h .I swittiller«, am f euahlr« ant one t»» le t! u n a u u e d h o rs e , l i l v u> \ntu-tblc tia m iu g «cu cia. CORN SECR ETS, th e -r c n NEW »und-book of What Our Folks Say About F. J. “ I I imvb had more help, encouragement ami enjov. »( It In lliau I dkt tlfel out om « uTn m eni out of m one o«i e ysar veer then T m y other papers in ten years, » •’ aa>s ri eons l a y , C . M. F feiw H is. ” It is 11 qoeer little , paper. . “Farm Journal is like n bit of »unshine in otir home. It is m aking a better « less «4 people out at larm eta It was Arsi sent me a« a t*hinu nni* p«e»e«it. and I th in k It the choicest pte»enl I ever lecelvwl,** sa) s P R. t.eV alley “W w e e have remi vour your «leer t little paper for nearly 40 eo n . Now Now we we «hui d o n t i live l i v e <>n o n I the l a r m a m »»».»»e. vet « still hat «• « ------ j |< rj j j,, Uttar e e iiie la **» ui old Put 1 átart . T H E ••BU TTER B O O K " tc lh h m e c.» cow« were in i le t » p t. M lm t h a f • ton of b u t t e r each vet y»*ar. < 1 «0 l*<iuu<t« l i the at era *e>. A n ex <,-*»p«*nvr. t»rt it. weed out >our )MM»r cw w a,and tu tu t h e g t in l «me.* uitu re c o rd « b re e h e ra . S T R A W H E R R Y S E C R E T S is < r e v e l a t io n o f t h e d i « - covrriea and m rtiMida «>( I.. J Farm er, the Iunt*tun r« p e rt. in g row in g I u m io u « tall *tm w h r r i ic*e alm ost u i'til «now «tea. Ilo w am i when to p la n t, how to (v itilia r , h«>w to remove the Lilosauma, how to t e t th ree crops in tw o > vats, etc. G A R D E N GOLD show* Innv to rnnkr* your Ihickvard »ui>t>lv frenti $ <*get:thle« and ( m il, bow to < ut dow n your grocery I »11«. k»*» •• t 1 « w t t.«hle,an«i get ca«h lo r >«»ur surplus. H o w to I'lu u t, c u liir .il« , harvest an»l m arket. DUCK D O L L A R S t e ll s h»> \ the «»rent Weber d u rk - term mr»r Hoaton m a v e a e v e n vettrJM) re n t« e a rh ou 0 .0 0 0 »luch- l e P , w in «iuuk« pay thvin l*ctter titan chickettM, am i ju»t l i O W tliev do evervthpig, Im i;« T U R K E Y SECR ETS disci«» •: f illy the methods of H o m e ” Vn«e. tin- l.intoua Rhode l«lan<i “ tu rk e *-m a rt,” w ho aup* ptles the W h ite I f . »a -.’ T b iiG tiifk e ix . It urtla how to m n «. to vet e’»i«. I . h.itt'li, •«» (cr«l am i m r c f-.r the yotm e, to pre* i f .1 ankuvaa, to lu.U-n, uno UoW tu tiu»k< a tut key-tauvli F A Y . T h e M IL L IO N E G G -F A R M i s the methods bv w hich J. M . F »-:er n i l - * o t v r 3 tft,& U O « y e a r, m ainly Irom e^u*. A ll chi. k m - n ii s r n «•! u t’ I ler.m «lim it the •, R.*uir«Ma» I m l,” an I I m » w F o - t< r L LCLX> lien-* to produce au* h »¡uantitica o i « * * * • especially in wint»-r. D R E S S M A K 1N 0 S h l.F - T A tK lU T ' ho’.vs how any intelligent w n tn n can ck>i|rn and m ake Iter ow n « lothe«, in the height oi (a ■ I he « u iim f has d< ne it sin« e s h e w a « n g irl. i i. a and « athool oi d ieaaiuaking Illustra ted w ith d iu g ta n u . |M, j friand»,*' saj« «Uck •uv u«aiur«a to /rail it. I w lab it rjaV.isluu. H. t Hue ‘ lh a fc m i *'I» * « l» * to « i« where the yar*1 U only !.’»x IM f« rt. mN do wittMMd lha Farm Jouin«i a«)» Mt»« hura llo h lc n . the ’•(’ont k 'ln ^ ,” i. v, * i»«»\e p« gvt ten U b u t «els m o re p e r a c re i < »rn. rt It i*i pruteiu a u«l the beet aiovk. I ceding ekm etu » Hi<ttir«ta w every piuvwAe E G G S E C R E T S i !1< i . .< , . , , t , JM1 hen« turn i( . la l* - : » | . « >, ; ■ • - - • i r « « . If I m e ;i K it L . t $ i | , gvi th>« I h w . > i i !•«<»« use up •«.rap «4 the k it. .»« i u . i s i. . a n I liv e b e lt e r ut le a s t o s t . I have soinetinirt remi At through *»»•«! tin>ugIH | I m »U I was done w ith it. then p k k It up again •anti ftm f aoaucthiiig i w Io interest m e ," aeys A llre d Krogh. hing n« “ I get lots of books anti p q * r * , nnt! t»ut them n«*i<lr for futu re reading. T h e <»nly p a|M *r I se«*m to l ia 'e in nn twtnda all the tim e is F arm Journal I can t ftnt»k D «<lmg it t .in i «*,u m ake it less in te trstin g , so I ta n ha%s a th a m « at my other papers? ** w rites John S n a il “ If I nm lonesome, down-heerled, or tirrtl, I go to m > s Mabr I tkrwilt. “Farm Journal has n cheerful vein running through it that makes it a »pirn« I hl cine te r the ” h l« ra .*' VS hrn «.unit g home tired in m ind amt bodv, I sit down amt read It and it »rent« Io give me new in sp ira lio u lor h ie ," w rites G . I.. H a ktc n n an “ We have n biother-in-hnv m ho loves a Joke. We F a rm Journal tor coat lor I , neat to the Bible,** live in G reater N ew Y o rk , and o m skler outs* Ives quite . Itiiied, so when he sent us the F a rm Journal a« a S e w Sear'-* gift w hewily died laughing ’ H o w to raise hog«*—we w ho m tly u»*< la* it Hi glass Jar* I *H<«w to k**epi*»ws * lean'—■ w I k 'U we a * * »omlensa t m ilk even tor rice pudding I *||«.w to plant <Mii«>n«'— wt > n we never plant anxthing m ote (ra g l than Id e s of the xallex I avceirtrd the g ilt w ith thank«, tor w e ate I»*» w rlh tu e d to l«>. V a g ilt horse in the m outh. S e a t m v e x e w.ta caught bv a henutitu, noant I began to read It. then when I w $ut*«i the Farm Journal I lound m y husband d e rp ly interested in an a n k le . Then my oh test son began to a«k, *!la « the F a rm Jourm il < ornr x et F tin « a Jeweler, am i hasn't m m h lim e for literature: hut w e fh id s n mm )» interest am i uplift in this fine |m |w r that w e anpreciatc our New Y e a r’s gift more amt more,** w rites E lla B. Uuram an. “ I received ‘Com SecnMV anti ‘Potthrv Secrett • and conskier them w o rth their w eigh t hi g o h t,**M ys U . t . X a w a ll, “ What your Egt? Iltok tells would take a lx g .u tte r years to learn,” sax» Roy Chaney. “ Duck Dollars i•* the best lo o k I ever had on duck* raising ," says 1*’ . M . W a r n o r k . # “ If vour other booklets contain m mtirh vnhiahfo A Reminder inform ation aa the E g g lkio k . I w«»ul«l consider them cheap . t double the p rice," aay» F . W M a n th rk l. S H A L L I F A R M ? h a, impartial statement of Obstetrical work is cash. No except- both advantage-* m id d is u tm c k t <>( (arm in g , to help those w ho “ I think your Egg-Book is n x.under,“ says ions to »his rule can be made. Calgary.—Luther McCarty, white have to <ie* i*le I hi« Im portant question. It warn« you «>i ilan g rra, C. F Shirey 7 s w in d le « , m id i d id , “The Farm Journal beats them all. F.v«-rv i«<tt»* h « heavyweight champion of the world, Clement H. Smith, M. D. its co«t, chances o( auccca«, how Io get governm ent a id , etc. rem inder» and idea« w o rth a j e ar’» sub acilpdo o," writes took the count of 10 from Referee Ed T . H Foltcir. booklet» a r t 6 * y tackes, an d illustrated. Miners, I can sharp Smith, which marked him the loser “ One year ;» ’«> I t<x>k a n o th e r p .io tf, F a r m J o u r n a l P O U R f u ll y e a rs , L _ a l C l AA Wonderful Skin Salve amt it t<M>k a w hole colum n to tell what F a tm Journal tails iu en, repair or make w it h ■» y one of theso b o o k le ts D O lil T C i y l.U U in the 10-round fight with Arthur Pel- one |»aragraph, ’ says N . M . G lad w in . Bucklen's Arnica Salve is known every key, and eight minutes later was dead. Tke Boeklcta era LOT m U seyars^ty—ssAy wkb Farm Jeurssk tools, and guarantee “ It ought to l>e in every home w here there is a chick, where ss the best remedy made for all His death was caused by a chance H e t u t e to »ay H l U i U booklet to n H \in l. a c h ild , a to w , a cherry, o r a ctMUMRbar,” sax a 1. Li. Foidus. m y work to stand diseases of the skin, and h I so for burns, blow, exactly one minute and 45 sec W I L M E R A T K IN S O N C O M P A N Y . P i H L l. H E U S F A R M J O U K N A U W A S H IN G T O N S Q U A R K . P H IL A l A E t M t t A . the racket; try me bruises and boils. Reduces inflamma onds after the fight began. tionand is soothing and healing. J. T. and be shown Referee Smith separated the men Sossaman, publisher of News, of Corne during a clinch and both squared off. lius, N. C-, writes that one box helped Suddenly McCarty was seen to doubje bis serious skin ailment alter other re- j up in a crouching attitude. To the medies failed. Only 25c. Recommended spectators It looked simply as a fight by all druggists. B e tte r than Spanking ing pose. He crouched lower and low er, however, and his eyes rolling; then Spanking will not care children of he collapsed and fell full length on wetting the bed, because it is not a Constipation Cured habit but a dangerous disease. The C. Dr. King’s New Life P ills will relieve the floor. The referee, assum ing that McCarty H. Rowan Drug Co. Dept. I486, Chicago, constipation promptly aud get your III., have discovered a strictly harmless bowels in healthy condition again. John ' had been knocked out, stood over him remedy f«r this distressing disease and 1 Supsie, of Sanbury, Pa., «ays: “ They are j to count off the seconds. Arthur Pei- to make known its merits they will s nd , the best pills I ever used, and I advise I key stood at one side of his fallen a 50c pickage securely wrapp-d and everyone to u-e them for constipation, j adversary. He scarcely realized what prepaid Absolutely Free to any reader indigestion and liver com plaint.” W ill' had happened. By this time the referee of The Gold Hill News. This remedy help yon. Price 25c. Rec. mmendtd by | had become alarmed and called for ! a doctor. The physicians worked over also cures frequent desire to urinate all drnggiets. j the stricken man for eight minutes, and inability to control urine during the when they pronounced him dead, but n igh t or day in old or young. The C. continued their efforts for more than H. Rowan Drug Co. is an Old Reliable an hour. House write to them to-day for the free A coroper’s Jury "exonerated Pelkey medicine. Core the afflicted members of blame for the death. The Jury de of your family, then tell your neighbors liberated 'on ly a short time before and friends about this remedy. returning the verdict, which also ex- J Marquette, Mich.—Monday the si age onerated all principals In the staging was set herg for the most important Oregon Lands Restored to Entry. Gf)Ll) Illl,I, NEWS, Gold Hill, Oreiton of the contest. , trial, from the standpoint of national Portland.— President Wilson restor interest, in the history of the upper REPUBLICAN LEADERS MEET and to every sul.scriber whose order is received ed to entry 75,000 acres in eastern « w p t your njH'clal oiler. I’lease send inc THE Michigan country. try 75,000 acres of land In eastern NEWS for oin- jcarHiid K lliM JOURNAL F O U R years, j before the edition is exhausted, Ihe publishers Plan for 1914 Campaign and Agree on Theodore Roosevelt, plaintiff in a Oregon that had been withdrawn on Need of Reorganization. of the Farm Journal promise to send also their the presumption that It contained valu 1 $10,000 libel suit against George A. with this booklet. Washington.— Leaders of the repub famous ALMANAC, “ Poor Richard Revived,” ALL TOR $1 .75 able deposits of oil. Investigations by j Newett, editor of the Iron Ore, pub- the geological survey showed that ' lished at Ishpeming, Mich., will at- lican party—members of the executive for 1 9 1 3 , provided you XVRITE on your ORDER, My name is w hile sm all quantities of gas exist. It tempt to prove that he was grossly comm ittee of the national committee “ If in time please send the Alm anac." libeled when Newett, In the heat of from 12 states—gathered here Safur Is not of commercial Importance and /Xddre.MM If you are now taking the farm Journal, only slight traces of oil have tee n the fall campaign, printed an editorial day and laid preliminary plans for the ' attack upon the Progressive nominee, congressional campaign of 1914. your subscription will be MOVED AHEAD for found. ’n which he said, among other things: The conference was the first formal four full years. Beattie. "Roosevelt lies and curses In a most meeting of republican leaders since If you name no booklet, Farm Journul will be sent 5 years) W heat— Bluestem , 99c; club, 89c; disgusting way; he gets drunk too, and the 1912 campaign. It was harmonious Are you now taking the Farm Journal'.’ red Russian, 88c. that not infrequently, and all his inti from the time Chairman Hides called j To get Both papers, fill out order herewith ( Write ’’Y es,” or “ N o.” . E ggs—20c. mates know about it.” «or order until the last motion was and send it to us, NOT to the Farm Journal. Butter— Creamery, 29c. Colonel Roosevelt and a party of his adopted. The need for reform within H ay—Timothy, $18 per ton; alfalfa, closest associates arrived in Marquette the party was not denied. The sug- $13 per ton. Monday morning. Ip the’ party were n< stion of the progressive elem ent for Marion, Olilo, writes of Dr King’s New e,lle'' f"ile'' ” •' will do the same for Best Medicine for Colds d , K „ „ - . n . . . - a ; s ' i r national convention In the near fu When „druggist, reromm- iids a rnme- Gifford Pinchot, Dr. Albert Shaw, edit For Sale:—One lf ih . p. boiler and < n- or of the Review of Reviews, and a ture was heard and It was practically : dy for colds, throat and lung troubles, covery is tbe best throat and lung med- K«(’l> » bottle on bands all the tim e for gine, complete. A ll in ru n n in g order. number of other persons of promin unanimous that such a convention j you can feel sure that he knows what he ¡cine I sell, i t cured my wife of a so-1 ,’VHry,>"B ¡n the family to use. It is a A p p ly to, XV. L. Childers, Gold H ill, Or. ence. U ,,ar' should be called. I e talking about. C . Lower, druggirt, of veie brooobi.1 cold after ,11 other re.n-1 ¿ Z e d *by‘all drog«iit°.."nd Just a word ! C .F . CARTER B L A C K S M IT H «SPECIAL COM BINATION OFFER OF THE G o ld H ill N e w s TEDDY’S SOBRIETY ' IS MADE AN ISSUE T he N ew s is regularly 1.50 a y ear. Subscribe N O W , and w e will g iv e y o u T he N ew s for one y ea r and t h e Farm Journal 4 years, with a n y one o f the Farm Journ al BOOKLETS, A L L FOR $1.75