Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1913)
Gold Hill Livery Darling & Hodges Proprietors Rigs ¡for all occasions Good horses and drivers that know the roads We make no specialty of any class of trade A ll G et t h e Best Professional Cards Legal Notices NOTICE A. E. KELLOGG OK APPLICATION FOR PATEN T D epartm ent of the In terio r, United S tates Lead Office Roseburg, Or. A pplication (or M lueral P a te n t, 98528 I Roeebnrg, Oregon. 1 In th e m a tte r of th e A pplication for P a te n t lor th e O 'H a ra Placer M ining Claim. Notice ia hereby given: T h a t ourauant to th e provision« of C h ap ter VI of Title 32 of th e Revised Statute« of the United Embalmer and Funeral State«, A bbie J . C ham plin, whose poat office address ia th e City of Chicago. Director County of Cook, S tate of Illinoia, by Compiete line of boriai robe«, i C harles P. C ham plin, h er A ttoruey-in- eaakets, eto. i Fact, whose post office address is Gold | Hill in Jackaon C ounty, S ta te of Ore F U N E R A L CAR gon, ia ab o u t to m ake application to th e Office Pitone: Home, 9—M; Residence U nited State» for a p a ten t for th a t cer Phone, Home 2—K : Pacific 4fi-Main. tain placer raining claim com prising 20 acres of placer m ining ground situated C L E M E N T H. S M IT H . M. D. in Pool’s Creek (nnorganiaed > Mining D istrict, Jackson County, Oregon, the GENERAL PRACTITIONER sam e being th e E ast U of th e N o rth east J<ol tn e N o rth east of Section 11. Office in Wells Building Tow nship 37 S o u th , Range 4 West of Hours 10-12—2-4 W illam ette M eridian. The original location notice of said m ining claim ia recorded and set forth DR. A R TE M A S W. D E A N E in Vol. 8 ot Records of M ining Locations DENTIST o f Jackson County, Oregon, a t page 591 thereof, and an am ended location notice, GAS ADMtSISTBRKD dated Ju n e 29, 1912, is set forth and re RIALTO BUILDING. MEDFORD corded in Vol. 17 of Mining Records of Jackson Coonty, O regon, a t page 3:59 A. E. KELLOGG thereof, and reference th ereto is here had foi a m ore d etailed description of NOTARY PUBLIC said m ining claim , and reference is aleo Phone 35 Main here had to th e o rig in al application GOLD H ILL, OREGON filed in th e U nited S ta te s Land Office a t R oseburg, Oregon, and th e prooUac- C LA R K E. SAUNDERS, M. D. company ing th e sam e lor a complete Practice Limited to i statem ent of th e im provem ents on said Ta r? xt j mv claim and rig h ts whereby th e applicant Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat apph i for u n ited s t a t s P a te n t th ere- Eyes scientifically eT ain in ed and glasasee on. Notice of tills application was post- furnished when needed. ed on th e ground December 4, 1912. A n .a n d all persons claim ing adverse i s iett-Corey F - . t : i.g. M«dford, Ore ly th e above described m ining ground, or any poition thereof, so described, surveyed, platted and applied for, are hereby notified tn a t unless th eir adverse claim s a re duly tiled according to law. ami the regu ations th e re u n d e r, within the tim e prescribed by law, w ith the i f you w ant your R egister of th e U nited States Land Of fice at R oseburg, in the C ounty of tools put in good Douglas and S tate of Oregon, they will be barred by virtue of th e provisions of said statu tes. shape be sure to see 45-56 B F. JO N E S , R egister. GOLD HILL. OKKGON NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL Tariff Fight Has Shifted to Sen ate. but Final Vote Unlikely • Money-makihg Secrets W ashington.—The tariff fight haa ahiftad from the house, with Its over whelming Democratic majority, to the senate, where the party’s slim majori ty of six already haa been reduced, as far as the bill la coacerned. to four. U nless senator» familiar with the prog ress of such legislation are mlstahen. there It now little prospect of a final vote oa the bill before August 1. f The bill’s passage through the sen ate win be fought at every step by Republicans. Leader» of the Democrat» on th» senate finance committee, which will handle the. hill, expressed the belief that it would go through in practically the sam e form as It passed the house, and that their email majority would stand firm to the last. Democratic leaders acknowledge that the two senators from Louisiana will not accept the sugar schedule, and that they might be willing to combine with others to defeat the whole bill. p A R M J O U R N A L ( “cream, not skim m ilk” ) is the great little * paper published for 36 years in Philadelphia by W ilm e r Atkinson. It is taken and*read by more families than any other farm paper in the W O R L D . Its four million readers (known aa “ O u r Folks ” ) are the most intelligent and prosperous country people that grow, anti they always say the Karin Journal helped Zf rtff f f t f r s f i r l f f “ F m llrj S itr tli" Hill t r w M carry f t v t h , tlk tr u t r t u f i r ru trt i m f r ta s l. »0 make them so. Their |>otatoM arc larger, their milk teats higher. their nogs w»igli more, their fruit brings higher prices, because they read the H a rm J o u rn a l. D o you know Peter Tum bledown, the old fellow who w on’t take the F a r m J o u r n a l ? By showing how N O T to run a farm ,Peter makes many prosperous. N olxxly tan go on reading the F a r m J o u r n a l and being a Tum bledown too. Many have tried, but all have to quit one or the other. T h e F a rm J o u r n a l is bright, brief, •* boiled d ow n ,“ practical, full o f gumption, cheer and sunshine. It is strong on housekeeping and home-making, a favorite with busy wom en, full o f Jitc and fun for lioys and girls. It sparkles witli wit, and a happy, sunny sp irit l*raetieal as a plow, readable at a novel. Clean and pure, not a line o f fraudulent or nasty advertising. All its advertisers arc trustworthy. ■ T he F a r m J o u r n a l gives more for the money and puts it in fewer words than any other farm pa|<er. I x s s than a cents a month. 3a to 80 |>«ges monthly, Illustrated. F IV E years (6 0 issu es) for f i . o o only. N o one-year, two-year or three-year suliseriplions taken at any price. The Farm Journal Booklets Five Democrats Vote Against Bill. C om petition Open in 50,000 Office«. Farm Journal 3 w Before August T he U nderwood ta riff bill w as pass ed In th e houae by a vote of 211 to 139. Five D em ocrats voted ag ain st th e bill and tw o R epublicans for IL R ep resen tativ e Bryan, o t W ashington. P rogressive, w as th e only rep re se n ta tive In co n g ress from th e Pacific n o rth w est to vote for th e bill. T he solid d elegation from O regon and Idaho voted ag ain st th e bill, aa did the (our o th e r m em bers from W ashington. The R epublicans who voted for the bill w ere Cary and Stafford, of W is consin. D em ocrat« who opposed It w ere B roussard, Dupre, L azare and M organ, o t L ouisiana, and C. B. Sm ith, of New York. P rogressives who voted for th e bill w ere K elly and Rupley, of P en n sy lv an ia; Nolan, of California. K ent, of C alifornia, form erly a Repub lican. but now an Independent P ro gressive, also voted for th e bill. P ro g r e s s iv e L eader M urdock and 13 of his P rogressive follow ers voted w ith the m inority in th e final cunalderation of th e m easure. G E T . T H E S E • have sold by h u n d re d s of th o u s a n d s , and have ms<le a sensation by revealing the Sh'CRFTS OF M O NEY- M AKIN G in home iiulusirv, People all over the country are m aking money by th«*lr methods. POULTRY SE C R E T S is a collection of di<cnveries and rnathsuh of »uvw««(u) |»«ulfr'ttt«ii h k I i *** FcU'h '« itn w w mati.iK r h a il.llic L ttiii.» » h v i I km I .1 veiling one hull »»»• re pull««« that» vovkctel«, tU»\ e* «nteiito.|«»» in .t»i nt< in t i lilt, and p u rr 1 cm Mvrcis lm bi «««In»£, tcediiig, bow iu juatiutc winter egg«, vie HORSE SE C R E T S expo*«*< ail th • m<*tlt<xl* <>f “ btsh« opk»»,” “plut’enisr." rovAi’i»« and gaaoima dopoig, and other • ' trick« of ai» I -witi Iter», :tn«l c’l.t'»»«« ,in\ otic to ta ll aa unaound i»orM . I ivc» uuay taluubie iiatuitig «etrcia. r What Our Folks Say About F. J. •'I have had m ore help, encouragem ent and enjoy- ram« lent < out id H in «me » ya*r year I than I did out «4 ray other («per« ui leu year»,“ cay« C . M I'WauMB. ” It is A a tirrr little paper. “ Farm Journal is like a bit of sunshine in o u r home. It 1« making a twttvr via»« ut |«e«»|»l* out of larmeon It waa ft»»l aent me a« a <’hn»ima« pieaenl. ami I think II the vhoUe»t preaetit I «vet revelve«l. «aye p. K LeValley. “W www e » h iv e t read r a v i your dear <«■ little « paper for nearly 40 «war«. hnia (inn it« tat> Imvc* $ kt» k i . t t,»s i » h » t .»«th <4ii p h > ' g>’t lb *- ' . >• .,i i - M s can m ate l» r ’'t lt e g g a . If *aa -» I«» it*« up every »the lace« ot old Irknd».*' »a>« ”1 ¡ear 1 twetmA guy iMsaiu**» to r«-ad it. I w kh it MdbcIpmcbMNlecAcMy tMBMr Vtrgnm*. «ays W h. d in e ”1 B«« to a town where the yard is only 1«*>* 1« I h , * K eceM aal Ac whbooA (ha Farm Joum«*!.** * Mi»» '4 llobl it, the “ ■ K .t c .’* > • h >w i » ; ; t l tew l-> bu> i l I s mure per acre >f < m , n t t . protein anti th«* bout »io. k-nx••Inm < u i.«tii.. P»vti;r'<a mat •* rvery |ru $w » pUtau EGG S E C R E T S tells I ihe lam lann any m*»«e, yet I M i" have a Now we doe‘I don t live on the that I bekmg to Ihe family, and I Irei I th beeketee tot U m eM pa»w , x R w h m d .b o o k o i ?rot CORN S E C R E T S , the . I have som etimes resd It through ami thought I wm d«o* with II. then |dck It up again and hud Bunwthhtg new Io iutere«l me," »ay« A llied Krogh. “ I net lots of books and iKt|>cr*, anti put them aswle T H E ••3U TT E R BOOK” !• lb» I w Ftven cowa were lor future reading The only tx|»rt | arrnt In have In •»% band» all the titae is Farm Journal 1 eau’t hnlMi irudtng it (*autt««u make It le«« hseteellcg. »o I «au have a tham v at my other papriB • “ write» John ftwail STR A W O ER R Y S E C H T S i i r e v l uioii of the dis- Farm Journal lor comfort, neat Io the Hihk*," aay« Main I lAewitl. f< «>f lit« ktb In it \sa.siv. an 1 ilv « better at lea# to s t. n«:t ’e t«» pnuhuv ha lf a low of h a tte r r.v h »er year? (ISO j». tn t« l, 11 ik e i\ ■ a c* -«« :t r. <in It. weed out youi |KK>r cow», and turu ibc £’**1 owe« tuu-» t vL.<>rd>araalMfa. envcrlm a»<l metho»!« «.( 1« J Fanner. Ih f lamaaa eatwrt, in g r o w in g lu *ri"U N la ! H a u l • • «•« aim« -u until mow flte» How » , l v , tva lo I'.t iit , lo w to it ttili/c . h tv io rctwove lltc bk/BBuma, h»»w io get titiee trop> in la o yaaia, vie« GARDEN GOLD hou l»<h. a “ Farm Journal has a cheerful v< in running through it that mak«*» it a »pletnihl cute lor llte •'hlvr».” Wl«**n tonttng home tired in mind anti bndv, I »It down nnd t*-a«f It ami It »rente tu give me new in»|dral4ou lor hie,'* write« («. I llaldvim an. how to m ake your buck yard • au I ii uit, h' w to rut «town » .»m «I lor your b u i pi >IUa>. " t I t. la l ph t.i c u ltiv a te , h u r t * hl ttllti ULI a “ If I sill lonesome, down-hearted, o r tired. I co to un r»y low tu r COLLARS tabs bo V th.- great W eber duek- .ii h >. i « i ,ln. k- ( miiu anr D. «tun matte “ We have a brolher-in-law who loves a Joke. We live In Greater New York, and con»ider oui«ely«i «¡uil«*« tufted «•» when he »rut u« the Faint J«mrn«d a« a New Year » grit we neatly die») laughing rahw beg«*—w * who only n»v h gL»»» jam! ‘ llo w io kre,»tow» vraau'—when wc u-r m i . ♦ ■ I milk even lor rice pudding I *llo w to pi oil onio» »'— w Inn we never plant am thing m«»e fragrant titan bile» ui Ib * m l i w . 1 ar« epted the gift witn thunk«, lor we are w o well-bred t«i » I«»»k a gilt huiae In ll«e mouth. Sorat ntygycwaa (aught by 4 I* m nt if ut »em. I ticgan to read it. then when I wnnl<«l llie I aim .«•, found my hu»t«arnt deeply Intereutad In an article. *11 ol«le»t «or» liegnn to a»k, 'Ila » the Farm Journal • on»«’ • et f* II i» a«Thasn’t mu« h lime for literature; but wc ft»»«, • h mt« tr> , cad uplilt nt Uit» Ane |«tf*r ibai we appreciate out hi« Year b gilt mote ami more," w otc« Kila B. bur Kinan *H«‘W »•» .a t.utvr Uian chickaaa, ami Ju«( All fo u rth class p o stm astersh ip s ex H O W tbev do everytti»»i:’ cept those paying less th an »1800 a u lly the m ethods of T U R K E Y S E C R E T S diade I ’'ttirkct-niAtt," wlto Bup- Jlortce Vo«*, the i.nn«>»w y ear w ere throw n open to com petition ttnUC'B. Il tellra ItoW tO I atu the W hite 1. >• v I by un executive o rd er issued by P resi nr l<*r the young, (<> pre* mate. Io set ess*. <•» luilct •o f* * f C k r a lui key-ranch KAY. ve it au'kuoa >, io f Ikvn, and bow u d en t Wilson. T hese positions a re re •S the method* by T he MILLION ECKl-FARM ” 1 received ‘Corn S e r i n .’ nmt Tm iltrv S--< r<-t* ’ tained In th e classified section, but l * « . t ' r 5IS.OVU a y ea r, ma in 1 v front Ft which J. and con*bier them w«»tth their weight in gold,” nay» W . <• Newell. about 50,000 in cum bents who w ere 11 le n rh a lio iit th e MKanrocaa AH lien« io produce stub <(ua till tie« 11 h o w F a M a r F “ W hat your Em; Book te lb would ta k e » I k p in n e r li ’covered in ” into th e classified service e l «£«;•. n » w ii year« to leant, * »ay« Boy Chaney. by executiJR o rd ers of previous a d D R E S S M z X K IN G S l . t r - T A D G H T shown how any •‘Duck Dollars is the best book I ever h id on duck- m in istratio n s, will have to m eet all intelligent wnm.ui can deiign amt make her own < hothca» in the raising," «ay» F . M . Warnnck. rite aaiiior ha« <i« *«e it «in« e ihe was a girl. height of I. “ If your other booklets contain ns much valuable com ers In com petitive exam inations She n«»w h i« a «on • ••* ¡fu’ dre Mik in . • tablhhinent and a Information aa the Egg Book. I w«»uld consider litem ebaup at acuool ol die»MuuKiug llluatiat<«i with diagram*. Notice Concerning Assessment Work on in o rd er to hold th e ir positions with double the price,“ «ayt F W . Man»ftcM. B la c lis m ith SH ALL I F A R M ? ¡« a clear, inn».irtial statem ent of civil serv ice protection. Placer Claims “ I think your Egg'B ook is a vonder,” says both advantage» and drawha* k« of larming, to help iboae who C. P Shirey. have in det ide this itnportaiit q neat ion. It warns »««u of danger«, P o stm aster Lim it Is Set. TO A. H. BARCLAY: Bwtndle«, and m io a k e i, teHi h o w to Mart, etjuipnu-ni needed, “ T he Farm Journal beats them all. Ev» rv i- -u»- h is 11» coeil, chauicaof»«, how to get government aid, etc. remind*-™ ami idea« worth a >ear's »ahatTiiriioa,*' writes You will take notice th a t I, th e un d er Fourth-class p o stm asters m ust be T . I I . Potter. signed, co-owner with you of ten certain able to read, to count accurately the T ilt i t b o u k iih a v t 6 x v iftsk e i, iiftJ ilh u ln ttJ . “ One year av,o I look another agricultural p»i»« r. placer m ining claim s situ a te on Taylor F a rm J o u rn a l FO UR fu ll year«, money they receive, to m easure the and it took a whole column to tell what Farm Journal tells lit Gulch, Mahaley G ulch a n d M iner- w it h any one of thc»e booklet« . both for $1.00 one paragraph," say» N. M . Gladwin. M iners, I can sharp Creek, in Sections 19 and 30 in Town oil cloth on th e floors of th e ir offices Tke bookleu ara HOT sold wparBUly -a«ly witk Fam J»«raal. “ It ought to be in every borne where there !s a chick, ship 37 Sooth of Range 4 West, :n Jack- and to w rite a t least a decipherable en, repair or make a child, a cow. a cherry, or a cucumber,“ say« I. U . Hotdus. / i t m r e to taY W t l i C / f bookhrt yo u w .int. son County, O regon, have performed le tte r once in a while. In o rd er to be tools, and guarantee the ann u al assessm ent work on said W A S H IN G TO N SQ U A RE. P H IL A D E L P H IA W11J4EU A T K INSON C O M P A N Y. P l B L IH IIE tlii F A R M JO U R N A L, claim s between the 1st dav of Jan u ary tak en u n d er th e wing of th e civil se r m y w ork to stand and Ju n e, <912, for th e year ending vice. In effect, they m ust have a reas December 3 ls t., 1912, : nd have paid onable u n d erstan d in g of ’T eadln’, writ- the racket; t r y me and expended in money and labor in ’ and ’rith m etic," according to In and be shown thereon, th e sum of $190., -being th e stru ctio n s by post-office d epartm ent. am ount required by law to p rotect said P erso n s to tak e th e exam ination claim s against forfeiture fo r non-repre- aen ta tio n ; Now T h erefo re , Yov W ill m ust be citizens of th e U nited S tates, T ake N otice , T h at ynu a re hereby re over 21 y e jr s old, and m ust reside In quired w ithin ninety days from th e ser th e com m unity th ey asp ire to serve. Better than Spanking vice of th is Notice upon yon to reim No one m u st be crazy, intem perate, Spanking will not cu re children of burse me for tn e am o u n t due from you d ishonest o r have been dishonorably thereon to rep resen t your in terest in w etting th e bed, because it is no t a said cla itrs, am ounting to th e sum of discharged from the arm y or navy. h ab it but a dangerous disease. T he C. »25.00. Farm and Labor Unions Not Exempt. H . Rowan D rug Co. Dept. 1465, Chicago, Yon are fu rth e r notified, th a t if you By a vote of 41 to 32, th e senate 111., have discovered a strictly harm less fail to pay me your proportion of said rem edy Mr th is distressing disease and i ex p en d itu re w ith in ninety days from refused to accept an am endm ent to to m ake known its m erits they will send th e service of th is N otice upon von. th e sundry civil service bill by S enator I your in te r s t in said placer claim s a fide package securely wrapped and I will become th e prnpertv o' th e tiuder- G ailinger strik in g out a clause exem pt prepaid Absolutely Free to any reader i signed co-owner, who p erfo rm ed said ing labor and fa rm ers’ o rg an izatio n s, from prosecution under th e an ti-tru st of The Gold Hill News. T his rem edy annnal labor. law w ith funds appropriated by the —E. J . D avidson , also cures freq u en t desire to u rin a te Co-ow ner. bill. T h ree R epublican sen ators, Jones, and inability to control urine during the L a F o llette and N orris, voted w ith the n ig h t or day in old or young. The C. D em ocrats ag ain st th e G ailinger H . Rowan Drug Co. is an Old R eliable A Reminder am endm ent and tw o D em ocrats. Pom- Honse write to them to-day for th e free Obstetrical work is cash. No except erene and Thom as, joined the Repub m edicine. C ure th e afflicted m em bers ions to this rule can be made. - ______/ licans in su p p orting it. The bill Itself, of your fam ily, th en tell yo n r neighbors Clement H . Smith, M. D. carrying about »117,090,000, finally and friends about this rem edv. GOLD H IL L NEW S, Gold Hill, Oregon was passed by a viva voce vote with only one m inor com m ittee am endm ent. Wonderful Skin Salve accept your special oiler. I’lease send me T H E Factions Agree on Idaho Offices. B ncklen’s A rnica Halve is known every and to every subscriber whose order is received Boise, Idaho.—The w arring dem o where as the best rem edy m ade for all NEWS for one year and FARM JOURNAL F O U R years, before the edition is exhausted, the publishers BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON cratic factions in th is state have I diseases of th e skin, and also lor bu rn s, of the Farm Journal promise to send also their reached an ag reem ent on th e division I bruises and boils. R educes inflam m a wit li thia bookie»_____________________ ALL fOR $1.73 S tartin g March 1, th e curfew In famous ALMANAC, “Poor Richard Revived,” of federal patronage, the term s of I tionand is soothing ¡yul healing. J. T. w hich a re th a t in retu rn for the U nited j S o s-an u n , publisher of New», of C orne Ju n ctio n City will ring a t 9 P. M. d u r for 1913, provided you WRITE on your ORDER, My nam e is_ S ta te s d istrict atto rn ey and U nited lius, N. C ., w rites th a t one box helped ing th e sp rin g and sum m er. “ If in time please send the Almanac.’ ' S ta te s m arsh al plum s which are to go his serio u - skin ailm ent a lte r o th e r re P lans a re being considered by the Address______ If you are now taking Ihe Farm Journal, to the selected ones in th ^ Hawley- medies failed. Only 25c. Recom m ended engin eerin g sta ff of th e O.-W. R. & N your subscription will be MOVED AHEAD for P erk y faction, ail o th er federal ap by ail d ru g g i-ts. for th e electrificatio n of the line bo four full years. po in tm en ts outside of the postoffices tw een P o rtlan d and Spokane. will go to th e N uget-Pence faction. T he dairy men of Sm ith R iver And (If you name no booklet, farm Journal will be sent 5 years) Constipation Cured Are you now taking the Farm Journal?. Ben R. G ray, s ta te chairm an of th e th e Low er U m pqua have formed a Dr. K ing’s New Life P ills will relieve (W rite “ Yes,” or “ No.” . . . . To get Both papers, fill out order herewith p arty , ia to be U nited S tates m arshal, cream ery association .an d have pur according to th e term s of the agree ¡constipation prom ptly and g et your chased th e property of th e Townsend I and send it to us, NOT to the Earm Journal. | __________________________________________________ m ent and F ra n k Moore, of Mosco«’, . bowels in h ea lth y condition sgnin. John C ream ery com pany a t Reedsport. , Kupsic, if Sanhury, I’a., -ays : “ T hey are T h e P o rtlan d L um ber company h a , la to receive th e ap p o in tm en t of Uni Best Medicine for Colds th e be«t pills I ever used, and I advise estab lish ed a logging cam p w est oi j Marion, Ohio, w rites of Dr. K ing’s New ad iaafailed .” it will dotM same for ted S tatea d is tric t atto rn ey . yon if you are suffering with a cold or W hen s <1 rngg 1st recom m end» « rem e. Discovery : “ I know Dr. K ing’s New Dis any bronnhial, th ro a t or lung cough. everyone- to u-e them for con stip atio n , H oulton and expects to cut 200,090 ft i dy for colds, th ro a t a r d lung troubles, covery is the best th ro a t and lung med Keep a Itottle on (randa all th e tim e lor For Kale:—One 16h. p. boiler and en indigestion and liver com plaint ” Will of logs daily. It Is building four mile« i gine, complete. All in running order, i help ynu. Price 25c. R ecom m ended by of railroad to connect w ith the Coluta j ;you can feel sure th a t lie know-i w hat he icine I sell, f t cured my wife of a se everyone in the family to n»e. It ia a 1 is talk in g about. C. L ow er,druggist, of vere bronchial cold«after all o th er rem- hoiredoctor. Price 50c and »1.00. G uar Apply to, W . L. Childert, Gold Hill, Or. all d ru g g ists. bia City road. anteed by all druggists. M IN E R S r CHARLES KELL a w o rd ! S ift A C .F . C A R T E R B L A C K S M IT H ' □c SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER OF THE G o ld H ill N e w s The N ew s is regularly 1.50 a year. Subscribe N O W , and w e will g iv e y o u T h e N ew s for one year and Lhe Farm Journal 4 years, w ith an y one o f the Farm Journ al BOOKLETS, ALL FOR $1.75