NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL Woi Proprietors G E T . T H E S E Money-making Secrets Schedule Is Passed by the House— All Repubman Rigs Jf«r all occasions Good horses and drivers that know the roads W ™H Farm Journal Amendments Killed. W e m ake no sp ecialty o f any class o f trade Washington. — The wool acbeduU was passed without amendment by the houee In its consideration ot the Un­ derwood ta riff bill. It went through p A R M J O ! FR N A L ( “cream . not skim m ilk ”) is th e g r e a t little with little excitement. Its passage A t k in s o n C r ¿ , u b l' sllH ‘‘ l fo r . ;6 > ; 7 rs '» 1‘liN a d e lp h ia b y W ilm er causing scarcely a ripple on the ■ kinson. It is taken anti read by m ore fam ilies than an y o th e r smooth waters of the democratic ta riff O W ’ >Rl n - ' » fo»r m illion r e a d e r , ( k n L n „ program. The republicans concentrated their D coole tb ("«J an: ‘ ie i"’OSt, ,n t d l ,S c n t an d p ro sp ero u s cou n try h l i b t t i i f r t f t r i ) i t i J I notice o f a pplica tio n FOR attacks on the schedule by presenting !? " " h e lp e d " P to h r ) S t t r t U ” Itili i t t u PATENT a blanket amendment aa a substitute It t o r r j f t t u b , « • . / t l i t r n U e üicîr f r u i n ï ' T l T ‘‘ T r’ ,hCÌr m ilk hiAher' ,hcir Eo Department of the Interior, for I I This substitute, prepared by gh more, their fruit bring, higher prices, because they read the F a r m J o u rn o . T Ittr tU f o r t t t r t i n f t r l t t l . United States Land Office Roseburg, Or. c- . r - - —, uicy rcau me r « r m jo u rn a l. Representative Payne, provided a rate ï)t » v o t i V n o tl- I '.lt o s — __ I ____ -V a • aa . . , Application for Mineral Patent, •S.V.’S of 18 cents a pound on raw wool, how N o r to iu-1 I I II,. I' ° U 1 m a r in c [ a n i l j o u r n a l r n Roseburg, Oregon. and bem ■ a Tum bled ^ - n t w '" T 7 ' ,ro ,f>erous- Nobody cun go on reading the Farm m Jo urn« In the matter of the Application lor placed on the free list In the U n d er anti b u n a I umblcdown too. Many have tried, but all have to quit one or the other. Patent for the O 'H ara Placer Mining wood bill, and comparative rates based A. E. KELLOGG Claim. on a duty of 18 cents a pound on the Notice is hereby given: That onrenant wool contents of the various «»-g«. GOLD H IL L . OREGON to the provisions of Chapter V I of Title ot manufactured woolens. 32 of the Revived Statutes of the United Em balm er and Funeral The republicans proclaimed their ‘''tetee. Abbie J. Champlin, whose poet D irector office add rets ie the City of Chicago. substitute to be In conformity with County of Cook, State of Iliinoie, by the report which the tariff board made 3« to 8o jmge?nmomhri 3 !llu s? rai."r’ H V E yeawTfioTJue,“? foi 7 ° rd!'I,han “ny ° ,her J™ " >,a'*.r- Complete line of boriai robes, N o onc-year, , w .y c u or three year s u b s c r i p t ““ “ ’ # “ ,° n,h Charles P. Champlin, her on the woolen Industry, made two caskets, etc. Fact, whoee postofflee address is (¡old years ago. The democrats as emphat­ F U N E R A L CAR H ill in Jackson County, State of Oie- ically declared that It was not. JiBoe Phone: Home. !t~ M ; Residence gon, ie about to make application to the An expected defection from party ie?2‘S f SUtea *?r “ P*18“ 1 ,or <*r- Phone, Home a—K ; Pacific 4fi-Main. have sold by hundreds of thousands, and huve made lines by democratic member« repre­ . P « U m,n,n* c,*im con, prising 2D n sensaiion hy revealing the SECH.STS O F M O N F Y - senting woolgrowing states failed to I r r r8 .. Pl* cer. “ tning ground situated CLEM ENT H. SM ITH. M. D? iF A F tb G in home industry. People all over tlwj ' ni * .Cri * k <'’ n°n?aniied) Mining materialise In the vote on raw wool. It 1» » q jtiesr lini« Country arc making tnoncy hv thrir I have soniviImcs rr».l ■ District, Jackson County, Oregon, the general practitioner The republican substitute was defeat­ It ik r M ie . *n .f tltoug... w„ „ o „ m „ i WilH It, ihftt i>|«h il ;M I . w Ah H •ame being the East t , ot the- Nortb- ed and the Underwood schedule passed POULTRY SBCRETS is a o lU r,i„„ of discoveries and hml tu a i,lM n ( M w r f, , . m , , , A h i m i Krega. errai m MS AthMt K(«^ta. Office in W ells B uilding V* of tne Northeast l„ ot Section 11 ¿‘F “*"' Journal is like a bit of sunshine id oilf home, to 183. Townehip 37 South, Range 4 West of H ours 10-12—2-4 II M making a S e l l , , c lam al usuplv out ol faimera I, wot 4ral n illam ette Meridian. The progressives who voted with the I * " 1 w * a>,» ' a. p ieo n l ami I think II |I m i h a l v m p ltM llI •««,» Vi bivwtliiK. asntiug, li„w I . , f t t t u r t w iu l.i cxx>, etc. I aval tv c a ln d ," aa>a I- K. Lvvalley. r n u t i ori * in,‘ ! location notice of M id democrats were: Murdock of Kansas, DR. A R TEM AS W. D E A N E HORSE S E C R E T :;» xno-;. ,- ,T| Ilf., methods of f,bish- “W«.«Rve read your »tear little paper for nearly 40 £ v S F s «» » ** ¿ ecorded ««>d net forth Kelley of Tennessee, Chandler of New « » n u n c an ct.dn«. . / p l u x g i u g . ' ' roralne and t » r.a fliw «IspMg, as.1 ishar wa d u a l liva on I he la, m any muta, I >011 Sava S DENTIST of J .r> ™ ° r ecord| I 1 M ining Locations York, and Bryan and Falconer of uh « ?•’ U’*‘* lerw, nii>( cuaM«« »«v on»« tv t„|| an • ead RK». I te l I ( n - k .iiK I . . I I I . ....... . . a n d unsound burs«, a . h ' m ih v \a lu 4 i> ;« - ot Jackeon County, Oregon, at page 591 totoltar a a llw la .v . ..7..I.I |o c.„ l.," H ) , OAS A D M tN IS T U K D thereof,and an amended location notice. Washington. C O R N S E C R E T S , tlm .- r r .it N E W h n 1 hook of Prof. J tlA L T O B U IL D IN G , M ED FO R D b«. u :, i-r . . . : i‘. i S teiWtari toy twine»» to1 read it. I wish It Good Reads Committee Proposed ,9 | set forth In d re­ I mbmv u« Virghnsi, ' au>• \\ S. CUna. corded in Vol. 17 of Sinlng Record, of w Vw kHvvu i i i g u t n u c . i t > , J »t* >>tvA * a k « cv;ry p i«■» . »» ir . Washington.-— Good roads legislation the?“ “ 3 J» . **J • town wbera the vard be onlv 15 x IH f. et, A. E. KELLOGG E G O S E C R E T S n M« 1.., , 1,| B| , c an t M t e • * to wttkmtl lha Farm Journal. u > a Mi.a..-..n« thereof, and reference thereto ie here Is considered of such Importance (ton brti* la in lit uh- < r u j ” < i m . ? 3 « u t k • u i q / , Mfrrwh«wff<- Il nr notary public bed foi a more detailed description of landing democrats pftipAM to eteat« lit'«* A h a c ItM a r t l , gr' U h * I r h -L j . ’i , MNtf u ( m > w tti (,%• op dvwv a., Look’ • ’•«> «Jpts r ’ • " I “ Ini"« claim,and reference ie aleo a new standing committee in Gw house aH II.? lim L T i."M 7 * * ”"iv t e l”.’ I te rn ,« hats In m, l«m la GOLD H IL L , O REG ON T U G • • B U T T E J t H O O K ” te ll« lu»w se» ¿ij rows fifed in rh *? .‘ ?.e , ° " r in a l application to be known as the committee on good m a t. II u " I " “ " “ 1 I >«■•'< *"I«W ira-IMi« •» , m a t FtJ2.Ee 1 d,aU” Land Office roads. D’ I « U I In had a t e n o1 b u tte r e»er V«a# . Au >>c-O|waMer. (,ci It, waeil .>(M > w tu < I ti- o lo r ir i is lJ I . , , . . e« »:nw»«i until «now Kle«. * Ho » and w.iett to f» l. m t , li. v w t o f e r t i l i z e , h o w l u remove the bkn Noli’' 1 S U f’’8 la te n t there- Texas. Should the committee be cre­ scientifically examined and jrtrtfTrc on home llttol in nthwl Mini brad' , I « | «luuti i«ii,t r» id It an.! it a-.-.. Jiow to g « uii'M c topj iu two )car», etc. of ,bw «pplication wee p a l . loXlvaM ...w I,..pi, .tom toi h la .^ r.w . G t ItaiJwiJi»..... wircuslied when needed. sted it would take frofN rive ¿resent G A P«« < 0 0 1 .« ? 1 h n v 5 bow to make votir backvard ed on the grouod December 4, ff/f-j .. have " *>r" f,'«f-bl-bw wfm lovrs n Joke. \Ye G 'l telt-Corey P;,L . ,.g. M-dford, beah r •.’etuLt.-f atrif It Mt, how to cut down your HTorery i ' a" d *11 Per«"»« claiming adverse­ committee on postoffices rod post live In (.r e a l.. New York. Sail ranahle, e e n t l v r . nii i . - . uuted a., • '■*. k. ,» i b* it, r ta< at ' •• ■x»i» lor >uur auiplux, How to roads a part of its work. \fs Henry ly the above described mining ground. p1a.*t$ cv’Myatc, hurv*ea< «««>* - d - ie - , - laughing. — ___ ... I., . . raiae . . . , ho c-'- « mu . who -Mow u .r i I m m .- hi - , . W . <.„ly . . u y aawv i v v n h m o f « fy Portion thereof, eo described, declared that more than 60 goo# road's O jJ C K D O L L A R S teflM b«»» th e g r e a t W e b e r du ck « « > w Jam) H ow lu keep r u a n (lean* ____ _ ----- we Use (oiulrftor ( Wr»*H surveyed, platted and applied for, are Measures already introduced which dr- Ain.i fX tr B o m o o m akeacw r- x < 0 eentw aa<*h on Wono.fuck. he.»» plant «nullin g moie fragrant than Iritim ihr «alle» I h n :< f w le !u< i. , jy them U ii« r than clucbmw, and iu«t hereby avtifled tn .t unless their adverse d in trlly would go to numeroua stand­ 11OW t b r r »««'»1 er> ' areeineU f’lS ghi » « h thanka,l..r we are too e wytt-hrml . e— ^ , . v - . . . u a , , lo , , lo 4 claims are .inly died according to law ing committee« should go to one and g i ti hor»e fHOUlb. h «vi» mw »va vaia« « 4«tm»a k . « i— .. • •e in iha the mouth, ni mve>awa« i3 a « M hv N l>r«Htiitif . f n l'y .u e n ------- I ìk - k a ii to r r ld It, then w„en i i when Iw»n«»'a$m J..ninni fhe Dm’■’’’ ’ ’“ •’" “ ’ J[hereunder, within ioiuid mv hu«l>ati«*«> -«n« iwx«n v> »1«-» m r r u m ji'tirim i come vai r | | r i« S M ...U r A w * , . , e ( . 7 , h .1 Register of the United States Land Of­ many leading democrats. Jawakr, and hn«n t mm h lime (<»r literalure. Init wv-fnij «.« Hertai «nd uplift In thia fine |Mi|»er that we »iijres nur oui .New • c i I I..JU. . lu 4US«I.«IH< JK * I • 11,-k : 4 !„ k e . : „ „ .h 1- a C fice at Roseburg, in the County tools p u t in good Britain Obj.«ats to Preferential Clause of «wr> flit more and mare,0 will»» EU« n. Eut aman. Douglas and State of Oregon, they r ''’ « ’• by r .’ l i M h lrro d K - ' . If i e y W ‘C o r ti c i r V e , t* ’ ’ u n d 'P o i n iilt < I » ' d The British' government has joined ■ • re c e iv e d aa » S ea e V I ■ n , r v ( » S » ’ S I'- , ? » \ l l , I , ' ' i ' 1 "* a F««r . n ia iiiH lr,,i„ a red by virtue oi she provisions of,! c --------- — — •<«» jwmec shape be sure to see am?couahlur them » ..„ h lite r weight io gohl." aaya U '. <• New ill, »•id statutes. ° |the nations In protest against that por ♦ u. . '» ^ . 7 . • 1 ‘ M ■ < 5385 •'W’liflt your Egg Book tells would takes beginner B. F. JOWEk, Register. L don of ,he bi» which extends a ara U to . I,to n i.“ »»>a Moy Chaney. years . D W s & M A K I N a S h L r - T A L ^ H r d io w s h o w any- ------------------------------------------- --- ¡'preferential dlffe.Wnce of 6 per cent Duck r V '-J , w "Duck 1» tbe . belt Ixxik I ever had on duck- ■ . * A Kf * - \A " 'ia * aaiewe-le 1 «to goods imported In American oot raising,- .a y , J-: r,,"ri<- Notice Concerning Assessment* Work on .. . ; ^ ‘,,,e ,,t a ,5 la to As. " If votir ofh< ’ b “ >»*«*»■- dor. was to call the attontion of tbo t t t t o iiiir w 1 " I “ - ’Id frU r o r ra , , C. V F. Shirty. Shir«. ’ »WimIle«, un,} rm^akev. .. Ir t a now io« to "gned, eo-owner with you often ceetaln . " T h e Farm g ir o n i heat « it» coot, chances wt ai> Everv has State department to this provision a« EnW to Ä . « Ä . V Gofch '“ ro'?*,0'“’™* "ituate on Taylor rrmfi dcr» and and 'ide ilptio««, * write» I reatlvdcra ide i» *• worth worth » » * ** * a * »n.^ ' ZAere h w . / d , ores a- g m U v > n . . J I h l . a , f/ia •!ul, > r - ^ ¿1^' i I T aa_rn Creek’ iy’ t h a ?y Ou,c,, a o d M m «*. in vlolatios of the existing, treaty of M iners, I can sharp­ T. IJ H. PnMer. L 1» and 30 in Town- I trade and .«»minerce between. America F a rm J o u rn a l FO UR t e l l yvora. I e f d tilt " O u t v e to o I took another a «fri»toltur,il p .'iw r , w ith any one of tlto M b— klu.a . D O tJ i fO V Ç J J l f l en, repair or make and it tool« .» wtm^» e$ *»’”»’• to ,rl1 what r»»*« Jvuiual l«IU m 4 W e e t- ,n 1 and Great Britain. (Mie |>araxr«ph,''-M«sy M. M -G lad w in . th ^ Ort',ion’ h"'»- performed Tka BuaklaU aza MOT «.IJ . . r . n aUk - . I , «,ik Juarart tools, and guarantee it Is undwBxxood rho democratic tan. e l? a“ " 0,,, «.MWiment work on *aid " It ought tb’ht* to v* rv home where there k n cUick, K t t t , /■ l a , „ r U ' U f d ! t t o t l r t f n » it u cucumber,” »ay» I. D . Hordna. , iff managers: to the house, who’ were • child, a OM», a chewy,, m y w ork to stand W IL M E R A I ,, D p fP m k .w ' m 1 e n d ir iv I at first dlspoxmf m permit the sehahr the racket; t r y me WAKH1λ --TON SQUAME.. F H IL A P K I.I IH A . and T iT IWI2’ " * ‘ b»»e paid to deal with ddis question, it being nd expended fn money an.l labor and be shown ‘ h«reo« , the swm of $100., bmD|f the one involving- tosaty relations, which •mount requwed by law to protect earn belong to the unoer house, have recog-i nixed the force o r rtie objections that claims against forfeiture fo r Bon-renre have accumulated! *» m all quarters a u i r X f w7r i ’ T h “ ‘ y o u a r e fo - and w ill themsehaea, remove the ob­ Better than Spanking V id ^ f Tl. J v T ty d“ ’” ,n > - the •*>•- jectionable provlstan: by an amend­ b u « e ™ £ 1ih toCe UP° * yo'’ reinl- Spanking will not cure children of th »«m ou n t due from you ment when the administrative section i" of the bill containing; ik Is reached. ‘ he bed, because it is not a siid L e ? ,’ r” " it yon’ habit but a dangerous disease. The C. $25 00 ““ "»"'-'ng to the M m ,,f Japan W ill Enter Pamnal Protest H Rowan Drug Co. Dept. 14««, Chicago^ News that the Japanese government III., have discovered a strictly harmless fa iH o S T w ^ e h'’ r notifle* i< b -voo had instructed Ambassadisr Chinda to ■ail to pay me ysnr propertioo of hv I remedy fwr this distressing disea-e and expend,tare w ith « make formal protest against the Cal­ to make known its merits they will tend the servme of thss Notice upow vo 1 Placer elW'i». ifornia alien land bllL now awatlng « We package securely wrapped and wdlYlit. Governor Johnson s signature, was re­ s^ n ^ T COrMi th® •< "he "Oder ^ i . / ° ,UteIy Free »0 any reader ceived In Washington official circles £ £ ner’ W,‘° — n Of The Gold H ill News. This remedy with Interest, although It was not un •Iso cores freqnent desire to urinate expected. —R. J. IWins*», and inability to control urine during the Co-owner. It Is taken for granted! in official night or day in old or young. The C. circles here that legal proceedings will H . Rowan Drag Co. ie an Old Reliable follow the enactment of the bill Into A R e m in d e r Hooee write to them to-day for ttie free law. Obstetrical work, is cash. No nuepte medicine. Cure the afflicted members Japan believes Its treaty rights ions to this.nule can he madt-, of your family, then tell your neighbors should be taken to The Hague tor ad­ Clement H . Smith, D>. and friends about this remedy justment, but it Is probable the de­ partment of Justice and thw statq de­ wonderful Skin Salve partment will hold that the proper pro­ Leaders in Toklo Advise People to GOLD H IL L NEW S, Gold H ill, tircRtei Bucklew’S ArnicaSalveieknow aevarr cedure w ill be for Japanese affected . Preserve Calm Attitude. where as the lie « remedy made far p)| by the legislation to appeal to the fed­ and to every sufestriber w hose order is received Toklo.— The Japanese pres, express­ disease, of „he skin, and also for burn, eral courts. •oo«pt ,,,u r sja-i iai uffer: p|eam, nw -T. o f t h e % i m I o ° " I” i’Xhaus‘ed’ ,he P u b lish ed ed a general appreciation of the ef­ bruises ou i boils. Rettoces in fcm m a NEWH for one yearand FARM JOURNAL F O U R q»r Currency Act In Doubt forts of President Wilson In behalf tionand is sooshing and healing. J. T . fam ous a T man T T “ l ° Se"d -to o th^ I f President Wilson proposes Ko salt , of a land bill in California that would Sosrarnai», publisher of News, of Corne­ I s / LMANAC» Poor Richard Revived ” with this booklet congress for currency legislation at AIL rOR$,75 not be objectionable to the Japanese. lius, N. fc.„ writes that one box helped WRITE on your ORDtR the extra session he has not yet made ‘‘ U 1 9s- 3 ’ pr° vidcd Leaders of public opinion in Japan his serious skin ailment alter other re- My name is_ If m t,m e p lease send the Almanac.” ’ any definite suggestion relating to It are advising that . . an --------------------------------- r , ------------. . » . attitude V . I U M V T u , of calm- i meilies u v m i c » toiled. Mkll'MI. (> Only 2Sc. Recommended but the house leaders will learn before •f you are now taking the farm Journal nese be maintained in the present sit- by a ll dragging, Address many days his plans In that regard. L T r u i ^ “ 0" b' M 0 V [° AMEAU t e uatlon. Such men as Baron Shibusawa As to currency legislation at this and Chairman Nakano, of the Tokio session, It is known that the temper Chamber of commerce, publicly assert Constipation Cured ' " > . u ».meno booklet. Farm Journal w»f be sen, 5 y « .« , * confidence that the American govern- '. Kin(i’* New Life Pills w ill relieve of the house is against It. Majority Leader Underwood said that the house ment and people alike are opposed to ! ’ ° nstlf>atin" promptly and get your ,Aw r 1. nv w tHki',x ,be Karra To g et Both papers, fill out order herewith discrim inatory measures of legislation. *°wel’ ™ healthy condition again. John would prefer to complete the ta riff and f Write ‘ Yes,” or “ No.” and send ,tto us, NOT to the Farm Journal They declare that every effort now )1lip'’,L‘’ of Sa"bury, Pa., says: “ They are adjourn, leaving currency legislation must be made to discover and eradl- 6 >e8t p‘lls 1 eTer USC - M A L L FOR $1.75 ’ ou