C&xïîi Mitt ¡M VOL. 16 CONSTRUCTION OF CEMENT PLANT TO BEGIN $ 5 00,000 INDUSTRY TO BE LOCATED NEAR GOLD HILL LIMITS THRU THE V BY OWN AID ] Last Details of Big Project Ar­ ranged; Construction Work to Follow Engineer’s Survey Honor Graduate of Oregon University Worked Way to Higher Education University ul Oregon, F.ngen», May 7 —Hurting for college afoot, without nioti- *V. buiarekingan education, David Pick- «•tt, at Prineville, cam» to the university «oar year« ago. Thia June lie will In gniAaatol with honor. He won the ora- ■ itorical championship nt the state hurt year. Hia education lias been earned by ! daily toil—Stopping w o o d , sweeping hull», and lacking up odd Join whenever he could. He did it all with a frail body, on the verge nt aickneaa much of the tine. TMckrtt first worked hia way through high school in Prineville by aerving an -janiteff at the school, Tlien hia anildtion turned toward a higher education and he King Nicholas, Montenegro, started on foot for Eugene, 1«) mlkw1 whoao army captured Scutari In de­ aeroaa mountain anti desert. A friend, fiance of Austria, which may result In however, happened to drive to Eugene a European war. with a team anti the long walk watt avoided. Pickett's freshman year waa hard, for alekneaa, which aeut Idin to the hospital a few day« ago in Salt Lake where lie hail gone witli a etilk'ague to will for Oregon ■ the forensic championship of the north* I According to a district court dect­ west, kept him out of college much of tlie •' alon at Milwaukee, WIs., a wife Is jus­ time. He struggled through lii* freeii tified In beating another woman who invitee the attentions of her husband. Ilian year without glory. Rqiial suffrage Was given a setback Hie «nphtnore year was another year of working by day and nf cramming late n t In Florldu when the house defeated a "voles for women" amendment by a night upon hia studies. Thia last year hia work has not la-. ii vote of 26 Io 38. Oovernor Sulzer's statewide primary that of chopping w im m I or titling chorea, lint of tutoring hia fellow studnnte. Pick­ bill, defeated In the New York senate, ett charges 50 cents or a dollar an hour, was also beaten In the assembly, after a long debate, 47 ayes to 93 noes. according Pi the nature of the subject. “ Working one'a way th ro u g h college j Tlie Cdlorudo Fuel and Iron com­ sounds romantic, ” admits Pickett with a pany has surrendered to the govern­ ment 3400 acres of coal laud in south­ smile. “ If a fellow haa no other way to get to ■ ern Colorado, valued at $1.060,000. college, working one’a way may la* ail Thia waa done in consideration of the dismissal of a suit Involving S800 acres right—college ia worth it.” Many atudenta work their way through owned elsewhere by the company. The supervisors of Polk county, tlie University of Oregon, lint to do it without giaal health la an achievement of Iowa, In which Dee Mnines ia located, have announced that they w ill sue the which to la- proud. News of the Week Briefly Discussed Sncramento.— The California anti- alien land holding act, which pa.sed both houses of the legtalature within 24 hours after bringing about one of the most unusual attuationa in the his­ tory of the nation, w ill lie on Oovernor J oh neon'a desk without hia signature until Secretary of State Bryan can con­ fer with President Wilson In Washing­ ton. Defeated finally In his diplomatic effort to dissuade the California leg­ islature from enacting an alien land bill affecting the Japanese. Secretary of State Bryan declared that he looked to the people of the atate to express a final Judgment through the referen­ dum, before the act shall go into ef­ fect. Secretary Bryan In his final address votcid the president's opinion that the words "eligible to cltlsenshlp," consti­ tuted In the California attorney gener­ al's redraft of the alien land measure for the words "ineligible to citizen­ ship.” are equally as discriminatory and, therefore, equally objectionable to Japan. Until the final amendment was add­ ed permitting aliens Ineligible to citi­ zenship to lease agricultural lands for three years, the measure was the moat drastic of any that had beefi proposed. Now, however, It is asserted by many that it w ill accomplish little, Inasmuch as It does not stipulate that the leases may not be renewed again and again. BAD LITTLE M O TH H ER E OCCUPY EIGHTEEN ACRE SITE PLUCK T H E FIRST REQUISITE Anti-Alien Bill is Californian Law to extend encouragement and attempt the procuring of capital to finance the erection of a cement plant near this city, in his estimation a deni ra bit location from every point of view. Allboogh the erec tion ol a cement plant somewhere on th> coast iiad been decided upon, tlie baiarui Professor O’Gara Says Pest of favor hung with western Washington, Must be Dealt With by where tlie associates of Mr. Burch had Immediate Spraying already made exhaustive and satisfactory investigations. The southern Oregon lo- CODDLING MOTH MUST GO ction was, however, brought to the notice of A. D. Nicholson, one of the largest "Within the next two or three day» manufacturers of cement in the United spraying apples for coddling moth should States, wtio upon the representation made begin," says Professor P. J. O’Gara, agreed to contribute $280,000 to the pro­ southern Oregon’s chief authority on ject, providing a like amount of Oregoi fruit peat». “ This “pray should be arsen­ ate of lead at the rate ol four pounds of capital was voluntereed. arsenate of lead to 100 gallons oi water. Medford Men Take Stock High pressure and coarse spray should be In an effort to secure sufficient Uto-k oaed. Every effort should be made to fill Within ten days Engineer Dan Servie, representing the ¡subscriptions locally, Mr. Burch spent the calyx cups ol tlie young fruits, as the largest percentage of worms enter the Beaver Portland Cement Company, will arrive in this city to run ' several months in Medford last summer, young apples through the calyx enps. hut met with disappointment. The pro­ the final line» and lay out the sites whereon, within the remain* "This first calyx spray should be fol­ ject was ahandonad in favor of the Wash­ by another within 10 to 12 days so ing months of 1913, will be erected the largest single industrial ington location, and he departed for Port­ lowed as to catch all blossoms which were not enterprise in southern O re g o n -th e $500,000 cement plant pro­ land to complete arrangements to that far enough advanced when the first spray was being applied. There will be some jected by this company and under process of promotion fo r the effect. During his unsuccessful negotia­ difference in the time of applying these tions local promoters became well ac­ past year. The completed plant will have a capacity of 1,000 quainted with him, and it is to their sprays, depending upon the locality of the orchard. One should judge for himself barrels per day and will give constant employment to an operat­ stk-ktoitiveneas in keeping in touch wkb as to when the calyces are beginning to ing force of seventy men. The buildings are to be completed, the forlorn hope, that he was persuaded dose in. “ An examination of several hundred equipment installed, and all in readiness for operation by Janu­ to reconsider the proposal. This time eocoons, kept in cages, shows that no fortune smiled more clemently, tlie at­ ary 1st, 1914. codling moth larvte liave yet pupated. tention of Portland financiers was direct­ Last year pupation began as early as Although The News has been in possession of these definite ed to the locational advantages oftiold March 38, and by April 3 to 15 large facts for some time, publication has been delayed at the request Hill, and Fk-tcher Lynn, of Portland, numbers of pupa* were found. From this appears that the first brood of codling of the company, and is now directly authorized by J. C. Burch, presented the proposition so successfully it moth will he somewhat later than last tnat a portion of the necessary stock was year. The first moths appeared last year president of the Beaver Portland Cement Company. subscribed. Medford bankers were shown on May 10, and the first eggs were The huge plant will be erected upon an eighteen acre flat the henefits to accrue to tlie valley upon found hatching on May 23. This year directly west of Gold Hill, adjoining the city limits, where a vast tlie establishment of the industry, and we do not expect any larvte until nearly the latter part of May. If the spraying and unfailing ledge of high grade lime rock stretches backward agreed to provide $¡15,000 of the lacking is well done, the first brood larvte, which quarter million. over the hills, combining the merits of complete accessibility Months of unremitting negotiation with will begin entering the fruit during the latter part of May aud first week in June, with a location but a few score yards distant from the Southern tlie railroad company secured a sliding should be destroyed, and a spray applied Pacific tracks—where the completed product will leave the yards scale rate that would enable a southern a month later should suffice for the sea­ Ore ton plant to compete in the Portland son so far as apples are concerned. for the markets of the world. “ Pears need not be sprayed until the market, the desirability of the location The Beaver Portland Cement Company, incorporated for at Gold Hill was manifest, the rock test­ latter part of May, beginning about May 25. Of course, pears may be sprayed $600,000, is composed to some extent of local capital, but the ed excellently in quality and quantity, earlier, but since worms will not appear majority of the stock subscribed is represented by large eastern and the cement plant promotion, after until the latter part of May, and since the pear calcyces do not close in,'there is interests and Portland financiers. Officers of the new company a-ttiacks that would have deterred a less no need of spraying too early. If pears obstinate presentation, ceased to he fancy are sprayed as directed, a single spray are J. C. Burch, of Portland. President; Wm. Schrump, of Med­ and became an assured fact. will be found sufficient to control the cod­ Rock Island railroad company to re­ cover *16,000,000 In back taxes. They assert that the company haa concealed *160,000,000 in money and securities during the past five years. Three large railways centering at St. Paul have ordered new equipment of the latest type at a coat of *26,000,- 00(1, lo provide udequate facilities for moving this year's crop. The order includes approximately 20,000 units of rolling stock. The ronds are the Orest Northern, Northern Pacific and the Chlcngo. St. Paul, Minneapolis & Oma­ ha. California in general, and San Fran­ cisco In particular, are given the un­ enviable distinction of leading the country in the number of suicides, and Memphis In the number of murders, by census statistics for 20 odd states. According to a decision handed down by Chancellor Lamb at Oxford, Miss., legislation which would bar Greek letter fraternity students from state educational Institutions la viola­ tion of the fourteenth amendment to the constitution of the United States. The case w ill be appealed. Banker Bixby la Indicted. Los Angeles.— Charged with contri­ buting to the delinquency of two girls, George H. BIxDy, millionaire financier and land owner of Long Beach, Is un­ der arrest. He was named In two In­ dictments voted by the Los Angeles county grand Jury.__________ Los Angeles Opens Municipal Markets Loa Angeles.— Fifteen thousand per­ sons visited the opening of the three municipal markets. They bought ev­ erything In sight and would have bought five or ten times as much more produce had it been offered. Abbott Removed by Peace Society. W hile the city of Hood River is 8t. Ixiule.— Dr. Lyman Abbott was removed from the Hat of vloe-preel- ranked as a "dlY** town, Rev. J. B. dents of the American Peace Society Parson, pastor of the United Brethren because he signed the appeal to the church, in a sermon told his audience Navy I .»ague for large naval appropri­ that it is a mistake and urges prose- oution of the violators ations. Mammoth Plant to be Completed by Eirst o f Year, Employing Army of Labor in Work o f Rapid Construction ford, Vice-President; C. S. Woody, of the Commercial Banking & Trust Company, of Kansas City, Secretary and Treasurer. Plant at Length Assured ling m oth.” Tlie entire $600,000 in stock has been subscribed, the ponderous and expensive Although tlie deeirability of thia l.ica- spared to place the plant in tlie very fore- crushers and otlier machinery purchased, tion lias always lieen recognixetl ami waa front of modern cement manufacture, the factory site and limitless lime depos­ a strong factor in determining the even- first Real Move to Develop its secured, and a greater chapter in the tnal location ol a plant at thia point, it While the extent ol local lime depoaita industrial development of Jackson county waa upon Uie grade o( the rock itself, and lias l«en known in a general way for is unfolding. The statutes regulating tlie manufacture and sale of butter provide for the brand­ ita happy blending with tlie necessary many years, the proposal to add a atu- Gold Hill will have the cement plant— ing of creamery butter, but not for the percentage of aiiale required for tlie man- pendotis industry to the developed re- but all of the southern country will bene­ branding of dairy butter except that each ufacture of cement, that the merits of sources of southern Oregon ia com [wra­ fit in the certain awakening of investment roll or square must be plainly marked 16 th is locality received recognition over the lively recent, a n d had its inception to tlie splendid opportunities afforded in ounces full weight or 32 ouneeB full weight. We find some dairy butter that claims of a half dozen other location*, scarcely a year ago. At that time local similar fields throughout this district. No is not so marked and we also find some each clamorous for tlie coveted industry, promoters, keenly alive to the [xxmbilitieg section of Oregon is more favored by nat­ that is short weight. Contract l e t fo r Erection of tlie situation and tlie deposits, cast ural advantage, more bounteously given of We would he glad to hold the manufac­ Contract for tlie erection of the Beaver about for opportunity to present the great natural resources. Nor does this turers responsible for misbranding and Portland Cement Company'a plant near claims of this locality to capital interested development mean the impending neglect also for tlie short wçight, but in the ab­ sence of any name and address on tlie thia city has been let to the Leigh Hunt in the manufacture of Portland cement. of fruit farm and ranch. Instead, it is butter so as to positively identify the Engineering Company, ol Kansas City, a Possessing themselves of the necereary the establishment of an abundant market manufacturer we cannot do so. The fol­ leading concern whose specialty is the data the proposition was presented to at their very boundaries by the industrial lowing ruling is therefore made : construction of cement plants, and whose various Eastern capitalists with discour- All dairy butter offered or exposed for development ol nature's secrets in the servicea are in constant demand wherever aging results, while a canvass of the local great hills. sale will be considered misbranded if it does not liave plainly marked on each roll similar projects are under way. This fleld revealed an unwillingness to engage Where a fe w Laurels Belong or square the words, “ Dairy Butter” , company is now constructing a $1,500,000 in a project of which so little was known First and most tireless of the local “ 16 ounces lull weight” , or “ 32 ounces plant near Medicine Hat, Canada. and requiring tlie immediate expenditure workers, to whose effort is directly dtte full weight” , and the name and address Mr. Hunt lias already made several ol so much capital. At this point the tlie establishment of the cement industry of the manufacturer. Any person offer­ trips to this city for the purpose of view- proposed cement plant might well have at Gold Hill, to whose pertinacity in pre­ ing or exposing for sale dairy butter not branded in compliance with this ruling ing at first hand its claims to recognition . remained a promoter’s dream, had not senting the argument for this loca­ will lie prosecuted under the statutes pro­ as the logical location for a cement indus­ opportunity intervened in the person of tion is due the final success of those ar­ vided for the branding of fixai products. try, and is quoted as saying that both J. C. Burch, of Dea Moines, Iowa. Mr. guments, are two citizens of Gold Hill. Signed, —J. D. Mickle, leposit and location are ideal in every Burch, a cement operator of long exper­ One of these is H. D, Reed, manager Oregon Dairy A Food Commissioner. reH[x>ct. ience, was intercepted upon his return of the Oregon Water A Power Company; Work to Comments at Once from a California vacation, following the tlie other, F. W. Dodge, a civil enginetr Irish Lassie Fought as Man Active work upon the erection of the merger of three large cement plants in Quincy, 111.— How an Irish lassi«, whose faith in Gold Hill led him, in qom- factory and accessories will commence tlie middle west, and induced to make a pany with Mr. Reed, to tackle the knot- disguised as a man, enlisted in the immediately following the visit of Engi­ cursory survey of the deposits near this tiest engineering problem of his career, Union army, fought bravely under Oeneral Grant, and later spent nearly neer Servie, ami will lie speeded up to c'ty- , |' _____ a year in the state Soldiers' and Sail­ reach completion by January I, 1014. Capital Interested in Project T,le • x ,'w" witl he . enabled to 1 present U l S I 1 U I I I C » 1 4^ ♦ .« . ors' Home at Quincy without her se^ During his brief stay in southern Ore- "" 1 l,s,™>xt t,le I'lanH of com- being detected. was revealed by Col­ In process ol construction employment proper, onel J. O. Anderson, superintendent of will be given to a force ol 400 artisans gnu, Mr Burch tx*camc sufficiently in ter-'¡,any ,W,,h r’1>K8r' uy lnHr , together with much that is significant of the home, when she w i committed and laborers, and no expense will lie fried in the possitulties of tlie situation, the future development of this city Dairy Butter Must be Labelled Now to the insane asylum at Jacksonville.