Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, April 19, 1913, Image 2

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    VhQ G o l d H i l l N e w S I BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON
-------OREGON. BY
.... —
B en H. L am pm an
Entercó at lii. Gold Hill |<.»totli«v (or ln»n«mission through the mails as
SCCOI k I - v I âî «* lllAttvr
S A T U R D A Y , A P R IL
19. 1913
returning the spoils
...This W eek’s Prices at the
C. L Rcantca, of Medford, has been
ehoaen for U n ited S tate« A ttorney for
th e d is tric t of Oregon.
T he Mount Hood R ailroad company
has begun th e co n stru ctio n of an •*-
tension of It« Hue front D*«. *'»to the
b oat I j i U o country.
Will R. K ing. national com m ittee- ,
m an from O regon, baa bean uum -d
a m em ber of th e board of app raisers
for New York, and will draw a aalarj
of $9000 a year.
Paisley ailth o rttlea have secured
from th e a ta ta w ater rig h ts lu Bear
C reek and th e Chewattcan river, and
w ill proceed w ith ft d istrib u tio n ays-i
tern as soon a s the tim e Is ripe.
T h e P endleton round-up will be held
S ep tem b er 11. »2 and 13. T his Is the
final decision m ade by th e directors
a fte r co
c o n sid
s id erin
e rin g th e req u e est
st 01
u ir
of the
gpo^an« Pair a* tociation official« not
Big Grocery Store
Best Cane Sugar at - - $5.80 per Cwt.
CROM the vast estate of J. P. Morgan it is estimated that
¿,000,000 will be return«! to the public fund through the
.1 « .£1. « ■ « #
medium of the inheritance tax the largest single sum e\ei rt- |elegr#ma from Orvwn ,heep ami goat
covered from the grip of finance, whether rampant on the Street tn prote„ .,m.t the proposed
n r at rest in its mausoleum. The magnitude of a fortune suf- tariff changes In these commodities .
ficiently colossal to levy a tax o f $5,000,000, amassed in a single X " ™ .
lifetime by one lone manipulator of opportunity, is staggering
The ,nall transfer clerk at th e union
to contemplate. It raises the old question of the promoters d ep,.t at A lbany t md a gold »u$g-t
w o r " n k n and the world. I . suggest, the s e n e n « of ]
I" '
seeking some happy limitation to swollen and preposterous for- He ,hlnk8 th0 chick* picked up the
tunes. Not that the rich should be forbidden to become so nugget in a creek Led in th e re a r of
through the exercise of business acumen, if honestly administer- his tn home.
reply to a query from the aecre-
ed; not that progress should be halted by the denial of oppor­ ta ry of th e Oregon S tate T h resh ers'
tunity to those who have already obtained a magnificent COm . nef,v
,v inviwu, «•—
-- nt A ttorney Gen
petence, but "that it is apparent there must exist some dead line
" i S u ” £ “•
th e w o rk m en 's com pensation law does
of finance beyond which lies naught save the exploitation of the not include th resh in g m achines In its
people. Flatter with glittering generalities as you will, it re­ provisions.
A fter using four c h arg es of dyna­
mains to be proven that a fortune of $200,000,000 is not a drain m ite.
w hich sh a tte re d the safe, win­
upon the life blood of its myriad contributors. It remains to be dows and fix tu res of the Rogue IHv. r
proven that a more equitable distribution of wealth could have M ercantile com pany nt R egue River,
sm an escaped w ith $150. using
any result save that of decreasing want and increasing human a a crack
S ou th ern Pacific sp eed er to make
happiness. It is true that under the present financial system the h is getaw ay.
T he W ashington board of engineers
stream of golden profits must flow steadily to its great and
astute operators. That the opportunity to develop natural re­ agreed to red u ce from $100.000 to $1".
000 th e bond required for m aintaining
sources, to exploit the wealth of nature, and to construct the in­ th e nine foot c h an n el-fro m Bay City
tricate system of public utilities, must fall to the lot ot a com­ to T illam ook and an o rd er to this ef­
parative few is simple destiny at present. But there is no ne­ fect will be sen t to th e P ortland office
cessity for it lone remaining so. There is but one answer to the Im m ediately.
E ntailin g a loss of $8000, w ith In­
riddle of preserving the nation from continued exploitation. It su ran ce of $4000. only on the builJ
is the broad and all embracine theory of government ownership. ing, th e E lk C reek hotel, a t Cannon
Government ownership of railroads, of mineral deposits—of Beach, th e oldest su m m er resort ho­
on th a t portion of th e O regon coast
a 'l great natural resources and public utilities. In this wise and tel
w as d estro y ed by fire, ow ing to a de
i i no other will its heritage be preserved to the populace, and the fectlve flue. N othing w as saved from
b rthright entered into without a settlement of exhorbitant tri­ th e b u rn in g building.
ent th a t will be fostered by
bute upon the gross and avid creatures of present day develop­ th e A P m o ovem
rtlan d P ress Club and new spa
perm en thro u g h o u t O regon has been
HERE are new and more potent signs this spring of the ac
» .a
_____ T T _ 1 1 ____
F > ..
tual industrial awakening of the Rogue River \ alley. Ru
mor is rife of a score of projects that are to augment the activ
ites of Eden during the coming season. Inasmuch as all in
dustrial propositions, at some time or another, must exist in the
public mind as delightful hearsay, the hardened scoffer should
forbear to crush with satire the perennial boomlet. Some day it
is destined, if carefully nurtured and fostered by public senti­
ment, to assume a golden bloom that will shed its grateful fra­
grance of prosperity upon cynic and optimist alike. The Valley
of the Rogue, with the untrammeled power of a thousand Ti­
tans racing through it to the sea, has such a future, ih e gruff
and glorious old hills, repositories of ages, will some day yield up
their secrets. Some day, when short-sightedness is a myth and
penny-wiseness a reproach, the Valley will bloom as never be­
fore with orchards and alfalfa, watered by the unfailing flood of
the Rogue. The realization of th at time lies with the citizens
and land owners alone. They may retard or hasten the inevit
able development—in the measure of their blind disbelief or co
operative enthusiasm. This season is fraught with no more op­
portunities than the la s t- b u t they are riper and the perspective
has dwindled. The Rogue River Valley is about to enter into
its heritage.
U nder th a t law, w hich goes in to ef
Bay City.—Investig atio n of th e effi­ feet Ju n e 3, th e secretary of state
ciency of the G aribaldi life-saving m ust keep dn accu rate list of all the
crew , C aptain F arley, In connection reg istratio n s in th e state. Mr. K o z't
w ith the d is a ste r w hen th e G erm an says th a t for the reg istratio n filing
b ark Mimi capsized, drow ning 18 men, system aloe : much larg er space will
w as begun at G aribaldi. C aptain Quc- he req u ired th an th e en tire filing space
nen of th e U nited S tates navy is in now glean to th e secretary of state's
C riticism of th e lifesavers w as se­
vere am ong th e sp ectato rs du rin g the PERMIT DENIED FRIEDMANN
long w ait betw een the tu rn in g ovei
of th e Mim. about 3 o'clock A pril 7. Surgeon-General Elue Says Claim s fo r
and th e rescue of the four survivors
Serum Must F irs t Be Upheld.
26 h ours later. It was said th a t Can
W ashington.—Surgeon-G eneral Blue,
tain F arley refused to go out to as 1 of the public h ealth bureau, told Dr.
certain w h eth er th e men w ere util’ F rederieh F ranz Friedm ann th a t until
aboard and th a t he did not reach the the ex act n a tu re of his tuberculosis
w reck until M onday m orning, sh o rt vaccine and the m ethod of its prepara-
ly before the arriv a l of th e Point i lion had been revealed and th e claim s
Adam s life-saving crew .
m ade for it su b stan tiated by official
te sts and Investigations, a license for
Big F i'in g S yste m Needed.
' its Hale in in te rsta te com m erce could
Salem .—W h a t will probably be the not be Issued. T his was the surgeon-
m ost elab o rate filing system in the gen eral’s an sw er when th e Berlin
e'.ate is being arra n g e d by 8. A, Kozer scien tist asked w hat step s would be
, , .a t for him to take to obtain
sistah t se c re ta ry of sta te , to be used
< ennection w ith re g istra tio n undet
tich a license.
C riticism of G aribaldi Crew In W reck
• • •
8 lb. can Royal Club Coffee - - $1.00
3 lb. can Commercial Club - - - .90
5 lb. bucket Gold Medal - - - - 1.45
4 lb. Lance & Co.’s Special - - - 1.00
Riverview Corn, per can
Red X Corn, per cun
A. & L. Corn, 2 cans for
Monopole Corn, 2 cans lor
• 35c
Ashland Tomatoes, per can -
- 10c
White Lily Tomatoes, per can - - 10c
Preferred Stock, 2 cubs for -
- 35c
Yellow Baiai condensed Milk, 3 cans 25c
Carnation Brami Milk, per can - - 10c
Eagle Brand Milk, 2 cans for - - 35c
Red X Hard Wheat
Liberty Bell Flour
Pure White Flour
Daily Bread Flour
Carnation Flour
: :
: :
: :
: :
Mixed Feed, per sack
Shorts, |»er sack -
per sack
per sack
per sack
per sack
per sack
Bran, per sack
Middlings, 100 lb. sack
N o ter to Debtors
AU ,1-rson» knowing tin te-» Ives in debt
by book to the estate of Frank
I.. Call,Well-Bankrupt arc la-n-by notiti«'!
to eall at the "Uhv of the unilerslglleil at
Gold Hill, Oregon, ami settle .« lin e.
—A. E. K ri IIS.I»
Trustee of said «-slate.
sta rte d for th e purpose of raising by
public su b scrip tio n funds for the erec­
tion of a m onum ent over the grave of
th e late H om er D avenport, one of
A m erica's g re a te st cartoonists.
T he p ro p rieto r of the S tayton saw
mill, has a crew p u ttin g in a 500-foot
boom th re e m iles above town for the
purpose of tu rn in g logs from the main
channel of th e S antiam riv e r Into the
m illrace of th e S tayton W ate r Powei
com pany and th e Salem Flouring Mills
com pany, w hich will c a rry them to
S e cretary of th e In te rio r Dane In ti­
m ated to S e n a to r C ham berlain that he
has been g ettin g rep o rts from Oregon
to the effect th a t th e H erm iston re
clam atlon pro ject Is a failure, and he
p ractically said th a t If such w ere the
case it would hardly be w ise to lay­
out m ore money in th a t vicinity in a
sim ilar m anner.
T he p resid en t of th e D eschutes Land
com pany, who has retu rn ed to Salem
from W ashington, has anounced that
his applicatio n for a rig h t of way tc
C teecent L ake has been granted by
the in te rio r departm ent, and th at work
on th e p ro ject will he resum ed. The
application h as been held up becau“
of ch arg es p referred w ith the depart
m ent n g aln st the com pany by Dover
nor W est.
Women m ust tell th e ir exact agef
when reg isterin g as voters, says Dep
uty D istrict A ttorney M aguire a t For*
land. To any that, they a re over 21
in not sufficient, he declares, and h i
says th a t it is Incum hent upon tli
reg istratio n elejk to ask each v o te
his or h er age In years and th a t It I
th e duty of th e voter to respond in
kind, not with the phrase "over 21
or th e word “legal.”
Mrs. 8. L. R odgers ovserved that a
certain b arn in T urner, w here she
lived, had a peculiar attractio n fot
men. She had a suspicions curiosity
about *he m atter. W aiting for a a
vorable opportunity, she investigate)
and found th ree kegs of' beer neatl
cached. She tum bled the beer and
kegs into a nearby m illrace. In III
course of thin- th e kegs reached th
mill and gave notice to the mill m
th at som ething had happened to th; ii
"blind pig."
Com pared w ith the famous apple
sale nt Chicago, last m onth, when 84,-
000 boxes of apples w ere moved, and
considering th e difference in popula-
! tian, Fort land fam ilies purchased near-
I ly th ree tiin- s th e q uantity of fruit.
For only $2200, no rent to pay ami a
la-tier living now than most ja-ople make
o i i double tin- am ount, and getting li tt e r
and more valuable every year. If y««il
an* Interested, you ran g»-t full Informa­
tion about it b e .a ilin g upon U. S. Kid-
H e a d q u a r te r s fo r
llardw an-
Tin. G ranite and Altunlniun Ware
G o d -n T isdì
H ay in g an d Hea.ling Tool«
Builder«* Materiata and Ttìola
Building Paper F. lula Olla Vandali.-« llrtisla-s Gi໫ ('na-kerywan-
Farge A - - " i U n e l i l n i As line a lini- and asaortmeut of
F ia h in g
T ttcK I©
ua tlu n -is in tlk-eoitnty Catarattgu« Culi-y Guns Aminiinlllnii Fi. k»
.«lenii« Minerà’ Supplì •«
l ’owili-r, Eli ■ nini Capa
Basi' Hall« ami
Mits, ami Hata My Stock is lotnpl, le in ev. ty line and tny priii-s arò rialti.
A N e w a n d Com plete
R i i n r n i L e r » H e p i n c e t o p u r c h a x e ( H e e e C .o o d ii io
L in e o f Fishing Tachle
----- a t the
D. H. M IL L E R
D . H . M I L L E R ’S
G o o d q u a lity g o o d s a n d
P r i c e s R i g h t ♦»
We have spoon hooka espec­
ially constructed for Rogue Riv­
er. The beat assortm ent of
cane poles in the town. Some­
thing new in flies.
R eady for Hot W eather
Give us a tria l
Try our Sundaes, Sodas,
and Cold Drinks
We also ¡««ite limiting and fish­
ing licenses
S. P. Time Card
N o r th b o u n d
24 (m otor)
32 (m otor)
23 (m otor)
31 (m otor)
8:07 a.
1 :42 p.
2:66 p
11:00 p.
Turner’s Lunch Room
S o u th b o u n d
17-19 ovsn jackson county
I r o n b y E le c t r ic it y
Late Model Electric Irons. Guar-
teed 5 years, now
Practice Limited to
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Eye« «ci.-nl ificully cxuuiined and glasses
furnished when needed.
• , e i t - ( ' o r i ’ -'t. . t.g. M'-ilford, On-
Drives Sick Headaches Away
H4ek headaches, sour gassy stom ach,
indigestion, biliousness disappear quick­
ly after you tak e Dr. K lug's New Life
P ills. T h ey purify th e blood and put
now life and vigor in tho system . T ry
• hem and you will ho well satisfied.
Every |dll In-Ip-; «very box guarantee,I.
I ’rif i S*'
U p «»iniiH’iifUil by all drug-
$ 3 .5 0
We will send you one on Urial