$500,000 CEMENT PLANT ASSURED FOR CITY SALEM, Ore., April 10.—The Beaver Portland Cement WATER GULCH MOUNTAIN company has filed articles of incorporation with the secretary NELLIE WRIGHT MINE TO of state. The capital stock is $600,000 and Portland is the prin- IS MASS OF VALUABLE ORE cipal INSTALL NEW QUARTZ MILL place of business. The articles state the company will en­ Iron and Copper De­ posits May Soon Be Worked POPE PIUS X. Mlilwny up W ater G n ld i, sloping to tlx- left, Ilea n titani*' m ound th a t in la m iliar In loeal parlance aa "th e iron iiiountuln." T hat it iu nut u ................. in tliu contention of competent mining men, * ho are inclined to tin* opinion, however, tliut tlu> iron orc ho profusely apparent la merely the rapping to a tn-tnenduoua «upper deposit. Speculation has always la-eii rife aa to the day when the ]H>u»il*il- iliea of thia vuut and valuable mountain of on* would 1« realized and capital In- U'reaietl in it* development. For it num ­ ber of years the tract I iuh laa-ii owned by tlie Garfield Iron A Lime Company, of Portland. It ia now curmuUy rum ored tliut the vlait of Dr. II. E. French and F. #W. Hollis, of Medford, to thia city tin-tlrut id tile present week, ia tin* pnliin iiiary at* p Pope Plua X. whose condition was toward a development of tin' property in reported Improved, suffered a relapse, th e m a r future. It 1« understood tliut due to reluctance to cubm it to s tric t these gentlemen were hen- a» repreaen- j medical regime. tut Ivin of a Medford coterie of linaciera wlio have secured a bond upon tin- pro­ perty and will undertake to d ev elo p 't. It ia alao stated. witli dam e rum or again as sponsor, tliut tie- principals propose to utilize natural gun from the bitum inous coal fiilila near Mi dford to operate the pruap<*i'tive plum. So great I h the Hitppiy of gas from tliiu source t l i u t dillieiilly ia ox|>ericuccd T lie newly elected III* iillwra of tile city In freeing the workingM of the accum ­ council as-iiiu* *1 otlice til III** regular ulations and the proposal to give it a molltlily meeting Monday evening, when commercial tine in generating jaiwer ia the oath of office was adm inistered fol an expedient and fcMaihlc one. lowing th e adjournm ent <>t tlie old coun­ Mewra. French and Ilollia made a |a-r- cil. Tlie ¡a r -o n n e l of tlie council ia now annul survey of the ground and n o ried as follow: \ >w members, Mra. w . W. specimens witli them upon limit; depart­ T ruax, second w ard; It. D. Cameron, ure. W ater Gulch, upon which tin* tie. second w i l d ; I, W . K.iy. lira! w tn l; old jxiui* ia situated, ia two und one liulf liicinla-ra, I, it. Cardwell, llr-t w ard; J, miles east of tliiu city. It. Palm* r. - ■ nil ward ; F. It. WiUmarh, tlrat ward. Tlie retiring meniliers an*, W. It. W alker, G. A. I-an*lia, and .1. F. Dietrich. Tin* new council organized by tlie election o f I,. It. Cardwell as ch air­ m an, lifter tin' nom ination hud I mvii de­ cline*! by councilman Palmer. Contrary to ex|s * tution, in view of the George Iverson, prenidlug genius of th e fact dial city attorney I*. ,1. Nell' bail Model bakery, lias found time during (he ruled tliut tli*' actually elected chairmaif pant winter, la'tweeu batches of hlllia and should pn -ideal council meetings instead paatriea, to anmae himself with the crea­ of llic mayor, as heretofore, the subject tion of a novel and handsome library whh not broached and Mayor Kelai*y con­ table. While stoking (lie big oven Mr. tinued to ceiiduet tlie proceedings of the Iverson, at one tim e s fancy woodworker, board. was much impressed witli the Is-siity of A iH'tition from various indignant citi­ certain native woods of tin- section as zens, very evidently those who culti­ Imterngeiicoualy represented in the bake- vate sum mer gardens, praying for the en ­ ahop woodpile. From this hum ble origin actm ent of au ordinance forbidding the sprang lioth the idea and the e iiiplctcd m im ing at large of chickens or otla'r table—die latter taking over five m onths domestic fowl la'twccn tlie first day of interm ittent lala>r to complete. May ami the first day of October, was Tiie frame and base of the table arc of u,am motion consigned to th e tabic; tlie Oregon fir, Is anti fully graiiasl ami finish- council holding tliut until tin* settlem ent «si witli green stain, while the top ia in- of the case now pending in the supreme laid in an intricate pattern witli 1320 hits court, they would Is- unable to enact any of selected stove-wood, highly polished ordtnancea. and finished with a dozen coats of fine Tin- appointive term of city police of­ varnish to tlie smoothness id piano eas­ ficer Dave N'«' having expired, Mayor ing. In dimension the table ia -IH by 32 Ki l-s y named It I,. Darling as tem|s>rary Indies. The pattern is without tiaw, officer, tlie council to act ii | miii a per­ fine'y conceived and executed, and is a m anent appointm ent at tlie next, session, real memorial to Mr. Iverson's p ainstak­ called for tin* following Monday. Mr. ing ability ami ingenuity. The native Purling declining to serve, Irvin Kay re­ woods witli which the inlaid work was ceived tin' tem porary appointm ent. executed are the m adrona or laurel, mail- zaiiita, m ountain mahogany, maple, fir, | I. W . W .’s Jailed by Denver Police, ash, walnut, alder, black oak. white oak, D enver.—E ighty-seven In d u strial am i sap oak, and their in I roil usage liy Mr. Iverson is ample testimony to their W orkers of th e W orld w ere u rrested possibilities in the construction of lserator and Portland capitalists. In next week’s issue The News will doubtless be in a posi­ tion to give a complete account of the great industry, which will mark a new era for Gold Hill and Southern Oregon. POSTMASTER RESIGNS POSITION tZSZ1 Native Woods as Novel Furniture tlie inon- handsome varieties of loeal woods, while tin- ev r versatile jack-knife Frost and H is Four Associates Free. lias long Isa n bit .ad in tlie lo n d iu etio n Chicago.—A lbert C. F rost, form er of those dec iralive curios of the home, presid en t and p rom oter of th e A laska largely classified as “ knick-knacks.” C en tral railroad, and his four co-de­ fendants, George M. Sew ard, P ie rre O. Company A, Oregon N ational Guard, Beach, Frank W atson and George C. will he disbanded about May 10. W hile Ball, all in terested in th e developm ent no official notice has been sen t out hy of the road, w ere found not guilty tn the d ep artm en t ail Indications a re that the federal co u rt h ere of conspiracy B aker will lose Its m ilitia. Tho cauBo to obtain illegally m illions of d o llars’ is due to lack of efficiency and non- w orth of coal lands in th e M atanuska Valley, Alaska. alten d an ce of m em bers, WALTER H. PAGE Mine Said to Be One o f Best in Entire Local District W ithin a abort tim e tie- * latter of a fifteen-ton rapacity quartz mill will be