Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1913)
I i G o ld H ill N e w s 1 VI 1!Y s.xT IK D A Y AT GOLD K i l l . JACKSON COI'XTY, Overdrafts I S»< nr«'d S li t» « iircd I K. H. I. Ft 111.1*111 0 •-------------------- <» j : i -\;«» x . by — —________________ ■ ...This Week’s Prices at the... Spring in lb«1 Oflin* Hpriltg «Irvli h< il mu lii i .mu- In hi the wanton, willful maid. w lvn 1 mi B e n H. L a m p m a n |w n'liiil mi an idlin' siiiiil amid tin* m a r id tradv; f"i* ini', avroa* ill«' Inlgur pagi she tra il d lu r vagrant in -e,< eiilwiiieil Entered at the Gold llill |mst»uHce for transititasioit through the maita as w i t h gulileii hint. r e i i |i i H int c m m ill Ävond-class m atter waler en -M".; the nt iii . t ) . f h t lati.ltli'i rang liki hiddi'n waters ringing hy lluw t ring briar am i lunik. win re all the hap py hints a r e singing Suniewhere, I SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1913 knew, the gnat I mil gml hi* I>i|ie el re«U wa* lipping, while ihrmigh tin bruki mil SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE o ’e r the sod that willful maid »*iina' trip ping. By hrenk* a l l - - d wiih April’- tear* and g a y with April * laughter I «'lit my fane) mu to her, aim fol PRESIDENT W LSON — PRECEDENT SMASHER lowed, followi'il afler The "|ien wind ow caught her breath anil Imre it frvsh PECIAL PRIVILEGE has been upon the rack for so many ami sweet, to Cnvstts fretting o 'er hi* leal* almve the roaring *invl. Old One farcical inquisitions, that it may not have thoroughly *u* en akeil hi* swivel ehair, ami lii a awakened to the significance of President Wilson's message to dusky lieauly. then frowned tip . n hi* the special session of Congress. Giant-killer has succeeded hireling’* rash slu m donuaut "t du f wanton hreath of willful spring it giant-kill, with bags o' wind as cudgels, and finely turned rhet The rustled in hi* lilac*, and t'ne-u* *i n In orical phrases as spear tips. Messages have been loud, long and away hccaiuo in mt amiable of Shy hick*. sonorous; impassioned and fiery but their afterm ath has ever Slantwise, I aaw his brooding gu/i -w i p out aero** the city, then soften a It. been inaction or frivolity in Congress. hummed the air of some forgoiien d ill). The President shattered a precedent when he appeared be Fur him, I thought, ihe April wind a n fore Congress, to read in person to that complacent assemblage fraught w i t h girlish la u g h te r, a n d 'h e cawinvnt of this den In an altogether remarkable document. Brief to the point of terse through fancy follow* alter; for him the happy ness, lucid and understandable, devoid of statistical obstructions lane* are green, the meadow* In h and and empty verbiage, the message itself establishes a new pre springing, for him somewhere a hidden 1 is singing, singing, singing! old | cedent. It is like a pugilist's straight-arm jolt, like a single stream Cneaus sighed contentedly and 'wak iinl clear trumpet blast calling to action. If it has n’t awakened from tii* sillily, a* one who view* w iihi special privilege to the possibilities of the situation, it is because brotherhood the world and exerylssly. that creature's crust is case hardened by a decade of successful quoth he, “ The indication* are— It id is ! th at deed complete'.’—the country will and unrebuked greed. produce t h i s year a record crop of j Such a message was unexpected of the “pedagog”, and yet w lieal.” Big Groeery Store Best Cane Sugar at - - $ 5 .8 0 per Cwt. 3 lb. 3 lb. 5 lb. •1 lb. Ashland Tomatoes, per can - 10c White Lily Tomatoes, per can - - 10c Preferred Stock, 2 cans fo r. - - 35c S — there are traces of the old school-master in his charges to Con School Notes gress. For instance, he bids them wander not afield while the t By Mary Truax i tariff is under discussion, making it plain that the usual legisla tive horseplay and befogging of issues will not be tolerated. In a G ardner is absent from school mi That lesson completed, the verdant mead of national affairs is account of sickness. theirs to meander at will —but not before. Johnnie Dufur, of Keno, O re., lias cm tered the first grade here. Moreover the President is precise as to what shall constitute The children of the grades held appro tariff legislation. He maintains that no party pledge was made priate exercises A rlsir Day. to be violated or avoided. Tariff revision must be a revision Cleo Gilchrist is ulxsin from school downward—a practical alleviation of the economic evils a bene recovering from an operation on his ficent government has visited upon its children. With the mem ihroat. ory of that dishonorable subterfuge resorted to by the last Re Tile average for tile April contest were as follows: 4th grade, 99.4; 5th grade, publican majority, wherein the pledge of tariff revision was con 97.1; and Oth grade, 99.5. strued by the party leaders to mean “upward”, as well as in any Mrs. W. H. Harvey and Mrs. George other direction, still fresh to the recollection of the poor bilks Iverson visited the third an l fourth grade upon whom it was inflicted, the straightforward manner in which room and High School last Friday after noon. the President sets about to actually redeem his party’s pledges is Lola Coy was taken ill during the most refreshing. morning exercise* Monday, and was car Protection, the bugaboo that once prevailed upon the ulti ried to Mr. Adams' home, from there *lie was taken to her home. mate consumer to turn his pockets inside-out for the interests, That part of the field meet which was is to be made the dead letter that it deserves to be. American carried out on Tuesday afternoon was industries—once timid, halting, and inefficient-have progressed very successful indeed. Every buy that to supremacy in the crafts of the world. What was designed as was eligible took part in some of the events, and much interest was manifested. a nursing-bottle in the years of their formative growth, in time Some excellent records w ere made. The became a colossal siphon, through which the prosperity of the rem ainder of the meet will take place next Monday afternoon. many was drained to the benefit of the few. In the President’s words, “it is plain what those principles . must be. We must abolish everything tnat bears even the sem C H A M B E R LA IN G IV E S V IE W S blance of privilege, or of any kind of artificial advantage, and Oregon Senator Believes 15 Per Cent Duty is Needed by the Growers put our business men and producers under the stimulation of a Washington.— Senator Chamberlain constant necessity to be efficient, economical, and euterprising, gave out the following authorised masters of competitive supremacy, better workers and merchants statement of his position on wool: than any in the world. Aside from the duties laid upon articles "In view of the fact that Oregon Is which we do not, and probably cannot, produce, and the duties a wool-growing state, It seems to me laid upon luxuries and merely for the sake of the revenues they In the preparation of a ta riff measure some concession ought to be made to yield, the object of the tariff duties henceforth laid must be ef the wool-growing industry, particularly fective competition—the whetting of American wits by contest in view of the fact that a reduced duty is retained on the manufactured pro with the wits of the rest of the world.” THE PROPER PROCEDURE IN CALIFORNIA X^ALIFORNIANS are to be congratulated upon their deter mined front in the m atter of alien land legislation. Con fronted by an influx of yellow labor that threatens, by the stand ards of its living, to populate and overflow the choicest sections of that state, it is scarcely to be wondered that California chooses to settle her own problem without further delay. Objections from the Japanese nation are natural, and are well calculated to instil trepidation in those who seek to forestall an eventual issue. Jingos will raise the warcry. But Japan, astutely realizing the insufficiency of her cause—inasmuch as her own domains are closed to foreign ow nership-will throw her hand in the discard when California calls the bluff. The action of California is one that must eventually be taken by the entire chain of Pacific coast states—u n it« th Caucasian is to be driven, by economic conditions alone, beyond the mountains. V C EW MEN go down to the dark valley more sincerely mourn ed than E d R oot janitor and newsboy—who passed beyond at Medford on Saturday of last week. Gentle, kindly, courteous, with a shrewd but harmless fund of witticisms, Medford has parted earthly company with a simple and delightful character. The tribute paid to his memory by Medford’s children and older folks is sincere and enduring. A penniless old man, beloved for himself alone, has been given welcome Elsewhere. ■* duct. I am advised that wool growers In the west and middle west would be satisfied with an ad-valorem duty of I t per cent. This small concession would not add appreciably to the cost of the manufactured product, and therefore would not have material In fluence on the high cost of living. “ If the house passes the general tar iff bill designed to carry out the pledg es which democrats and republicans made to revise the tariff downward, I would not let my vote be Influenced by any one item placed on tbs free list against ray personal objection. In other words, It Is better to sacrifice my individual Interest than that a bur densome rate of taxation be levied upon the whole people. I believe the tariff ought to be revised downward, and so far as my vote and Influence goes It shall be. The retention of a slight duty on wool, however, would not violate democratic policy or the declarations of the democratic plat form. It is a question If the govern ment can afford to lose the revenue that would be derived from a small luty on wool.” can Royal Club Coffee - $1.00 can Commercial Club - - .90 bucket Gold Medal . . . - 1.45 Lance At Co.’s Special - - . J.00 Red X Haiv Wheat Liberty Bell Flour Pure White Flour Daily Bread Flour Carnation Flour Mixed Feed, per sack Shorts, per sack - - - 10c 10c 28c - 35c Yellow Band condensed Milk, 3 cans 25c Carnation Brand Milk, per can - - 10c Eagle Brand Milk, 2 cans for - - 85c Flour, $1.25 per sack : : : 1.25 per sack : : ; 1.50 per sack : : 1.50 per sack : : 1.50 per sack $1.35 1.35 Bran, per suck Middlings, 100 lb. stick .90 1.95 LANCE & COMPANY Motive lo D e b ía n All |a*rsoiis kiiowing Ila in m -lv e s in deht by book aeeouiit tu thè estate of Frank !.. Caldwell-Bankrupt are herchy notified tu l idi al thè office of llie undersigned ut Gold Hill, Oregon, and Metile sanie, —A. E K ki ijs . o Trastee oí said estate. For only no rent to pay and a l.'tUT living now than most people make mi double the am ount, and getting lietter and more valuable every year. If you are interested, you can get full inform a tion about it hy calling iqatn C. H. Red field. A N e w a n d Com plete L in e o f Fishing Tackle a t the BON TON D. H. M IL L E R ---------------- H e a d q u u r te r s fo r ----------------- Hardware, Stoves, Tin, Granite and Aluniinum Ware. I have a fine line of Silverware, and also fine line of Catt araugus Cutlery. A tine line of Queenaware. Paints and Oils. \ arnitthes ai d Brushes. 1 am closing out my F ree Sewing Machines at cost. For the miners 1 carry Powder, Fuse, Clips, Drill Steel and best Tools to be had “ G o o d c ju a .ity g o o d s a n d P r ic e s R i g h t L»» ’ AVe have spoon hooks espec ially constructed lor lingue Riv er, Tlic liest assortm ent of cane poles in the town. Some thing new in flies. H OT TAMALAS OT CHILI CONCARNE OT VIENNA SANDWICHES Give us a trial Vie also issue hunting and fish ing licenses FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ..All Hob Drinks Five Cento.. S. P. Time Card N o rth b o u n d No. No. No. No. 20 24 (m otor) 32 (motor) 1« • • • 8:07 11:14 5:37 0:29 a. a. p. p. in. m. in. m. 8:07 1:42 2:55 11:0« a. p. p. p. in. m. rn. in. Turner’s Lunch Room S e u th b o u n d No. ‘£ \ No. 31 No. 15 ( m otor) (m otor) No. 19 • • IOHN H. CARKIN OLENN O. TAYLOR CARKIN & TAYLOR LAWYERS OOMS 17-19 OVKB JACKSON COUNTY MEDFORD, OREGON I r o n b y E le c tr ic ity Late Model Electric Irons. Guar- teed 5 years, now BA N» CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Eyes scientifically exam ined and glasses furnished when needed. .ett'-Cofcv . ng. Medford, On* $ 3 .5 0 Drives Sick Headaches Away We will send you one on trial Hick headaches, sour gassy stomach, in dig estio n, biliousness disappear q u ick Medford’s Mayor Gives up Fight Medford.—Worn out by th e contin ly after you take Dr. K in g ’s New Life ual opposition of th e city council May P ills . T hey p u rify the blood and put o r E lfert, a fte r a conference with a new life and vig or in the system. T ry citizen's com m ittee, gave up the fight them and you w ill he well satisfied. Every p ill h e lp -; every I h » x guaranteed. and turned over to the council the Price -5c. Recommended l.y all drug city governm ent. Riverview Corn, per cun Red X Corn, per cun A. tXt L. Corn, 2 cans for Monopole Corn, 2 cans for gists* CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE.