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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1913)
he cwïfô V O L 15 LOLI) 1111,1.. JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 12. 1913 NO. 49 Gold Hill Elects First Councilwoman in Southern Oregon Congress Listens to Terse NEWS NOTES of ALL OREGON*} Mrs. Cora J. Truax Elected .-d Message on Lower Tariff by Ballots of Second Ward George Talley, a deputy fish warden No legal obstacles stand In the way of Portland, waa arrested and arraign of the city of Salem holding an elec ed In the justice court at Roseburg on tion to vote on the question of abol WM. B. WILSON s charge of fishing without a license ishing saloons if the city council Is OR. FRIEDMAN Loaded with a $1200 cargo of gre of a mind to call the election, accord cerles for the town of Keno, the »tea nnx ing to nn opinion given by Attorney er t'unby, Captain Hull, was caug gut Geniral Crawford to Attorney W. H. In a gale and sank on Lake Kwauna. Trindle, campaign manager for the Captain Hall and crew of five oscuped "drys.” Notwithstanding the exceptionally ----------------- »j Representative Slnnott has deslgnat- Wnxlilnuton Congress, opening In stormy weather the horse fair hold ut ed Addison Y. Flnkelberg of Baker, Three eouncilmen of Gold Hill will re- Woodburn was a pronounced success, principal, and Angus McDonald of • xlruonllnury sexslon Monday under i enter private life as the result of Mon nearly 100 high duss horses being Hood River, alternate, for appointment Democratic domination, waa enlivened day’s election. They are, W. R. Walker, shown, regardless of the rain, before to cadetship at Annapolis. He bad by ilia activities o f the Progressive J. 1 Dietrich, and G. A. Landis. Hut a large crowd of Interested spectators. previously designated Eugene Hanford organisation In the house and nn Inva one of the retiring members, W. R. Senator Lane filed a written appeal of The Dalles us principal. All three sion of pellllou hearing suffrngettea. Walker, was a candidate for ret lection, with the board of engineers of rivers wiil take examinations at a place to Evan these novelties, however, were the others evidently preferring a respite and harbors, protesting against the de be designated April 25. overshadowed by the preparations for front tlie activities of cnutrolTng the city’s clslon of that body ugalnst dredging the precedent breaking event of Tues Owing to a lack of Interest among ra th e r troubled destinies. C onsidering the Sluslaw from Florence to Acme, the fruitgrowers near Albany, the as day, w hen President Wilson delivered i !«• enfranehisetnent of our fairer citizens, his turlff message by word of mouth and requested nn opportunity to mak» i elation directors voted to disband tiie vole was hot light; although approx to the nation's lawmakers. 1 oral presentation In the Nedds case, the organization. It la stated that the im a te ly o n e -h a lf of the ballots east were The senate hesitated when a resolu II. R. Green, editor of the Ashland discord came about through some of expressions of the feminine preference. tion adopted previously by the house Tidings, was ucquitted of the charge the members desiring to continue their I (sin the ticket appeared no names of providing for a Joint session to listen ' of criminal libel by a Jury In the cir formor method of supplying the local candidates other titan th-rse regularly Io President Wilson was presented for cuit court ut Jacksonville. The charge« trade and residents, instead of dis nominated at the citizens’ caucus, and Its consideration. It was a stunning was brought by County Judge Tou- posing of all their crop through the tlx- ¡«ten til y of tlx- opposition, w h o s e proposal. Not lu the lifetime of any vllle, and grew out of the publication association. ; names were written in by the instructed veteran statesman present had such of articles during the campaign last The sheep men of Wallowa county faithful, remained practically secret until fall. a thing ever Item considered. History, report on account of the long period tlie polls were closed and the tally sheets they supposed, had closed on that President FI tcher Homan, of Wil of snow and cold weather that they brought into service. In but one instance, W illiam B. Wilson, of Pennsylvania, lamette Unlvc-xlty, was the recipient custom a century and more ago. Dr. F. F. Friedman, the Berlin spe however, did Die opposition to the citi have fed all of the hay that was put The senate debated for neurly an who Is secretary of labor In President of a check for $50,OOP from James J. 1 up last harvest, and as the snow cover cialist, whose tuberculosis cure has zen’s nominees axurne a serious aspect, hour the concurrent resolution for a Wilson's cabinet. Hill. This completes $200,000 cash ed the winter pasture so that It was created wide-spread interest. J and the entire ticket was eventually elect- Joint session to hoar President Wil endowment for the university, meet« ' impossible for the flocks feed on I ed by majorities ranging from 8 to 137 son's message No senator of the Measures Pile Up at Extra Seeelon. lug the conditions of Mr. HUI when the hunch grass, the sheep are poor I votes. / Samuel H. Nichols Dies. dozen who spoke oppoaed the passage Hills and resolutions to reform the he subscribed the $50,000 to the In and there will be a heavy loss. U Is The closest contest developed in the of the resolution, but several on both nation’s currency system, to prevent stitution. Everett, Wash.—Samuel H. Nichols, feared the wool clip will be light and selection of a council member from the sides of the chamber expressed regret floods In the Mississippi river, to pro formerly secretary of state of Wash The treasury department assured a very poor quality. second ward, where 8. T. Hodges ran a st the departure from the Jerfersonlsn vide for relief of flood sufferers, to Senator Chamberlain that the customs ington, and before that a Republican According to an opinion rendered near second to the regular nominee, Mrs. custom of aeudlng In written mes build government railroads In Alaska house at Astoria will be retained and leader In Minnesota, died here, age«* by Attorney General Crawford, com Cora J. Truax. The interest of our new sages a deputy placed in charge. Empire 83 years. He served two full terms as and for a host of other purposes were mercial or Industrial Institutions oan citizens in the election saved the «lay for President Wilson's message to the Introduced In both houses of congress and Yaqulna will be allowed $300 each secretary of state, beginning in 1901 not engage In the banking business the latter, despite Mr. Hodges’ very sat extra session waa unusually short, annually for the payment of someone and had begun upon a third term when Several currency reform bills ap under the state taws. The opinion making only about 1200 words. It peared. one by Senator Hitchcock, of to keep records and make reports to In 1909 his office was charged with isfactory record as a former councilman, was rendered at the request of State and the first woman to he elected to of dealt entirely with the tariff, leaving Nebraska, a member of the senate Portland. Irregularities and he resigned. Superintendent of Banks Wright, who fice in tliis capacity in southern Oregon, to the discretion of congress the meth committee that will prepare currency The Jury In the case of Marcellus represented that the Wasco Ware if not in the entire state, will assume her od of handling the Issue. legislation. It would establish 20 dis Thomas against the city of Eugene to house and Milling company was en Michigan Women Seem to Lose Vote. seat in the city conclave on Monday ev Congress May Act en Flood Control. tinct ualloual reserve associations, recover over $3000 damages on ac gaged In the banking business at Was Detroit—For the second time in ening next. No doubt of Mrs. Truax’ Champ Clark Re-elected Speaker. with wide powers of note Issue, dis count of alleged injury to the plaint co and Moro. The attorney general less than six months on the face of ability to serve is expressed, and it is When the houae convened, the Dem count and exchange. The bill devtBed iff's land because of seepage of water says that If the company conducts a significant returns available, the con anticipated that she will set a record for ccrats, following their caucus deci- by the National Monetary commission from the city's power ditch near Wal- banking business It must be as a sep stitutional amendment permitting wo accomplishment to utterly remove the alon, renominated and re-elected was Introduced again by Senator tervllle, returned a verdict In favor arate Institution. men suffrage was defeated In Michi last lixal prejudice against her sex in of the city. Speaker ('lark. The Republicans nom Lodge, acting for Senator Weeks. gan. public office. The owners of the Humboldt mine, Roseburg.—Information has been re inated Representative Mann of llll- j The Initiative, referendum and re The results of the election, which will nola and the Progressives nominated President Wilson has announced lying six miles east of Malheur, after ceived In Roseburg that the Schlegel- call amendments to the constitution le officially canvassed at a special session making hundreds of feet of develop Representative Murdock, of Kansas. milch party of seven persons who left that the "summer capital" will be at Victor Murdock, leader of the new Cornish, N. H., on the Connecticut ment work, ran Into a very rich strike here In a houseboat on March 16, have and the pensioning of firemen all ap- of the council this evening, were as given pear to have carried. I below : at the 400-foot level. The mine now completed their Journey down the Um Progressive party In the lower branch, river. Is a producer of $60,000 a month. Pre pqua river without accident Seven at the very outset stirred up a fight parations are being made for the en teen days were consumed In making ever the seating of Representative H. FIRST WARD Olin Young, of Michigan. largement of the plant. the journey. This is 10 days longer For Councilman 1 year : The large spray plant of the Hood than the party calculated it would Progressive strength was tested on T. W. R a y ..................... ...............................«0 the speakership, Mr. Murdock receiv River Spray company waa burned to take. W. R. W a l k e r ............................... 27 ing IK votes. The new party, however, the ground and It Is thought the loss Thus passes a feat neper before ac Scattering . . . . . . . . 4 mustered more votes later In the fight will aggregate $10,000. The factory complished on the Umpqua river. Few For Councilman-at-large, 2d ward : on Representative Young when It at has been running at full capacity aud persons believed that the boat could Roy Cameron - - . - - - - 8 5 Upon complaint of chief of police Dave tempted to prevent hts taking the oath the stork carried was very large. survive the series of wild rapids on Scattering . . . . . . . . 3 of office by resolution Introduced by There were about 750 barrels of spray the river or that the voyage would be Noe. of this city, a warrant was issued by For Recorder: Justice of the Peace Taylor, of Medford, In stock at the time of the fire. Representative Hlnabaugh. of Illinois completed without loss of life. The termination of a long drawn battle W. P. We the roll . . . . . . 89 for the arn-st of J. H. Beeman, of this Democrats, led by Representative , for t itle to a certain quarter section lo For Treasurer: city. Mr. Beeman is accused of perjury, Fitzgerald, and Republicans tnarshnll- cated on Sardine creek, near this city, Lynn W. S m i t h .......................... 78 the charge being bas'd upon the alleged ed by Lender Mann, joined forces In will occur with the hearing of the contes Harry Harvey . . . . . . . 8 affidavits of certain citizens whose names silting upon the new party organiza tants in the case before United States SECOND WARD have not yet been made public. tion, the first recognized third organ commissioner W. II. Canon, at Medford, ization In the house for f>0 years. Mr. on the 21 inst. The complaint originated in the notor For Councilman : ious affair o f last Christmas night, when Cora J. T r u a x ............................... 33 Young was sworn In, a contest of his The land in question comprises the 8. T. H o d g e s ..................... - - 25 sent by W. J. McDonald, a Progressive, the chief of police, in attempting the ar- Haff group of quartz mining claims, In last week's issue o f The News the rest of Dixie Shoemaker, struck him For Council inan-at-large to be considered Inter by the elections Tlie following communication has been opcrat<*d by (h-orgo L. Hall and his as committee. impression was incorrectly given that tlie in the face witli his service revolver, cut Roy Cameron . . . - - 5« sociates. Upwards ol 190,000 has Ix-on received from the county school stiptrin- Tariff Bill Cuts Duties on Food. civil service examination for the position ting a deep gash. As Shoemaker fled, For Recorder: m nd e n t, J. IVrcy Wells. Acting upon the spent in tie purchase and improvement Removal of duty front many articles of jxisttnaster of Gold Hill would lie held t h e officer fired several s h o t s after W. P. Wetlierell - - - - - - 55 of the properties, certain o f which hold suggestion arrangements have tx<en made of fond and clothing; reductions In in thia city. For the lx»nefit of prospec him, declaring afterwards tliat the shots For Treasurer: for the preliminary meeting which will be promise of eventually Is-eoming good the rates of duty on all necessaries of tive applicants this paper lias lx-en inform- were not ainx*d to inflict injury but Lynn W. Smith . . . . . . 47 held on Tuesday evening next. prishni-rs. life; an Increase of tariff on muny td hy Win. J. Wanvn, local secretary of to frighten the fugitive into stopping. Harry Harvey . . . . . . . 9 To Teachers, Pupils, and School Patrons; In 1907, while tile various mining luxuries; and a new Income tax that Mr. Beeman, anion ; several others was the Civil Service Board at Medford, tliat At a recent meeting of the County Ed would touch the pocket of every Amer claims wen' in active tqs'ralion, an ap tin-examination will he belli in that city summoned as a witness to the affair, ucational Board it was decided Io advo ican citizen whose net Income exceeds plication for timber claim was tiled upon on the «late set, Saturday, April 2»lth. when Chief Noe was arrainged upon tlie ' A circumstance that will arise with the cate and encourage the holding of a num 14000, are the striking features of the the quarter by Peter P. lamg, of Koote Application blanks for lhose desiring to charge of assault with a deadly weapon. seating of tlie new members of the board, A contest was Insti ber of l«xal school fairs at various places new Democratic tariff revision bill, nai county, Idaho. compete, may lx* secured eitljer by ad In every respect Mr. Beeman’s testimony will he the discussion of a certain pro tuted by Mr. Haff, the land office at in the county proceeding the county fair dressing the Secretary, C i v i l Service presented to the house. tank'd witli that of other witnesses, and vision of the city charter, which provides to lx- belli at Medford, working through Sugar would be free of duty In 1916, Roseburg deciding in favor of granting Board, at Medford, Oregon, or from tlie his presence as a bystander has never been for the election of a chairman by tlie commercial clubs, improvement «'lulls, the bill proposing an Immediate 26 per the timlier application. An ap|x*al was local poatoffioe. Such applications must questioned until the perjury charge was council from its own membership. Since parent-teachers associations, etc., In sec then taken Io the United States land the passage of the new charter the meet cent reduction and the removal of the «■xhihits 1 ’* fik’’ *'u‘L*''il Service department unexpectedly sprung. commissioner nt Washington, who re uring prize list tor iigri>'iiltiiral remaining duty in 1916. ' 1 at Washington not less than seven days Mr. Beeman w as released upon his own ings of tlie council have been presided In the interest of this work, Mr. N. C. I Raw wool would be made free at versed the Roseburg decision. Thence prior to the date of examination. r 'cognizance, to await the preliminary over by the mayor, who has actively par once with a correspondingly heavy re forward the case seesawed hither and Maris of Salem, representing the State hearing, which was subsequently an ticipated in the legislative proceedings of Department of Education as Field Dine- above mentioned towns, but by residents duction In the tariff on all woolen thither in the land department, and was nounced to have been “ indefinitely post that body. It Is claimed that the section tor of Industrial Fairs, will spend the of the surrounding country. At each of eventually assumed hy the government. goods. poned.” It is understood that that he in discussion has been misconstrued, and It will be attempted to prove that Lang w««<k commencing April 14th, 1913, In these meetings a short preliminary pro- All these other articles are put on will demand an early hearing upon the an interpretation will be asked of the city made certain false representations in his Jackson county. I have arranged a gram will be rendered by the pupils of the free Hat, namely: charge, of which he has no apprehensions. attorney. The debated section is as fol scries of meetlngsfor Mr. Maris, as follows; the lix'al school, consisting of songs, roc- Meats, flour, bread, boots and shoes, application to the department and in the Various bystanders and witnesses will be lows: Monday, April I4tli at Rogue River, itatlons etc., to lie followed by Bit address Chap. V, Sec. 27.—“ The city council, lumber, coal, harness, saddlery, Iron subsequent hearings. C. R. Arundel), citizens' meeting in evening. j by Mr. Maris. Let every one who is in- called to testify to Mr. Beeman’s pre immediately after taking the oath of of special agent for the general land office ore, milk and cream, potatoes, sh R, sence at the affair, which is the point in Tuesday, April 15th,Gold Hill, citbens’ teroeted in promoting this industrial fice, shall organize by electing one (1) of swine, corn, cornmeal, cotton bagging, will conduct the government’s case. A pilase of education be present at these question. It is the general belief he will i agricultural Implements, leather, wood numlx'r of witnesses, testifying to the mis ting in evening. cleared of the charge, ree-ivlng complete Itheir chairman of the council; Wednesday, April lllth, Central Point meetings. pulp, blhlea, printing paper not worth mineral character of the land, have been vindication when tlie testimony is sub- which shall perform the duties Yours truly, citizens* meeting in evening. more than 2*4 cents per pound, type stilqiis'itned from this city, among them : of the mayor in the absence or inability mitted. J. IVrcy Wells, Thursday, April 17th, Talent, citizens’ writers, typesetting machines, cash Ix'ingJ. II. Beeman, George Hall', II. L. < to act of the mayor. ’ ’ CO .nty Schemi 11 pt. THE MARKET«. registers, steel rails, fence wire, cotton Darling, G. L. McClellan, II. A Mears, meeting in evening. It is apparent that while the passage Friday, April 18th, Jacksonville, citi ties, nails, hoop and band iron, fish, Henry Ray, Irvin Ray, and S. P. agent, 1 above quoted provides for the service of Portland. zens’ meeting in evening. That 40 acres, all gixxl laud, and all sulphur, soda, tanning materials, ace Ray Grate. Wheat—Club, 86c; bluesi He; the chairman of tlie board as mayor pro Saturday, April 19th, Eagle Point, under cultivation, house ami out build tic and sulphuric acids, borax, lumber j tern, it cannot possibly be construed as red Russian, 85c. citizens’ meeting in evening. ings, in Sams Valley, for only $3000—is products, Including brootnhnndles, depriving the elected chairman of his pre Hay—Timothy, 111; alfalfa, $lfi|. Quartz and placer location notices at It is hoped tlies«' meetings will I»' well a snap for someone. Who wants it? C. clapbourds, hubs for wheels, posts, rogative of presiding over the eoumil in Rutter—Creamery, 37c. Tlie News office. attended, not only hy the citizens of the S. R eiipiei . d laths, pickets, staves, shingles. 1 favor of the executive officer. Eggs—Candled, 20c. Democracy in Con trol o f Situation a t C apital Balance o f Citizen Ticket Chosen by Big Pluralities Perjury Charge is Growth o f Police A ssa u lt Case Mining Claim Con test to be Given Final Hearing A rrangem ents Examination to for School Fair be a t M edford » <