Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, April 05, 1913, Image 3

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Seeds! !
Field and Garden Sooth in endless variety, and
quantity. My Vegetable and Flower Seeds are this sea­
son’» stock, no holdovers from lust season >r any num­
ber of previous seasons. This is the time to plant,
T h ese are R E G U L A R .
P r i c e s an<^ n ot C ut O n e s
Red Clover, Alsyke, Thimothy, and Alla Ifa
A m oskeag A . F. C. Ginghams, per yard 12 1 -2c
A porn Ginghams, per yard 8c
A m oskeag U tility Gingham s, per yard 12 l-2 c
L e m o n Extract, 2 02s. 15c.— Vanilla Extract, 2 o z s . 2 0 c
E very b o t t l e guaranteed.— Pelton Lard 5 lbs. 85c
Red Beans, per lb. 5 c — W hite Beans, per lb. 6c
6 bars Laundry Soap 2 5 c — Fancy Alaska salt Salmon, lb 10c.
Lime and Sulphur 8pruy Pump. Do not delay placing
your order for Lime and Sulphur Spray and Spray
Pumps, ns the supply is limited.
Gold Hill Feed Store
H. C. RAEDEL, Proprietor
Phone 1 7
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim :
: iii iii iii i’iiiiiiin
That to acres, all gi»al lund, and all
under cultivation, houw* and out build-
in^». in Sam» Valley, for only |3(XM>—la
a »nap for »omeone. Who want» It? ('.
11.ill wit* in M cdfunl liciwcen S. lie io ii. iu
tntiiiM Thur»<Uy.
<’ . V M artin, of Medford, wa» in the
M erritt & C om p an y
Local News Notes
QimrUi mid ,»liner brt'tttiofi noliccM at city .Monday gn-cting Ida friend» and at­
tending l<> ibe iuten »1» of the California
Tin* New* o IIU m *.
Gregon Power company, which he re-
II h Ifci-d mid !•’. W. Dodge were in
Medford H|M»n hiHincMM Monday
Save your meat order* for Tueaday» ami
>pratfii« lti«*u< I, «»( I€iv« nude Orchard.
Eriday», win 11 tlie nu at wagon of Ix w i
wa* h Medford vi-it<ir M<>fi< lay.
A Son» w ill call 11,aiu you w ith any cm
(h u r le y *»lllu-hriug and Jo* Stover were dcalnal. A ll meal« guaranteed fn-»h and
in Mi iK u ril I r i a i i ii train * Monday.
w In lc » o in c .
IU* m in i utt- uded | u business
At Marshfield, early on the m orning of
mutters at kle iiford the first »( the week. A p ril 2, the fu llin ' greatest pitcher of tin
King, of Medford, registered at
mine I mat (5aniw«-U's hoHiery Munday.
Georg«-H. lame relum ed on Saturday
lu»t (m in a several day» buslni-isi visit to
IgiiKv A Company reeelvtsl an entire
r a il mid id r u lliil Im rliy on Wednesday of
llie prt-w-nt week.
Miss IV arl Collins visited w ith Min»
Ada Gilm ore a l Rogtierivcr on Saturday
and Sunday lust.
Sulphur for »praying, 3c per lb ., blue-
stone, Ilk- per lb ., at the drug »tore.
Sulil In any quantity,
Sulphur for »praying, 3c per lb ., bine-
atone, IO- per lb ., al the drug store.
Sold in any qua tity .
| i Sergenl and George Hofer, of
iitund, were in Gold H ill upon bu»i
t i-» for several hours Tuesday.
Mrs. It. II Simonds waa for several
1. » tin- gueot <d Hr. and Mrs W I
Co.-holm, al Bogut-river.
( ' It. Hay, of Medford, waa in G ot
H ill Thnraday. I<»>king after Ilia m ining
interests in thia vie ln ily.
Mr». M I* Bower» and daughter He!
en vi»ll«»l al Central Point for several
day» the fir»t of the week.
W illiam and H iram Moore, well known
Evan» i rts k rancher*, transacted hn»i
III »» ill Gold I lilt Saturday laat
I I C. S toddard, »ll|a lin n n d e lit of ill
C alifo rnia-O reg o n I ’o w i r eom pany. pin.
a In i-ini»» v l« ll to th ia e ity T hnraday.
\V. I . i n . 1 waa iu tbla e lty Monda.
afternoon Linking after Id» various inn 1
ami (ru u rn lriiig w ith Ilia form, 1
touT.atn 11.
II A Til»« rolf, aii|a-riincndeut of th
Big Pine» lam ila r company, was in thi
elty Tue.-day li« ikiiig after the Interest
of tlie local yard»
I I . I* Itiaal arrived home Saturday 111
trrnoon from Portluud, and o ilie r north
ern point«, when lie spent a week alien
ding to various business interests.
It E. (»Mik, foreman of tlie I .am ,
mine on Port» ereek, waa in Gold H ill
Tueaday purchasing attppllea and swap
piuta m ining gossip w ith old frienda.
The weather-man continue* to beatow
liia welcome gratuity of A p ril ahower»
upon southern Oregon—w ith prospects
for the March deficit l*'in g made up.
Mr». 1». C. W ilson, of Sam»
returned to her home the first
thia week, after having lieen the
relative» at .Seattle for some tim e
part of
guest of
Mr». M. E. Kellogg returned to her
home at Medford Thursday afternoon,
having lieen for several weeks past the
guest of her »011, A. E. Kellogg, and fam­
Ix'wi» A Son», the Central Point meat,
market, men, w ill 1»' in Gold H ill every
Friday, th e ir wagon containing a choice
assortment of strictly fresh meat*. W ait
for them.
Mr». Horace Pelton and daughter,
Gladys, relum ed Sunday evening from
southern California, w ili n' they passed
tlie w inter as guest« of friend» and rela­
.lack M o rrill, of Riverside Orchard, re­
turned yesterday m orning from a winter
in aonthern C alifornia and w ith frienda
in the cuat. lie report* the purchase of
a new HO II. p. ear—a low rakish craft
th ill 1» destined Io give dust Io any wagon
in this section of Oregon. The new ear
ba» la i n »hipped, and 1» expected to ar­
rive in » short time.
f nivcrsul GianW, arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mi». ,1. Q. Jarvis, and weighed
iu al nine |«>tind» phi». Announcement
of the event have Isx-n received by inuuy
of Jack'" old friend* iu thia city.
Gold H ill citizen* contributed their
mile to tlie IL«»1 sufferer* of Indiana,
a -ul>»-unUui draft having lieen forwarded
to Portland for that purpose tlie first ul
tlie week. J. I! Kendall sotlcife-d tin
Charley Young aiitxs-d up from Med
ford Tueaday and attended to huainc-
uialter* in thia city, eoulinuing to Grant
Paa» that afterihaiii and teturulng t,
Medford in the evening.
F ro
W h ite
Q u een
W in te r
G eneral
M e r c h a n d is e
L a y e rs*
W HITE W Y A N D O T T E S S p - e c A i a ------
B I,I E BI BUGS' strain of lieavy layer*. Thia ia th. l» st laying strain
A of Chi, kens we huvi ever known. C g g s a l l t h e y e a r . So
I liieketi that ever won- feuther» excel» them as liroilers. A n encloeure
from three to four feel high w ill easily confine them— and confinement has
no effect u,am them, they n-main happy and perfi-etly at home. T heir
beauty and usefulness cannot be excelled by any breed.
T h e A r c h it e c t a n d B u ild e r
Is here to stay, and is very much alive to the
needs of this growing city, and will design
and execute anything in the Building line.
Brick. Stone and Cement. Plain or artistic
E-B’ u » S i . 5 0 p e r 1 3
A ls o S tr a w b e r r y P la n ts fo r S a le
Cem ent and Iron Grill Fences
A S p e c ia lty
D a v id B r o w n
I M il« fr o m
K anes C reek
MONEY 0 / & h e
Boy Avery wa* up from Medford foi
several day» tlie fore part of the week
visiting w ith hi* m other in thia city am Viaila to the old home are always appfe- nt which tin«- clergymen and congrega-
tiona of our neighboring cities w iil be
<U|a riiitend iu g gardening operation* 111 inusl by many friend» hen-.
Fully a score of local fans boarded the present and partioipatn.
the fam ily Imiue iu the Ifektun.
pi-eial at this point Wednesday, and at
T’ nguessed histrionic ahilirles, n e w
Pounds Sterling for Great Britain and Ireland
Mr» W. P. Chirholut and little daugl
irnnt» Paa* that afternoon la lu-ld the slants at old favorites, plantation m dod-
h r Jeanette, wen* guenta of Mr». Chi
Francs for France, Belgium, and Switzerland
in nih ilation of that c ity ’ s forlorn hope at iu« rendered w ith the intonation of the
holm'» brother, Po»tuia»ter Hauitneral
ami fam ily Monday, returning to tln-ii
Kroner for Sweden, Norway and Belgium
red hall team that is mowing a swath of hilled on Tuesday evening to make a very
Ii 'me 111 Bogia river that evening.
ietories up and down the coast. A ilm it- enjoyable program at th«- little Wego
Kronen for AustriaHungary
Irv in Hay re|airta fine progreo* in h
ediy one of tlie strongest hall organizs­ playhouse. Enacted for the benefit of
vork at Ila- M ountain View mine, locate
Marks for Germany
imi» iu existence, as the Giants are only the Ladies' A id by a score of w illin g as­
.11 (In head of Water G ulch
A eon»id< 1 leliurn-d from big leagiu- company liy
sistants. every numls-r evidenced careful
Lire for Italy
able q u an tity of eaeeUfiit quartz ia al
he color line, the Grants Pas» heroes preparation and was happily acclaimed
ready ii|aui the dump, aw aiting tra il-
for Japan
nay fia i very well satisfied at tlie scon­ by the audience. The program as pre­
■rtatioii to the m ill.
citi! which they escaped—0 to 3.
sented follows:— Instrum ental Solo, Dor
And last but not least
Mr. and Mr« W in C hillier* have r
Contrary to the current rum or Luther o ,hy S m ith ; Song. Imperial Four; Reei-
■ uovi'd to the Child, ra' n'«iili'in-i' iu “ Th
V H am m er J y, who was report«»! to have1
Ol®dy* D a rlin g ; Song, Im perial
a ll« '” , tile ftth avenue cottage wldiv
idisted in his country's service at San I'v u r; Instrum ental Solo, H a rrie tt H ial-
In y form erly occupied having laau» aol
'nmelseo, did not again ent«-r the army
Samantha Allen and tier Photograph
We Sell money-orders for them all
0G1 iiidtna .McIntyre laat fall.
.ul is now engaged as m otorraan upon
Instrum ental S o lo , Dorothy
Gu ar Baker ileparti»! Tm -day even
lie elis-trie system of the city of Portland. S m ith, Jubilee song, B. P. Adauis Color-
ug for I,o» A iig e te » , where lw w ill »pen
z'ttera to Id» friend» and relative* an- ed Q uartet; Beading. Miss T u ttle ; Jub i­
1 m on th '* vacation nt the home of hi
Kiuncc that lie is very well satisfied w ith lee song, B. P. Adutns Colored Q ua rte t;
-iater. Ih irin g Ilia ahaciicc the potrill'
lis present position, and ha» no intention Instrum ental S o lo , H a rrie tt Hodgi-s;
■I -. Iialniait w ill be fluid by A. J. Swia 1
f again la-eoming men- “ fmal for pow- Sunflower Chorus; Song, B. P. Adam»
m a n , o f Glendale, w h o arrived the fir
le r". “ F ritz” , as he ia beat known to Colored Quartet.
•f the week.
ii* many friend» l«-reabont, saw th m -
The large congregation aaseinbled at
Mi»» M yrtle Black hum »mile* plea-an
the M. E. church for Ixith m orning and
-ara ia-rvl«x‘ in our ¡»land possession».
ly through the wicket of I'n cle Sam
evening services on Sunday last, in addi­
I.s a l Gild Fellows are anticipating
I «'al brunch of the |«i«tal departtm 11
tion to two excellent sermons by the pas­
high jin k s ” this evening, when a large
tiowailav», eoiuuii tieiiig her tenure of oi
tor, particijiat«»! in a musietd treat af­
I, legation of fellow lislgemen w ill arrive
Hie a» aaaiatunt clerk to Poatinaater Ham
forded by Mr. and Mrs. Jehu,of Portland,
rom Bogneriver, accompanied by a enn-
m rraly the lirat of tlie month.
u ho rendered cornet accompaniments and
lidate for in itiatio n to the first degree of
played several sacred solo* at each ser­
Mr» G»ear Glam, of Grant» Pa»», vi
•dll Fellowship—at which the Gold H ill
Rigs for all occasions
ited 1« 1 ween train» Sunday evening with legree team w ill officiate. It is .»aid by vice. Both were eornetista of exception­
and drivers that know the roads
Mr*. II C Kelwy, upon her return from I«**' who have ventured behind the veil al a b ility and tlie privilege of hearing
Central Point, when'»he a,a'tit (lie da;, im ler «swivoy of this select coterie, tlia t tlieui was greatly appreciate«! by tlie l-on-
We make no specialty of any class of trade
A t the evening serviix- the
w itli her huahand, who ia etnployeil up­ he novitiate who reeeiv««* their m iuistra- gregation.
on tlie W illow Spring» power line.
kins ia given full measure for hi» money,
The evangelistic nervice» at the Church u«l rather enjoys tlie egperii-nce — afl«-r pleasant aeeompaniinents. Mr. and Mrs.
Jehu, representing the Pacific Co:i»t Bes-
of Christ , conducted at the fnrtner school lie get* used to it.
eue Society and the Common» Settlement + + + + + + + + - L - F 4 - + + + + +
building by J. J. W yatt, every evening
C F. Luce, of Tacoma, has la» n iu thia
thia Week» have la-eii largely attend,»! ity during Ila- past week, engated upon work at Portland, were iu attendance at •I- GOLII H ILL OPERA HOUSE 4-
and very »tieei'a»ful. Evangelist W yatt i- liusiness eonneeted w itli the prosp.s-tive the annual M ethixlis; conference held in
Seating Capacity 600.
a forceful, capable speaker, and it i< m ining operations upon the Moon' bar, Grants Pas.», and were prevailed upon 10
Stage 60x22.
N o rth b o u n d
hoped that arrangement* may lw made several miles up-river. M r. la«»- and pay a visit of several days to this city,
No. 20
8:07 a. m.
No. 24 (motor)
whereby lie w ill lw nUaiued in charge of Ids associates have given no definite in ­
11:04 a. in.
It ia the object of the
( motor )
solicih-d funds i ir their very merit» inns
6:37 p. ra.
the local nariah.
m anagem ent to book only
form ation of their intentions w ith regard
No. 16
6:20 p. m.
work. They w ill return at a date in the
C N. Shaver received by lelegrHtii th " to tlie development of th is property, but
near future to lecture upon tin- white
»ad intelligence of hi» aged m other’» it is generally understrasl that the pro­
about two perform ances a
S o u th b o u n d
»lave trallie and explain the purpose and
death, which occurred at the fam ily home ject w ill la- opened up at an early date.
month. The stage has been
No. 23 (m otor)
8:07 a. tn.
progress of the Society which they repre­
in northern Kansas on We.lneailay of Various engineers have looktal the ground
No. 31 (motor)
enlarged and new dressing
1 :42 p. m.
sent. In addition to the ir large measure
No. 16
thia week. Mr». Shaver ia survived by iver, and the m etlusl of recovery w ill la-
2:56 p. m.
rooms added to the building
of routine work, M r. and Mrs. Jehu find
11:06 p. m.
her husband, eighty years of age, and by hasid largely upon the ir estimates if
with new scenery and the
sufficient tim e to act as publishers of the
nine children, moat, of whom reside in undertaken.
Common* Voice— the well edited, finely
Kansas. Mr. Shaver has seen neither of
any kind of a production.
Medan«» Mae Avery, IV. It. G ardner, printed journalistic mouth-piece of a g««xl
Ilia parent.» since Ilia visit to the old home B. C. Kelsey, J. V. Stlckel, Nina M.
five years ago.
Smith, Miss Nora Newton, Messrs. W .ll.
will be booked through the
Drives Sick Headache* Away
Ben Moore came down from Portland Harvey, George Iverson, C. N. Shaver,
N orthw estern T heatrical as­
Sick headaches, sour gassy stomach,
Saturday last and remained until Tues­ C. E. Johnson, and Bev. and Mr». E. C.
sociation having signed à con­
day, visiting w ith his sister, Mrs. ,1. A. Richards, of this city, wen- delegate* to
trac t to th is effect, and they
Cook, of Sams Valley. Mr». Cook has tlie W orld for Christ Parliament, of tlie
have assured us th a t they
been quite ill fo- some tim e past at tlie Methodist-Episcopal church, convened in P ills . They p u rify the blood and put
Practice I ' nit« to
will use th eir best endeavors
home of Mrs. Pan Biehurds, in this city, Grants Pass on Thursday, Friday and new life and vig or iu the system. T ry
to only book good companies
- ,'os ■ ai Throat
lint is now progressing favorably Inward Saturday of last week. An echo service them and you w iil tin « 1 1 sa tis fie d
Every lu ll h e lp - ; every box L-tm Hiit. e i,
Eyes sei- iitilie iillye xa m edand glasse»
recovery. Mr. Moore is a former resi- it' t h e parliam ent w ill lie held at tile loc- Price »6c
furuislied win 11 needed,
M anager
Bucetiimended Gy all d ru g­
dent of this city, and his semi-occasional al church on Munday evening, A p ril 14, gists.
4 - d - 4 - + + + + + + + + + C + + + i ' le tt -v i ’ -i. .■i;g. M -ilfi.tti, Ore.
T he A lm ig h t y D o lla r
G o ld H ill B anR
Gold lisll Livery
Darling & Kodges
A ll Get bhe Best
S. P. Time Card