Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1913)
NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Summons. Suit in (quit) for Divorce. D epartm ent of tb e In te rio r, lit the Circuit Court <>f the state of Ore U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore gon, for Jackson County. F eb ru ary 12, 1913 Notice ia hereby given th a t Bacon Minor A. Foster, Plaintiff, ) va. ) R ostad. whose iHMtofiiee atldreea la . \ .. " * I Lents, Oregon, d id on th a 26 th d a \ ol Mary A Foster. IX i. udaiil i tp ril. 1912, file in (Ins office '-worn To Mary A. Foster, O U iidant j'-ta trm e u t and Appdc tion, No. 08018. IN T il l NAME OF t i l l 8 IA IF OF io purcl a-w tb e F.1» S E '4 and S \\ l4 >F l4 of Section 24, l'o w n .n ip 3 5 -, H a u te OREGON Yon are hereby commanded 4W, Will-tint tte M eridian, and th e tim - to ap,»-ar amt answer the plaintiffs com ' tier thereon, under th e proviaioaaof tbe plaint against you now ou tile in the THE , act of Ju n e 3, 1878, anti acts aiueo la- A. E. KEI.LOGG alsivc entitled Court and cause on or he torv. known as th e "T iin lier and Stone ~l r G OLD H IL L OKFGDN l a w ," a t such value ns m ig h t be fixed fore the 21st day April. 1913, said date JL 1EZ1C bi ap p raisem en t, and th a t, piirsua t in t.-ing the expiration of six weeks from E m balm er and Funeral -uch app ication, th e land and liiu ' ei the day of the first publication of ibis ! lb, icon have Ja-en ap n ra seal, $370 1’0, summons. C A R M J ( •‘ere am, iot itn m ilk’’) is th e g r e a t little D irector tin ' tim b er e -tim a i' ,1 740,000 board feet AND YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI ■ p a p e r p u b lish e d for . 0 M ars in P h ila d e lp h ia by W ilm er Com plete line of burial robes, n t $0 40 per M. au l ih - Ian,I n o th in g ; casket». etc. th a t Sai,I a p p lican t « til offer final pro I FIED, th at if you fail to appear and an- i A tkinson, It is tak en and IC.. >v m ore fam ilies th a n any o th e r to support cf hi- application and sworn swer for want then-of, plaintiff will ap 11 farm p a p e r in tit W O R : four m illion re a d e rs (know n as F U N E R A L CAR st.a i i i i e n l n i l ih e .S O lh da» of April, 10 3, ply to th e Court for the relief prayed for ri e m ost in te llig e n t a n d p ro sp e ro u s c o u n try Zr l i i t r e t i p r e f t r l ) i r I J f " ( ) u r F o lk s ) a re th OtHee Phone: Heine, 9—M; Residence before Kegi-ter ami Ucceiver of ih e U n in the com plaint, succinctly stated as ! ited state» Land Office, a t Roeeburg. Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 46-Main. p eo p le th a t t row, an d th--y alw ays say th e Farm Jo u rn a l h elp ed " P ee llry S r t r t n " lelli i n t follows: Oregon. le t e r r y f e n h , a i t i » l i e r to m ake them so. i h.-ir jm >- i a te larger, their milk test« higher, th eir hogs tetre!! f a r fie r e iie fe rla a l. For a decree absolutely dissolving the peraon is a t liberty to protest CLEM EN T H. SM ITH. M. D. th is Any w-sigh m ore, their fruit b rin g -h ig h e r p in e - , because they rend the iu rn i Journal. purchase before en try , or in itia te a bonds of matrim ony lietwecu plaintiff ami ; contest at any tim e b e i o r e p aten t issues, defendant, amt that then- he set aside ] GENERAL PRACTITIONER Do you know Peter T utte- dow n, the Id fellow who w o n 't take the Farm Journal? lly show ing by filing a corroborated affidavit In th i- how N( ) P to i ; i a ..inn, i , .,-i i iki • iia n y p in -p ero u s, N obtsly < n g > on reading the Farm Journal Office in W ells Building Office, alleging facts which would defeat ami awarded to plaintiff the following ] deserils-d real property situated in Jaes- a n d b e i n g a Pumi icdow .i too. th e entry . B. F JO N E S. M any have tried, b u t all have to quit one or the other. H ours 10-12—2-4 « ¿ •8 1 » K sgi-ter. sun County, Oregon, to-wit: T h e Farm Jour tal h bri brief, •• boiled d o w n ," practical, full o f gum ption, cheer an d su n sh ln tf ' - The south half of the northwest quarter It is strong on housekeeping a-- hom e m aking, a favorite with bu-y w om en, lull o f life an d fun for boy« an d DR. R. C. K ELSEY NOTICE O r A PPLICA TIO N FOR of S-etion Thirty-four (34). ill Township girls. It spai .le v i,a wit, and .. h.ip->v. sunny spirit. Practical a- a plow, readable as a novel. C lean anti PATEN f ornea is 36 south, of Range Three West of the pure, n o t a line o: irau d u len t o iiu-'q aiiverti-ang. All its advertiser« are ¿'M a/ust/rsi/trustw orthy, lh*p»rtuiant of the In terio r, G O L D H IL L H O S P IT A L C O R . T H IR D a O S T S . United S tates Laud Office Roseburg, Or. Willamette Meridian. The F a rp i J o u r n a l ■ m ore lor the m oney an d pu ts it in fewer w ords than any o th er farm jutprr. This summons is published in T H E GOLD H IL L , OREGON A oplication for M ineral P aten t, 88528 3 1 to So pa; , ■ !t!v. ¡K e-e 1 d. i l \ I. years ( h o is su e s) lor $ t .o o only, l x u than a cents a m onth, GOLD H ILL NEWS by order of tin- R oseburg, Oregon. N o one > e .e . I I »'car eriptiona taken at any price. Honorable F. M. Calkins, judge of the In th e m a tte r of th e A pplication for DR. ARTEM AS W. D EA N E P aren t lor th e O 'H a ra Placer Mining above entitled Court, which order was DENTIST Claim . made ami entered of record on tin- Notice is hereby given: T h at oursuant lay of February, 1913, and .w hieh’or- G A S A D M I.M S T K R K D HIK I bave sol.l by u .......»... .unJ .mû i».i\c ntad«4 ‘*1 have b <i m o l e h e l p , c 'lK 'tn iia v t to th e provisions of C hapter VI ol Title n ifiit nut td it n <H»e »«-nr (I uiii I »liti out »»In Ivi i my »Uwi {wpat RIALTO BUILD IN G, MEDFORD ler requires you to appear on or before a sensali.-u . . ¿’¿(.X» / A ’ <>i M O N t.Y - yea r*," aa>* t M . IVm un» 32 ol th e Revised S tatu tes of the U nited the lust day prescribed in this summons. .U .ÌK 1 S C ia uè i \. ‘ ail uv«r ütc State», A bbie J. C ham plin, whose post ” It id .« r it l v e r l i l l l e I h a v e M im e l im e n i country a- ■ in t - i- v tin c Htvlllt »tb. otfice aiiore-s is th e C itt of Chicago, The date of the first publication of this it through and thought I w «« «tune w ith it, then |'i k it up i A. E. KELLOGG un»i hn«i M uurihiug m w tu iuleteat n ie ," m >* A llie d kr«>gh. C ounty of Cook, State of II inois, by summons is the 8th day of March, 1913. POULTHY S : mu oi li sco ver ir» NOTARY PUBLIC "F ain t Joiiru il is like a hit of sunshine in our Im Ititi. nini m ci ■ h U »1 .■ > i >'i . Charles P. C ham plin, her A ttornev-iii- «jlv*«. I' Ich*» lumi m* Mi l. key A C iikkkv It i» m ikin g it better «in*« <»( |»e«»ple out «■• h,rw*e»». It wt»» I< 19t »ulti .: t.ic • Il nu>rr uullrt« P h o n e 83 Main F act, whose posiotfice address is Goul » ru t me a» a t hiininut* pie»ent. and I think it the c lto o rM ¡m •seul lll.Ut l « -e . -, i , and pi k ele»» Attorneys for Plaintiff, Hill in Jackson C ounty, S ta te of Oie- GOLD HILL, OREGO? Ic v e i icccived ," a a\» I'. U I «V alley. are re i* ol b u e tu . . .. . .i c o * , etc. Medford, Oregon. gon, is about to m ake application to th e “ We have rend your dear little paper for ne tr! l‘ HI I l l v i n e ll H x ls i»f “ hish- MORSE SE C R E T S _ i U nited States for a p aten t lor th a t c er year*. Now we d»»n t live on the larm »«••' •»>»<«•. vrt I .ttil In tve a aird .»«her hunkering lor tlie old patMrr I lee, that I Iwlmig t»» the lam fh anti tain pla.-- r m ining claim com prising til NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION tell nit t-i.,4 . i ••»•'!** ' «•’ 1 sw» every paue 1» a* dear Mini iatn ihai a« the laces ol old |r lends, Uti»uunJ i t\ •• acres of placer m ining ground situated M r» 11. \ \ . B d w ards. IX-|iartmeiit of the Interior in Fool’s Creek ( u n o rg an ised ) Mining corn s r e r :s , n MÍ l ’ l . l f . U. S. Land Otfice at Roacburg, Ore., “ I fear I neglect my l»ti»lnraM to t r a i l i t . I v ¡sh it D istrict, Jacks n County, Oregon, tbe 11« l.lcn, thè r»i L r . • Iwrnly conld be in the hand» of e v e r» in V irg in ia , ^»»»V. > t a».» Jan u ary 14, 1913. b u »."$ m i ^ r ; wr« i ih« sam e being tb e E ast S ot the N o rth vlu aitK li ter«lu;< cL ». p “ I live ¡it a town n herr tb r \ nrd ia ottlv I ' x 1N f< rt, Notin' is hereby given that Ellie I). If you want your e a s t tg of tn e N o rth e a s t'4 of S e c t i o n 11, bet I could not du w iilio u l the I .nm JetHtw l," • »'« Mi< < tuna whose poet-office address is tae EGO SECRETS i ¡Is . o ( < hi make Cai|»enter Tow nship 37 S o u th , Range 4 West of Simmons, 495 Hall Street, Portland, Oregon, did, hen» tun» It» t; M • »ct.ip-4into. b rk t; Il to« W illam ette M eridian. Lave tt kvk I. H»W I. ii-.x up evety tools put in good “ I get lot» o f h o n k * m id p a t w r ^ . a n t i , t il ilu - m a id»* on the 27 d ry of Ju n e, 1012, file in this . tu »I IC' ■» lost. for future reAtling T h e <w»lv i6«|>ei I ¡.r< in l<» ,-.»»< t » n l-uml • The original location notice of said office Sworn Statem ent ami Application, all the tim e 1» F a rm Journal I « oi l tonsil t*a«ling it < in t \o u raining claim ia recorued and set forth No. 08164, to purchase the SE. t<, Sec I ••B U T ;R B O O K ” i eve i were make it le»» intere»tnig, «•> I t a il i»a»e a than»«* ut n>> other shape be sure to see r » i 'c t> I»*»»-1nv • ’ u ton «»I b u t t e r <•»« h yet year. ( I *> in Vol. • ol Records ol M ining Locations tion 18, Township 34 S ., Range 2 west, paper* * “ w rites John * w a il. I- i n . l v • . i -.’. m i \ .(• -t . r < •(! It. wcrxl out >«>ur of Jackson County, Oregon, at page 591 Willamette Meridian, and the tim ber (w ¡ vows, at»4 lu u i ii - h * «•» - »«tlu ic C o rd -b rc « k c r» . “ If I am lonesoinr, dou tid tc n r te d . o r t i l e d , | g o t o thereof, and an am ended location notice, theresil), under the provision« of the act ’"1 Farm Jourual lor <notion, neat to the Ihtd« . * » a t* M*I k I D»rw«U. S T R A W 3 r ? ^ Y SEC *ET3 i> t rcvehim n of ihe.lin- dated Ju n e 19, 1912, is set forth and re of Ju n e 3, 1878, and act* am endatory, cowti » h .I i ' it* ».* ot I J. E.»un<*r, the i.uu»»u» e k |< n , in "F arm Journal ha« n cheerful vein running ihiniigl»- gr -i» •-< h . ........... law I-» • t c* a. i. t until iim w Ihe» H o w corded in Vol. 17 of Mining Recoids of known as the "T im ber and Stone law, It that makes it a Bplvtnlid cin e lor the "blue».’* VK I >••• «timing auJ W -<•» to -tit. I- >W to ri u ill'C , it >w to n tlto tc the ilioawxu*, borne ti»«fd in m ind au«f I mm P , I »it down and r< ad It an I It »mana Jackson County, O reaon, at page 339 at such value as m ight be fixixl by ap r B la c K a m ith I jo W I o t»»4<J tlo p a ill ( » u >4741», UlV. to give me new in apliatlon k»r In e ," w iite » G. 1. H a n iv in tan thereof, and reference th ereto is here praisement, and that, pursuant to such GARDEN G >LD shows h nv to m ake votir b.ickvard *‘We have a k ! »» |.» \* . a J o k e . \ \ «j had lot a m ore d etailed de* riplion of application, the land and tim ber thereon j 1 Xr’ » live in C.rrater N ew Y o rk, and cmieWer «»«rw« !»• • cu i . lifted, said m ining claim , and reference is also have been appraised. $620 00, Die timber J 11 - w ' t <l»le, «tul get ca»ii lor >our »uiplu: Ilo . w lu when he »ent ua tbe F arm Jou m .il *» a New Veat ri t w>- u « m |I v , 4u4 U M ikei. hete hsd to ih<- o riginal application eetimated 1,640,000 lioard feet at 50 iv n u i died laughing * |io w to f i i - - . i gi»M ja*>- flo w to tfee p ro w s »lean' w-Jien we u-e «•«»•-.m « e d filed in the U nited State« Land Office pi-r M, ami tlie land nothing; that said DUCK DOLLARS tells Im v tin- great W eber duck- m ilk ee tn for lir e pudding I *ll«»w to p i.n l cm »»»'»»**— * when we at Koeeburg, Oregon, and th e proof a c applicant w ill offer final proof in support farm n r r Ho»t<ai n u M n c i r b j e n r AO rmi» cacti cat W.oun <1u« k* never piaul an» thin g m»»ie I r a r u n t than h ira <>t tlie \»llr< f lit;.-». I t ¡1« w h ' dm '. ’ puy them Ix lic r than ilticlcen». and ju«t Miners, I can sharp com panying th e sam e lor a complete ol his application and sworn statem ent acrrtHed tlie g ill w ith thank«, lor we are t«»o w clj-b ted to look a I I O \ V they d o ev»i >thing. gift horwe in the m onth. Soon m v e \ e v »• «au,;l t b \ a t ratitiJui on the 4th day of April, 1913,before Regis statem en t of th e im provem ents on said en, repair or make iM»e«n I tregau to tra»! it, then when I want, d t, e I arm Journal TURKEY SE C R E T S disci,e,-- fully the methods of claim and rights » h -reb v tb e applicant ter and Receiver, United States Land Of I found mv h atban d de« t»ly InterrM ed in an a n k h I • mj lio n » «* Vo«*», the fn'nou» KI mm I«- Id a n d “ t u tk e p m a ti.” who »up- okirtU »<>n ber;iti to a»k. 'lla » the F ir m Journal < i tn< < et F* H r t< tools, and guarantee applied for United S tate* P a te n t th e re fice, at RoHeburg, Oregon. pile« tlie \V h i;e House I liau*.»giving turkey». It tell« how to a Jeweler. sn»t hasn't mu« h lim e for lile fa tu rr hut w«- find m » hoi h Any person is at liberty to protest this m.» c to art »• •», t • ¡tatclt, to feed and care i-.t the > an y , to pre- on. Notice of this application was post tn trrrM and ap h it in thi« ftne |»after that w e appreciate cut N e w my work to stand vc t »»x.Kiiv»'«, to u tic n , uiid how to m ake a turkc>-ranch HAY. puretiase before entry, or initiate a con ed on th e ground D ecember 4, 1912 Year'* gift more an«l m o re," w o t» * E lla It. Uuikiuan test at any time hefore patent issues, by the racket; try me T he MILLION E G O -FA RM -rives the method« by Am and all person* claim ing adverse filing a corroborated affidavit in this of " I received ‘Cum Secrets' «ml 'Pmiltrv S- m l- ' Sis.OO O a y ea r, utamh and consider them w o rth Ih e ri w eight in g o ld ," say* W . G N» w ail, ly th e above described m ining ground, and be shown cr '4*. A ll ch i kct»-rai»er» »houtd leurn m I miu I the " k a tic iH a i fice, alleging facts which w ould defeat or any portion thereof, so described, the entry. Irint,” a.. I iti -w l’*o»ter F E E D S be»»» to produce such quantities •‘W hat your F • B« m »U tell* would Like a brginnef <d e»|»ci u l ly in w inter. year* to learn ." *a> ■ Roy Chaney. surveyed, platted and applied for, are 38-47 B. F. JONES, Register. DRESSM AKING SELF-TA U G H T shows how any “ I>tK k D ollats is the best Ixxjk I ever had oil duck* hereby notified tu a t unle-s th eir an ver-e intelligent wom an can design and make her ow n clothe», in the raising," says K. M . W arnock . B L A C K S M IT H claim s a re duly filed acc riling to law, height of (a i.t i I lie author iut» done It »inre she w a* a girl. “ If your other bcmklet* contain a* much valuable and th e regu atio n s th e re u n d e r, w ithin She now ha» a mk ( c »»I u I <1 re «»making rM tablbiim eut and a inform ation a * the Rgg Book, f would con*i<ier them cheap at •chool ol dressm aking Illustra ted w ith diag ram *. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION the tim e prescribed by law, with the double tlie p rice," say» P. W . Mansfield. R egister of th e U nited States Land Of SMALL I F A R M ? i> a d ear, impartial statem ent of D epartm ent ol the Interior “ I think vour Egc-Douk is n nder.” say« both ad v an tag e* an<i draw b ack* of (arm ing, to help those who fice at R oseburg, in (he C ounty of U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. C. F- Shirey have to »let i<le thi» im|»ortant question. It w arn * you of dangers, Douglas -nil Stare of Oregon, they will »windle», and m i-ta k e , te ll* how to atari, equipm ent needed, Jan u ary 16, 1913. “ The Farm Journal beats them all I’v» rv i - at»* h ,n it* cost, chances u( success, how to get governm ent aid, etc. be barred by virtue o l th e provision« of rem inder* *n»l idea* w o rth a )ear'a u I nu i ip tio n ," w rites Notice is hereby given th at Clayton B. T. H. Hotter «aid .ta tu te s . b w k h li a rt 6 x v rasAci, and illm liultJ. Simmons, win»«- post-office address is 495 TO NELSON HEBERT, YOUR HEIRS “ One vear a?o I took another ngnridiiir I p.tuer 45-56 B F. JONES, Register. Hall Street, Portland, Oregon, did on F a rm J o u rn a l FOUR fu ll years, 1 _«1 i i AA AND ASSIGNS: and it took a wh»»le column to tell w liat I arm Journal led * ia w ith any one ot these bo o k le t* . D O l l l l O l ^ l . v U the 27th day of June, 1912, file in this one p arag ra ph," *a>* N . M . G ladw in. You are hereby notified and will take TO NELSON HEBERT, YOUR H EIRS office Sworn Statem ent and Application, Tk< Bosklet* am NOT —U ••earataJr-sely walk Far» JsaraaL “ It ought to lx* Inevt-r.y lion»»- - where ......... there is . n cbick\ ------------------------------ No. 08163, to purchase the N la SVVJg, a child, a cow, a cherry, or a cucum - ber,” *a>* 1. D. hordu*. notice th at I, the undersigned subscriber, f i t t n t f to toy W H IC H booklet yon toani. AND ASSIGNS: and S ‘a NWt-4, Section 2<), Township 34 W . F. Shaffer, have expended during the 8 ., Range 2, west W illamette Meridian, years 1910, 1911, and 1912, A. D., Three W A S H lN f iT O N SQ U A R E , P H I L A P K I.F H I A. W IL M E R A T K IN S O N C O M P A N Y . P U B U S H C IK 8 F A R M J O U K N A U Y our are hereby notified and will take and the tim ber thereon, under the pro H undred Dollars ($300.00) in labor and notice that I, the subneriher, W. F. Shaf visions of the act of Ju n e 3, 1878, and improvements upon the Shorty lode m in I I have expended during the yeare 1910, ing claim. Said claim is situated and lies fer, I 1911. and 1912 A. D .. Twelve H undred Dol acts am endatory, known as the "T im ber in the Blackwell Mining District, in the lars t$12OO. I ill lalsir ami improvements and Stom- Law ,” at snch value as might ,'l County of Jackson, SUU- of Oregon. The upon the ‘ Crown P oint’ ’, ‘ ‘Oregon Boy” , Is- fixed tiy appraisem ent, and that, pur notice of location thereof is of record in vol " E lla " , anti "Crow n Point E x tention" suant to such application, the land and ume 11, at page 496, of Mining Records contiguous lisle mining claims. Said tim ber thereon nave been appraised, in i 3OC of Jackson County, Oregon, in th e office claims are situated and lying, in the $520.00, the tiinlier estim ated 1,040,000 of the County Recorder of the said Blackwell Mining District, in the County board fel-t at 50 cents per M, and the County, to which book and page ref «if Jackson. State of Oregon. Tie- notice land a -n o th in g ; th^t said applicant will erence is hereby made for a mon- of location of the said "Crown P oint” offer final proof in support o f his appii- particular description of said claim. claim is of record in volume 12, page 271, i 7 “ i,,n -worn slat, tm-nt on the 4th Said expenditure was made for the p ur Mining Record* of Jackson Coontv, Ore- I'l-i. M o re Register and pose of holding possessory right and title gon; the notice ..i Receiver I lilted states -tate* I.and Office, a t OF THE of location of the said to said m ining claim tinder the provisions "Oregon Boy" claim Roseburg, Oregon. is of record in v o l-! Any [terson is at lit»-rty to protest this of section tw enty-three hundred and nme 12, at page 473 Mining Records o f tw enty - four of Revised Statutes of the J a c k - - , n County, Oregon; the notice of purchase Is-fore entry, or initiate a con United States and the am endm ents th ere location of the said " E lla ” claim is of test at any time lietore [latent issues, by to, providing for the annual lalior upon record in volume 12, at p a g e 563 M in in g 1 tiling corroborated affidavit in this otfiee, m ining claims, said am ount being Records of Jackson County. Oregon; and alleging facts which would defeat the the required sum to hold said claim the notice of location of rite said "Crown I entry. B. F. JONES, Register. during the period ending the 31st Point Extcntiirn'* claim is of r e c o r d in , 38-47 day of December, 1912. If you fail volume 11, at page 498, Mining Records] and refuse or fail o r refuse within of J a c k s o n County, Oregon, in tla-office ninety days from the personal sendee of of the County Recorder of the said County, ' Notice Concerning Assessment Work on this notice, if personal sen-ice tie had, or to which books and pages reference is i Placer Claims w ithin ninety days after the publication hereby made for a more particular de- re, , n o . q c . v of this notice, to contribute your propor scription of the said claims. Said ex -i 1 0 BAKOLAY: tion of such expenditure as a co - owner, penditnn- was m ade for the purpose of] . You will take notice th a t I, th e u n d e r- your proportion, being the sum of one holding possessory right and title to the H*8n,‘d, co-owner with you of te n c e ria in hundred dollars ($100.00), your inu-rest -aid mining claims under the provisions <•" ¿»ylor in said claim will become the property of Of section nven.y - [hrix- I,undr.-d and Z _ ^ n.e r" the subscriber, who is your co-ow ntr, tw enty-four of the revised statutes of thi Greek, in Sections 19 and 30 in Town GOLD H ILL NEWS, Gold Ilill, Oregon and who has made the expenditure and United Ftates, and the amendm ents there »hip 37 South of Runge 4 W est, in Jack- im provements as above mentioned p u r to, providing for the annual lalsir upon son C ounty, O regon, have performed suant to the provisions of the said statutes. m ining claims, said am ount being the re the. annual asseesm ent work on said accept your special otter, l*lca*e send me T H E and lo every subscriber whose order is received —W. F. S hak feh . quired sum to hold said mining claims claim s betw een the 1st dav ol January NEWS for one year and FARM JOURNAL FOUR, years, Gold Ilill, Oregon, Jan u ary 2, 1913. durfngthe period ending the 31st day of and Ju n e, 1912, for th e y ear ending before the edition is exhausted, the publishers D ecember 31st., 1912, end have paid of the Farm Journal promise to send also their December, 1912. with tin« booklet____________________ _ If you fail and refuse or fail or refuse and expended in money and labor ALL FOR $1.75 A D M IN ISTR A TO R ’S F IN A L N OTICE within ninety days from the personal ser thereon, th e sum of $100., being the famous ALMANAC, “ Poor Richard Revived,’’ In th e m a tte r of th e esta te of D aniel vice of this notice-, if personal service be am ount required by law to protect said for 1913, provided you WRITE on your ORDER, My name i*_________________ _ Leslie, deceased. had, or within ninety days after the pub clstrns against forfeiture for non-repre Notice 1« nereby ¡liven th a t tb e tin lication of this notice, to c o n trib u te y o u r se n ta tio n ; Now T h e b e k o r e , Y ou W ill “ If in time please send the Almanac.” dersigned adm in istrato r has file i in ih- p ro p o rtio n o t such expenditure as a co T akb N o t ic e , T h a t you a re hereby re Addri-M _________________ If you are now taking the Farm Journal, C ounty C onrt of Oregon (or J a c k - u owner, vour proportion, lining the sum of quired w ithin ninety days from the ser C ounty, ltis duly verified final account Four H undred Dollars ($400.00), your vice of th is Notice iroon you to reiin- your subscription will be MOVED AHEAD for sn d «aid co u rt has fixed Monday, Man-' interest in said claim will become the bun-e me for th e am o u n t due from you four full years. 24, 1913, a t ten o’clock io th e forem.o projs-rty of the subscrits-r, who is your th ereo n to rep resen t your % interest in of said «lay at th e co u rt room of sai co-owner, and who has made the expen said clair-s, am ounting to the sum of (If you name no booklet, Farm Journal will be sent 5 year«) court In th e C ounty C o u rt House in diture and im provements as above men $25 00. Are you now tuking the Farm Journal? Jacksonville, Oregon, as th e tim • ami tioned pursuant to the provision of tin- To get Both papers, fill out order herewith (W rite “ Y es," or "N o .” . . . . You are fu rth e r notified, th a t if you place for th e h earin g of «aid final ac said statutes. fail to pay me yo u r proportion of said and send it to us, NOT to th Tarm Journal. count. — W. F. S hafkkk . ex p en d itu re w ithin ninety days from All persona in terested are hereby no Gold Hill, Oregon, Jan u a ry 2, 1913. th e service of th is N otice upon >011, tified to m ake or file th e ir objections, Are You Conslipalea your (4 in te re s t in saM placer claims w ith said court to said final account, if will become th e propdfty of the under "Umulate the liver, improve your iliges- a-.Q"5 rti! “ ’"J pl*œ r location notices at A Reminder r • f \ The News office. any th ey have, on o r before said time signed co-owner, who p erform ed said «¡0« and get rid of all the poisons from Obstetrical work is cash. No except* ann u al labor. If so, get a I hjx of Dr. King,* New Life G EO R G E P A T R IC K , For Sale:—One 16h. P p. lioiler and cn- A d m in istrato r of the- estate of Daniel ions to this rule can lx- made. Pill«, take them regularly and your your -yst, •m. They will «urei, giri yon . —K. J . D a vihson , «ine, complete. All in ninni running order. Leslie, deceased. 42-46 » Co-ow ner. (len ien t H. Smith, M D. trouble will quickly disappear. They will Well again 1. 2oc a l all druggi«t«. App,y to> w L ( ,,li|(||.rR Id Hill, Or. Professional Cards GET THESE Money-making Secrets W IT H Farm Journal nr The : r ; . ; i Bfì ’Jets What Our Folks Say About F. J. M IN E R S CHARLES KELL Just a wordJ C .F. CARTER Legal Notices I - □□c □DC DDE in r «SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER G o ld H ill N ew s The N ews is regularly 1.50 a year. Subscribe N O W , and we will g iv e y o u T he News for one year and t h e Farm Journal 4 years, with any one o f the Farm Jonrn- al BOOKLETS, A L L FOR $1.75 i