Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, March 29, 1913, Image 2

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    (jhQ b o l d
r lili N e w s
1 'l l l l S I I H ) I.VFRY SATURDAY AT GOLD llll.L . J ACKS»>\ OH \T Y
----- ----- s==3==sssr OREGON BY
— ■ -
B en H. L nm pm an
Entered at lb« »¡.-Id Hill p
>ifiiv for transm ission through ilio m a il. i-
oud-elass m atter
Lou A. H eberlin, a pioneer of south
ern O regon, com m itted suicide by
hanging a t U rania Pass.
Z A. French of Airlle received In
I change a «¡Ivor dollar which he had
m arked and «pent in Earlham , Iowa,
11 J earn ago.
The N eahcoxle Hotel, form erly the
old U earh art Hotel, which for 25 years
has been an histo ric beaeb landm ark,
burned to th e ground.
...This Week's Prices at the
Big Grocery Store
Best Cane Sugar at - - $5.80 per Cwt.
With the death of Wong Gee. the
Baker co n cert band ia m ourning the
loss of Its C hinese soloist. During
the sum m er co n certs the oriental
would sit on the handstand and «lug
w ith th e m usicians
Mrs. Hoy E. Johnson, wife of the e n ­
g in eer at th e F isch er Bally saw m ill !a
Springfield. Is at a local hospital in a
serious condition as a result of being
badly burned when h er clothing caught
P U R S U A N T TO THE theory th at it is not good policy to
“take a chance,” the acting administration of Gold Hill
has called the regular city election for the first Monday in April, fir e fro m th e k itc h e n stove
Todd, of Eugene, and Alfred
towit, towee, the 7th. Regardless of the decision of the circuit O.
~ H. ..............
Todd, of Portland, have leased sever­
court, which deprived the acting council of any definite right to al hundred acres of laud eight tulles
do so. this is as it should lie. Both council and charter may be e a st of Eugene, w here they will e i
in jeopardy, and the climax of elation or dismay can only follow gage extensively In the growing of
the decision of the higher tribunal to which the notorious ouster pepperm int for the m arket.
E scaping from the asylum at Che
case has been appealed. To neglect the regular election, how­ m aw a w here he was com m itted Inst
ever, would indeed lie poor policy. The gentlemen of the acting fall a fte r terro risin g the neighborhood
fo r several years. Lewis Hahn, self-
council are right. It would constitute “taking a chance."
styled "E m p ero r Solom on." was cap­
Should the supreme court uphold the decision of the lower tured after a few hours' liberty
bench the forthcoming election will, as a m atter of course be A rth u r Eugene Davis, 20 venr-old
of Rev. ,M. C. Davis, of Wolf
void of effect If the contrary occurs, the elected members will i son
be actually invested with office. With this in view, and a full mi..,, on coyote creek by « premature
knowledge of the facts, voters of Gold Hill will readily realize <**tdosion. He w as taken to Wolf
the necessity of participating in the election of the 7th. however Cr**k but dle<l w,,hout
farcical it may seem. They, too, cannot afford to “ take a
T hom as Myers, while handling ma
3 lb.
3 lb.
5 lb.
4 lb.
can Royal Club Coffee
can Commercial Club -
bucket Gold Medal -
Lance & Co.’s Special -
- 1.45
Ashland Tomatoes, per can
White Lily Tomatoes, per can
Preferred Stock, 2 cans for
Red X Har; Wheat
Liberty Bell Flour
Pure White Flour
Daily Bread Flour
Carnation Flour
School Notes
( By Mary Truax >
used.” For coughs or eolda and all
throat and lung troubles, it has no equal
50c and fl.0 0 at all druggists.
W hen one hngs n delusion too tightly
some of the make-up is bound to cotnt
off on his shoulder.
Tb ■ i'oiistellation
Solar System,
Study of the Sun,
Pearl Collin- 1
T h at the budget plan for runnin--.
U ncle Sam 's affairs will be adopted by
Ben Haymond ’ th e Wilson adm in istratio n was lndi
Elsie Miller I cated In a w hite house statem ent.
Clarence Van Honten
L«-d by S en ato rs S hafroth of Color­
Agnes Dietrich ado and Brady of Idaho, a group of
U nited S tates sen ato rs expect soon to
High Sheriff Hingler semis salutations
attack the conservation policy estai
Secretary Tumulty—who Inis also pat-
Sulphur for spraying,
per lb., bllle-
llahed by Gifford Plnchot and m ain­
t rn< d his family on the sliding scale -to n e ,
Io.- per It,., a( thc drug store.
tained by form er S ecretary of the In­
Sold In any quantity.
Yellow Band condensed Milk, 3 cans 25c
Carnation Brand Milk, per can - - rOc
Eagle Brand Milk, 2 cans for - - 35c
Bran, per sack
Middlings, loo lb. sack
D. H. M IL L E R
—-------------- H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r -----------------
Hardware, Stoves, Tin, Granite ami Aluminum Ware. I
have a fine line of Silverware, and also fine line of Catt­
araugus Cutlery. A fine lint- of Queensware. Paints
and Oils. Varnishes and Brushes. I am closing
out my F ree Sewing Machines at cost. For
the miners I carry Powder, Fuse, Caps,
Drill Steel and best Tools to be had
“ G o o d q u a lity g o o d s a n d
P r ic e s R i g h t ”
Notice Io Debtors
All persons knowing themselves in del*
Mrs. J. H. Beeman and daughter, Bios
by book account to the estate of Frank
som, visited the high school last Friday.
Little Lucy, lady of mine,
L. ( 'aldwell-Bankrupt are la-rehy notified
Nothing I know of is half so fine
Mrs. Isaac Coy visited Misses Jarvis’
to call at the office of rite undersigned at
As the shimmering floss of your lu­ and Caesar’s rooms last Friday afternoon
Gold Hill, Oregon, and settle aatne.
cent hair.
Goldie Wood accompanied her grand­
—A. E. K ki . i / kh ,
Glimmering, shim mering, golden ma to Brownsville, Oregon, for an inde­
Trustee of said estate.
finite stay.
As the baser metals the seekers mine;
The first and second grades have com­
For only |2200, no rent to pay and a
Unbraiding, cascading, showering
pleted their year’s work and are now re­
ls-ttcr living now than most people make
on double the amount, and getting l-etter
On the little white throat -and the
Allan Cameron, Gladys Darling, Clar­
anti more valuable every year. It you
frock of brown—
ence Shaver, Lottie Fleming and Lyle Ol­
are interested, you can get full informa­
Little Lucy, lady of mine!
sen had perfect spelling all month.
tion about it by calling upon C. S. Red­
Little Lucy, lady of mine,
InaGanlner, Gerald Owens and Melvin
Never was jewel more blessed to shine
Ballard had a quarter holiday Friday,
Than the twin clear deeps of your
having received fifty 100s in spelling.
happy eyes,
Preparations have been marie for a
Gleaming and dreaming, quick to
lawn in front of the school building, and
Public lauds will be th e principal
A N ew a n d Com plete
we expect that “ keep off the grass” signs topic a t th e w estern governors' con­
Blue as the orbs of fair Undine;
Line o f Fishing Tackle
ference in U tah, probably in June, un
Unlashing, flashing, melting t o will soon be posted.
Great progress has been made towards d er th e plana of G overnor W est, who
a t the ~
p resid en t of th a t conference.
Twain stars of firmament fallen to the completion of the tennis court. The
girls have been working on it after school
National Capital Bravltlsa.
during the last few nights, and they ex­
Little Lucy, lady of m ine!
W illis L. Moors, oh 1st of the waath
pect to he playing soon.
Little Lucy, lady of mine,
Program of the Beaver Literary Society s r bureau, has resigned.
None may supplant this fond presence of
for April 4, 1013.
I Dr. C harles Eliot, president eraerb
us of H arvard university, has bean of
Subject: Astronomy
Never was maiden or nymph of grace I
Song Stars of the Summer Night School! fared th e am bassadorship to Grau
Sweeter, completer, securer of place
Than you of yours, as my Hrras entwine ; Genesis of Planetary System, John Kelsey i P resid en t W ilson Is giving much
Shooting Stars and Meteors,
Ernest 1
Holding, enfolding one to adon—
serious consideration to the question
We have spoon hooks i - sjm - c -
For I am forty and you an- four—
¡¡illy constructed for Rogue Riv­
The Telewope,
Richard Mort lock of formal recognition of the new Cb.
Little Lucy, lady of mine!
nese republic.
er. Tin- Is-st assortment of
facts Alsnit. the Moon, Warren Copprs-h
Lady of Mine
However unlikely the outcome of the appealed Case
be, from any viewpoint, the advocants of reasonable civic im- ,sllin* on h,m HIb bark w“ broke-
and he lived but a sh ort w hile aft?.-
provement, and a representative council, must not be caught th
e accident. A special engine was
napping. The election is of vital importance to every good cit­ sent to S u m p ter for a physician, but
The (a u s r of Rhrumalisn,
izen. The merit of the candidates, of the policies they repre­ th e injured m an died before help a r ­ Stomach trouble, lasy liver and derang­
ed kidneys are (I m - cause ->f rheumatism.
sent, must be considered as carefully as though the tenure of rived.
Sheep sh earin g is practically »11 Get your stomach, liver, kidney and
their office was not largely indeterminate.
finished in Polk county for this season bowels in healthy condition by taking
The candidates placed in nomination at the recent citizens’ T h e fa n n e rs say th a t th e yield o f wool Electric Bitters, and you will not In-
much lig h ter this year than for troubled with the i>aiiis of rheumatism.
convention are, so far as is known, alone in the field at present. Is
m any y ears past, and a ttrib u te the CharlcsJB Allen, a school principal, of
That they will not remain so is a safe hazard—a “sure thing.” cau se to th e few sto rm s during the Sylvania. G a., who eutt'ered in-le.-ribablc
With respect to the present treasurer, Lynn W. Smith, and the w inter. T h ree o r four pounds per t uture from rh- umatism, liver and stom­
ach trouble and di? ased kidneys, writes:
recorder, W. P. Wetherell, who were nominated for re-election, sheep a re th e average am ong many “ All remedies failed until 1 used Electric
large flocks.
it is predicted that no opposition will be encountered. Their T he city council of Newport adopted Bitters, but four bottles of this wonderful
administration of office has been clean, able and satisfactorv a resolution cen su rin g the United remedy cured me completely.” Maybe
S ta te s en g in eer corps for reporting a your rheum atic pains conn- from stomach,
They are competents—proven and approved.
depth of only 8 o r 9 feet of w ater ou liver and kidney troubles. Electric Bit­
The nominees for council appear to have been wisely select Yaqulna bay b ar and ordering the city ters will give you prompt relief. Stic and
ed. It is unnecessary to enter upon an eulogy in their behalf. reco rd er to w rite to th e Oregon sena­ ♦LOO. Recommended by all druggists.
They possess every essential qualification for office, coupled with to rs and rep resen tativ es asking them
to take early action in obtaining an
Best{Known Cough Remedy
good repute and faith in Gold Hill. Other candidates alike a u th o ritativ e survey of the Yaqulna For forty-three
years Dr. King’s New
worthy, or less so, will undoubtedly contest with them for plur­ bar.
Discovery has been known throughout the
E ugene H anford of The Dalles has world as the most reliable cough remedy.
alities. The result will be an expression of popular choice—a:
been nom inated for m idshipm an In the Over three million hotties were used last
that is asked or desired.
A nnapolis naval academ y by Congress year. Isn’t this proof? It will get rid of
Citizens aware of their own’ best interests will do well to m an S in n o tt and Addison Y. Flnkel- your rough, or we will refund your money.
appraise the real worth of each nominee, regardless of mere burg of B aker Is nam ed as alternate. J. J. Owens, of Allendale, H. (J., writes
E xam inations will be held In Pendle­
way hundreds of others have done:
partisanship, before casting their ballots in an election which ton or B aker on April 15. Any o th er tlie
“ A ftergtw enty years, I find that Di.
may not terminate as a farce, after all.
young men aged betw een 16 and 20 King's New Discovery is the heat remedy
ears are eligible to tak e the examln for coughs and colds that I have ever
They cannot afford to “take a chance.”
B. ri. I.
Riverview Corn, |K-r can
Red X Corn, per can
A. & L. Corn, 2 cans for
Monopple Corn, 2 cans for
Flour, $1.25 per sack
: :
1.25 per sack
: :
1.50 per sack
: : :
1.50 per sack
: :
1.50 per sack
Mixed Feed, per sack
Shorts, per sack -
. 1,35
| chtnery for th e Belcher m ine at Whit-
m a y ney. » a s killed by a heavy fly whe -1
The c o n tract has been let for the
bridge to be built by Marlon county
and Yamhill county jointly at a point
n e a r N ew berg over th e W fllam ette
river. The co n tract for the construe
tlon was let to th e Pacific Coast
Bridge com pany, and th e steel to the
N orthw est Steel com pany. T he en
tire cost of the stru c tu re will be $83.
000. T he bridge will be of the can
tllev er style.
An unknow n man waa killed n ear
th e fair grounds at Salem while pre
aumably stealin g a ride on a Southern
Pacific train . The body was discover
ed shortly a fte r th e train had passe I
and C oronor Clough was notified. Nr
papers o r o th er objects were found
on th e body which could lead to tb r
m an's Identification
His garb Indl
cates th at he was a laboring m an and
th e presum ption Is th a t he fell from
th e beam s while try in g to beat his way
• ••
cane noies in tin- town.
thing new in files.
..All H o t Drinks Five Cents..
Turner’s Lunch Room
I r o n b y E le c t r ic it y
Late Model Electric Irons. Guar-
teed 5 years, now
$ 3 .5 0
We will send you one on trial
Give us a tria l
We also
I hhuc
banting and fall­
te rio r Fisher.