C/?e G o l d H i l l N e w s Overdrafts B. M. I. PU BLISH ED EVERY — ———■■■■■ - =— SATURDAY ------- - AT ISOLD H ILL, JAUKMÿN CO! \T Y ORBUON, BY -.................... B en H. L am pm an Entered at the Gold Hill |»>»torti,'e fur transmission through the mail.« a- «fund-ela?*, m atter SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1913 SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER i Net u rrd & Unse, urvd i ANNUM IN ADVANCE I he I cdiK.strr Il s o w r the lulls and (nr away that I h a w long,-,) io !»>, hut tlie road »here heavy ilusi hangs grey, Il i» a laind to nae I he m a k in g wheel and luriliing load, the »»eat LilappUal pair, by til,»,' 1 ) trudge along the road—»hili' Spring lie» o 'e r then'. It'» over the hill» and far •i»ay the »weeping hawk »wings high, uni I have journey,d all tlte day hut yet they draw not nigh. The cam p at night by » an starlight. the break at pallid dawn, tit««' do 1 know a» on,' who might ,•omit age» of them gone. It » over the hill» and far away that I I have dreamed to he, when prone I lay at noon of day beneath tlie wayside tree; th e crooked limh- above m,' »wayed a» I tired creatures do, and little dancing d u a l! mote» played th e checkered sunlight thru. Ii - over the hill» and far away that I must wek the gleam whenas the heavy ! dust hang» grey altottt th.< plodding team. lY-rhaps yon raggial ridge may I»' the p rlal of the pa.«*—and I »hall turn my her»,'« free, breast deep in valley grass. • 1 A TAX NOT ON THE RECORDS ...This Week’s Prices at the • •• Big Grocery Store Best Cane Sugar at - - $ 5 .8 0 per Cwt. 3 lb. 3 lb, 5 lb, 4 lb. can Royal Club Coffee - can Commercial Club - - bucket Gold Medal - - Igtnce Co.’s Special - $1.00 .90 - 1.45 1.00 Riverview Corn, | ht can Red X Corn, per can A. & L Corn, 2 cans for Monopole Corn, 2 cans for 10c lOe 25c - 35c Ashland Tomatoes, per can - - 10c Yellow Band condensed Milk, 3 cans 25c tJMlLLIAM M. REEDY, the clear, incisive free lance of the White Lily Tomatoes, per can - - 10c Carnation Brand Milk, per can - - 10c St. Louis Mirror, takes a new tilt at the white slavery evil Preferred Stock, 2 cans for - - 35c Eagle Brand Milk, 2 cans for - - 35c and the causes from which it generates. Treating the suhjectl exhaustively he admits the main contention of those who profit by vice- the bitter old truism of natural tendency to take the “easier way”. But Reedy goes farther than that. He demonstrates with direct dreadfulness just why that one, of all ways, is easiest. He shows with all candor the simple inadequacy of the so-term­ ed “living wage" to satisfy the normal appeal of little vanities, Debenger Gap By Norman Gage. the desire of girlish wage workers to be as other girls, more fortunately situated. None of these are included, however, in T. W Daily, of Trail, spent part of the Mixed Feed, per sack $1.35 Bran, per sack the wage schedule of the mammoth department store, while of­ ! week in Medford, with hi» fatlier who is .90 Shorts, per sack - 1.35 Middlings, 100 lb. sack ten is the wage so pitifully low that sustenance and clothing are , quite ill. 1.95 more than equal to the weekly demand upon the meagre pay The dance at Monroe G or,Ion's last Saturday was attended and enjoy,»! by a envelope. large crowd. Having exhausted the ineffectual argument for the re­ Bird Jolins’on and Luther W ortmaii, straint of a social condition that must exist just so long as wage , t Ik-L uger Gap, were business visitors in C entral Point last Friday. slavery exists and girls are overdriven and underpaid, Reedy Mr». M artha M. Johnston, of San Mar' leaves the beaten path and turns to the primal cause of the so­ tin, Calif., is visiting with relative» at cial evil. Therein he discovers that it is the cornering of al Delienger G ap tin» week. ----- --------- , — Mr». I). B. Russel returned to her advantage for betterment, the witholding of an heritage from home at B-agle la«t Monday, after visit- School Notes its people, that populates the districts of the red-light. It is the iinr relatives in Ashland for several day». ( By Mary Truax 1 hogging of public lands by the interests, the locking up of op­ Mi.»» Flora Stacy is again teaching Kenneth Davidson in absent f r o m portunity, to reap a profit from the exploitation of those who school at Antioch, after boing compelled school on account of sickness. to close for two weeks on account of must ultimately possess it, that is. to Reedy, the fundamenta Mnw Drinks Five Cents.. Turner's unch Room Iro n b y E lectricity Late Model Electric Irons. Guar- teed 5 years, now $ 3 .5 0 We will send you one on trial CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE.