Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1913)
Illll lll lll lll lll lll s Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! Field and Garden Seeds in endless variety, and quantity. My Vegetable und Flower Seeds are this sea son’s stock, no holdovers from last season or any num ber of previous seasons. This is the time to plant, T h e se are R E G U L A R . P r i c e s anc* n °t Cut O n es Red Clover, Alsyke, Thimothy, and Alfalfa • / A m oskeag A . F. C. Ginghams, per yard 12 l-2 c Aporn Ginghams, per yard 8c A m oskeag U tility Ginghams, per yard 12 l-2 c Lemon Extract, 2 ozs. 15c.— Vanilla Extract, 2 ozs. 2 0 c E very b o t t l e guaranteed.— Pelton Lard 5 lbs. 85c Red Beans, per lb. 5 c — W hite Beans, per lb. 6c 6 bars Laundry Soap 2 5 c — Fancy Alaska salt Salmon, lb 10c. Lime und Sulphur Spray Pump. Do not delay placing your order for Lime and Sulphur Spray, as the supply is limited. Gold Hill Feed Store H. C. RAEDEL, Proprietor s I Phone I 7 iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii Z illlllltitr iliitiiii ( 'lu ll paid fu r fn a li rggn hi the Bakery. Sulphur fur »praying, lie per Hi.. him »tone. itle |ier Ih., ul thi'drug »tore. Cash paid fur fresh rgg» ut ill«' Bakery, Soli I Ip miy quantity. Old mirror» re-silvered und mude Sun- A t i h Dave A very, ui Tuin a» good a» new. New ones made to it ay u( bin ill lids clly order. All work guaranteud. W rit« i t . D. I! i ‘i| trausiuted huniiiens ut or cull uu W. If. Ilarv»y. Mtnfford T ili'm la y , That 411 acre», all good hind, ami all ( ' W U iw came dow n (rm n his Sur- under cultivation, I ioiimc and o u tbuild •liiie c r ii'k n u n ’ll m i W id iirn d u y ing». in Sam» Valley, for only dS'llMMl—in S in -rill Sumter wan m i o ffic ia l v is ito r i l l it »nap for someone. Who want» it? ( ’. S. ItKiiriKU) th in c ity llie lu lle r p u rt o( last Win k. .............. F rom • - ■ WANTED The name und uddrean Sulphur for »praying, 3 f p>'r ih ■ • blue- stoic, In-- |» r Hi., hi iliu drug »tori' of the person with whom I recently " T h e S n o w W h ile Q u e e n o f W in te r L a y e r» " discussed the propertlea of puke-root. Sold lu any quantity. A. McNair H arrison Gold Hill, O re Eugene Itm m an, mid Minn Nellie linu-l gon. in mi visited with Medford friend» mi Sat Zk BI.I I. RIBBON "train of heavy layers. T ills i» the iient laying strain urday lust. Have your meut order» for Tnciulayn and “ “ of Chicken-' w« liav e n r known. C R B s a l l t h e y e a r . No Mr. ami Mr». O. Blueklngton, of Friday», when tin* meat wagon of L. wi» < iiiekeii that ever wore featlam excels them as broilers. An enclosure Gall-irin'k, were Sunday visitor» in Gold A Son» will call h | m » i i you with any cut from three to four feet high will easily pontine them—and confinement has desired. All meat» guaranteed frenli und Hill. no effect upon them, they remain happy and perfectly at home. Their In'uuty anil usefulness cannot in- exocllgd by any breed. Frank II, liny, Jr., of Medford, wan a j w'hojenotne. For only $2200, no rent to pay and a banliKMH v is ito r i l l Gold l l i l l d ie It m l of E R B ’ S i.5 0 p e r 13 j In tu-r living now than most |ieople make til«' week. ,*',u*'**' tlm amount, and getting I letter Contractor E. G. Perham, of Medford A ls o S tr a w b e r r y P la n ts fo r S a le ,"”r' valuable v . i ih io h - every year. If you wan u hiinincK, vinitor in Gold llill the and more G O L D D O L L A R «. N E W O R E G O N ure interested, you can gel full informa llrnl of the week. tion almut it liy calling U|»in C. S. Red Dr Clement It. Smith was summoned field. tv l'ort la ml on buninen» the fore part of Mr». C. II. Price suffered a rela|Mc of the week. 1 M ile fr o m 1 her former ¡line»», and ha» been confined G O L D H IU I» • *. K anes C re e k .Mrn M. D Bower» and «laughter, Mie» l j her lio tn e during tile |«a»t week. She Helen, viniu-d at th e home of of tier par in now much improved, and w ill u m i i i be ent» at Central Point Sunday. amund again. Roy AViry, now employed and attend Charles Coppadt and George Holcomb, ing H. h'Mil at Medford, comedown Sunday of till» city, together with J. F. Row«', of and pa»« d ill« day at home. Sam» Valley, have been drawn upon the J. A. Ilarvcy, who ho» I m i - i i employed lint of "giMnl men and true" who will B reeder o f at Grants Paiw (or llw pant year, v Ini led nerve an juror» at the coming te*ni of court. at lit» home ill till» city la»l Sunday. E. N. Butler and wife, of Anblitnd. vis- J. II Beeman re,mri» having supervis itinf over Sunday ut the home of Mrn. ed a run of ore at hi» Lucky Bart mine Butler’s »inter, Mrn. It. T. Caine, and on .'.inline ertak the fimt of the wink. family. Mr. Butler in proprietor of the For sale — Gnc B ill. p. Iniilcr and en lirei o springs ranch, a 11111 acre pro,»Tty No pioney (ias been spared to get the best laying strains. gine, complete. All in running ortler. situated south of "th e city la-autiful." I am selling Apply to, W. L. Childer», Gold Hill, Gr. J. 1.. Rowe, of Sum» Valley, wan In B la c k M in o r c a E gga, B u ff a n d W h ite L e g h o r n J. F. I het rich iic,«.irlcd on Monday, this city on Munday und Tuesday, dis- E g g ’s —9 3 - 0 0 o e r 5 0 o r o v e r aft iiiiNin for Newcastle, Calif., where he Irihiiting posters und making prepara haa * cured employment and will remain llbnn f»r hi» auction sale uf stock and B a b y C h ic H s , e i t h e r o f a b o v e v a r ie t ie s , I ir several week». I irm effect», which will be livid at the 9 5 -0 0 fo r 5 0 o r o v e r T h e B o y a lT ililo r n --e iile ie r n to America’» Bowe farm on Friday, March 21. Less numbers sold for lc additional each egg or chick. b'»t drcKM'd Ul it. tin e them your onler W. S. ltced, of Clevlaud, (lido, was in Cash must accompany all orders. (or the Eanti r »nil, lliroiigli(Fied T u r n e r , tills city for several day» the fore purt of r.'pn i* il la t iv e , Gold llill. the wrin'k, conferring with I,. W. Smith, L. W Smith made a business trip to relative to the Fowler timber tract on Mm I ford Saturday, in the Inton-sl» of the , Foots ereek, winch he inspected on an Fowler tiiiilwr tract, i n Knit» cm k,which e idler trip, made in January. he represent«. George lance, of Medford, wan among George Halt lion been at home in ibis the rcHplendent mem tiers of the I. O. O. F. elty the pant Week, during a temporary C illto u of that city, who paid their lodge Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Moore returned Grant Harrison aad C. W*. Bogue de lull in operation» at hi» bonanza mine ! br tliern of Gold Hill a visit on Sunday, horn Medford, where Mr. Moore has parted on Wednesday evening for Cxik’a an I engaged in drill practice preparatory h « n engaged upon the Bear creek bridge Inlet, Alaska, where they will spend the near Jacksonville. crew, the latter part of last week and are following summer, and where Mr. Har- ’Tony <)l»en'» nstiully placid brow i» to the meeting of the grand lodge. Frank Shall'er came down from bin now occupying their liome in tliis city, rison may decide to remain permanently. furrowed with care these day» owing to tlie rush of »pritig seeding upon lil- mining properties on the Blackwell, when' Mr. Moore will be employed upon the [ M r . Bogue is returning to Alaska to en- he has spent the punt winter in improve ni'W Bybee bridge, when contractor IV r-' gage in salmon fishing, a» he does each Meadow» ranch. ment work, and is again a inemla'r of the ham begins work. j season, while Mr. Harrison, a prospector lain Applegate returned on Monday Mr. and Mrs. John H. Terrett and son of “ “ J 7®*™’ Mperience, is following from Marnlilleld. where he spent the pa«t exlcmpo milling eongnm» in the lobby of several week» on »pecial duty an deputy Mine Host Cardwell’» popular hostelry. snd daughter, Dade Terrett, and Miss the lure of the golden North, and will Mrs. John Hammersly returned during Mildred, visited at the home of Mr. and prospect the interior. fish warden. * the first of the week fmm Grants Pan», Mrs. Ken H. Lampman »n Sunday last, (told Hill will have another real band, J. W. Merritt, of Central Point, wan in thin city the fore part of the week, where »he visited at the home of her returning to Medford the same evening. gold braid, latest ragtime and all. Meet mother for ten days. During her ab Miss Terrett remained u n t i l Tuesday ing at tlie old school house Tuesday ev looking after hi» buMine»» interest» in the sence Mrn. Hamniernly was seriously ill evening, when she was summoned to ening, twenty-two niemlx'rs enrolled for (Irin of Merritt A Company. for several days, and was confined to her Medford by Mr. Terrett's return to tlie tlie new organization electing Floyd Ed- Mr». It. H. Sliiiinomln. of Hucremento, mom, thus delaying her n’tnrn home. family home at Michigan, Nortli Dakota, dings, president, Lynn W. Smith, secre Calif., arrived In Gold Hill Monday even Mrs. M. 0. Klett, a spiritualistic med where he will superintend seeding opera tary-treasurer. George P. Dyer, of Med- ¡ ing, and will remain fur «-veral win'ks an ford, lias been engaged as leader. In , the guest of her mother and other rela ium, lias been hulding seances at the tions upon his extensive fanning intere»ts. view of this gentlenmn’s long experience residence of T. N. Anderson every Sun With Fred W. Dodge as engineer in tive». day evening for several weeks past, and charge, and Ed Bolt, Ileaeon Walker, in musical management tlie members are Young Man—that Easter Suit ia a real will return tomorrow for tlie same pur and Will Hutchins, a» assistant», prelim congratulating each other upon his en necessity— and It must lie tailored right. pose. T h e general public, including inary survey work upon the power site of gagement. Meeting will be held every Fred Turner 1» representative of the cele skeptics more particularly, is invltisl to tlie Oregon Water and Power Company, Tui'sday evening henceforth, and the brated Royal Tailor». Let him take attend. just east of this city, ha» been under way work of harmonic organizad in will be your measure. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Beeman d e this week. Although nothing has been n," 'l'r,4,ki'n at the n -xt session, at which Mr». W. A. Marvin and little »on, parted Monday evening for their home at given out publicly, it is understood that l'ln,‘«•! prospective candidate» are urged Z Maxwell, arrived on Saturday last, and Williamstown, Michigan, after s,H>nding the present work is merely preparatory *” *' present. Gold Hill » hand hoys »pending the week an giient« at the home several days lit tins home of their nephew, to extensive improvements of the site for ^receive the substautinl encourage of Mm. Marvin’» parents, Mr. and Mrn. J. H. Beeman and family. The visit was the near futures. incut u f every business man and citizen, W. If. Stieki'l. even through tlie probation period of tlie first meeting of uncle and nephew in Charley Reed, now attending college at m o r e o r le s s harmonious practice. Is'Wis A Son», the Central Point meat thirty years. Mt. Angel, has a clever little story in this U-m-m-m-pah! market men, will be In Gold llill every ('¡ties and towns in Jackson comity month's issue of the Pacific Star, the Friday, their wagon containing a choice named by tlie state textbook eominission bright little school publication. A well Notice to Debtors assortment of strictly frenli meat«. Wait as depoeitaricH for »cho<il luniks, where written exposition of a somewhat novel All persons knowing themselves in debt for them. same must be sold under the circular is plot hears testimony that the good father by book acoonat to the estate of Frank James Avery returned on Sunday hint sued liy tlie stab' board of education are, instructors at Mt. Angel have found other I,. CaldwelLBankrnpt are hereby notified from Roguerlver, where hevisiled friends Applegate, Ashland, Central Point, Eagle inployment for Cliarley’s imagination to cull at the office of the undersigned at for a week, and departed the next, morn Point, Gold Hill, Jacksonville, Medford, than his former vacation employment as Gold Hill, Oregon, mid settle same. ing to accept a position with the Espce Plnn'iiix, Sams Valley, Talent and Rogue-, pirate and beachcomber near the old mill —A. E. K k u x x h i company at Tolo. river. upriver. Trustee of saiiFestatc. Local News Notes M erritt &, C om p an y EGGS H A TCH IN G Pl AN G en eral M e r c h a n d is e YOUR TRIP J THROUGH C A L IF O R N IA W HITE W Y A N D O T T E S »p.".,,; The Land of SUNSHINE AND FLOWERS via Ihe D a v id B r o w n A r THOROUGHLY ENJOYABLE ROUTE You Can See in California: E. T. S IM M O N S Attractive «-aside resorts, famoun hotel», hot nprings and outdoor sports. a\t Pasadena tlie world famed <wtrich farms and magnificent homes. At &an ik'rnadiiiH and Riverside the <Grange Groves. At Catalina, the won derful submarine garden*, and at various other points attractions that delight the eye Mnd inform the mind. Thoroughbred Low One Way or Round Trip Fares: PO U L T R Y Round trip tickets to Lon Angeles on »ale daily with long return limit and »top-over» at will, If you wi»h to go »till further "»»util or east, tickets via all rail, or rail and »teamer through New Orleans can be sec- cured at reasonable rates. Further particular» on application to any Agent. Ask for literature on Cal ifornia, or “ Way-side Notes," describing trip San Francisco to New Orleans. JOHN M. SCOTT, Gcn’l Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon E. T. SIMMONS, Gold HUI, Ore. MONEY o f W ORLD Pounds Sterling for Great Britain and Ireland Francs for France, Belgium, and Switzerland Kroner for Sweden, Norway and Belgium Kronen for AustriaHungary Marks for Germany Lire for Italy Yen for Japan And last but not least T h e A lm ig h t y D o lla r We Sell money-orders for them all G o ld H ill B an k - Gold Hill Livery Darling & Hodges Proprietors Rigs for all occasions Good horses and drivers that know the rjflcs We make no specialty of any class of trade A ll G e t t h e Best