Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, March 15, 1913, Image 2

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    XjhQ G o l d H i l l N e w s
----------------. . . .
B en H. L am pm an
Entered at the G 4.1 Hill p»»-t.»tHee for transmission through the mails as
seeiuiii-ela.xs m atter
Overdrafts ‘ Ä i t i
B. M. I.
I he Never-Never Country
III the t»»,\,er*tH*ver country, when» the
dreams of ehl an» gone, when» it’s alw ajs
in llh» morning at the hour M o re the
dawn, mice I wandered heavy hearted
hand in hand with gloomy th ie f. while
U»fon» me pa,sal the -|s-eier of a In airy
I w l i f f . And the risk y road lielore me
it wax strewn with awesome things, with
the wrecks of ancient empin»» and the
heads of ancient kings; w ith lit.' Itonea
ofhernea wasted in the region-ot the Pole,
with the argosies of xpieeN wreeked and
hattenal on the sh o al; «livers les-sr things
obtruded as I (ate,si along th»' wav, ha|»«
less wheels or bust,si commerce. dished
ami leaning to decay; broken heads and
broken bottles, rugged am i jagged in the
...This Week’s Prices at the...
Big Grocery Store
3 lb.
3 lb.
5 lb.
•1 lb.
can Royal Club Coffee
can Commercial Club -
bucket Gold Modal -
Lance & Co.’s Special -
- 1.45
Riverview Corn, per can
Red K Corn, per cun
A. «Si L. Corn, 2 cans for
Monopole Corn, 2 enns for
- 35c
is the curse of empires. It is frequently the bane
of republics, as well. In this nation it is a tine art It ele i ‘‘"i'
,in* l.','rn fh>"1 b;"",v
Ashland Tomatoes, per can
10c Tellow Band condensed Milk, 3 cans 25c
"f ,lw‘
,“ 1'
White Lily Tomatoes, per can
10c ( arnution Brand Mdk, per can - - 10c
vates. the sluggard and the dolt to responsible position by ap- ;‘»ry;iH|nbieds|.ire*,a.r.>>*ih> .an . way
Preferred Stock, 2 cans for
- 35c Eagle Brand Milk, 2 cans for • - 35c
pointment, it puts a premium on petty politics, and offers a lhst hi"1
1" ,b*‘ sk-v
standing reward for general incompetency. It creates office 1,1
Vl r
r ‘•••’»«»«ry. wh, ,»• th<
where was none, that poor relations and peanut politicians m ay! X ’ s"X,or nL*khke " Jr“.?’1“:“" ,
acquire girth at the trough of public expenditure. Its practice k>'nt. •» the hour before the month?! ,
flourishes, and the expense of operating a government “for the j w h i c h “ **th,> day s , i waik.'i
people” mounts ever upward.
' ' Ilb Grivi ** “ *'1«» ,nc »bile the specter i. <i |
thv way. Titer,» were wraiths of 11,.¡v
Nepotism is found everywhere a job is to be handed out. alxntl its, fallen angles reft of High, .loom ­
It prospers in the sanctity of reform and the back alleys of cor­ ed to mourn their d n a m s eternal in that
of little light; all Ila» valor of an em-
ruption. Though this he hard to believe, gentle reader—whisp­ land
pire all the learning of a school. debris
er it softly—it is even found in Congress!
" ith the cow ard's courage ami the wis­
Mixed Feed, per sack
$1.35 Bran, |>er sack
Asle J. Gronna, senator from North Dakota, wined and din­ dom of the fool. All tlie (mile ,4,1 ,,t„.
per sack -
1.35 Mitidlings, 100 lb. sack
motions gartxsl in parchm ent sate about,
ed with the corporation clique many fruitful political seasons gibbering of wasted dollars ere they »lattg-
ere he saw the great light, subsequently fleeing to the eamp of levl up the spout; in the wan dim light |
Bob LaFollette and the husks of reform. Dating from this al­ scanned them, I who knew them all of
liance, Senator Gronna gained some repute with the nation at yore, all tlie vain and futile follies that
shall fizzle neverm ore; one alone of id)
large as one of the incorruptible few who bound that doughty •xvmed stranger. and I reached to gnsrtl
chieftan round with their circle of swords, and fought the goot my purs,», saying. ■Tell ute what p&rten-
deth, tell me quickly, ere I curse! ” And
fight on scant rations.
it answered, “ Do nut fear me, 1’tn as
Nevertheless, the Senator from North Dakota knew how to belplc« as prune—once 1 was the proud
look after his own. Perhaps it was but an old trick that he prospectus of a Railway to the M oon.”
could not forget; perhaps all reformers are bitten with the same
bug, wherever they be. At any rate Senator Gronna played a
Debenger Gap
tune on the salary list that might well cause the proudest virtuo­
By Norman ( ¡age.
so of Tammany to gasp with envy.
Rumen Thornhrue, of C entral Point,
Douglas. Aril.—Encamped within
Gronna cut out the old stuff. He realized that anyone visile,! friends at Debenger G ap ranch
----------------- H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r ___________
striking distance of several border
could swing a door at the Capitol. But it smacked of art to re­ last Saturday and Sunday.
town., are 850« constltutlonlst troops
pay a political debt with a job at Washington, requiring the William Plnmmer, who resides near while Insurrectos among federal gar­
physical presence of the jobee, and blandly have that hireling Seattle, W ash., is visiting with his sister risons have strengthened materially
Mrs. E. H. Thornbrue and family, near the rebel forces.
behind when the senatorial alligator was packed for the halls of Central
The last word received from the
Congress, and bulging with burning speeches of reform. More­ George Stacy and Del Morrison, of besieged city of Nacozart was from
Hardware, Stoves, Tin, Granite and Aluminum Ware. I
over, the Senator put it across. In addition, and merely to show Biagle, began work .with their teams last the telegraph operator, who flashed
have a fine line of Silverware, and also fine line of Catt­
what could be d o n e -fo r the Senator is a man of substance with Monday for Wilkes Beny, who has rented “too hot for me here.” and left his key
before all wires between Douglas and
araugus ( utlery. A fine line of Queensware. Paints
none of his family in the bread lin e -h e placed two daughters the old Richardson place at Beagle.
Nacozart were cut.
-Mrs. J. B. H anna and family, of Deb-
and Oils. Vamiflhes and Brushes, I am closing
upon the public salary roll as “messengers.”
Open revolt and scenes of disorder
enger Gap, made a trip to the .Meadows
have occurred among the 260 federal
out my F ree Sewing Machines at cost. For
Altogether, Senator Gronna’s leaning to the easy fruits of last Thursday to visit friends and bring defenders
of Agua Prieta, and the mil
home «oiue seed oats purchased l.y .Mr
the miners I carry Powder, Fuse, Caps,
nepotism totalled the very’ respectable, and entirely unnecessay H anna some time ago.
itary officials there gave warning to
all Americans to leave the town.
sum of $4,000 per annum. He is but one of many.
Drill Steel and best Tools to be had
According to all reports received so far
The best citizens of Agua Prieta
Spoils of war? Spoils of tom m yrot!-gouged from an in­ we must give to Jack Daw, of Debenger generally fled to Douglas, while the
offensive and admiring constituency-and a small but significant Gap, tlie credit of getting the most skunks drunken and rebelious soldiers pa­
out of one den this season, as he got
raded the streets crying ’’Viva Made­
factor m that “increased cost of living” the Senator doubtless twenty
ami d id n ’t have to “ dig them ro!” “Viva Maytorena!" and “Viva
discusses so ably.
out” , either.
Red X Har< Wheat
Liberty Bell Flour
Pure White Flour
Daily Bread Flour
t arnation Flour
Flour, $1.25 per sack
: :
1.25 per sack
: : j
1.50 per sack
: : ;
1.50 per sack
: :
1.50 per sack
Diaz” ’ Brawls between politically es
Mother Jones, militant old Joan of Arc to the Socialistic
Mr. and Mrs. Howard, Mr. Carton ami tranged companions in arms added to
two other men autoed from Willow the confusion and terror which held
•Springs, via Debenger Gap, to the H anna the towu in its grip.
ranch last Sunday. There they l«»ft tlie
ante and went up the m ountain afoot to
the Howard ranch, returning later in the MARCHERS CALLED “HENS”
Woman Wltnasa Says Pollcsm.n |n
D. C. Henry, of Gold Hill, returned
Sympathy With Mob
from a to u r of the U pper Rogue river
Washington.—Before the senate
country, where he has been visiting th« sub-committee investigating tne dis­
schools. He report« five feet of snow at order which attended the parade of
various places on tlie route between I’ros- woman suffragists here. Miss Janet
pect and Persist, via the “ Sknookiitn F. Richards, who marched In the first
ran ch .”
section of the parade, declared “most
“ G o o d q u a lit y g o o d s a n d
P r ic e s R i g h t t»» ’
movement, wants to know. Incidentally, the good old woman
is repeating the query, over and over, from behind the bars of
— \
her prison m West Virginia, where she is held on a charge of
conspiracy to commit murder.
Mother Jones was implicated in the recent strike riots of
miners at Paint Creek, West Virginia, where blood was let in the
of the policemen were standing Idly
around In the crowd and seemed In
“When Brown Came Down”
struggle of classes. It is contended by the prosecution that her
sympathy with the mob's spirit."
nery speeches spurred the miners on to armed resistance.
How was this mob's spirit evi­
“ When Brown Came Down“ —ably as­
Someone, prince or pauper, diplomat or Dives, should ans­ sisted by the Players’ Club, of Gold H ill, denced?” asked Senator Chamberlain.
By the hooting and leering of the
wer Mother Jones. Her query is as pertinent as life, and as old on Friday evening of last week, the local
crowd.” replied Miss Richards, "all
as slaughter. She might best be answered by those, who, in the
ness his descent, and tlie audience enthus­ along the line men yelled. ’These are
false names of patriotism and glory, send their fellows from the iastically received every feature of the nothing but hens, we came out to see
plow and the counter to kill for the extension of commerce, to cieverly acted farce, together with th« chickens.' ”
Police Chief Sylvested furnished _
murder at the whim of kings, and to die of strange maladies and between acts features. Tlie cast, compos
statement to show he had 675 officers
steel shot in strange lands.
While working on a farm at Tlgaru
Smith, W. P. Wetherell, H. Ix.lita N or­ on duty for the suffrage parade and
War may go forth panoplied in tinsel and trappings with ton, Hilm a Caesar, Joh n ny G lenn and 367 for the Inaugural parade the day Lloyd Peterson, a deaf mute, lost his Will Organize Poultrymen
following. There were disorders on left hand when dynamite exploded pre­
o f Jackson County at Once
armament and army, to the stirring notes of bugle or bag-pipe- Dora holdings were one and all adm irably March 4.
selected and reflected much credit upon
or it may creep wretchedly into the night with torch and pistol’ themselves and the managem ent. Selec­ He denied Indignantly that he had
Much Interest Is being manifested In
from the huts of miners where children cry for sustenance It tions by the orchestra were roundly en ever said or done anything that would the loganberry Industry around Jef­ R H. Paxson, of Central Point, and
have given the men “lower down” the ferson. About 100 acres, adjoining F. B. Hankey, of Me.ltord, have taken
is to be condoned in neither instance. Mars is m u rd e r-a ’ great «red, as was also the rendition of the Idea
that the orders for protecting the town, are being cleared preparatory the initiative to organize a poultry asso­
Imperial Four. “ W hen Brown Came
ape in bloody harness, grimacing at our civilization.
ciation in Jackson county, the idea ls»ing
Down,’’ was in many respects superior parade were not to be taken seriously. to planting.
to encourage the raising of jstultry in the
Yes to receive an authorative reply to her plaintive query,
various road companies whiclt have
Almost without an exception farm­
valley. Every man, woman and child in
Mother Jones should go to the exalted barbarians who plan cam­ been much heralded, and should be
the county interested in poultry is reques­
■qually wi ll received if presented away
Wheat—Club, 86c; bluestem, 89c;
paigns, and fix the living wage just three paces before squalid from h o m e. T h e entertainm ent was
ted to send their name and address 1«. the
reseed their barley crop, which
red Russian, 86c.
Medford Hun otllee at once. A meeting
given under the anspices of Amethyst
amounts to more than 60,000 bushels
..All Hob Drinks Five Cents..
Turner’s Lunch Room
Card of Thanks
We, the w em bersof Amethyst Rebekah «•
Lodge No. 97, I. O. O. F „ L i r e fo e l
.« u ,
YJ K<‘bpkab LodKe *<>■ ™
° r ’ M" eh 14tb’ 19,3
press our hearty thanks for the assistance
An i<>n looking f o r a ranch? If so,
s> generously rendered by the manage-
inent and those who kindly aaabted us in you should know about th at 130 acre
the production of the entertainm ent, ranch over in Hams Valley th at can be
‘‘W hen Brown Came Down,” given tin h“’1 on , iU‘y tenns for on*y 1W0O—This is
der the auspices of this lodge, and to a“ opportunity of a lifetime. C. H. R eo -
whfts«; cooperation the sueceaa of the ven-1
tore was so largely due.
Quartz and plaotr location notices Ht
Members of
j The New« office.
Hay—Timothy, »16; alfalfa, »11 60.
Butter—Creamery, 37c.
Esgs—Candied, 17c.
Hops—1912 crop, 17c.
Speaker Clark was renominated.
Wool—Eastern Oregon, 18c; Wll-
Representative Underwood, of Ala­ lamette valley, 20c.
bama, again chosen chairman of the
ways and means committee, the en­
tire Democratic personnel of that tar­
Wheat—Bluestem, 99c; club, 86c;
iff-making body named and all the red Russian, 85c.
house officers renominated at a har
monious siz-hour caucus of the Demo
Butter—Creamery, 35c.
crats of the house of the Sixty-third
Hay—Timothy, »16 per ton; alfalfa,
»14 per ton.
Rebekah lodge No. 97, and netted over
$o0fo th e fund for th eir new player piano.
will Is» called to organize if sufficient
each year.
names an. received. Do it today.
The Charles K. Spaulding Logging
company has leased the plant and
Best for Sldn Diseases
property of the Newberg Brick & Tile
company from the receiver In whose
Nearly every skin disease yields quickly
hands they were placed several
and perm anently to Btieklen’s Arnica
months ago.
When the county court recently at Halve, ami nothing is itetter for burns or
Pendleton made a call for bids for bruises, ffoothee and heals. John Deye,
burying paupers, John S. Baker, of of Gladwin, Mich,, says, after suffering
that city, offered to enter Into a con- J twelve years with skin ailm ent and spend,
tract to bury the county’s dead at 1 ! ing ¡84(10 in doetors* bills, Bucklen’s
Arnica Halve cured him. It will help yon.
cent per head.
Only 25e. Recommended by all druggists.