Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, March 08, 1913, Image 2

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    X5he G o l d H i l l N e w s
O b itu a r y
L e n a V liz a b r t tx K il t e r
l ’l B U S H E D
1‘artleularl.v sad d en in g w ere the
circu m stan ces a tte n d a n t upon the
Ben H . Lam pm an
d e a th of Mrs, C. C. R itte r, who
p arsed away at th e fam ily hom e on
M iller Gulch, west o f th is city, F ri­
E ntcnsl ai the (¡..1,1 Hill |xwti4fitv for tran«mi«»ii>n threntgli tin- mail.« a«
d a.'. F eb ru ary 28th. Mrs. R itte r s u r­
«vond-. lass m ailer
vived th e b irth of an in fan t son lint
a few days, th e little .one having
passed aw ay w heu but a few hours
old th e Sunday previous. W eakened
by th e o b lig atio n s of m otherhood
an d g rieving for th e lost child, the
SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE young m o th er p arsed rapidly in to a
co n d itio n th a t p recluded all hope of
recovery, and h er d e m b e on F rid a '
last had been expected for several
In th is neig h b o rhood, w here
e w as best know n and highly es­
C. KELSEY, quondam mayor of Gold Hill, manifests every sh
teem ed , th e p ro fo u n d reg ret and
• intention of continuing his policy of rule or ruin by taking sym p ath y of th e e n tire com m unity Is
an appeal to the supreme court of the quo warranto suit recent­ ex ten d ed to h er hu sb an d am i to her
ly decided against himself, and his fellow occupants of city of­ little th ree-y ear-o ld son, w ho survive
h er. F u n eral services, a tte n d e d by n
fice. in the circuit court by Judge Calkins. To date the case has larg e concourse of frien d s and relu
been an expensive one for the city, and the thoroughness of its lives, w ere held at th e I. O. O. F.
testing would be eminently satisfactory to any official really des­ cem cte-y dn Sunday .M rs. R itter
irous of preserving tranquility in city affairs, and of stopping-up was a n ativ e of G erm an y , her U'aldcu
n am e being l*?na E lizabeth Obe-
the gap of expensive litigation through which the dollars of n atter, and cam e to A m erica at ■ a
early age. re sid in g w ith re la tiv e s in
our taxpayers have been poured.
rn ia
H er m a rria g e to Mr. R it­
Mr. Kelsey, however, is not content He proposes not only C te alifo
r took place at O roville. C alifornia
to widen that breach where the strength of local unity was won't M arch 26th. 190T since w hich tim e
to exist, but to further facilitate the needless expenditure of they have resid ed In th is vicinity.
city funds by renewed litigation. It is apparent that, whether Tw o b ro th e rs and a siste r resid e In
rn ia, w hile both fa th e r and
thè appeal is taken under a stay of execution, or otherwise, in C m alifo
o th e r have gone before.
...This Week’s Prices at the...
Big Grocery Store
Best Cane Sugar at - - $5.80 per Cwt.
3 lb.
3 lb.
5 lb.
4 lb.
can Royal Club Coffee - - $1.00
can Commercial Club - - - .90
bucket Gold Medal - - - - 1.45
Lance & Co.’a Special - - - 1.00
Ashland Tomatoes, per can -
- 10c
White Lily Tomatoes, per can - - lOe
Preferred Stuck, 2 cans for -
- 35e
Riverview Corn, per can
Red X Corn, per can
A. & L. Corn, 2 cana for
Monopole Corn, 2 cans for
Yellow Band condensed Milk, 3 cans 25c
Carnation Brand Milk, |M?r can - - 10c
Eagle Brand Milk, 2 cans for - - 35c
Red X Har? Wheat Flour, $1.25 per sack
Liberty Bell Flour
: : : 1.25 per sack
Pure White Flour
: : : 1.50 per sack
Daily Bread Flour
: : : 1.50 per sack
Carnation Flour
: : : 1.50 per sack
Mixed Feed, per sack
Shorts, per sack -
Bran, per sack
Middlings, 100 lb. sack
. 1.95
no case will the expense to the city be minimized.
Card of Thanks
Mayor Kelsey —in person, at least—was not a candidate at
the election of last April, which supposedly placed a new ad­
AVe desire, in this manner. b> i »press
ministration in charge. His candidacy before the election was! some
portion of the sincere gratitude we 1
refused and discouraged. A tacit understanding was acknow­ feel tow ard the kindly frieuda and ac­
ledged, whereby he was to refrain from seeking office in any quaintances whose sympathy and aid was
event at that time, His election, should he have made the cam­ given us during the illness and death of
Mrs. ( ’, R. Ritter, and tier infant son.
Kanes Creek
paign, was conceded by his friends to have been a contingency
"—C. R. Ritter and Relatives. |
too remote for serious consideration.
N a t h a n H. N y e
Mcmlumc« Cook mid Hail viaited ill I lie
There are short cuts to power, not too devious to the initiate
Dardt-nclli-e achool Friday la*t
who knows the game. Mr. Kelsey took one of them. By virtue
D eath cam e w ith ap p a llin g su d ­
IE Byerly made a trip to the l‘a»»
of the resignation of Mayor Appelgate, he sought, and received, d en n ess to N ath an B, Nye, eld est of on J. Monday
------------------- H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r -------------------
for modi d treatm ent.
the appointment as mayor by the council. How much the gen­ S o u th e rn O regon p ioneers, a t R iv e r-| The Miaaea Maaon were Central Point
tlemen of the supposed council have to answer for, in virtually d ale ran ch w est of th is city on Mon­ shopper* on Saturday laat.
forcing him forward as mayor, is a m atter to be discussed by day m o rn in g . M arch 3, th e im m edi­ John lealey, of Portland, ia at pre-sent
a te cau se of his d em ise being h em o r­
ballots. Suffice it to say that the appointment accomplished all rh a g e of th e lungs. Mr. Nye was the gueat of Mr. and Mra, Higinbothan.
lliginlaiiliun m ade a huaineaa trip
that could be desired in the way of municipal discord, extrava­ stric k e n w ith o u t w arn ing, and had to Caaa
Hardware, Stoves, Tin, Granite and Aluminum Ware. I
C entral Point the fore p art id the wia-k.
gant expenditure, and the formation of a smoothly operating passed aw ay b efo re m edical aid could Mra, George Lyman, of Sam« Valley,
have a fine line of Silverware, and also fine line of C att­
possibly be sum m oned, being a p p a r­
city hall machine.
en tly in th e en jo y m en t of h is usual
araugus Cutlery. A fine line o f Queensware. Paints
Judge Calkins, of the circuit court, has decreed this machine h e a lth w ith in a few m in u tes before relative» and friend».
and Oils. Varnishes and Brushes. I am closing
a few from Kanea erex-k attend-
to be comprised of men irregulary elected, and their administra­ th e seizure. F o r th e p ast several ed Quite
tile funeral <d Mra. C. R. Ritter, at
y e a rs he h as been a m em ber of his
out my F ree Sewing Machines at cost. For
tion to be illegal in nature. Under his decision they are depriv­ so n 's h ousehold a t th e la tte r 's ranch Rock Point laat Sunday.
the miners I carry Powder, Fuse, Caps,
ed of office. The charge of partisanship can neither safely nor n e a r Rock P o in t.
Vera Davidson, of “ G arden Row
truthfully be brought against Judge Calkins. His decree must
Drill Steel and best Tools to be had
F u n e ra l serv ices w ere conducted at
stand, unless reversed by the higher tribunal of the supreme th e resid en ce on W ednesday, ai 2:00 ter at thia writing.
Air. and Mra. llotiaeholllder, eoitlhilied
p. m., and a la rg e assem blage of
court. Inasmuch as it was based upon supreme court decisions frien
d s and n eig h b o rs w ere present business with pleasure in Medford o n e
in similar cases, and that the attorney for the defense had every to pay th e ir la st re s p e -is tt. th e de­ day recently.
opportunity to present his case in the strongest possible manner, ceased.
Geo. and Elm er H iginbothan made the
N ath an B. Nye was born in Ma­ H uh city a huaineaa vM t oil Saturday, aa
it seems scarcely probable that the circuit court decision would
com b county, M ichigan, in 1831, and did alao Win. Lewia.
be rev'ersed in the higher court.
“ G o o d q u a lity g o o d s a n d
a t th e tim e o f his d e a th was 82 y ear-
John Opp, a Medford mining m an, was
The close approach of a regular city election affords an ideal an d tw o days oi l He had been a looking after liia business interest* at the
P r ic e s R i g h t ”
opportunity for Mr. Kelsey and his fellows respondents in the re s id e n t of S o u :Leri. O regon since Braden the latter part of the week.
e e arly '5 0 s, an d was w idely know n
Mr. Lewis, tile Central Point bub-lair
suit to demonstrate their regard for public concord and desire to th
and esteem ed. H e Is su rvived by his makea hia regular trip to Gold Hill and
serve the best interests of the city. By properly conceding son, H. B. Nye, of Rock P o in t.
Kanea creek every Tuesday ami Friday.
their retirement and meeting on a common ground with other
A m ong h is p erso n al e ffects has
Mis» K atherine Foley Sardine creek's
.. ..
citizens for the selection of a new slate, or by presenting their been found a d iary , k ep t w ith p ain s­ popular young teacher a|*-nt Saturday
ot jamalas
own claims for recognition to the arbitration of the ballot, the ta k in g ex actn ess since 1863, and and Bunday with her parent* a t thia place.
c h ro n iclin g m uch o f th e in te re stin g
dispute may be settled without acrimony or unnecessary expense. h isto ry o f th e early days, in a n o th ­ Mra. C. H. Htinehring, and Mra. A. J .
Olsen and daughter, Miaa Pauline, wen-
Their position at present is untenatable and illogical, while their e r issue T h e N ews will p resen t a recent Kanea creek visitors from town.
desirability as public officials is doubtful. Public sentiment at co m p lete b io g rap h y g a th e re d from Rev. Mark Davia will preach a t the
th is and o th e r so u rces, w hich a re not
Danlcnellea achool 'houae Sunday the Ptli
the polls will speak for or against them. But it is a vastly dif­ a t p re se n t av ailab le
ferent thing to face public sentiment when firmly entrenched
be held.
in an official capacity, than to meet it in the open armed with
Card of Thanks
Mr». Coffin, of Central Point, who haa
bludgeons of ballots.
been the gueat of he- Ron, J. H . Byerly
Mr. Kelsey and his quondam council may not be expected to We wish to sincerely thank our kind and family, for the jiaaaeil two week»
friends and acquaintances for the beauti­ ha» returned to Iter home.
rise to the test.
ful floral pieces, and for their many
D. H. M IL L E R
..All Hob Drinks Five Cents..
deeds of kindness extended to ns during
our iiereavcmcnt in the loss of our father
d eep ; and over the world the light clouds
—H. B. N’ye,
Unsecured »
H . B. Nye.
breeze rushed, and silence opened her
' - -
B. H. L. = = = = =
arm s to 11s—and all but our hearts was
Fourscore and Foolish
’Twas moonlight and m idnight — and
‘TwaH m idnight and moonlight and ' life was young and fair—I mini! me how
every breeze was mad, and you were just the vagrant breeze played tru an t in your
Debenger Gap
a uchool-maid and I wan but a lad, and hair—and we were kin to birds th a t sing
By Norman Gage.
every little happy breeze made munic in
School liegari last, Monday, the 3rd, at
the tuneful tree». and little we cared, we first we sought the old bridge and laugh­
two alone, O little we cared for Had. O ed and loitered there. But, at the end three different districts in this section of
little enough we eared, Old G irl, when ot the mile-strewn way, Old Girl, where the country. They are, Antioch, with
night took us into her arms, and the lady the paths divide, when out of the shades Mias Flora Stacy, a former pupil of Ihul
inoon in a gauze of clouds revealed her of another night the same little breezes school as teacher, M ountain, with Miss
modest ch arm s; and down by the river glide, and over the world is the mantle of Mabie Scott, of Sams Valley, as teacher;
the willows shook, and under the timbers stars and umler the tim bers the eddies and Meadows, witli Miss Eva Hall, of
the eddy swirled, and youth and life were swirl—I just w ant to say you are min«; to Table Rock, teaching.
an open book—and we were alone in the keep, forever and aye . . . Old G irl'
Mr. and Mrs. E. H . T hom brue, of
Beagle, are moving their household fur­
niture this week to their new home at
’Twas shadow and moonls-am, and
J. F. G oeller & Son, of K lam ath
(Jentral Point.
little stars aglow’, a light upon the h eav ­
Falls, have tak en a c o n tract to cut,
ens and in the stream below, and every
Lntla-r W ortm an, of Debenger Gap,
mill and ship about 3,000,0^0 feet of
laughing ripple fleet was speeding to your
wasja business visitor in Central Point,
tim ber, n e a r th e Meadow L ake mill.
little feet, and somewhere out of mystery
Medford and Eagle Point last, Sunday
T hey will ship to Hugh McOuyer and
a night-bird trilling low. O little enough
asso ciates and will put a large force and Monday.
we cared. Old Girl, with all the world
Pete Stowell, of Eagle Point, was a
of.r.ien to felling the tim b er a t once.
asleep, for we lifted the chalice of night
T hey expect to finish th e work Inside liusiness visitor in Medford several days
and quaffed with many a draught and
last week.
of four m onths.
Near Neighbors
G. V. Stiekel, of near town, ha» com­
menced ttie erection of a brick h«u»c and
when completed It will be ono ol the neat-
eat as well aa moat convenient houses in
thia neighborhood.
Kanea creek bu»ine»a viaitora to Gold
Hill this week were:
Mr. and Mr». W.
Lewi», Mr. and Mr». M ardon, Mr. and
Mra. Householder, Mr. Barker, John
Rail», Mr». Boggi», AI Rhoten, George
•Slump, Mike Foley, Mr. Maaon, Pearl
Higinbothan and Weather prophet Foster.
School Notes
( By Mary T ru a x )
Mr. and Mra. Patrick visited »ehool on
Friday laat.
Mra. Starn» anil Mia» Bessie Newton
viaited tin- third and fourth grade» room
thia week.
Leila Harvey, Melvin Ray, Abram
Myera and Frank C arter were given a
quarter holiday Friday for perfectapclling.
Mr. (Lerkin, a Medford photographer,
txaik aeveral picture» of the high »ehool
on Monday, preparatory to having cut»
made for our annual.
Those who were neither lardy or ati-
aent during February are on the following
oil of honor:— Horton Beeman, Alton
Turner’s Lunch Room
Dungey, Elmer Dtingey. Clarence Van Will Organize PouKrymen
Hoilten. Agnes Dietrich, Ben Haymond,
of Jackson County at Once
Ernest Lyman, Clinton Walker, Elsie
Miller, Mary Truax, Wm. Kelaey, Lloyd
Miller, Richard Moreloek, Donald Avery,
It. H. Paxson, of Central Point, and
Cre-ed Haymond, Will Heron, Charles F. B. Hankcy, of Medtord, have taken
Riedel, Therein 1'ankey, Gladys H ay­ the initiative to organize a poultry as»o-
mond, E lba (stwrence, Pearl Nowels, eiation in Jaekaott county, tin- idea l»-ing
Ida Starn», Lily Starn», Clarence Cook, to encourage tin- rrfiaing of poultry in the
Audrey Britt, Blanch Harvey, Virginia valley. Every mult, woman nnd child in
Itaedel, Dorothy Smith, Vinela Fleming, j • lie county interested In |»>ullry is reques­
Is-da Harvey, Dolores Kelaey, Myron I ted to »cud their name and address to the
Anderson, Joe Lewi», Abram Myer», Medford Sun office at once. A meeting
Maudie Coy, Kennith Davidnon, Cleo will tie called to organize if »uflicirnt
G ilchrist, Linwood B lakely, Evugine name» are received. Do it today.
Starn», Hunan Siam», Donald Piening,
Mildred Htinehring, Goldie Wood», Rob­
Best for Skin Disease*
ert Starn», W ilbur Bogue, Lola Coy,
Ixii» B ritt, Gladys Darling, Iottie Flem­
ing, C laretue Shaver, Lyle Olsen, Adil,h
Nearly every »kin diHcusc yields quickly
Ballard, Nellie Dietrich, llolli» Davidson, and perm anently to Bueklen’» Arnica
Harold G ardner, Opal Harvey, Howard Halve, and nothing ia ta tte r for burn» or
bruise». Honthe» and heals. John Deye,
Kell, May Kell, Alton Morria.
of Gladwin, Mich,, Hay», after »tillering
For Hale:—Wood-Hawing outfit almnat twelve year» with »kin ailm ent und »pend­
new with II I. I’. Stover engine cost #312. ing #400 iu diH-tor»’ bill», Bueklen’*
Arnica Halve cured him. It, will help you.
will lake #175.IK). —Geo. F. Dyer,
1114-18 North ('«-ntral Ave., Medford, Or. Only 25c. Recommended by all druggi»!*.