X5he G o l d H i l l N e w s O b itu a r y L e n a V liz a b r t tx K il t e r l ’l B U S H E D EVERY SATERDAY --------------------------- AT GOLD HU E. JACKSON t ’OEYTY, j OREGON, BY -r- ------11 1‘artleularl.v sad d en in g w ere the circu m stan ces a tte n d a n t upon the Ben H . Lam pm an d e a th of Mrs, C. C. R itte r, who p arsed away at th e fam ily hom e on M iller Gulch, west o f th is city, F ri­ E ntcnsl ai the (¡..1,1 Hill |xwti4fitv for tran«mi«»ii>n threntgli tin- mail.« a« d a.'. F eb ru ary 28th. Mrs. R itte r s u r­ «vond-. lass m ailer vived th e b irth of an in fan t son lint a few days, th e little .one having passed aw ay w heu but a few hours SATURDAY, MARCH S. 1913 old th e Sunday previous. W eakened by th e o b lig atio n s of m otherhood an d g rieving for th e lost child, the SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE young m o th er p arsed rapidly in to a co n d itio n th a t p recluded all hope of recovery, and h er d e m b e on F rid a ' EXPENSIVE AND EUTILE LITIGATION last had been expected for several days. In th is neig h b o rhood, w here e w as best know n and highly es­ C. KELSEY, quondam mayor of Gold Hill, manifests every sh teem ed , th e p ro fo u n d reg ret and • intention of continuing his policy of rule or ruin by taking sym p ath y of th e e n tire com m unity Is an appeal to the supreme court of the quo warranto suit recent­ ex ten d ed to h er hu sb an d am i to her ly decided against himself, and his fellow occupants of city of­ little th ree-y ear-o ld son, w ho survive h er. F u n eral services, a tte n d e d by n fice. in the circuit court by Judge Calkins. To date the case has larg e concourse of frien d s and relu been an expensive one for the city, and the thoroughness of its lives, w ere held at th e I. O. O. F. testing would be eminently satisfactory to any official really des­ cem cte-y dn Sunday .M rs. R itter irous of preserving tranquility in city affairs, and of stopping-up was a n ativ e of G erm an y , her U'aldcu n am e being l*?na E lizabeth Obe- the gap of expensive litigation through which the dollars of n atter, and cam e to A m erica at ■ a early age. re sid in g w ith re la tiv e s in our taxpayers have been poured. rn ia H er m a rria g e to Mr. R it­ Mr. Kelsey, however, is not content He proposes not only C te alifo r took place at O roville. C alifornia to widen that breach where the strength of local unity was won't M arch 26th. 190T since w hich tim e to exist, but to further facilitate the needless expenditure of they have resid ed In th is vicinity. city funds by renewed litigation. It is apparent that, whether Tw o b ro th e rs and a siste r resid e In rn ia, w hile both fa th e r and thè appeal is taken under a stay of execution, or otherwise, in C m alifo o th e r have gone before. R ...This Week’s Prices at the... Big Grocery Store Best Cane Sugar at - - $5.80 per Cwt. 3 lb. 3 lb. 5 lb. 4 lb. can Royal Club Coffee - - $1.00 can Commercial Club - - - .90 bucket Gold Medal - - - - 1.45 Lance & Co.’a Special - - - 1.00 Ashland Tomatoes, per can - - 10c White Lily Tomatoes, per can - - lOe Preferred Stuck, 2 cans for - - 35e Riverview Corn, per can - ■ Red X Corn, per can - i - A. & L. Corn, 2 cana for - - Monopole Corn, 2 cans for - - 10c 10c 25c 35c * Yellow Band condensed Milk, 3 cans 25c Carnation Brand Milk, |M?r can - - 10c Eagle Brand Milk, 2 cans for - - 35c Red X Har? Wheat Flour, $1.25 per sack Liberty Bell Flour : : : 1.25 per sack Pure White Flour : : : 1.50 per sack Daily Bread Flour : : : 1.50 per sack Carnation Flour : : : 1.50 per sack Mixed Feed, per sack Shorts, per sack - $1.35 1.35 Bran, per sack Middlings, 100 lb. sack .'.tu - . 1.95 no case will the expense to the city be minimized. Card of Thanks Mayor Kelsey —in person, at least—was not a candidate at the election of last April, which supposedly placed a new ad­ AVe desire, in this manner. b> i »press ministration in charge. His candidacy before the election was! some portion of the sincere gratitude we 1 refused and discouraged. A tacit understanding was acknow­ feel tow ard the kindly frieuda and ac­ ledged, whereby he was to refrain from seeking office in any quaintances whose sympathy and aid was event at that time, His election, should he have made the cam­ given us during the illness and death of Mrs. ( ’, R. Ritter, and tier infant son. Kanes Creek paign, was conceded by his friends to have been a contingency "—C. R. Ritter and Relatives. | too remote for serious consideration. N a t h a n H. N y e Mcmlumc« Cook mid Hail viaited ill I lie There are short cuts to power, not too devious to the initiate Dardt-nclli-e achool Friday la*t who knows the game. Mr. Kelsey took one of them. By virtue D eath cam e w ith ap p a llin g su d ­ IE Byerly made a trip to the l‘a»» of the resignation of Mayor Appelgate, he sought, and received, d en n ess to N ath an B, Nye, eld est of on J. Monday ------------------- H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r ------------------- for modi d treatm ent. the appointment as mayor by the council. How much the gen­ S o u th e rn O regon p ioneers, a t R iv e r-| The Miaaea Maaon were Central Point tlemen of the supposed council have to answer for, in virtually d ale ran ch w est of th is city on Mon­ shopper* on Saturday laat. forcing him forward as mayor, is a m atter to be discussed by day m o rn in g . M arch 3, th e im m edi­ John lealey, of Portland, ia at pre-sent a te cau se of his d em ise being h em o r­ ballots. Suffice it to say that the appointment accomplished all rh a g e of th e lungs. Mr. Nye was the gueat of Mr. and Mra, Higinbothan. lliginlaiiliun m ade a huaineaa trip that could be desired in the way of municipal discord, extrava­ stric k e n w ith o u t w arn ing, and had to Caaa Hardware, Stoves, Tin, Granite and Aluminum Ware. I C entral Point the fore p art id the wia-k. gant expenditure, and the formation of a smoothly operating passed aw ay b efo re m edical aid could Mra, George Lyman, of Sam« Valley, have a fine line of Silverware, and also fine line of C att­ possibly be sum m oned, being a p p a r­ city hall machine. .«pent a ilay recently with Kanea creek en tly in th e en jo y m en t of h is usual araugus Cutlery. A fine line o f Queensware. Paints Judge Calkins, of the circuit court, has decreed this machine h e a lth w ith in a few m in u tes before relative» and friend». and Oils. Varnishes and Brushes. I am closing a few from Kanea erex-k attend- to be comprised of men irregulary elected, and their administra­ th e seizure. F o r th e p ast several ed Quite tile funeral ullry is reques­ Is-da Harvey, Dolores Kelaey, Myron I ted to »cud their name and address to the Anderson, Joe Lewi», Abram Myer», Medford Sun office at once. A meeting Maudie Coy, Kennith Davidnon, Cleo will tie called to organize if »uflicirnt G ilchrist, Linwood B lakely, Evugine name» are received. Do it today. Starn», Hunan Siam», Donald Piening, Mildred Htinehring, Goldie Wood», Rob­ Best for Skin Disease* ert Starn», W ilbur Bogue, Lola Coy, Ixii» B ritt, Gladys Darling, Iottie Flem­ ing, C laretue Shaver, Lyle Olsen, Adil,h Nearly every »kin diHcusc yields quickly Ballard, Nellie Dietrich, llolli» Davidson, and perm anently to Bueklen’» Arnica Harold G ardner, Opal Harvey, Howard Halve, and nothing ia ta tte r for burn» or bruise». Honthe» and heals. John Deye, Kell, May Kell, Alton Morria. of Gladwin, Mich,, Hay», after »tillering For Hale:—Wood-Hawing outfit almnat twelve year» with »kin ailm ent und »pend­ new with II I. I’. Stover engine cost #312. ing #400 iu diH-tor»’ bill», Bueklen’* Arnica Halve cured him. It, will help you. will lake #175.IK). —Geo. F. Dyer, 1114-18 North ('«-ntral Ave., Medford, Or. Only 25c. Recommended by all druggi»!*. « *