olí» Kill VOL 15 News From the National Capital (JOLO HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY,'MARCH 1, 1913 M R S . H E LE N G ARDENER Fish Fight is Lost Rcamcs Deserted S IR ED W A R D G REY NO. 43 Brief News of the State Retold W ashington—The war il«pur(iuent The people of Canyon City and vv has ordered (be mobilization of the cinlty are fostering ao irrigation pro Fifth brigade of the army at Galvea- i Ject to put water on a tract of 20,006 ton for possible enibarkiitlou on tran SALEM, Ore., Feb.27.—At midnight last night I lost my a^ras of fertile land lying west of the sports. The order la the reault of a c ity . The water supply is to be taken conference between President Taft forty-five days fight on the Rogue River fish bill, the other from Upper Canyon Creek. and Hecretary of W ar Htlmson. trading it for the armory. Work has been commenced on a fu r Althoiuth It was emphasized that ntture factory at Houlton. Concrete the Kovermnent routeinplated no Curkin refused to come inside the bar and vote, until I Is being put In for the engine bed and ehangu In Ita non-intervention policy, had the sargeant at arms bring him inside and compel him to the building Is being generally put la It waa admitted that nearly 6000 shape for the machinery that will be troopa would be held lu Galveston, lu vote; then he voted against us. Westerlund voted with me, ready for installation In a few days. oaae of untoward devclopmenla. but all his influence was used against me for which action I Despite assurances from various Robert W alker, the 16 year old American conaula lu Mexico Hint the brother of Rev. C. L. Walker, pastoi called him a treacherous traitor on the floor of the house. governors of Mexican stains are ra of the Methodist church of Nyssa, Or. The bill as amended and passed taken thirty days off pidly declaring their loyulty to Pro was accidentally killed. Alone he h J vlaloual I'reeldent Huerta, Secretary gone duck shooting on an island in lower Rogue river at the beginning of the season, twenty of Slate Knox believe« the present ’ Snake river two miles north of town. days at the end of the season and gives Grants Pass from quiet la only the calm before a slorin. Directors of the Lane County Fall Net Weight Bill Patted. association set September 24 to 27 June 1st to August 1st. I voted against the bill and worked Plain labeling of food package» with Inclusive, as the dates for the annual hard against it but under circumstances I could not win. the net weight and contents before fall fair. E. M. Warren was design» they are sold to the public la required j^d as the “Lane 'county delegate to (Signed) Clarence L Reames. by a bill paaacd by the annate, which the meeting of the district fair board already had paaaed the hottae. Slight at Roseburg.” change« made by the aenute w ill re Sir Edward Grey, England’s Secre The most effective slaughter of rah quire a oonference c o m m it lee of the Mr« Helen H. Gardener, publicity tary of 8tate, who Is a prominent bites ever made in the history ol two houaea before the meaaure la aent chairman for the Suffragist Inaugura figure In the Balkan W ar peace nego Lakeview was at the drive west ol to Prealdent T aft for algnnture. tion Parade In Washington. tiations. town, showing the enormous total ol The propoaed law would require the about 12,000. The total estimated net weight and meaaure uf yie food Washington Governor’s Act Shatters number of rabbits killed during Lh< product to be conaplcuoualy displayed winter is 32.000. Bend May Develop New Industry. Plana of Good Roads Committees on the outalde of each package. Bend.— The first pulp ever manufac Tho St. Paul Commercial Club ex Olympia, Wash.— The opening gun Webb Bill Not to Affect In d iv id u a l. tured from central Oregon timber bus In what Is expected to be the biggest presses itself In favor of an electric The right of an Individual residing reached Bend and the glowing reports j fight of the session of the Washington line from Aurora to SL Paul, via F a r Salem.— At the clone of what Is the agricultural school, these sums In a "dry" atate to Import liquor for of Ita excellence and the possibilities legislature was fired by Governor Lis go and Champoeg. They believe such hie own uae will not lie restrained or for manufacturing It opena up are usually the final week of the legislat being In addition to the annual cod ter when he vetoed the bill passed by a line possible and want to interest ive seselou complications came up tinulng appropriations. Interfered with If Prealdent T aft ap greeted here with enthusiasm. the house and senate last week pro President Strahorn, of the P^ E. A proves the Webb liquor shipment bill On January 6 two rarloada of "lodge which makes It difficult to Ull Just The minimum wage bill, which has viding »1,006,000 annual increase In E., in Its construction. which recently paaaed both houaea of pole" pine, a «mull black pine that when final adjournment will be taken. In a communication from the offices now been signed by the governor, the stale highway fund, and announc oongreaa. According to the advocate« grows upon thouannda of acres nt land The understanding that virtually played an Important part In the defeat ed that he stands unalterably opposed of the state superintendent of schools, of the bill, the Individual citizen liv In the upper Deschutes valley, were had been reached for the legislature of Lawrence's bill providing for an to the bill Increasing the permanent the information Is given that the Port ing In "dry" territory will have all sent to the pulp mill at Camas. Wash to adjourn for five days after it had eight-hour working day for women, highway fund from »1,000,000 to »2.- land Union Stockyards w ill give a 'th e prvllegea he had prior to the pann Tho sample of pulp la accompanied cleaned up Ita work and to come back with a lim it of 48 hours a week. 600,000 a year, which has passed the Shetland pony to the boy or girl hav age of thia bill, ao long aa he doea not by a letter which says that the pulp for tba sole purpose of considering house. ing the best exhibit of poultry or farm Under the provisions of a «xmstitu- attempt to Import liquor for aale con- Is of a promising quality and that the vetoed bills la presumed to bo animals at the 1913 state fair. No sooner had the veto message leery to the law of the atate within thorough testa will be made lmme- responsible for the action of the gov tlonal amendment which the legisla been sent in than the backers of the James Huffman, who was working ture is asked to put on the ballot for whleh be llvee. Thia being true, aa dlately'ln manufacturing It Into paper. ernor and his prlvaU secretary la road measures began to muster their on the A. Sk Tulley ranch each of W al the friend« of the hill aaaert, thia It is Intended to use the first paper absenting themselves from tho exec the next general election in a resolu forcesJgr the return fire. A vigorous lowa.' was gored by a bull and Injured tion Introduced In the house, the Ore- meaaure haa been greatly mlaunder- made from Deschutes timber la a leaf utive offices. attempts to be made to overrule the so severely that he died. He had tied gun legislature, after 1916. would con stood let that will describe this territory. The governor declared during the sist of 34 senators, one from each wishes of the governor. the animal into a stall. As he turned W o m en W o r ry C ongreaam en. week that Saturday being a holiday, county, and 69 representatives. the bull made a lunge, one horn pierc It la a serious Job to be a member the senau and bonae had no right to ing Huffman's lungs and pinning him The amendment proposes to change of congreaa these days, according to remain In session, but lawyers In both to the partition. the whole system of legislative repre plaints that are reaoundlng through branches of the legislature declare Captain Edward Anderson, formerly sentation It would place It on a pro out the capitol. The burden of the that It Is • legislative day and that master of the steamer Sue H. Elmore, portional basis, with each county en legislators’ trouble le the auffraglat the legislature could work and be well who was wanted at Astoria on a titled to one senator and no more, and and the antl-auffraglat controversy. within the law. charge of forgery, waa brought from to at least one representative. All congreaamen have been Invited 8peaker M cArthur Saturday threw Seattle by Sheriff Burns. Anderson — 1 '■ ..I to march with the votea for women W ith only slight opposition, the sen the house Into a fervor of excitement la accused of forging the name of B. L. advocate« on March 1. All have like ate passed the big »450.000 appropria John St. Claire, perpetrator of the aer Miller, engineer on the steamer El SALEM, Fell. 2».—Afb-r a speech in by refusing permission to any member wlae been quietly Informed by the tion bill for the Columbia Southern ies of southern Oregon postal robberies more, to the latter's pay check and to leave for home, ordering the doors his own defense, on motion of It«-aincs, antla that cloae watch will be kept Irrigation project In Crook county. which h a ffie il sleuths last December, then getting It cashed. Ils- house has given Representative J. A. locked and Instructing the sergeant- on their suffrage activity. The situa This hill will enable the atate to take plead guilty on Tiasday at Red Bluffs. at-arms to go out and arrest every Seaside has a new two-story build Westerlund a vote of conflifetie«', as a re tion does not bother members from member who had left the session w ith hold of the work of reclaiming the Calif., to the murder of John Boyd at lng being equipped with up-todate sult of the publication by the Portland equal suffrage states, but It la giving lands under the original Carey pro that plate on December 4. The shooting machinery for making cheese. Ex- Journal of the assi-rtion that the conuuit- out permission. those from other commonwealths a Ject, where private capital has failed. followed a quarrel between the two men, perieneed workmen w ill have It In The senate Indulged In a novel pro tee on alcohol, inserted jokers in liquor lot of trouble to decide which camps All of those who have tried the pro and St. Claire immediately fled north charge and the cheese manufactured hills. Mr, Westerlund sjsike in his own cedure when it agreed to allow each they will favor. ject and failed have made quit claims ward, accompanied by the wife of an old hwe. aa well as good milk, w ill be «Menas as follows: one of the 30 senators to-select from The antl-suffraglata are conducting to the state. Under the bill the atate friend, anil leaving a trail of rifled post- supplied to summer guests. M ilk w ill (he vast grist of bouse bill«, which Is “ My attention Was called, last evening a "lobbying" campaign at the capitol will take over the entire burden of offices in his wake. be sold In bottles only and handled before that body, one bill each, to be which adds to the woea of the legla- Io an article with n d la -a d litie s on the reclamation, and w ill get ita money Gold Hill, Talent, Roguerive-, and a la the most sanitary way. llrs l page o f the Portland Journal, wliere- given preference and receive Imme latora. back from the settlers in 10 years by half-dozen other small offices in California in they printed a damnable and vic io u s diate action. Lying half buried la the soft mud in Deficiency la Biggest In Many Years. the installment plan after It haa been afni Oregon yielded up the tribute of pen the basin of Young's bay, the body of lie alsnii me and r>y fellow nu nilwrs on The procedure Itself appeared to be Preparation of the biggest general made ready for productive farming. nies and small change, which ma<ie St. a logger, thought to be named Stone, no more novel than some of the selec deficiency appropriation bill In many II»- ah-ohollc traffic committee. Claire known as the “ penny bandit’’. a recent arrival from Portland, was Senate bills which have passed the " I ilesirc to make it perfectly d ear that tions made. Some of the bills, which years was begun by the house appro house and In which senate members Eventually lie was arrested at Roseburg priatlona committee. It w ill carry 1« rsonully I am a temperate man and ad- seemed to be of first Import to the are particularly Interested w ill be re by Postal Inspector Morse, to whom he found at low tide by Hans Larsen, Vocate teinjierance, hut 1 am not a fanat keeper of the bridge, who waded in senators Included such as those gov about »25.000.000, against »7,000.000 called by the house, taken into that confessed llie Red Bluffs killing. the mud up to his hips to the drowned ical prohibitionist. I believe, personally erning the running of stock at large Inst year. He was sentenced to life imprisonment, man and secured the body to the in the strictest kind of legislation in the or providing for expediting the pay- body and laid upon the table until the Deficits In appropriations of pen senate agrees to stop slaughtering and so will not be called upon to face the bridge by passing a rope under the sion»- of »15,000,000 will be Included liquor traffic; I also believe that just ami men: of witness or Juror fees. house hills, according to an sgrsement various burglary charges preferred against arms. fair treatment should Is* given the liquor In the forthcoming bill. This deficit Agreeing to the report of the con which Is being formulated among a him. Relief for settlers In Wallowa coun Is caused by the operations of the new element, so long as they do not violet«'I ference committee and concurring in coterie of the house members. ty in the vicinity of Enterprise Is Sherwood ,1-aday service pension III«- la w and violate coiiiuion ileeency. amendments made In the house, the “ I most einphalieally deny lliat I have senate passed the Panama Pacific ap promised in an action taken by the Nehalem Valley to Have Railway. law. Another huge deficit is In the Salem. O r.—Working their way ever tried o r attempted Io "fix " a single general land office, ordering an exam Veronla.— Work on the Columbia A preliminary operation of the parcel propriation bill, and Oregon will ap h ill. Nor’ have I I hvii a parly thereto. propriate for Its share In the exposi along a lediy of the capitol building, Nehalem Valley railroad, to be built ination of the townships in that locali post. 20 feet above the ground. President I also ilcsin' Instate that I have "not offer tion »175,000. by the Kerry Tim ber company of Port ty with a view to their restoration to Malarkey of the senate, and Chief ed a single anienduient to any onrjof the entry because of alleged overlapping National Capital Brevities. Women In Oregon do not have to do Clerk Cochran, holding 30 senate bills land. w ill commence at once. The Both house« listened to the reading eleven hills that we have had under con Jury duty unless they wish to. The in one tgind and grasping any availa builders expect to have the road In In survey lands which were withdrawn in 1906, and settlers since have been of Washington's farewell message on sideration and passed up. house refused to pass a bill amending , ble hold by the other, crept carefully operation within 10 months. i denied the right to make entry. “ Your committee lias aided as a whole Washington's birthday. The road will be built from Wood's the law so that women would be com- 1 to the window opening Into the recep Duties amounting to »1000 were col The death of the commerce court and never, to my knowledge, have they pelled to serve on a Jury when sum tion chamber of the governor. Malar- Landing on the Astoria A Columbia lected on four carloads of nursery ach'd on a single bill without first having March 4th was decreed by the con River railroad, then' down Ftahhawk moned, the same as men. key pried open the window and deposi ‘ stock, amounting to 160 cases, which ference report on the legislative bill. had both sides of the question heard creek, striking Nehalem river at Fish The bill for a state Industrial home l ted on the governor's desk the bills, | came on steamers from Europe to Any ‘lixing’, or amendments that your High officers of the navy depart hawk From there it w ill keep ap for girls and women went through the ready for signature or veto. New York and then by rail to the Deep creek for several miles, ending ment have recommended to Secretary committee h a v e accepted, lia s Issoi This move followed the adoption of house and whs passed by a vote of ; Port of Portland. These Importations agreed to l»y the temperance and liquor In Clateop county. Meyer that the battleship Oregon be 39 to 2. The bill appropriates »50,000 I a resolution by the senate In which are examined abroad before being representatives. Ami, in every ease, we "scrapped," or sold for Junk. for the two-year term, which is to be i the facts relating to the governor's shipped and again on their arrival The senate interstate commerce have let them thrash out the difference, Lumber Camps to be Busy. used In establishing and maintaining absence were set forth and the presi to prevent any plant diseases being committee voted to report favorably so ns to arrive at a common understand Astoria.— Activity in the logging In the proposed home. Women and girls dent and chief clerk of the senate Imported. The examinations here are ing. the bn Follette-Adamson bill for the dustry promises to be more pronounc are to be sent there as a corrective. I were authorized to force entrance to made by the state horticultural board, “ We have aeccpled their compromise physical valuation of railroads and nil ed in Clatsop county this year than and suggestion, as to changes and incorp The bill was Introduced In the senate the executive chambers to file such ever before In the history of the coun which now operates In eonjunotloa Interstate commerce carriers. senate bills as have been passed. and passed that branch without a dis with the national horticultural board. Laurence O. Murray, controller of orated them into the hills or amendments. senting vote. ty. Several new camps are to be op According to the report of the "Gentlemen. I leave it to this house to the currency, has announced that he ened and camps established, and it Is Telephone Probe to Be Two-Sided Without making a single amend Rogue River Valley Fruit A Produce Intended to stop the practice by na siy whether any member of our commit estimated that within the coming few Seattle.— Investigation of telephone association just made public, that or tional hanks of paying dividends when tee lias acted unfair and impaitial. I ment. the senate passed the general months not I cbs than »3,000.600 w ill apjx'al to your trim sense of jusiiee and appropriation bill for state offices and companito on the Pacific coast, begun be expended In betterments, exten ganization shipped 1(5 cars of apples their earnings did not warrant It. and 99 cars of pears from the valley manhood if statements such ns prink'd boards Just as It went through the In this elty by a federal grand Jury sions and equipment. under direction of Attorney-General Daniel J. Keefe's resignation from in this paper, should go out to ourpeople house in 1913. This represents about 76 per his post an commissioner general of in this great state, unanswered.’’ cent of the total production of the Further expediting business, so far Wlckershnm, will be absolutely Impar Single Term for Governor. Immigration has been demanded by d istrict On pears the average prices as appropriation hills are concerned, tial and will cover the entire coast. Lincoln. Neb.— The Nebraska house. Secretary of Commerce and Labor received were: Howells, »1.75 per the senate passed all the University Empioyes of the Bell system, known by a vote of 80 to 12, passed a bill pro For sale:—Womi-sawing outfit almost Nagel, In a report submitted to Presl box; Anjou. »2.26 a box; Bose, »2.02 of Oregon and agricultural college as the Pacific Telephone A Telegraph dent Taft, based on complaints of of «new with 411. 1’. Stover engine cost 1312. bills, 11 In number, aggregating »317,- ' company, will be examined by the In viding for a constitutional amendment a box; Bartletts, ,1.09 a box. On ap lim iting the governor of the state to will lake $175.00. —Geo. F. Dyer, ficial misconduct ples the prices were: Spitxcnhergs, 833 for the university and »305,500 for milsltorn Just hr freely as officers of a single term of four years. 1114-18 North Central Ave., Medford, Or. 1 th o independent lines. »1; Newtowns, »1.41; Ben Davis, »1.46. members Review o f Weeh at State Capital Westerlund Denies Doctoring Anti- Booze Bills Postal Thief Must Spend Life Pent Up in Pen