Professional Cards T a lR W i t h NEWS FROM OUR K ellogg' A. E. KELLOGG Now la the time to buj property In Gold Hlllt don't wait till jon hare to bate lit buy now and make the In «eetor'a profit, a word to the wise Is "efficient t II you hate not the cash: talk to Kellogg he will (ret It for you: he has aonie real bargains Just now in Gold Hill properties. MEXICAN SITUATION NATIONAL CAPITAL ALARMS WASHINGTON Democratic Party Leaders Are Troops Held At Giftintanamo Divided On Appropriation Ready to Proceed to Question Mexico W ashington.—The general problem of Democratic appropriations was tak­ en up in a conference of Democratic advocates of economy. The action of the house naval affairs committee, when the Democrats, after an all-day conference, failed to reach an agree­ ment to cut down the 1 146,000,000 to be carried by the nuvai appropriation bill, was the principal aubject of dla- cussion by the 60 members of the house who are determined upon econo­ S T E IN H O F F T h e A r c h it e c t a n d B u ild e r Is here to stay, and is very much ulive to the needs of this growing city, and will design Washington.—After a prolonged <5*3/1 n v n o illn nntilLinrw ■ A 1. ~ GOLD HILL OKFGON and execute anything in the Building line. cabinet sesslou Secretary of Slate Knox was directed by I’resldeut Taft Brick. Stone anil Cement. Plain or artistic Embalmer and Euneral to reply* to the request of Francisco I. Director Msdero of Mexico for a definite state- Complet«» line of boriai robe*, men; of the policy of the United States «'*j»ket8..eto. toward Mexico. We guarantee 7 per cent and hate Despite the alarming Information neter paid less than 11 per rent on FUNERAL CAR that has continued to come Into Wash A S p e c ia lt y Ollìce Phone: Home, 9— M; Residence sating accoants paid by the month, lugton for the lust few days, not a Phone, giorno 2— K; Pacific 46-Main. both large and small.. The Pacific member of ths president's cabinet fa­ Halldlag A Loan Association. Talk vored Intervention when summoned to CLEMENT H. SMITH. M. D. with A. E. Kellogg, local agen t ' my. NOTIt'K POR'ATlON the meeting. GENERAL PRACTITIONER Department of thè Interior The party leaders are greatly dis­ Own yonr own homesi stop paying President Taft replied to Madero's U. S. latini Office at Itisadmrg. Ore., turbed by the split lu the house on Office in Wells Building rent. The Pacific Hnlldlng A Loan plea for non-intervention, saying no January 14, 1913. ‘ Association will furnish yon the mon­ the question of appropriations. The orders for landing American troops ' TO NELSON HEBERT, YOUR HEIRS Hours 10-12—2-4 Noti«' 1« herehy glven ihut Etile |y appropriation bills, according to Re­ had been given; polntlug out "the | AND ASSIGNS; ey: pay by the montht Jnst like pay­ Himillona. whuse |inat-otl|ci> addresa la presentative Fitzgerald. of New York, 495 Hall Street, Portland, Oregon dld JOHN H, CARKIN GLENN O. TAYL39 ing rents it costs no morei talk with vital Importance of the early estab- , , chairman of the appropriations com ­ Ushment of peace and order," and that ,£ » f e X f i “ a n S ^ h S mi thè 27 itay oIJune, 1912. file in ibis Kellogg, he dors thrlr business In CARKIN & TAYLOR office Sworn Statement and Applleatioit. mittee, will place the country's expen­ Gold H ilt ditures at a point higher than has yet the preaent paramount duly la the W F sliaff. i , have exi»n,Kd during tha No. 08104, to purehaae thè SE. l4, .S e­ LAWYERS prompt relief of the situation." years 1910, 1911, ami 1912, A D . Three ti«,ui IH, Towiiship 34 S,, Itange 2 west OOMS 17-19 OVKR JACKSON COÜNTY BANS F i r e , L i f e , C a s u a l t y , A c c i ­ been reached, and economy advocates Two thousand United States mar- i O'tndred Dollar" (8300.00) In labor and Willamelte Meridinn, and Uie limhvr d e n t a n d S i c k I n s u r a n c e , declare that the appropriations of this MEDPOBD, OREGON Uiereon, under thè provìsions of thè aet congress will be at least 5100,000,000 lues from various barrack, along tho ■ ni J ime 3, 1878, and avi * ameiulatory, L o a n s a n d In v e s tm e n t s Atlantic to a st were ordered to Cuba, in th e B lack m il Mining District, in the kllown mm die “ Tilulair and Stime laiw," over the billion mark. CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. to be held in readtuess for possible 1 '"iinty «1.1«, k-mii. M a te o f Oregon Tin- at alali valla* as niighl he llxid hv ap- The Democrats who are opposed to use in Mexico. Practice Limited to | ,,otice of location thereof Is of record In vol- praiaenient, and that, pnraiiant io «urli Guantanamo 1. the objective !»»■« I . ^ J a i L j ^ ^ the two battleship programme declare application, thè land and llnd-er thereoii Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat that unless the amount carried by the bave heen apprainri. «7,a ,,00, thè Under Eyee scientifically examined and glasses of the marines, who will be establish of the Comity Recorder of the said 1 eatimated I (HO.ano board b e l al 50 c e lila naval bill is materially reduced they furnished when needed. ed In camp In connection with the County, to which book and page rei- j |,T M, and thè land nighing; (hai said will prosecute a filibuster which will fleet, under the command of Rear Ail ' made (or a more ai.i.licaiit »III ,,ff,-r linai proni in atipia,« -’ irtt-Corev P-.i, . i;g. M ilford, On* prevent the passage of the bill at this mlral Badger. Whether Iheae men ' W ' “*" !«<*rlption of , said ,,, - « lahu. ; of h a application ami aworn sia«.meni ment • •iiul cxpritdiltirv wiut inatlv for ihe pur- lull the 4l •-» h day » of - April, • session. 1914, brf< re Itegia- DR. R. C. KELSEY will get farther than Guantanamo will |awe of holding |H «aess..ry righi and title W ould Bar S trik e by Seising Roads. I ler and Receiver, Unin,l Slate, Land Of- o rn en in «id minlng daini under thè provialona . fit» , at ItiMehiirg, On-gmi. depeud upon Mexlcuu developments The threatened tleup of 64 eastern G O LD H IL L H O S P IT A L Besides the movement of the mar­ 4 ■„•tiun twenty-three huiidnil and Any iieraon ia al lllierty t„ pmn-,1 this railroads by the proposed strike of COR. THIRD A C STS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ines, two army transports were order­ (»,'uly - four of RcviavdgStatutea of the pun-haw 1,-lon- entry, or initiate a con- firemen was the basis of a resolution I'nitv, d Stan-, and the amendment, theie- l.rt at any time l , . i , n . ,«1.1,1 Iwia«, hy GOLD HILL, OREGON Department of the Interior, ed to proceed at once from Newport U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore for government ownership of these News to Galveston, Texas, where they t<>, pmvidiug for the annual lalmr ii|nm i ““ nk » cornd«iral*,l aliidavit in ih i, oh • fine,- alleging facta which would defeat mining claim,, wild amount la-lug February II, 1913 railroad properties, introduced when DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE the entry. Notice is hereby given tl at Hacon the house assembled by Representa might be close at hand for the move­ the n-ipiinil sum to hold Miid claiiii :«H-47 B F. JoN Es, Rcw|sh*r. DENTIST ment of troops from the border should 'luring the period ending the 31rt Ho.tad, whose postoffice address is tlve Berger. 'lay of Dscemla-r, 1912. If you faii lAnts, Oregon, did on the 78th day of any unexpected emergency arise. GAS ADXtNISTERRD and refuae or fail or rehtee within Berger's resolution proposed that In April. 1912, tile in this office Sworn President Taft plainly la worried by ninety days from the |ierwonal aervim of RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION statem ent and Application, No. 05018, case of a strike and tie up of the rail to purcha-e the Eh, 8 E '4 and 8W1$ sE way system for more than a week, tbe the fact that although he has only 16 thia notice, if personal service he had, or Department of tile Interior within ninety day, after the publication more days to serve In the White *-4 of Section 2-1, Township 3 5 -, Range president of the United States should U. S. l«nd Offitx* at IfiMchurg, Oregon. A. E. KELLOGG of this notin', hi contribute your propor­ 4W. W illamette Meridian, and the tim­ House th s situation In Mexico shows tion of Hueh expenditure January Id, IKJ3. , , . , , | ----------------,--------- aa a co • owner, NOTARY PUBLIC ber thereon, tinder the piovieionsol the be empowered to seise the railways t it t le algus of becoming less trouble your proportion, 1,'lug the sum of one Notice is hereby given that Clayton B with all their terminals, belt lines, act ol June 3, 1878, and acts amenda­ Phone 86 Main some. The president has no desire to 'hundred dollar, 18190.(X)j, your interest Slmumns, win«,' |sw t-o ffiix ' addrrnw isAt« tory. known as the "Timber and Stone lands, coal mines, workshops and oth­ leave over for Mr. Wilson the setUe GOLD HILL, OREGON "“''J wil1 tlai property of Hall Street, Portland, Oregon, did on Law,” at such valns as might be fixed er properties on the ground of public th e H iil„ rdior, who is your cu-uwner, the 27tii day ol June, 1912, file in tMa by appraisement, and that, pursuant [n emergency, and his right of emlnsat ment of this country's relations with mill who ha, ma, expenditure and offiiv Sworn Statement and Application, •ASSAYER AND CHEMIST. such »pp (cation, the land and timber domain and to manage and operate Mexico, but he is decidedly opposed improvements a, above mentioned pur­ No. OSIlk't to purchase the NU SW U . EARL V. INGLES, B S c .—General as thereon have been apnra sed, 5370 1 to taking any measures himself, un­ suant the provision, of llu< aaid atoUMea. and S ), NWS», Section 20, Township 34 say aud analytical work. Cement the timber e-tim ated 740,000 bow'd feel them through the post office depart­ less extreme provocation and whole­ 8 ., Range 2. west Willamette Meridian, —W. F. Sit Arran and asphalt testing. Beat equip­ at $0 40 per M, and the land nothing; ment until congress should create a Gold Hill, Oregon, January 2, 1913, and the timlx-r thereon, under the pro- sale murder of Americans drive him that said applicant will offer final pro J ped assay office and testing labor department of railways. v is it, ua of the aet of June 3, 187s, and to IL atory in Oregon. All work guar­ in support of bis application and sworn Filibuster Ssunds Knell sf Bills. acta amendatory, known aa the "Tlmta'r statem ent on the30th dav ol April, 1913, anteed. Calveit-Paddock block TO NELSON HEBERT, YOUR HEIRS J91.1 Stone U w ,” at aueh valt» aa mlgiit U nless "scenomy Demócrata,** led before Regi-ter and Receiver ol the Un­ Phone 170-J. Grants Paaa. Oregon ited States Laud Office, at Rosel urg by Representative Roddeoberry. quit be fixed hy appraiaemeni, and dial, pur- AND ASSIGNS; ARMISTICE IS SOON BROKEN auant to aueh application, tl» land and Oregon. filibustering against what they char­ Ytmr are hen,by notified and will take timber thereon have l»»n appraiwd Any person is at liberty to protest acterise as extravagant appropriation Heavy Firing Soon Announces Return notice that I, the Hutwriber. W. F. Shaf­ 8520.00 ti» timber eatimatasl 1,040,01)6 DR. E. W. BARNES this purchase before entry, or initiate a fer, have exta-n,leil .luring tl» years 1910, hoani feet at 50 ceriui per M, and the of Troops to Pott contest at any time belore patent issues, bills. It appeared almost certain that PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Mexico City.—H ostilities were re­ 1911, and 1912 A. D ., Twelve Hundred I)o|- land aa nothing; that aanl applicant will by filing a corroborated affidavit in this no more bills would be passed la tbe lars '3I2OO.) in lalxir and iuipmvciiienla offer final proof in support of Ida appli­ Office over Home Telephone Company office, alleging facts whioh would defeat house at this session. sumed with renewed fierceness sfter upon the "Crown Point’’, "Oregon Boy” . cation and sworn statement on the 4th the entry. B F. JONES, The filib u stered are now preparing a truce which lasted only a few hours. "Ella” , and "Crown Point Extentlon" day of April, 1913, before Regiaur anti GOLD HILL, OREGON *«-«> R .gi'te-. to prevent action on the 3180,000,000 The armistice signed at 2 o'clock contiguous bale mining claims. Said Receiver United Statea Ijuid fffil«., at pension bill now pending In the house. Bunday morning by the representa­ claims are situated and lying, in the Riau'blirg, Oregon. Blackwell Mining District, In the County Any peraon ia al liberty to protest this The naval bill, which provides for tives of both sides, agreeing to sus­ of Jackson, State ol Oregon. The notice purchase ladore entry, or initiate a con­ JAILFOR CASH REGISTER MEN two new battleships and carries an ap­ pend operations for 24 hours, was bro­ of location of the said "Crown Point” test at any time before patent issue«, by N oK hbooad Soon sounds of claim is of record in volume 12, page 271, tiling corrolsiraUsl affidavit in this offi,», No. 20 8:07 a. m. Judge Hollister Scores Officials Bit­ propriation of 5149,000,000, W6S allow­ ken before n « o n . alleging (acta which would defeat tiia No. 24 (motor) terly for Business Methods ed to stand but the public buildings heavy cannonading and the whirr of Mining Records <4 Jackson County. Ore­ entry. 11 :Ot a. m. gon ; the notice of location of the aaid No. 32 (motor) 5:37 p. m. Cincinnati,—John H. Patterson, bill was cut until It now carries only machine guns announced the return "Oregon Boy” claim ia of recoril in vol­ B. F. JONES, Register. No. 16 - 6:29 p. m. president of the National Cash Regis­ about 325,000,000. of the federal troops to their posts In ume 12, al page 473 Mining Records of ter company, of Dayton, Ohio, was sen­ President Vatoss Immigration Bill. front of the arsenal. It appeared as If Jackson County, Oregon; the notice of Notice Concerning Asaeasment Work on location ol the said r'Ella” claim is ol S o u th b o u n d tenced to serve one year In the county the words of Msdero and Diaz might record In volume 12, at page 5tl3 Mining President Taft vetoed the Burnett Plater < la,ms No. 23 (motor) 8:07 a. m. Jail at Troy, O., and to pay a fine of prove prophetic and that thia time Dillingham Immigration hill, stating Records ol Jackson County, Oregon; and TO A. H. BARCLAY: No. 31 (motor) 1:42 p. m. 15000 for violation of the Sherman tho notice ol lix-ation of the said ‘‘Crown No. 15 in a special m essage to the senate that 1 the battle should be to a finish. • • 2:55 p m. You will take notice that eu n d ar- No. 19 11:06 p . tu. anti-trust law. To 28 other officials his reasons for doing so were baaed I President Madero reiterated his re­ Point Kxtention” claim is of record in signed, co-owner with you ol t. n -ertaln and employes of the company were upon protests from various foreign fusal to comply with the suggestion of volume II, at page 498. Mining Records placer mining claim s situate o n Taylor o f J a c k s o n County, On-gun, In the olliie given Jail sentences varying from governments. the senators that he resign. He de­ o l the County Recorder of the said Comity, Gulch, Mahaley Gt,lull a n d Miners three months to one year and they In his message President Taft sus clared that he still was able to domin­ to which Issiks and pages reference is Creek, in Sections 19 and 3 0 In Town­ were ordered to pay the costs of pros­ tained the objections to the literacy ate the situation and that. If given hereby made (or a linin' particular de­ ship 37 South ol Range 4 West, n Jack- scription of the said elaains. Said ex- son County, Oregon, h ate performed ecution. time, he would crush the rebFl forces lenditorc was made lor the pur|s>ac of the annual aa.ea.inent work on said test, saying In part: The sentences were pronounced af­ I f you w a n t y o u r "I do this reluctantly. The bill con holding p o sse sso r y right and title to the claims between the l .t dav ol January ter United States Judge H ollister had tains many valuable amendments to Castro Freed by U. S. Court. said mining claims under the provisions a n d June, 1918, for ijlo year ending December Slet., 101«, , ml have paid tools p u t in good scored the defendants bitterly for their the immigration laws. Insuring greater New York.—Cipriano Castro . free of section twenty - tim e huinln d ami and expended in money and labor twenty-four of the revised statutea of the business methods, which he declared cartalnty of the excluding of undealrn to come and go In this country will thereon, the sum of 8100., being the shape be sure to see were needless In a concern where mil­ ble immigrants. But I cannot male Judge Ward, In the federal district United states, and the amendments there­ amount required by law to protect said to. providing for the annual labor ii|x>n lions could have been legitim ately up my mind to sign a bill whose chief court, sustained the writ of habeas mining claims, said amount being the re- eialtus against forfeiture for non r. pre­ made and without violation of the law. provisions violate a principle which corpus In hs behalf, overruling the iiuired sum to hold said mining claims sentation ; Now T iikbki ' iikk , V o ; W ill ilurimithe pcritxl ending the 31st day of I akx N otick , That you are nerehy re­ ought. In my opinion, to be upheld." immigration authorities. quired Within ninety days iron, tire ser­ December, 1912. Vessel Worth 5100,000 is Total Lots Joe Cannon Dined. If you fail and refuae or fall or refit* vice of thia Notice upon you to reim­ B la c k s m ith in Breakers. within ninety days from the personal ser­ burse in« for the amount due from you Ethel Rooeevelt to Wed. The heads of the nation, the cabinet Nehalem.—The German bark Mimi, and officials, high and low, met to New York.—Colonel and Mrs. Theo­ vice ol this notice, if pereonal service la, thsreon to represent your '4 interest in , » " ‘<">nting to tlie sum of Captain L. W estphal, a four-master, toast and wine and dine ''Uncle Joe" dore Roosevelt have made known the had, or within ninety days after the pule IH bound from Valparaiso to Astoria for Cannon, and wish him "Godspeed back engagement of their second daughter, lication of this notice, to contribute your proportion of such expenditure as a co­ You are further notified, that if you orders, grounded on the sand spit on to Danville, 111,” “Uncle Joe,” bis E thel Carow Roosevelt, to Dr. Richard owner, yonr proportion, being the sum of lad to pay me your proportion id s a id the north side of the entrance to Ne­ cigar tilted back along the well-re­ Derby, son of the late Richard H. Four Iliiixin-d Dollars 18409.00), your expenditure within ninety dsvs Irom M in e rs, I can s h arp ­ interest in said claim »ill become the the service of this N otice upon halem bay. membered angle, sat back, at times Derby, of New York. en, re p a ir or m ake pro|s rty of the subscriber, who Is your in,er' “l *»•"'<* placer claims The Garibaldi life-saving station overwhelmed with emotion as he felt eo-owner, and win, has miule the expen­ will become the property 01 the under­ tools, and guarantee was notified by telephone, and the the touch of human friendship among diture and improvements aa alsivo men- signed emowurv, who performed said May Extend Oregon Setelon crew with its powerboat came here by the tributes paid him by friends and m y w o rk to stand tioned pursuant to tlw provision of the annual labor. Salem, Ore.—An Iron-clad agreement said statutes. a special train, and pulling to the foes alike. the ra c k e t; t r y me —F. J. D avipsok , has been signed by 22 members of the — W. F. SitArraii, wreck, after many attempts threw a Co-own, r. and be shown Set speeches to the “best fighting state senate, agreeing to remain In Gold Hill, Oregon, January 2, 1913, line on board the vessel. One member man In public life” were made by session for a period of five days after of the crew was taken off by ths Administrator’s Notice of Appointment President Taft, 8peaker Clark, Secre­ the forty (40) days period shall have Administratrix Notice to Creditors breeches buoy. The captain and the and To Present Claims. tary Nagel, Postm aster General Hitch elap: ed for the purpose of considering B L A C K S M IT H rest of the crew, however, refused to cock, Attorney Oeneral Wlckersbam. the v etoed m essages of the governor, In the County Court of the State of Ore­ In the Probate Court, Jackson County com? ashore, deciding to remain on Oregon Estate of Sarah A Anders,,,, gon for the County of Jackson. Senators Root, W illiams and Penrose. If any, and to dispose of said vetoed Dcceawd. the vessel until they could secure or­ In the Matter of the Estate of Charles T. Representatives McKinley and Mc­ messages. , ™‘lic,:.i,;,1"'rehy r iv n Oiatthp Hon. F. Anderson, Dtseaseil. ders for the abandonment of the ves­ Call, Senator-elect James, and a host In the house there are 42 members Notice is hereby given that the under­ L. Io n Velle, County Judge of Jackson sel from the German consul In Port­ of others. who have also agreed to remain over signed has Ixs'ti appointed hy the county county, Oregon, has appointed T N land The vessel was In ballast, and until after the session adjourns. court of Oregon for the County ol Jack- Anders,,n, administrator of the estate of carried a crew of 30 men. son, as administratrix of the estate of .Sarah A. Anderson, deceased. Any per­ National Capital Brevities. son having a claim against the said estate, Charles T. Anderson, deseased. New Mexican Revolution greni » 0 I 7 .btaiB -l OS g o Census enumerations In ths cities »4» Mark«, IS hereby notified to present same duly 70 Inches of Skin Given Bandon Man. I OtreaU. Coprrighis - rrrgon wit bin nix month* from the d«t4* hereafter bs taken largely by letter mnfldat, tüj. I M m tcnU H tlt*. A" same, duly verified, at the office of Gus 100 feet In a logging train wreck last BAWD-BOOK FRFF. Explain« everyth! ng. Tails carriers, If congress gives Its sanction Columbus, N. M., a new revolution wits Newbury, attorney for said administra­ of the first pui,lication ol this notice. B o * to Obt<- .«ell ratenta. What Inrentioag December, which resulted In the death ' W ill P«r ■ Get a Partner, explain« boat to a plan proposed by Census Director started In Mexico, with Emilio Vaa trix, In the l*hl|i|is building, in Medford. Date of drat publication, February I, 1913 daeehan v.-menu, and eon fain a 300 other of six men. Is on the way to recovery. Jackson County, Oregon, on or Is'fore T. N. A niikiison , ‘Bbt*w . luuxirtanoe to inventor«. XrfdreM, Durand, la his annual report, just quez Gomez as Its leader. In addition to concussion of the brain Administrator. Gomez was a member of De la Bar six ((I) months from the date hereof made public. December 28th, 1912. and other injuries, about one-third of ra’s provisional cabinet after Porflrlo Carrying a total appropriation of BESSIE ANDERSON, I 365 Wi'lsor. 3l