G o ld H ill N e w s Pl H IH II! • —-— ID | \ n ; V SATURDAY AT GOLD HILL, JACKSON CGI \T Y OREGON, B Y =_________ _ ' -Spring Song No. I B en H. L um pm an Emcnsl at tin* Gold Hill pnspdBoe lor transmission through the mail« «a «•«Mnd-ciass matter SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1913 SUBSCRIPTION $150 PER ANMM Overdrafts B. H. L a ~ -- -----------[ r r g - u . i\ AUVANCi: I V..H nr.' a ginny and I am gink, a m i! S'*»! but the world is fair. and »ho * ncc that only the springtime brings) drench, -th e golden air, „„,1 e v e , p.,„,| i« resonant With tin. .««.ng lllc lovelorn ! h>ad, ami the new lairn ha«> of sunny «- b u il- l'r o g 's t h r o m d in t l i n k 1 etli the puddle« ring ; « ,•‘cannot perch o n | a lifting t n L and tw in ,1 a tun. tu t lay when the blood heat« strong the vein« I along ami beauty fill- the day; hut, after! our kind we n m hear t)M> cull the balmy I bieezrs bring, and after our fashion fol­ low away the magical pip«.« «,( Spring, REPRESENTATIYE Westerlund, of Jackson, has been very generally credited as an able and impartial legislator, to whose work in the recent session his constituency might turn for satisfied contemplation. Coupled with his magnificent ponder- °f frame this ability to claim distinction in the councils of the state brought him a fair share of renown in the columns of the daily press, and shed a refulgence of reflected glory upon III e county which elected him. It was great advertising-both O, you are a ginny ami I am a giuk— ami other« may rake tin* lawn, and those for Westerlund ano Jackson. that bullet the dusty rug may rise 4idt It is with regret that the friends °f either note the tarnish the dusky dawn, ami «itlw'rs may garner o this tinsel, effected by the charge of unseemly friendliness tho rusty apade that rest« ou the wood­ toward the liquor interests, preferred by Governor West against shed shelf, and hie them out to the gar­ den plot the fragrant loam to delve; but Representatives Westerlund and Carpenter, fellow members of yon are a ginny ami I am a gjnfc, «0 let the influential committee on alcoholic traffic. all care go dangle, ami we ll away where I tlw ripples play—to ail on the lamk ami I It is charged by the Governor that this committee inserted a angle. joker in the Hoskins senate bill, prohibiting the sale of liquor in or about any railway station, which not only nullified the measure School Notes fB y Vera I>avid.«oii) or one year in “wet” territory, but actually made possible the lawful sale of liquor in “diy” counties for a similar period, pro­ Athenian Literary Society Program for viding the sales were made in the locality proscribed by the bill. February 28th,1013. The damning amendment which nullified the measure, ac­ Subject: Whittier. Velma Davidson cording to the Governor, was inserted by Westerlund and Car­ Leader of Division Chaplain’s Exeretaee penter, of the committee on alcoholic traffic; Thomas the other R eeling from Whittier Dorothy Smith member, returning a minority report It provided that the Recitation from Whittier Outs. Riedel. •0 Building well painted *' Scperaiv room or rooms Lily Starns. measure should not be effective until January 1,1914, and in this ^ ‘lo cloaks and lunches. fashion was finally paraded before the h o u s e d p a s ^ I f o ^ Current Events F.tha Lauren,e M erchant Tailors will have their agent, Mr. Bates, at our store, MON­ DAY, FEBRUARY 2 4 th . A nyone desiring an E aster suit will do well t o call...... L a n c e &, C o m p a n y Fresh Garden Seeds for huts, •fi No cross lights. Newspaper Claretuv« Oook Cor« o f S chool room Reading from Whittier Blanch.« Harvey 1 Floor and walls clean and furniture Debate—Resolved. that the U. S. presi dent’s term of office should be six and woodwork free from dust. 2 Stove well blackened. yeare. Affirmative— Virginia Rardcl 3 Black Liard kept clean. C h a lk and Ida Starns. Negative— Pauline •lust must he wiped off daily. Olsen and Eugene Bowman. 4 Hats, cloaks and lunches much he Tile third and fourth grade room re- erived a letter from Eleanor Huntington kept in proper places. Lnless Representative Westerlund can suitably explain his this week. Tliey are living on a farm « Teacher*« ami pupils’ llwk, k t in order. near Fresno, Cal., and like it very much. attitude in the committee, one of the most important, of legisla­ 6 No pencil murks on desks, wall«, or te h l . 13 8Pt Under * SU8PiciorT sufficiently fhillv Tiie \ alentine boxes, Friday afternoon other plan «. Were greatly enjoyed by the pupils of the to blight the flower of his political future in the very bud. < Proper attention giv. n to hei ting varions rooms. The High School pupils regret very and ventilation of room. Crounda much that Vera Davidson has been abn-nt CORPORATE GRATITUDE 1 Free from paper and other rubbish. from school the past week. The teachen 2 Two toilets, widely se|* rate<) and and pupils exp ose their synijmthire and in good re|>air. Sanitary and free from R°Wan’ ? i?U8‘hirty-t ^o years of life and one hand hope «lie will be lack soon. writing. in the service of the Northern Pacific, has come into his Tlie Box social held last Saturday even­ 3 A fuel b«tue in good conditii n und ing, was very sucoessfnl. The boxes own. Let none hereafter name transportation corporations were sold for »25.0«, the highest hid for an ample supply ol gissl fuel. Cleared of undcrhruMh, and graded ä or spit a — * * * * one box was «2.00. We thank Mr. if » •■I »♦‘«•vtwarjr. Wetherell for the aw