Professional Cards Ta J yy i t h Federal R ailw ays for Alaska Urged. A laska's vast resources can beat be brought w ithin roach of the world, in th e opinion of President T aft, by th. ; construction. w ith governm ent assist I anoo. of tw o railw ay lines from th« Alaakan coast to the Interior, owner Felix Ofaz Released from Pris­ ship of w hich shall be vested In th. on Leads Revolt Ousting > 0 » is th e tim e to bay p ro p e r!; In governm ent, but which shall be oper tiolil illl l: don 't w ait (III you h a re to ated by p riv ate p arties under lease. Madero A. E. KELLOGG In a special m essage tran sm ittin g to j b a te K t buy non a n d make the In- la hero tostay, and ia very much nlive to the congress th e report of the Alaskan »eMor's. p rofit, a w ord to the wise la G OLD H IL L . ORFGON wm I s of th ls growing city, and will design Mexico City, Mex.—T he arm y rose >n if ¡d e n t j if you have not the ra s h : Railway Commission, the president iS .t < f Cl1 e ,n the Building line. In revolt Sunday In Mexico City, took Embalnier and Funeral I talk to Kellogg he will get It for y o n ; strongly urged legislation along th e n Brick. Stone and Cement Plain or artistic possession of th e public buildings, shot lines, asking th a t th e go ro rn m en t ei­ j lie has some real bargains ju s t now Director th e r g u aran tee the principal and In dowu federal ad h eren ts In the streets, in Gold Illll p ro p erties. Completo line of burial rob«», released G eneral Felix Dial, leader of I terest on bonds necessary to build «•«»keto, etc, the Vera Crus revolt, nod G eneral Vie g u a ra n te e 7 p er cen t an d Imre th e roads, o r co n struct them. Uernurdo Reyea, from prison, and. fall­ j u e ie r paid less than 11 p er re n t on FUNERAL CAR Office H ione: Home, 9— M; Residen» ' « n Ing a rro n n ts paid by the month, ing into line under the Dias banuer, . National C apital B revities. _ H io n e, H om e:.— K: lo f f i e 46-Main. both larg e and sm all.. The 1’a rlflr A S p e c ia lty P resid en t T aft vetoed the bill to au virtually captured th e Mexican capital. It is believed th a t not few er than b uilding Jc Loan A ssociation. Talk th o rite the com m laaionera of the Die 160 persons w ere kilted In th e ftghting. j CLEMENT H. SMITH. M. D. , with A. K, Kellogg, lo ra l ageuL trict of Colum bia to aupervlae the ex Among the num ber was G eneral Barn-1 hlbltlon of moving picture«. general practitioner NOTH E FOR Pi B I.ItUTIO N an to Revea. Own your own hom es] stop paying A fight la being fram ed up among De|iartiiieiit of th,. Interior Office in Wells Building The m utinous troops w ere led by ! r e n t The P aelfie B uilding Loan th e W ilton Democrat« here to ouat ax 1 ' I -'tal Olilo- al Rosel»,yg, ore. Hours 10 12—2-4 U so clatlo n will fu ru lsh you the mon- S en ato r T urner, of W ashington, from stu d en ts of the m ilitary school a t Tlal- ' January M, ìw a . ' J •') t pay by the m o n th : ju s t like pay. h it 1 7500 job as a m em ber of th e In pam. a suburb. They m arched to tho TO NELHON HEBERT, Y O l'R HEIRS A'"»" Í» hereby given that Ellie D JO H N H . C A R K IN G LK N N O. TAYLC "■“ »"■IN. w ill«. |MWt-Otli(V. address is , " e re n t: It re s ts no m o re; talk with tem atlo n al W aterw ays Comintaaion. prison to which G eneral Felix Dias j AND ASSIGNS; 4UA II.UI iUdtUM,. n n g o ,," ? |l(, , ... . . Kellogg, he does th e ir business In and to secure th e appointm ent of had been tran sferred for safe keeping ! » CAKKIN & TAYLOR and released him. G eneral B ernardo , |wt r ’ua ^ . X ' S M ^ u ^ r » " ' “/ ‘j ila -, .ley of June, IVly, (t|,. |„ Kold Hill. C harles H elfner, of S eattle, N. J u u ‘‘t WKl Appli, LAW YERS Com pulsory adoptlou by all In ter | R eyet also was frx»d from S an tiag o ; H . F. S hull,r , h a w e x pen. Uni during th« No. 08164. lo pun-ham. the SE. U s,» ! ooms 17-19 ovaa JACKSON county BAx» I F i r e , L i f e , C a s u a l ?, A c c i- VV«i s ’ T"* !“ W p * » H .1 Rung, * « „ J ,i|r* 1911« and r.H2. A I)., Thn< s ta te railroads of th e block signal sys m ilitary prison, there beiug no raaiat- MEDFORD. OREGON anee in eith er quarter. ; . " u,H’n s ‘ DoRara (9;UN).ttv M eri,lisa, anil the timi»,; d e n * a n d S ic K I n s u r a n c e , tern is th« moat Im portant recoin Francisco Madero. president of the in«1 d a i m " ''c i a i L 'V v K t w i v I atoi*lhw lliereon, under the provision» o f t h e act L o a n s a n d In v e stm e n ts m endation for th e block signal ami Of June 3, |N78, and nets ani.tidalora CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. republic, led the loyal troops for a in the l t l a e k w . l l Mining District, in tlie k n o w n io. t h e "T im ber tpul Shine la w ^ ' train control board made In Its fli^< Practice Limited »o report to th e in te rsta te com m erce time. latter, with m em bers of his Cab- ’ ”nnty of Jaeksm i, State of Oregon Tt«e a t K ill'll valut. inet, he took refuge Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat comm ission. palace, when» they were Eyes scientifically examined and glasses T h e soaring price of ero d e oil is fnrmsiied when needed. being Investigated by the departm ent 3- tett-C orer P M -. tyr. M -d f« d , Ore ’ of Justice in connection w ith its quiry to determ ine w hether the decre DR. R. C. KELSEY disaolvlng th e S tan d ard OU company OFFICM IN h as been violated. Tw enty-tw o cups, valued G O L D H IL L H O S P IT A L The m ajority of th e house com m it­ a re offered as prises a t the Union I , „ con. TJtinn a c sts . hundred and • Any ,,-nw.i, i, ||ta rty u , . , " ? 1" n 1 e ' tee on ways and m eans, who a re fran, poultry allow, to be held F ebruary 11, ' t w e n t y '- ' i m i r ^ f IJ-th h u i - e d . '- t i . t i i l . » o f lia p m .l n ... I . l o r , - . m r y , o r in itia te a . o n GOLD H IL L , OREGON » j United t-tutes and Ing ta riff legislation for the com lnr 1* and 15. tile anieii.liiieiito then'- ‘*'*1 at any u time ut issues n « . tadoie to - I .m . i onn , mi 4.„( ismi.'M, I,. bv Jam es S. Royal, Oregon pioneer of 1 toi Vr' ,v¡ding for the annual labor upon = 11.,- bling o x tra session of congress, agreed upon it. i b U o f DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE i mining ■•lain id Malisi a » « ..» . • * -t — I "“ ''I ....... .. lieing tlk .'e n u y ‘ÍÜW “, Ü" Wb,,h W,,uW radical reductions in th e custom s du 1852, Indian fighter and form er ow ner ! ¡‘h.!“ ‘I* DENTIST ties on mica, asp h alt and various j of a P " « 1«»» P o rtlan d ’« east side. .Inrisi«'''»"^ ’ p.Tl,'i| ^ - „ d u J ’“‘u ,,.' '". g ! 38-47 B. F. JONES, Regisu-r, GAS A11M1XI8TKKKD kinds of chinaw ara and glassw are c ^'*’4 at lilt home in F orest Orove of ‘ay of December, 1912. If you (ail 41 RIA LTO B U ILD IN G , M EDFORD th e ch eap er varieties. «cute kidney trouble. “f ' 1 »fuiw or mil Or rofuae within House Passes Bill Prohibiting ____________________ U nder direction of T. F. Sm ith, of , ! , £ li*'"" , l» ”*?»al "ervl,-.-..I notice for publication Liquor Shipments Into MINERS AND GUARDS CLASH 1al*nt’ chlef ln"p‘H'tor for ,he dl«‘rtet. wilhln ninety d a £ " “luv U,«-' iiulil'h-aii.'.'n IX-partment of the Interior A. E. KELLOGG m n a A IW b U A H U S U L A bH orchards In A shland territo ry gre be- " /tl" “ »‘'tl«' t.. «..inriluit. y.'ur |.r ..|t r - I . S. latini i »flln> at Ibaa-burg, Oraron. , NOTARY PUBLIC Dry Territory Ing overhauled by county h orticultural : ’’“n HUe' 1 BXP«nn H. GOLD H IL L^O R EG O N pany’s Guards W ashington.—By a vote of 2*0 to | hundred < ..liars (»100.00), your intorast h Ï Ï i sín ¿ ■" '’p 1' • ‘hirese is lltft The general m erchandise O<>r*. and in sai. claim will tweome tl»> pr«.|« rty .«I 85. the house passed the W ebb blU C harleston, W. Va.—Sixteen a re h„ ,„, „ 77” ------------- bo »-in t ' , y 7 hM’d . '» 'K o n , did mi tlk) MiDncriber, who U your <*o>91200.) in lalior and iuiprovtunviil* oder Hnal proof in «upp»n of Ids itppli- »cope. H um or and b ittern ess m arked m iners w ere killed and wounded. Lee tw een OgdeS and Portland. GOLD H ILL, OREGON uixHi tlie ’’( 'rown Point” , "On-gon Boy” , latlon aud sworn stau-iiH-nt on the 4th th e debate on th e m easure. te r and his men w ere slowly driven Judge K elly of the circuit court at F.llu” , and "Crow n Point ExU ntiun” ,of 'J*13. Iwfore Register and D em ocratic and Republican ran k s back, co n testin g every foot of ground. Albany, pronounced sentence In th e contiguous lisle mining claiu Ihaa Her I nRed S u n s la n d Offin-gon. w ere split in th e fight. Ollie Jam es, ’ Any pa rson is at liberty to p ro this of K entucky, being one of th e leaders railroad into th e strik e te rrito ry are convictions, w as sontenced to pay a Bliw kwell Mining District, in the County of Jackson, State of On-gon. The notiix purchase la-hm- entry, or initial«' a com ag ain st th e m easure. R ep resen tativ e equipped with m achine guns. »605 fine and serve 50 days In JiWl; of location of the said "C ro w n p o in t” No. 30 tibí,“1 “n , il I " 1®*“ *‘" ’* • 1 *7 chairm an of ____ the 8:07 a. m . Clayton, of A labam a, _____________ W alter A. Marks, »400 fine and 10 elaim is of rooonl in volume 12, |M»g»- 271, 11 5 t'orr; ’‘’«**-MU-al affidavit in this „tlirt. No. 24 (m otor) 11:04 a. m. I ju d iciary com m ittee and a prom inent Mining Rts-onlsof Jackson Comity, Ore­ days; Ed A ckerm an. »150 fine. E. D. No. 32 (m otor) wh,ch II» 6:29 p m ) Democ™Uc m em ber, led th e fight for TELEPHONE STRIKE LIKELY H enry, of H arrisburg, convicted on gon; the notice of location of tin- said No. 16 ’On-gon Boy” elaim is of record in vol- B. F. JON EH, Ih gister. th e bill, and R ep resen tativ e Hammel, Employee of Bell 8ystem en Coast to tw o counts, failed to appear. unit- 12, at I'Hgv 473 Mining Keeotxla ... >f of New Je rse y , headed th e opposition. Apple tre e s which w ere planted 56 Jackron County, Oregon; the notin' ot S o u th b o u n d Take W alkout Vota. location of the said ” WU” ,.|alni Is of Notice Concerning Aaaesamcnt Work oa No. 28 (m otor) P o rtlan d .— U nless th e P acific S tates years ago by the late A. O. M arshall, 8:0” a. tn. I U nder th e provisions of th e Webb No. 31 (m otor) Ftacer Claims 1 :42 p. m. bill, no in toxicating liquor may be T elephone & T elegraph com pany—the a well-known L inn county pioneer, on record in volume 12, at page 5t!3 Mining No. 15 2:55 p m. shipped by in te rsta te com m erce into Bell com pany—g ra n ts th e em ployes of his farm seven m iles e a st of Albany, lUH’iiniM Jtu'KMon O uinty, Oregon; ainl TO A. » . BARCLA Y : th.' notice of l.sation of tbe said "Crown No. 19 11:06 p .m . ( d r y te rrito ry for th e purpose of sell You will take notice th a t I, the ondar, it* m echanical d ep artm en ts an in are yet bearing splendidly. T here was Point Extention” claim is ol roeonl in ing i t T he m easure does not attem p t crease In wages w ithin ten days, every volume II, at page 498, Mining Iteeonls tigne.l, ci-ow ner with y „u (l(t, n c e ri„ n gdod crop on th e trees last fall. of Jackson County, Oregon, |n t|„. ,,t|i„. pia. er m ining claim« situ ate < n Taylor to reg u late th e shipm ent of intoxi linem an, sw itchboard man, table a u n , T hree d ifferent v arieties of apples are of tiH» County Recorder of County, D uleb, M .h ale, G ulch a u t l 5 ,X r a c an ts for p riv ate consum ption. Dis­ te s t board man, wire chief and u tility Included in th e old tree«, Baldwins, to which Issiks anil pages reference is hiT ",*c l,o n » 1» »n.i «O m IGwn- position of all violations of th e law is m an in Oregon, W ashington, Idaho, S pltzenbergs and Bellflowers. Isri'by m ade for a linin' particular de­ sbtp 37 Hoiitl. „f Rang« * W est, n Jack- left to th e s ta te s o r the county regula­ scription of the said claims. Said ex ­ sou County, ( h .g o n , have perform ed C alifornia and A risona will go out on I f yo u w a n t y o u r penditure was made for the pur|>osc ot the annual assea.m ent work on .aid tio n s in th e te rrito ry in w hich th e of strik e, and It is possible th a t the girl T he bottling p lant of the E astern bolding possessory right and title to the d a m s between t h e I . i , | , v o f Jan u ary fense occurs. year rm o p erato rs will go out In sym pathy. Oregon com pany a t T he Dalles, was said mining claims under the provisions •m l June, iwjg, ,„ r tools p u t in good D em ocrats Split Over B attleships. T he Bell people pay th eir m echani­ gutted by a fire. T he bottling w orks of w rtion twenty - three h ttn d n d and a n d e ' e m i J 2 ? ’. H" * ’ " “ “ •»V P-id H ouse D em ocratic econom ists, o r a t cal em ployes »3.75 a day. and since w ere in a sto n e building, with shingle twenty-four of the revised statutes of the and expended In money and labor shape be sure to see thereon, the sum ol *lufl., being the least 73 of them , who attem p ted __ th e tirs t of th e y ear officials of the roof detached from the brew ery pro­ I tiited States, and the atnendinentM there­ »m ount ,e.,ulr. .t by law to p ro u 'x a a id to. providing for the animal lalior upon Pledge th eir p arty on th e battlesh ip com pany have been n egotiating with per. which made It possible for the r. nre- claims, said am ount Isdrig the n - < talm a agsinst forfeiture for question, failed to secure a quorum in a com m ittee rep resen tin g th e men firem en to successfully cope w ith th« mining uin d sum to hold suid mining claims sen tatm n ; Now TnitaEvoKK, Yo; W ill caucus and w ere com pelled to ad jo u rn who a re dem anding an increase. lirinirtlie |s'riisi ending the 31st day of <* k « N o tic e , T h at you are hereby re- fire, though for a tim e It was thought Ikit'U iisr, 1912. T he D em ocrats w ho favor a one or no v Ä U1t a , N °i?e t y d ‘ y' ,ro n ' tbl « « - B la c K s m ith the brew ery was doomed. The wood If yon fail and refuse or fail or refuse lee Of Uns Notte.' u main p, ,, | m. p v i l you Y b attlesh ip app ro p riatio n w ere presen t en p artitio n s and roof were entirely witinn ninety days from the personal ser­ b u r.e me for th e am ount due from you in full stren g th . T he two battlesh ip interest Mr«. C leveland ia Quietly Married. destroyed, and the m achinery badly vice of this notice, if personal aerviix* I«- thereon to r, present , „ u r advocates, a few of whom w ere pres P rinceton, N. J.— Mrs. G rover Cleve­ dam aged, causing a loss s f probably bad, or within ninety days after tbe puli- ♦25d tM) " "• “ “" ,Un“ "8 to H - «urn of ent, declared th a t they w ere in the li. ulloti 'if this notice, to contribute your land and T hom as J. P reston, Jr., were 5500U, but the walla a re Intact, being proportion of suidi exponditnre as a co- f a . ï ï ï ! î ! X ' *r ‘ *'»1 if you m ajo rity thiB y ear when th ey cared only slightly dam aged. The origin m arried h ere by P resid en t John G rit. owner, your proportion, being*the stun of . L ,* J M in e rs, I can s h a rp ­ F fo r proportion ol said to be p resen t and th a t th e naval ap­ H ibben, o t P rinceton U niversity, in of th e fire is not known. The brew ing Eonr H undred Dollars (»400,00), your expenditure w ithin ninety .taya i r o r a p ropriation bili w hen reported to con en, re p a ir o r m ake P rospect, th e executive residence of company will rebuild th« bottUag interest in said claim will become tlie be a e .v ie e o f ti n . N o lic / upon ’ . T g ress will provide for tw o dread property of tlie subscriber, who is your w i l l h t 11 r 'h ’t *n ***** F l t a 'e r c lg .n is * too’s, and guarantee w orks a t once. th e university. naught«. co-owner, and who lias made tlie expa-n- w ill b e c o m e th e property or tb e under- a y w o rk to stand diture and improvements as above m en­ X l l X r Wn" r ' W,‘° ................. . T he sen ate passed th e bill, already P. M akes O ffer For T erm inal, tioned pursuant to tlie provision of ||,e th e ra c k e t; t r y me passed by th e house, a s a su b stitu te M arshfield.—The S outhern Pacific said statutes. • F. J , D a v id io s , for th e K enyon-Sheppard bill. and be shown has m ade a proposition, the exact de­ K, H iiaffkh . Co-own. r. Gold Hill, Oregon, January 2, 1913. House Begins to H urry. tails of which a re not known, to the W ith seven ap propriation bills, ag. term inal com pany, w ith a view of se­ Administrator's Notice of Appointment g reg atin g over $1,000,000,000, to pass, B L A C K S M IT H curing the track s and rig h t of way of Administratrix Notice lo Creditors «nd To Present Claims. in 10 w orking days, D em ocratic lead­ the lerm inal down th e w aterfront la In the County Court of the Mate of Ore­ In the Probat«, Court, Jackson C„ New York.—Two million four hun M arshfield. ers announced th at, beginning early T he S outhern Pacific gon for the County of Jackson. th is week, th e house would burn the dred thousand dollars g raft from gam right of way Is secured through N orth a - A « * ™ - : In the M atter of tlie E stato o f Charles T. biers, poolroom men and Illegal reso rt m idnight incan d escen ts—also s t-rtln g Bend to th e lim its of M arshfield. It I T o u CV , ’! |, " ,r,c l. ’y R iv , n l b “ 1 t l » ' »<•««. F . Anderson, Deceased. keepers~$l,200,000 for the captains Is stated th a t the railroad has m ade a ’ » d g e o f .1,,, k s o t , w ork a t 10 o ’clock in the m orning. Notice is hereby given th a t tlie under­ C o m . i ' n ? Should th e sen ate hold up these and th e ir collectors. »600,000 for In­ demand of the term inal to accept or signed has Isen a p j w , inletl liy the county y’ has Hpisiinted T N ......... . <>f bills. D em ocrats declared th a t th e sp e­ spectors, »600,000 Into th<* hands of refuse the proposition so th a t the m at­ court of Oregon for tlie County ol Jack « V r a h T ’AnTl aran A. AnderHon, d