Professional Cards T aiK W i t h K ellogg' New Is the time to hay property In Hold llill: don't wall till yon hare to have Iti buy now and make the In­ vestor's profit, a word to the wise It sufficient! if yon have not the easht talk to Kellogg he will get It (or yout he has some real bargains Jast bow ; In Gold Hill properties. A. E. KELLOGG GOLD HILL ORFGON Embalmer and Funeral Director Complet» line of burial rob»», eaeketa, etc. We guarantee 7 per cent and hare sever paid less than 11 per eent on FUNERAL CAR Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence taring accounts paid by the month, both large and small.. The Pacific Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 46-Main. Building A Loan Assoclatloa. Talk CLEMENT H. SMITH. M. D. with A. K. Kellogg, local agent GENERAL PRACTITIONER Own your own homest stop paying rent The Pacific Building A Loan Association will tarnish yon the mon­ ey! pay by the montht just like pay­ JOHN H , CARKIN GLENN 9 . TAYLOg ing rent; It costs no more; talk with Kellogg, he does their business In CARKIN & TAYLOR Gold H1IL LAWYERS Office in Wells Building Hours 10-12—2-4 17-19 OVIK JACKSON COUNTY M EDFO RD, OREGON OOM* BANS CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Eyes scientifically examined and glasses furnished »hen needed. .i' ielt-Corev F .i. .r.g, XI«dford, Ore D R R C. KELSEY orricB COB. THIRD A C STS. GOLD HILL. OREGON D R ARTEMAS W. DEANE DENTIST OAS ADN tN IITR BKD RIALTO BUILDING. MEDFORD A. E. KELLOGG NOTARY PUBLIC Phone M Main GOLD HILL, OREGON ASSAYKK AND CHEMIST. EARL V. INGLES, B 8c.—General as­ say and analytical work. Cement and asphalt testing. Beet equip­ ped assay office and testing labor­ atory in Oregon. All work guar­ anteed. Calveit-Paddock block. Phone S70-J, Ornate Page, Oregon. D R E. W. BARNES PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over Home Telephone Company. GOLD H IL L , OREGON S. P. Time Card MevSlsbovaudl (motor) (motor) • No. 16 8:07 11:94 6:37 6:29 a. a. p. p. m. m. m. m. 8:07 1:42 2:56 11:06 a. p. p p. m. m. m. in. S w u tlxb otan d No. No. No. No. 23 (motor) 31 (motor) 15 19 • T a l k W it h K e llo g g in G O L D H IL L H O S P IT A L No. 20 No. 24 No. 32 F i r e , L i f e , C a s u a l* ]» » A c c i ­ d e n t a n d S ic R I n s u r a n c e , L o a n s a n d In v e s tm e n ts . . • • M IN E R S If you want your tools put in good shape be sure to see CHARLES KELL B la c k s m ith a word ’ Miners, I can sharp­ en, repair or make tools, and guarantee my work to stand the racket; try me and be shown C .F . C A R T E R B L A C ltS M T H Annual clearance sale of («Id« and ends at your own price at the Gold H ill Fur­ niture Store. FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL Senate Would Limit President to a Single Term of Six Years Washington.— A constitutional am­ endment which would restrict the president of the United States to a single term of six years, and would bar Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt and W illiam H. T a ft from seeking election again, was approved by the senate, by the narrow majority of one vote. After a three day fight, In which the Progressives joined with many Repub­ licans in opposing the restricted presi­ dential term, the senate adopted the original Works resolution by a vote of 47 to 23. Chamberlain, of Oregon, and Works, of California, were the only Pacific Coast senators who supported the sin­ gle term resolution on its final pas­ sage. Those voting against it were Borah, Idaho: Bourne, Oregon; and Jones and Poindexter, Washington. Just how the next house will receive this proposed change in legislation cannot be foretold. The vote shows that it has been treated as a political question by senators. Some of the most influential Republican senators avoided it and in all probability the feeling in the senate that the time has come when some limitation must be put on possible ambitions of men w ill move the house to adopt the resolu­ tion. T a riff Hearings End. The house ways and means commit­ tee has completed all hearings on tar­ iff revision. Monday the Democratic members began framing the new Dem­ ocratic bill which is to replace the Payne-Aldrich law. They w ill keep steadily at the work faom now up until the Sixty-third edngress con­ venes. Probably a few days after the new house is organized the revision bill will be ready for presentation. The biggest cuts, it is skid, w ill be made on wool, leather and agricultural products. Raw wool, under “Schedule K ,” the biggest Item of the whole tariff revis­ ion, It is stated, w ill be put on the free list. This will be satisfactory to the manufacturers who declared be­ fore the committee that the present duty did not now protect them from competition. Carded wool manufacturers, how­ ever, declare that the duty Is neces­ sary to their existence. Leather Is also due for a revision downward— probably to the free list. Compensation Act Reported On. A favorable report on the senate workmen's compensation act, amend­ ed to make it apply to employes of express companies as well as to those of railroads, and to give state courts concurrent jurisdiction with federal courts in Its enforcement, was agreed upon by the house judiciary commit­ tee. The proposed law would prescribe specific amounts of compensation to be paid by railroads and express com­ panies to any employe disabled by an accident while on duty. Income Tax Is Ratified Direct taxes upon the Incomes of JOINT COMMITTEES APPROVE GELILO DAM oltlsons of the United State«, whether derived from Idle capital or from the conduct of buslnssa. wore mad* possl ble by the ratification of the sixteenth amendment to the Federal Coast It ti tion Delaware, Wyoming and Ne» Mexico, indorsing the income tax amendment through thole respective Legislatures, completed a list of 3S states that have approved it, two move Is here to stay, and is very much alive to the than the three-fourths necessary for needs of this growing city, and will design Its tlnal adoption. A law will be Intro The Dallsa, Or.— The United Btatea and execute anything in the Building line. duced aa soon ss the extra session government and the states of Oregon Brick, Stone and Cem ent Plain or artistic opens, which will probably tax In­ and Washington w ill each be asked comes above $4000. to appropriate *50.000 that a detailed Pension Plan Proposed. survey and thorough Investigation of A system of old age retirement for 1 the proposed Columbia river power employes of the postal service was project may be made, as a result of proposed by Senator Penroso. of ; an inspection made Sunday at the A S p e c ia lty Pennsylvania, In an amendment offer­ prospective damslte by Jolut commit­ ed to the postoffice appropriation bill. tees representing Oregon aud Wash­ It would give the postofflco depart­ ington. Oregon was represented by ment authority to grant “Indefinite Î Governor West, Senators It. It. But­ NOTICE FUR PUBLICATION leave of absence" to an employe who ler. or The Dalles; I. N. Day. of Port­ IXifwrtment of Die Inferior became Incapacitated for actual work land; Representatives A. H. Eaton, f U. S. land Office at Riwhurg, Ore., January 14, 1913. with annual pay at the rate of SCOO Eugene: C. A. Appelgren, of Portland; Notice is hereby given that Effie D. National Capital Brevities. J. T. Hinkle, of Hermiston; Stats En­ TO NELSON IIEIIEKT, YOUR H EIR ' Simmons, whose po«t-o|thx> addrem Is A bill authorising the construction gineer John H. Lewis, Engineer L. F. AND ASSIGNS: 195 Hall Street, Portland, Oregon, did, of a I J. 000.000 Lincoln memorial tem­ Harxa and Englueer O. L. Parker, of You arc hereby notified unit will take on the 27 dry of June, 1912, file in thia ple on the banka or the Potomac pass the United States Geological survey. notice that I, the undersigned anhserttair, office Sworn Statement and Application, Nil. 99164, fe purchase tlie SK. l<, See- od the house. The committees from the two states W. F. Shatter, have cxix'iidcd during the lion IS, Towusliiii 34 S., Range 2 west, An appeal was made by women to said they would unanimously recom­ years 1910, 1911, ami 1912, A. D., Three Hundred Dollars ($190.00) In lalmr ami Willamette Meridian, aud the timber the congressional elecUons commute«' mend the appropriations to their leg­ Improvement* upon the Shorty hale min­ thereon, under tile provisions of tile act for passage of the bill to giro women islatures and to the government for ing claim Said elaiui I* situated ami Ik* of June 3, 1979, and ad* amendatory, the right to vote for representatives the purpose of making a detail survey in the Blackwell Mining District, In tint known a* the “ Tiuila-r and Shine law , County of Jackson, Stale of Oregon. The at such value a* might 1» fixed hy ap­ in cougress. of the power project, whose estimated notice r M,, siiil tlie land nothing; that said man Humphrey has asked for an ap erence is hereby maitc for a more uiitilirant will otfi-r final proof in sup|sirt propriayon of *750,000 for an Immigra |Mirtlcular description of said claim. of his application and sworn ststcniciit tlon station at Seattle. Said expenditure wiu made for the pur­ | on the Itli.lay of April, 1913,before Regis­ pose of holding |«H«scss<>ry right and title ter and Receiver, United States la n d Of­ Senator Jackson of Maryland has to said mining claim under the provisions fice, al Kisaduirg, Oregon introduced a bill proposing a plan for Any |M>nsm is at liberty hi prohat till* of section twenty-three hundred and federal cooperation with the states twenty - four of Revised Statutes of the , purelmse ls-fore entry, or initiate a eon- for highway Improvements. The bill hat at any U iih > la-fore laten t imiua, hy New York.— Woodrow Wilson ac­ United StaP - mi.I (In- amendments there­ would authorise the government to cepted the offer of the students of to, providing for the annual labor upon filing a eorrolatrufed aitiduvit in tills of­ pay half the cost of Improving high Princeton University to escort him mining claims, said amount being fice, alleging fact* which would defeat the reipiinsl sum to hold said claim the entry. ways used by mall carriers and wculd from his home In Princeton to the during the |»ri contribute your propor­ January 16, 1913. brated In a unique programme, to tion of such expenditure as a co - owner, Notice is hereby given that Clayton B your proportion, living the sum of one which Mr. Wilson gave his consent, hundred dollars i *190.00), your interest Simmons, whose p. I in labor ami improvement* upon the “Crown Point’’, “ Oregon Boy” , cation aud sworn statement on the 4th Through Burning Halls the remonstrances of the powers, and day of April, 1913, ls-fore Register ami “ E lla", and “ Crown Point ExtenUon*' Sacramento.— Four persons are contiguous lode mining claims. Said Ri-ceivcr United Staha lan d Office, at unless Turkey yields to the Balkan demands, the allied armies w ill now known to be dead, two others are dy­ claims ure situated and lying, in tlie Roseburg, Oregon Any person is st lilierty h> protest ibis attempt to drive her completely out of ing, 10 others are In hospitals suffer­ Blackwell Mining District, in the County of Jackson, Stab- of Oregon. Tlie notice purchase before entry, or initiate a con- ing from burns or broken bones, and Europe. of location of the said "Crown Point” hat at any time tx-fiire patent I oiimw liy the search' for bodies continues In the claim is of record In volume 12, page 271, filing corroliorated affidavit in tills office, Scutarla About to Fall According to a dispatch from Bel­ ruin-: of the St. Nicholas apartment- Mining Records of Jackson County, Ore­ alleging facts which would defeat tlie entry. grade, Scutarla already Is on the point house, which went up In flames while gon; the notice of location of the said 39-47 B. F. JONES, ih-gish r. "Oregon Boy” claim is of record in vol­ of falling. It is reported that the some of the guests were u t breakfast, ume 12, nt page 473 Mining Records of and others were still in their rooms, Turkish commander has sent two re­ Jackson County, Oregon; the notice of Notice Concerning Assessment Worti on presentatives to the Servian com­ cupying rooms In the house were not location of tlie said “ Ella" claim is of Pieces Claims mander to propose the capitulation of burned to death was due to the heroic record in volume 12, at ;age 663 Mining Records of Jackson County, Oregon; and TO A. H. BARCLAY: work of Miss Frances Reddick and that town. » the notice of location of the said “ Crown You will take notice that I, tbs under- A report is current among some of Miss Mary Courtwrlght, waitresses Point Extentlon’' claim is of nssinl in who ran through the burning halls, volume 11, at (age 499, Mining Records signed, co-ownsr with you of ten certain the Balkan representatives here that placer mining claims »Ituais on Taylor the Porte has elready telegraphed to awakening everyone and assisting of Jackson County, Oregon, in the office Gulch, Mshaley Gulch a n d Miners of the County Recorderof the Mid County, those who were overcome by smoke. Sofia offering to cede Adrianople on to which hooks ami («tge« reference is Creek, in Hsctlons 19 sml 14 In Town­ the conditions laid down, and that Bul­ hereby made for a more particular de­ ship 37 Houth of Range 4 West, in Jack- scription of the said claims. Said ex- son County, Oregon, have performed garia is ready to accept. This report penditure was made for the purjsss. of the annual ss«e«-ment wurx on said has not been confirmed at the Bul­ claims between the 1st dsv of January holding |MMMCssory right aud title to tin* «ml June, 1412, for the year ending garian legation, but It Is not consider­ Warm Weather Encouragee Loggers; sai