Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, February 08, 1913, Image 3

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W heat—Club, 88c; bluestem . 94c
red Nunalnn. 85c.
Hay Tim othy, |1 $ ; alfalfa, I I I .
B utter—C ream ery, 37fac.
E g g s—Candled, 26c.
is iu-ra liave fawn received by I«», ,i 1
friends from te ra o ii Bits-, now ltislrii-1-
or lu a boys' acJmnl, at Ho olulu, Hawaii.
Mr. Blue, who was form erly con ected
W illi our i lly ai-liiMils, Is m ill'll p le a -»1
w ith ids new situation, and write- en-
tertsi Iagly of the novel ilia ge of
* v cry and climate.
G arrett and Brow nworth, of Fopl-
creek, are tlu* proprietors of a new v, n - '
Wool ICuaiern O regon, l i e ; Wil­ ture in tin- local meat market biisiii*'»»- '
lam ette valley, 20c.
IlM Held being by vacated F L. «'aid- j
S eattle.
well, who elowsl Ilia doors to the public i
W heat- tllueatein, 92c; club, l i e ; at Saturday evening last after six years
red HiiHalan, 86c.
of serviiw. Messrs. G urrett and Brown
E ggs— SOo.
worth are ex petit-need Inileliers ami in
B utter -Creum ery, 88c.
tend l,i conduct a business that Is lire
Huy T im o th y, | I 9 per ton; alfalfa, lass in every respect. For tla* prew-nt j
l i t per ton.
they am in temporay quarter» in the It, - ’
man budding oil Front atns-t.
Q u a lity is o u r fir s t c o n s id e r a t io n
i 9 12 crop, 17c.
Local News Notes
K. J. Anderson, of ll-ngl«', registered
at (lie I mu-1 -Sunday.
II. Sudtli waa aprufcaeioeal via
lt'»r I" Medford ycHtenlay,
Mr- lirin .-u Z.miii visited «¡III Ash
land frieuil» on Saturday laat.
Iloy Avery 1» cm ployed in the Gitcru-
any printery at Medford the present week
H ard and aofl woo.I for aale. D iliv e r-
i* l al your »bed. — W. I,. Van I I o itrn
Thoa. Itafmey and wife, of Central
Point are visiting S. T. lludg*« and
fam ily
Ml* Sadie Cott’-e and
enl» rry were visitor«
Mra. Noah Smith and
of Central Point, are
I'uukey m id family.
Tlie Edwin Fowler tim ber tract on ,
Fisita ens'k, comprising .3,.Util a, res of :
tlw finest pine and Hr in southern I In
gon 1» ex*'lting(Ju' Intereat of tim ber buy-
a» was maiilfesn-d by the arrival of
M. J. Honglian amt J. A Johnson, of 1
«’liicago, on Saturday last to inveatigul,
the tract w itli a view to purchasing.
I bey n-niaitied u n til Wtslueiwlay morning,
and In tlw m caniinie went personally
over the ground «m l Judg, ,l the exts l
letice of the b o lilin g at flr»t I imik I. I t is ‘
gi-iierally ruuionsl that negotiation» are j
practically completed am i tla- Foot» i n . k
Umber w ill !»• the drat to move in tlie
g'ganlii- tim ber transactions which are
iui|»'nditig for Jiukson county.
Mrs. S. A. Dua-
at A«iiland on
Wedding Bells
daughter Groce,
giawta of I I . T
Our custom ers are particu­
lar people :: But, w ith all
this, w e hold our good s at
popular prices - th a t’s busi­
ness — for quality and price
to g eth er are hard to beat....
M e r r it t &, C o m p a n y
On Sunday m orning, F.-liruary 2, after
G e n e ra l
We’re After You!-
Tho Hotel L cran a at Independence a lingering illiu-s» of five weeks, Mr». E l­
w ,s sold to W F. Stein, a P ortland izabeth Hodges, aged m other of 8. T.
man. The consideration is «aid to be Hodp-a, passed quietly away at the nwi-
d«-nce of her son. For some tim e, owing
A p ressu re gasoline tan k used In to tlie nature of die malady and her ad­
ooniKCtlon with tho lighting p lant of vanced age, it bad fawn known th a t the
a N orth Plain« hotel exploded, doing slenderest of threads held the s p irit of
considerable dam age.
thi« flue old pioneer gentlewoman to earth
F ifteen ton« of delayed mall, which —and tin- end came not uncxfiectedly.
HE ABOVE is intended to attra ct'th e
accum ulated a t P ortland durin g the
Funeral services were conducted at the
tleu p of the Pacific Hallway & Navi­ M. E. church, of w hich Mrs. Hodge» was
attention of individuals who are
gation line, have arrived a t Tillam ook. s devout member, on M*md*y m orning,
using the sock instead cf the bank for a
In a p arty 20 strong, m em bers of February 3, at 10 o’cl- - k , Rev. E. C.
th e leg islatu re and sta te officials vis­ Richards paying a beautiful trib u te to the
ited Pendleton for the purpose of In­ < iiristian clu racter of the departed.
Put your money in our bank and see
specting th e E astern O regon sta te
how much better you sleep.
Tla; last »ad rites of const 'iiiu e n t to
hospital for th e Insane.
earth were performed at the Sains Valley
To d eterm in e w heth er o r not sal­ cemetery, where th*' remain» were placed
mon which have spaw ned will re tu rn to rest in tlie fam ily burial lot.
to th e sea and live. Is th e su b ject of
Mr». Elizabeth Hodges needs no trib u te
a series of te a ts being m ade by th e or e{4taph to thoMe who have known her
Coos Bay h atch ery a t M arshfield.
du rin g her long and useful life in this
G rants P ass h as been bonded for a vicin ity. Friend, neighbor, and nnrsc
road to the co ast and if thia la built to half tbc country-aide, she leave« tlie
Mra. Mae Avery and son», Hoy and
Gliarlca Cliam plain, prom inent Foots Medford. In stead of projecting a line good repute of kindiinuas and trne wo­
to C reaeent City, can co n n ect w ith the manhood.
Jutiiea, arrived on Tnemlay from Hogne- creek rancher and m ining man, stole
river, and liave taken up the ir resident« march on his many friends the tir»t of G ran ts Paas road about 30 m iles from
in tlw ir cottage iii tlu- Dekutii.
. Elizalreth Ctilluniher was horn in Ohio,
tlw week by a quiet little ceremony at there.
Equipped w ith p a rt of th e m achin­ A p ril 4th, 1M0. In 1MB she was wedded
For »ale: — Wood-sawing o u tfit alni*»*t Jacksonville on Tuesday, wlwu be was
tie« w itli 4 I I. I*. Stover engine cost 8,312. «■sided to Mrs. Maud Butler, of Foots ery of a hydroaeroplane, G orst & to Daniel Hodges, and w ith her husband
King, of M arshfield, a re m aking ex­ r.«idc*I in Texas andC alifornia before cotn-
w ill utke 8 176. 00. —Geo. F. Dyer,
< -*s k. County judge F. I. Tou Veil*
I I I I IX N o rth «'en tn tl Ave.. Medford, Or. officiated, Mr». Cham plain i» tlw «laugli perim enta with an autom obile, which i g to Oregon, 40 years ago. Eight c h ild ­
la expected to aid m otor vehicles on ren were Ixirn to tlie union, four of whom
Tfa- Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs u r of M r. and Mr». F. A. £ U io tt, ami
muddy roads.
- are now living , three sons and one -faugh-
D im - llutaon paa-a-d away on Sunday laat, in common w ith her husband, own»
L um berm en of Bend have received j te r; 8. T. Hodges, of thia c ity, M aria -
agi d o e week. The ayuipethkai of the
ootnm uiiily are with the bereaved par are forward w ith felicitations on th* anuounoem ent from th e railroad corn- ; Hodge», of lTosper, Oregon, Allen H<»1-
Imppy oocasion. For the present Mr. pa ule» of the low ering of ratea on 'g w , Eureka, C alif., and Mrs. Susan
Having recently opened a meat mark­
and Mr». Cbatiiplain w ill iliypenac w itli mill products to th e e a s t T h e town Haiim-y. of Central l ’oint.
It. I f . Swank, a*wi*ai>t p ri ncipal of the
et in Gold Hill, we wish to announce
tlw conventional wedding trip , and have ia given a ra te which la only one cent
city »choi.l.i l.iat h im . i» iow (failing
taken up the ir n>sidcm<c in tlw Champ­ above what S pokane has.
to the public that we will conduct this
A ddresses G arm ent W orkers; Some
friend» at Tolo. D u ring the peat w inter
P etitio n s to th e A shland city coun­
lain In ,ine on tlw ir ranch west of tlii
in a way to merit your pat­
M r. Swank liow fawn located i-i northern
cil ask in g th a t a d ate be se t for a
OlW glNI.
New York.—C austic criticism of the
we respectfully solicit.
special election in connection w ith the police w as the keynote of a brief a d ­
T hat -Ul ucnw, all good land, and all
in teru rb an and stre e t railw ay project, d ress m ade to the strik in g girl gar-
Galls Creek
under cu ltiva tio n , hoo«o and out b u ild­
1..VC been perfected, and w ere pre­ men* w orkers by I-ola La F ollette,
ing*. In Sam» Valley, for only fclOOO—in
sented to the council T uesday.
d a u g h ter of S en ato r R obert L a Fol­
a »nap for »oineone. W ho wunl» it'.* 1 C.
Ada KwinKn ia v b itia g witli her
T he m onth of Jan u a ry w as excep­ lett*-
S. K kiifiki . ii
III liter at M edford.
tionally wet in A storia. A cording to
Miss La F ollette'a rem ark s w ere
Rev. I I. N. A ldrich, of Central Point,
Jam as K lik off fa viailing with Wm racords In W eath er O bserver Gil­ greeted with cheers.
A fter leaving
oei Upied the p u lp it of the Methodist ■shoemaker a t pres. nt.
m ore's office th e precip itatio n during the hall she w ent again to the picket
church in thia city on Wednesday evuli
Work upon the Ga l« creek telephone th a m onth w as 1S.1C inches, or 6.03 line and urged th e girls to keep up
lug, conducting evangelical service« in- tin« commenced Monday.
Inches in excess of tho Jan u a ry av er­ th e ir courage In face of d rastic action
»tend of ill«* regular pastor, Kev. E. O
of th e police. Miss L a F ollette ap ­
T li sewing bee had a floe lim e at
HI1 hard».
B reaking o u t of jail In Coquille, peared anxious to get herself a rr e s t­
■I a. P. IV. ilia c kert’a F riday.
w here he had been placed for d ru n k ­ ed, but the police w ere evidently In­
Arc you looking fo r a ranch? If ao,
Dii le Shoe.u«ke r recently got return s enness, going to tow n and g ettin g a
you atuaild know about that l.'ltl acre
stru c te d to avoid having any trouble
rom a flm ehipm ent of fur«.
ranch over In Sam» Valley tluU can be
b o ttle of w hisky and th en retu rn in g with th e W isconsin sen ato r's daugh­
had on easy term» for only $6000—Tlii» ia
to Jail and dem olishing an o th er cell, ter.
Although g irls w ere arre ste d
tr ip io Gobi H ill Ihiirsday la-t.
w as th e way u logger th ere acted who m erely stood on the sidew alks
an opportunity of a lifetim e.
S. Rat
-tli«» Leila E aton joined the Kehekah when arrested .
and listened to h e r suggestious, she
Tile girl» of the high »cliool and eighth lodge a t Gold H ill F rira y evening.
B aker has followed La G rande In w as avoided.
F. W. B la o k c it aud Gua B la c k e n purchasing an autom obile fire truck.
grude room» have decided to hold a Val
etiline Box social at llie old school build m ade a business t r ip to G o ld H i l l F rl
A m ovem ent has been sta rte d to
ing, for the lieneflt of a tannin court, on day.
er.tablish a cem en t plant in Medford,
Snliinlay evening, tlie 16th.
Rigs for ail occasions
George G a rre tt, Jam es B urns, ami O th ere being larg e deposits available
A N ew and C om plete
For only $2200, no rent to pay and a E. B lackblgton atten d ed lodge a t Gold *•>!■ cem ent m an u factu re th ere and ne­
Good horses and drivers that know the roads
gotiations have been sta rte d to p u r­
Line o f Tackle
better liv in g now than moat, people make H ill Saturday n ig h t.
the p lant a t Gold Hill and move
on double tlie amount, and getting better
We make no specialty of any class of trade
H elen S hoem aker sustained a severe
— ...
a t the
and inure valuable every year. If you burn by com ing io conta t w ith a hot it to th at city.
are interested, you can get fu ll inforina si ive th e first of th e w eek.
E xperim ents a re being m ade a t
W est S tayton liy J. Costnkfa and E.
tion about it l»y calling upon 0 . S. Red
I’npadlyoanls w ith th e cu ltu re of to ­
Are You a Cold Sufferer?
bacco. They a ss e rt th at conditions
T lie annual director» meeting of tlie
Take Dr. K in g ’s New Discovery. Tlw In Marlon county a re favorable for
Gold H ill Bank was held (lie firm week,
Cough, CMd, Throat and Lung th e successful raisin g of T u rk ish to ­
and otlieer» elected for tlie ensuing year,
aa follows; Horace Peltoa, president; medicine made. Money refunded if it bacco. Being n ativ es of G reece, they
R. II. Moon1, vice-president; John lia m - fails to cure you. Do not hesitate— take ui«b fam iliar w ith tobacco cu ltu re nnd
-aoaseape a rtis t, acording to plans ot
English S uffrage«* Use Slungshot
tnersly, J. E. Enyart, H . D. Heed, direc­ it at oitr risk. F irst dose helps. J. R. ore settin g p a rt of th e ir Irrig ated land
e P ark Com m ission and th e Wo
to th is crop.
We h a w »|ioon hooks »'spec­
adopted th e slungshot as a weapon In m en's Civic League, w hich is co-oper-
K in g's New- Discovery cured my terrible
ia lly constructed h - Rugne R iv­
A. If. H untington and fam ily, who
th eir cam paign. W ith it they hurl Rting w ith the board in th e develop
cough and cold. I gained 16 pounds.” ary 21 will vote on th e se p a ra te ques­
Tlie liest. assortment of
have fawn residents of Gold IliU for tlie
leaden discs stam ped: "V otes m ent of th e c ity 's park system .
Buy it al all druggist.
c u n *'ii lies in the town. Some­
tions of Issuing city bonds In th e sum
past several years, departed on Saturday
en." B ecause of th e w eapon's
A utom obile ow uers of McMinnvUl
of $94,703 to re p a ir th e p resen t city
Iasi for Fresno, Calif., where M r. H u n t­
new ness, th e ir aim is not good, and held a m eeting for the purpose of dis­
ington w ill liave complete charge gf a
Model c ity ” 1« th e title w hich North
the dam age th u s far caused has not cu ssin g a bill now pend ng !,i the sta te
large ranch owned by ill» brother. Tlie Bend is ■ i - .in;-, e >d to th a t end It a new line from th e settlin g tan k to
i been great, but the disc is said by le gislature p e rta in in g i a i-.xea on sti
departure of M r. and Mrs. H untington bus engn-.-
a firm of en g in eers to
doctors to be capable of killing a man tom oblles.
.» u lanlmoualy
is iiiu cli regretted by scores of warm straig h ten out th e eng in eerin g prob­ issuance of bonds In th e sum of $165,-
opposed to the i
leg px rate
friend» in this city and vicin ity, , who lem« Involved In m aking a “city beau­
We also issue limiting and Ash­
T he new city park site recen tly p u r­ 60 cen ts p er horsepow er, as long
w ill wish them health, hnppilicHs and tifu l” and to lay it out along m etro
ing licenses
chased by K lam ath F^lls is to be laid autom obiles w ere also tr ^ed as
w aters of several o th er stream s to
p olitan line«.
biiui|ie r crop» in the ir new home.
out and arran g ed bv a profession»! sonal property.
which, th a city has title.
Among ihe list of those whom tla' gay
W ill S Reed, of Cleveland, O , le In
little god Iiaa coa~.isl to tlw marriage l i ­
H o ld H ili at present oil l>ii»irii*M* connect
ed w ith certain large dealt il l Jerkaun cense laireau in B o rla n d , uppear Ua
name» of J. Frank S hm idt , of Portland,
county tim ber.
ami Mi»» F«lnu V. Ilayiw , of Gold H ill.
W in. Kinney, of Satua Valley, «hipped
rfa 1 auiiouiiis-m ciit of \|i»s Hayes' m ar­
a carload of laded hay to a Medford eua-
riage w ilt not fa> an enlirw surpri c to ile r
touier, on Wcdpcrday.
many friend« *n this city, a» It was rum
Mm. 1.. A. Ila m n ii raly, of Itognrriver, ored, u,win her iwoant ilepaitiuw fu r Port­
lias been tfa< guest of Mr». J. B. Hum- land that a coxy lit tk- Hut awaited tlie
iiiendy du rin g the week.
occupancy of a happy ooupki. Mr».
Cliarley Carterwap in from Footscreuk. S 'h tu id t ia tla- youngest daoghtcr of Mr.
where In company w ith Ilia father he ia and Mr». J. W . Haye», of Gold H ill, ami
placer m ining, for auvenl daya tlw fore lu»» grown to young womanhood her",
,>art of tin- week.
whciw »lie lawwaaea a hot* of friends to
Mr». W. Hughe«, and little daughter, wish tier "hcadth, wealth, and happ'naoa”
of Koriulairg, arrived an Wedneaday and in wedded ¡if*-. T lw gnsitn, M r. Mclimidt.
la the gue.-t of Iter aunt, Mr». Janie» H n l- although unknown to Gold H ill people,
1» said to fa- a aucceaafol young hu»iiicM«
ami, ami fam ily,
man u( Portland.
K. J. Davidsop, of M urp hy, waaiQold
H ili (or a few hour» on buainnw Satur­
day, and vM tcd w itli Ilia brother, Jay
Davidaou, and fam ily.
“ You arc the Individual
We Require’
A W ord to th e P u b lic
C ity M e a t M a r k e t
G arrett & B ro w n w o rth
Gold Kill Livery
Darling & hodges
A ll Get bhe Best
S e tte r ta k e
N ew s
Give us a tria l