(Kalb VOL. 15 GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1913 NO. 40 COUNCIL EMPTIES CITY STRONG-BOX :: WAS WILLIAM LANE MISSING SON? faith that right IE when I may, I want it CUPBOARD IS L ET makes have might, and in that said of me by those who OLD TRAGEDY D O Captain! My Captain! faith let us to the end dare to knew me best, that I always us BARE; O ME! do our duty as we understand Nothing L eft in City Coffer» it.—Abraham Lincoln, Martyr, A fte r Kelaey’a K a rn iv a l o f Born February 12th, 1865. Spending - C ity C harter ia Sad Puzzle to H izzo n er Mayor Kelsey’s statement and warrant­ ing tlic paid employment of eoaneUmea or otla-r city officiai» upon public work«. The detailed («port of (wo futili' tizzi» occupied the attention of Gold IIUl’» city council at the regular monthly mwaion on Camps to ba Electrified. Marshfield.— Electrically operated logging camps la the plan of the Bmltb Lumber company here. The company is planing to electrify ail its plants In Monday evening, while Harry E. Foster, high surveyor to the uilinihistrutlon, drew down 96.Hl) for another jaunt with the mayor in i|iH engine., ear», rump will be .up 0 Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells; pet arhum« to context the city wit li a halt piled with a new electrically operated Inch trickle of spring water on the High saw for cutting trees. Rise up—for your the flag is flung—for you the bugle U nc dlti'li. In lids instance It was pro­ trills; posed to expend up to 9100 in Ute (level-1 For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths—for you the shores opment of the spring, and, if a sufficient supply for city drinking purposes was a-crowding; found, to pay 9000 for a water-right For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces which is at present unowned and tla* turning; property of anyone who will troulde to tile upon it. To prospect tlx* parent Here Captain! dear father! Salem.—The progress made during gulch for more water, councilman Walk­ the third week of the legislative ses­ This arm beneath your head; er autl Willniartii were retained by the sion seems to indicate that members It is some dream that on the deck council, and voted a per diein of 92.60. of the legislature are trying* to live You’ve fallen cold and dead. After a day’s investigation with pick and up to their voluntary pledges to get ahovel the city elders reported IHixoix-r’s down to serious work early in the ses­ My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still; sclieme to lie as Impracticable as is usual, sion and keep at it and thus avoid My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse or will; and Clerk Wetlmrell was blitla'Iy Instruct­ the congestion of business witnessed ed to draw warrants for 9h—tla- price of during the closing hours of previous The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and one more executive'pipe-dream sessions. done; Flzxle Mo. 2 was Hiasoner's verbal re­ Contest on State Printer Is Started. From fearful trip, the victor ship comes in with object won: The expected state printer fight has port of the expedition to Salem, where it is reported that the de facto mayor of appeared In the legislature. Only the Exult, 0 shores, and ring, 0 bells! Gold Hill buttonholed a door-keeper in skirmish line was thrown out. but that But I, with mournful tread, the House, and poured forth a thirty It w ill be a fight was Indicated by the Walk the deck mv Captain lies, minute plea lor the preservation of Ger­ appearance of three bills, two of them Fallen cold and dead. man carp in Hague river, under tin» Im­ Identical, but these two diametrically pression that bis victim was a Hutch rep­ oposed to the third. One. Introduced resentative from Hlltaen creek, Harney by Abbott, is to repeal the flat salary law of 1911, which is due to become ominty. Although Mayor Kelsey spent tlx* 926 effective in 1916 If not repealed. The other two provide that the gov­ appropriation, voted him at the private ansdon, down to the lam "hsm and", he ernor. secretary of state and state aisnifested no intention of telling lls* treasurer shall control the state print­ little story of his lobbying until requested ing office and that the state printer Contracts make up nine-tenths of the warrants properly allowed and signed.” to shed light by ea-Mayor Beeman. shall be appointed by the board at a This provision of the charter as we While surprised at thia improper display salary of 91900 a year and not later modem business life of each day. < >ur x»l interest in the dis|s«dlion of public than December 16, 1914. All of the daily business is so full of trsnsaetions, understand R, and we think that it is so funds, Hiaaoner was graciously please. I sections of the 1911 flat salary law are tlie web and woof of which ire eontracts. plaia “that even a wayiaringman though that we are scarcely, at times, aware of a fool might not err therein,’’ has been to give a fifteen minute exhibition of his repealed In theae bills. verbal ability to teeter round on the sur- Barrett Road Bill Passed In Senate the fact that we are constantly entering repeatedly violated and disobeyed by the Passage of the Barrett bounty bond­ Into or preforming them, hence In mod­ officials whom we have elected and endor­ faoa of a Oanadlan uickle, and concluded by hinting vaguely of state secrets that ing road bill by the senate probably ern txislness life the law recognizes that se«! to administer tlie business affair« of must not be disclosed at any haxard. In w ill mean the calling of a joint con­ the will of one man is not law and that the village as defined in the charter; and tlie course of his remarks, however, the ference committee to act on the Bar­ tlx- right« of others must be respectcil not according to their own peculiar whims Mayor admitted that he would not know rett and Hurd bills. The Hurd bill and so we have many kinds of contract«. and notions. In view of tlie fart that tlie city epun- We have formal and informal contract«, a ttiO foot seine from a Mo. 10 snell hook, passed the house and Is known as the or a ailveraide from a conger eel, and Grange bill. W hile both are county expressed and implied contracts, unilat­ cil is paying a city attorney, out of the did n’t rare—being a Ixirn lobMeat, any­ bonding acts they are by no means eral and bilateral contracts, and quasi- city treasury, large fees for legal advice contracts. Contracts may be verbal or it is surprising to us to know that they how, and delighting to lob merely for tlie Identical. The Barrett bill provides that the written or Implied. AU contracts are de­ can permit themselves to ad not only change of acunery and the exercise of his oounty court shall be the supervising pendent upon agreements containing a contrary to moral principles but in direct peculiar talents. Power In road matters, but the people violation of the charter provisions; as we Glerk Wetherell glance.I up from his of counties shall vote on the question promise en(on«ahle in law, .Agreement did formerly have much confidence in the implies two parlies invoked; one in mak­ minutes to remind Hizzoner and tlx* of road bonds. ing the offer, the oilier accepting the of­ honesty of purpose a n d sincerity o f council of the depleted city treasury, ad­ The Hurd or Grange bill provides fer, hence agreement is reducible to “ offer motive of said officials. Tlie writer is vising them that Treasurer I.ynn W. for election of delegates In road dis­ not presuming to advise the council nor and acceptance.” Smith would decline to cash warrants tricts. theae delegates to attend a the mayor but has written this solely in In order that there may lie an agree­ without funds and that tlie hatch of ole county road meeting to determine up­ ment there must be a meeting of minds: the interests af the city and in order that ligations in hand would exhaust all avail­ on road questions. thus if 1 say to J o n » : I wiU give you 92. the common citizen and taxpayer may able monies. At this juncture the Mayor House Overrides More Vetoes per day for working eight hours a day on have a clear, l«*gal understanding of the exhorted his conferees to lie of good The following vetoed bills were the street for ten days and then J o n » sit nation. rlawr, inasmuch as tlie city charter pro­ passed by the house: —W. W. T ri ax . accepts the offer, then a contract is made, vided for the incurring of 91,900 per an­ Bill requiring depot agents to post between me and J o n » , that is enforce­ Gold Hill, Ore., Feb. 4, 1913 num indebtedness, and stated that the at once Information received as to de­ able at law. retiring administration hud exaeeded this layed trains for the convenience of The same is th«' fact when a city coun­ amount. Thia got a rise from ex-Mayor the traveling public. Requiring abut­ Large Apple Crop Assured. cil and its mayor agrees with a member Hecman, who declared the statement to ting property-owners on county roads Hood River.— That Hood River val­ of tlie council that the said council will be u falsehood, and flatly repudiated a to destroy thistles and other noxious pay said meinlier a certain sum out of tlx- ley will have a very large crop of ap­ portion of tlie indebtedness us not being weeds, and providing a penalty for city treasury for certain work performed ples next year seems evident froWi the contracted by his administration. A not doing so. Requiring school direc­ on the streets by said mem 1 st and he results secured In the blooming of the wordy interchange occurred, Councilman tors to pay for material and labor The Davidson agrees, then a contract is entered into standard varieties. Palmer frowning at the lese majesty of where, through their own careless­ between the city council and mayor as Fruit company has for many years Mr. Herman and repeatedly suggesting ness, contractors leave unpaid bills. 'offerers, and th«' member ot the council followed the plan of forced blooming that Hizzoner evade the discussion by Prohibiting expenditures over and as acceptor, which constitutes a contract of the several varieties, which has declaring the citizen out of order. above the sums appropriated for any that is enforceable In law. given It a concrete basis upon which The session adjourned upun a request public Institution or department of And when a person or an attorney to base estimates of the annual yield for the reading of the prohibitory clause the state and creating an emergency states that, such an agreement is not .a of apples In the valley. of section 43, of the city charier, which board to look after such work. Pro­ contract, that person or attorney is either The Indoor orchard composed of a provides that no public officer shall ls> viding thdt no expenditure Bhall be mistaken or wilfully making a misstate­ large number of limbe taken from unofficially on the pay-roll, and a demand made before an appropriation Is made. ment of law and of fact or else is ignorant fruit trees and bloomed by steam In­ that the Mayor, in view of his official Saloons In Depots Prohibited cubation, Is now prophetic of what the of the law of contracts. sanction of violations of this section, ren­ Under amendments which have been The laws governing a city are em- orchards w ill be later. The old Splt- der a public interpretation of the clause. made to the Hoskins bill In the sen­ liodled in its charter, and ignorance of zenherg trees show an extraordinarily Hizzoner then refused to |>ertnltthe rend­ ate* regulating the sale of liquor near the law excuses no one, and when a heavy crop. Jonathans are also very ing of the clause, and stated that, being depots, the bill now prohibits the lo­ mayor or a council or both together dis­ heavy with bloom. Newtowns, W inter in doubt of Ids ability to apportion pub­ cation of a saloon in any depot, under obey or violate or act contrary to any of Banana, Oregon Red, Black Twig, Red lic jobs to his conncilinen, he asked an the same roof as the depot, or In an its provisions then they are held in the Cheeks and Ortleys are also showing opinion of the city attorney, and was told adjacent building. Originally the bill eyes of the law as criminals, and as such a full crop for next season. to scare up all the employment he chose was Intended to prohibit saloons from are liable to criminal prosecution or to a The sstiniate for next season's crop —that a technicality existed which made being located within 300 feet of a de­ recaU by a majority of the citizen voters Is about 1,250.000 boxes. it easy to evade. Press- d as t • his honest pot. The bill Is also amended to ex­ of the municipality. opinion of the ¡1111*111 of the clause—legal clude drug stores from Its provisions. Section 43, of the Gold Hill City Chart­ A petition containing the name of flimflam asidi— Hi zoiier did not have Free Textbooks Advocated er reads in part as follows: “ No officer 230 residents of the Sluslaw forest any, and adjourned tlie session in high Senator Day Introduced a bill pro­ of the city, elective or appointive, shall reserve and vicinity, asking senators dudgeon. viding that free textbooks shall be during his term of office, lie interested in The News now as’- —but does not ex ­ furnished In all the public schools of any contract, the expenses of which are and members of congress from Oregon pect to receiv. —tor a written opinion of the state except In high schools. The to be paid out of the city treasury; nor to take steps to have the Sluslaw re­ the city attorney, now drawing a wage bill provides that each school dlstriot shall the treasurer be allowed to pay any serve returned to settlement and make It subjeot to homestead entry, was for­ from th ■ citizilH of (told Hill, verifying shall pay for Its own books. money out of the treasury, except on Work at Salem for Past Week Law of Contracts Explained Clearly With Reference to Charter Section 43 warded from Eugene. IS RECALLED plucked a thistle and planted a flower when I thought a flower Victim o f Proapect Accident would grow.—Abraham Lincoln Believed to be Miaaing Son Sterilization Bill Passes Oregon House Salem, Or.—The so-called sterilize Boa meajvovw passed the bouse with an overwhelming majority. In brief, the bill provides that the State Board of Health shall, upon receiving a re­ port to the effect that any Inmate of the penitentiary or other penal lnstl tutlon of the state, is Incurable or a chronic criminal, “shall proceed to o f Georgia F am ily - Large Inaurance Policy C arried Attorney J. H. Beeman, of this city, believes that the identity of a worxinan, accidentally killed at Prospect, on July 27, 1911, has at length been discovered thru the set i vitas of a San Francisco «tetective agency. Attorney Bee-man has been re­ quest'd by the- agency to interview fellow sterilize or otherwise treat such In- workmen of the dead man and witnesses mate as to protect and conserve so I accident that cost him his lift, in order that prex.l may be secured for the clety," stltlement of a substantial insurance policy, much needed by an aged father and mother, who re-side in Early county, Georgia, At the time of th<-acchlent the Prospect power plant of tl«e California-Oregon company was in process of construction. SALEM, Or., Feb. 6.—Unable to reach Transient laborers were many, and the an agreement as to the R eam » hill placing of H illiam l i n e ’s name upon the which hail for its object the opening of pay roll as an unskilled laborer occasion­ the Rogue River to commercial fishing ed no investigation until several .lays from the sea to tlie mouth of the Illinois later, when his crushed and bleeding River, the committee on fisheries today Isxly lay in camp awaiting the coroner’s deckled upon a substitute bill which will arrival. A heavy box or case fell from open the river to fishing for tlie same dis­ a tramway while in transit, striking the tance, and at the same time give the peo­ unfortunate man and causing instant ple of Grants Pass a fishing season of one death. Tlie coroner’s jury returned a month. verdict of “ unavoidable accident” , the Representative Peirce, of Coos county, remains were interred at the expense of insisted on abolishing seining on all por­ tlx: company, and William Lane, laborer, tions of the stream during the Spring passed off the pay-roll. season and woo in his fight. During tlie In January, six months previous, R. Spring, therefore, only gill-net dishing " Lane, then at Confidence, CaL, wrote will be allowed. his last letter to the aged motheJ in The fishing seasons on the upper river Georgia, enclosing a photograph. Mouths will be from April 16 to Msy 16, and on passed by without any further news of the lower river from April 16 to August the absent son, whoee parents now began 10, and from September 1 to November to pay the premium upon an insurance 20. Provision is made that the gill-nets policy which had been carried by him having a smaller mesh than eight and for years. At length, fearing the worst from his long-continued aileiwe, they une-hall in ch » must not be used. furnished the San Francisco agency with particulars and began the search. r Irrigation la Assured, Down in Yreka, Calif., a fellow work­ "here la more snow In the man of the Lane who met death at I*roe- of eastern Oregon at the pect, saw the agency’s printed circular, ie than for several years containing a likeness of die missing mam IniHsntlnwa a n that the and was struck by the resemblance, both ■ coming »Bring and summer w ill see in name, age and features, to the victim more water available for Irrigation of the Prospect accident. Acting upon and placer mining than there has been his information other w itness» af the ac­ for several yean. The deepest enow cident and acquaintances of the dead man on the level reported from any of the are being sought out. Coroner Kellogg, nearby territory Is twelve feet at Ca­ who presided at the inquest, states that ble Sove In the Sumpter district, about the features of the photographs furnished 7009 feet above sea level. At Sump­ strongly resemble those of the Prospect ter there la five feet on the level, at laborer. Greenhorn and Bourne nine feet, and It is understood that a number of wife about the same depth at Cornucopia, ness» reside in Medford, and from the In the northeast end of the county. testimony of these and the records of the inquest, it is hoped to establish the Farmers Resent Monopoly. identity of the unknown W illiam T ans, Pendleton.— W arm ly resenting the laborer, that the insurance policy of apparent operations of a grain bag Robert V illiam Lame, errant son, may monopoly, which seems to be plan­ go to comfort the declining years of an ning a double priced holdup of the aged couple In Early county, Georgia. Amended Fish Bill is Favored grain growers of the northwest for the coming summer, local farmers Legislative Brevities through the county union of the Farm ­ Resolutions of respect on the deatl) ers’ Co-operative and Educational U n­ ion are planning to ask aid from the of Captain James Blakely, of Browns­ legislature and from the national con­ ville, were adopted by both houses. Senator Calkins’ bill fixing the sal­ gress If necessary. A t this time the grain bag brokers ary of the governor's private secretary are asking 11 cents for bags for the at 93000 a year was passed by the coming harvest. This price Is regard­ senate by a vote of 18 to 12. The senate defeated the house bill ed as outrageous by the farmers since the Indian jute crop this year is re­ of the revision of laws committee to ported as remarkably heavy. It Is repeal an ancient act allowing coun­ pointed out that the 11 cents per bag ties to maintain tuberculosis sana­ quotation now given Is prima facie toriums. Sale of liquor to a minor or allowing evidence that the supply of bags is monopolized. At this time last year a minor to play any games around a grain bags were quoted at 6% cents. place where liquor la sold w ill result in forfeiture of the license and a heavy penalty under the provisions of Iowa Women Declare for Vote. Grinnell, la.—Grinnell's women. In a bill introduced by Senator Calkins. To give to the governor power to a special election, voted overwhelm­ ingly for woman suffrage. Of 738 veto any part or several parts of a women who visited the polls, 663 were general appropriation bill where It car­ In favor of suffrage and 76 were n o t ries appropriations of sums of money I t is estimated that 80 per cent of for various purposes, Is the constitu­ the women of Grinnell voted. The tional amendment to be submitted to total male vote for governor at the the people at the next general eleo tlon. last election was 945. Protection against loan sharks is the object of a hill Introduced by Senator Home Rule Wine In Ulster. Londonderry, Ireland.—The final re­ Farrell. It provides that no assign­ turns from the bye-election show that ment of wages shall be valid te secure David C. Hogg, Nationalist, was elect­ a loar. of less than 9200. ualeaa It is ed to parliament, receiving 2699 votes accepted In w riting by the employer, to 2642 for Colonel H. A. Rockenham. | and no such assignment ie to be held Unionist, a m ajority of only 57 in a valid, when made by a married man. except by the w ritten consent of hie total poll of 5341. The victory of the home rulers gives wife. them a m ajority of members of parlia­ ment from the province of Ulster In When is a contract not a contract? the house of commons.