t tfu a rlx and plan r hsation notlees at N o te s 11 Tint New» ofliet Arc you looking fo r a ranch? I , so, Quart» uiut placer I» wat Imi notices at you should know about that liter acre Til*' New» "Ihre. . ranch liver III Sam» Valley tiia t call I»' Found, a dugucrrnityix' In m m , owner had on ea»y terms for only gAuoo—This 1» an opportunity of a lifetim e. C. S. Ilxp - e in have no by calling at this i ifiliv. r u tin •I. " Key**», of Medford, register* I at I'o r only tt22tMI, no nu ll to |aiy ami a ix'tli-r liv in g now than uinxt poopj* mak t i. Myer» transacted husltira at n double the amount, and getting l«'tter M is,ford Thursday. and more valuable every year. I f you W. E Thompson wan a biMlnaaa via ant Inten steii, you can get fu ll infortua Ite r In Medford Wednesday, lio n about It by calling upon <;. S, Bed t'o l. K, W. fiH i|» 'r, of Sam» Valley Held. »|«'iil Saturday lust In till» city. Hoy M Av. ry ha» Ixxm in Gol I H ill Mr». H url Adam* 1» rupidly eonvulesc- fur the pu»t several day», preparing a Itlg (nun her ree* til. aerioiiM Illni'W* cottage upon Id» lots in this city for oe- 'll» , f let». 1’iH liillg visited With friend» eitpatiou. Havjtig dl-|»>» d 'if I , s ir busi- II' »» interests in ihigueriver, Mr». Avery itl Ifo gn eriter on Sutunlay last, anil her sous w ill agaiu make their n»|. II I). Ih»,t t run-acted businoiM at ileinx* here. C Grants I ’lm l» *ta n 'ii trains Ttusslay. Floyd and Fred Edding* have ixxm George Sorenson, of («runt»* I ’uss, wit» alwent front tin city tla-past » u k, and a hi.»ine*» v¡»tor In tio lit 1,111 on Wed- ure etigugi d In the eon»true|ioli of a i Itesday. p I»' ritp iilly weakening, and a portion an- la id cad i ev, uhig oxix*p- Hatunlay, ■ ntry. lie Ila | ) | . | of the WtX*k. I and liavc Isen splendidly attended. •IH-,' B. F. JONES, Register. Mr». .1 II Ikeiiiai* was lla* gia-at of In s already horn carrksl away. A lilio tig h Monday evening-, however, am «bscrved c iiditio rnr have Ixx-ri m aterially improved fri ud- nt Grunts I ’a»« on Tuexlay, n b, the placing of N-hwaya, tia- Am *nt in a novel m aimer—(lie usual services be­ tin ning tla* »nine evening. Adminrstr.tor'» Notice of Appointment d u n lias always Ixvn a serious barrier U> in g dispensed w itli, and a song service or and fo Present Claims. Mi»» Natalie Hwigart, of Ahulaud I li e pas.-iur*' of fl»h up-»lreani, and program substituted, light refreshment* In tiic Probate Court, Jackson County, »pent Saturday of lust week lien* in tlu rved, and several liours plcasuully a, i >risiuen would ailed lew P urs af *1» de- Gmgon, Estate of Sarah A. Anderson, interest* of her mu»ic ehum. sp nt in “ getting acquaint* d. ” p irtu re in tire next fre»la*t. Diss-asc, I oiler the laanageuterit suji|s»wdly left too dead to a k in --fu lly as dead ax om of (lie Ihs-tor's local salmon .F '-riflixl to tile undendgiusl, at Gold H ill, the Murk on Sunday m orning laat, the >f Mr. Avery our iieighi.nring city lot» in August A "'a llo w a county represent- Dmguu, w ith in aix month» from tig 'd a te arrival being a w iM o u e little lathy daugh­ 1«I'U alforihsl un exe* lient pa|«'r, and a» proponinled *• " ' ’ to ‘ have 1...... —........ ' ’ “ the " f >1» first publication o f tbi» notice. ter. 1*1» »n<»»'H» he clowsi in the pant week w ith an attack of pnen- Kelscy^a constituency as well, hixzoncr's Best dough, Cold, T hroa t and Lung niouia, Im t in now reported to be on the tlie near future. He is in receipt of lack of piscatorial knowhslge may no mediefne unde. Mmu-y refunded if it eoiivaleni» n t lint. in my im iiiirie» from the East, and is longer be sneensi at fails tn cure you. IKi not iR-sitaU-—u k e A. It. Cornell, tlie Grant» Paia in»ur- p rtk'U larly Ix sotiuht (or run«h properties i i t at our risk. F irst dose helps. J. R. A party o f Indiana anee solicitor, plied Itin |»'r»ua»lve trade ii a r l hi» city "<11», Fluytbfila, 'IY'Xus, writes: “ Dr. NOTICE FOR 1’ I BI.IC A T IO N in Gold H ill Thursday, slid talked rall- ps.pl, wen- hl thia city the first of tire K in g’ s New Discovery cured toy terrib le week listening to M r RedflvM’ e duhs't Department of the ln n r io r riaid between time». cougli and cold. I gained .15 pounds.” line of talk and in»|x*etlng various pro- (’. H. Land Office at Kospbttrg, On*., Mr». \V. A. .Marvin and little aoa, Buy it at a ll druggist. rtk«», and they am expected to ic tu rn January 14, 1913. Hi lit to Portland on Saturday laat, where w ith in a short tim e to elosi' up the deal» Noli,», is hereby given that Effie D. + + + + + + + -J- + 4. 4- q. 4. .j. Mr. M a n iu in now located and where and make (heir permanent residence hem. Hinunoiis. whose poat-ofiioc adilrcss is > GOLD HILL OPERA HOUSE -I- they w ill make the ir future bona*. 4IW H ull Hired, Portland. Oregon, did, '<• Seating Capacity 600. + No class of plays mem to have a firm er For sale:—Wotsl-sawing outfit alnmat on the 27 d ry of June, 1912, file in this •E Stage SO122. + I I on tlie American public tlutn gissl new w ith t i l P, Stover engine cost FI 12 iffict* Hworn Statement and Application, i list ic plays, and none aistn to prosper will take$175 iXt. — G eo. F. Dyer, No. (H im , t<, purchase the HE. •«, Sec­ It Is the object of the 1114-18 Ni u h Central Ave.. Medford, Or like lie., *■ which have a New- England tion IK, Township 34 H., Range 2 west, management to hook o n ly ixp'kgroiind for u foundation on w liic li Thai p i acres, all g*»»l land, and all " ’ illu in e iic M eridian, am) the tin i 1 st tlie story is bu ilt. We netsl ksik for no first class attraction» and tunlcr cultivation, h o u w a n d out build- thereon, under the provisions of the act b 'lte r proof then ' Tlie Old Homestead” about two performances a lug». In Sam» ' ’alley, for only $3009— |* fJ u n e 3, 187ft, and ucts amendatory, or ' ’T ill' County F air” , and in the »a*in j + mouth. The stage has been a nap for - ineoiie. W ho want» it? C. known us the “ T im tx 'r and Stone La w ,” e1 *-» as the»e w ill he presented at tie enlarged and new dressing + s. K x n n iit.ii at such value os m ight lx- fixisl l>y ap­ + G dd H ill opera house, Thursday even rooms added to the building -!- E. T. Simuions 1» prenarlng Io pump In?, February the ilih , the latest miis »-»», praisement. and that, pursuant to such > with new scenery and the -I- application, tlie land uud tim ber thereon -p the water accumulated during the past Along the Kennebec.” The company present stage, wc can stage •I- T H E ABOVE is intended to attract the h a w Ixxm apprai-ssl, $020.00, the tim ber year fri'in tlw »haft of the Sylvanite mine. carry the scenic production complete and any kind of a production. + ! The property ha.» been idle for that g s s l , bright, »iwirkling cotucMy i, prom- estimated 1,040,000 Ixiard fis t at 50 cents ■ attention of individuals who are + The House In the future •F 1 lengtli of time. per M. and the land n tilin g ; tiia t said la d in plenty. using the sock instead of the bank for a will be booked through the aoplieatit w ill oth r final |>roof in sunport Fred Cham plin, who iian been visiting The "'¡H ow Springs (ir.inge ha“ in a ti of his application am i sworn statement depository. Northwestern Theatrical as­ hi» brother Charles at the Champlin runch unrated a ru tlili's . campaign against the sociation having signed a con­ + Put your money in our bank and see west of this city for l lie pa»t several digger squirrel, and plan to elim inate on tlie M id n y of A p ril, 1913,1 Core Regis­ tract to this effect, and they + | month», returned to Chicago the first of that Is,Id little peal in n tract of land ter and Rixs'ivcr, U nited States Land Of­ + how much better you sleep. have assured us that they + fice, at Roseburg, Oregon. the preacHt, week. iinprising 5,000 aems, ly in g between will use their best endeavors + A liy person is at lib e rty to protest this " ’alter Dnngey returned on Monday Boar ens'k and the western fo o th ill- and I to only book good companies purchase before entry, n r in itiate a con- from Medford, having completed hi» xteuding from Cent nil Point to Tolo. W. H. 8TICKKL, + test at any tim e before patent issues by + labor» a» carpenter upon the new Bear A wagon load of poisoned grain w ill la Manager + filin g a corroborated affidavit in this of- + creek bridge, which 1» now prnctieally spread at the p n ,|x r seanon, uieordiug lice, alleging facto which Would defeat + 4 + + + + + + + + + + :• + + + finished. Other metnlxrs of the Gold to a reiently U-ued government formula. the entry. H ili brigade are expected to return the H. " ' . Eldeii, E. T. Neal, and D. 3H-47 • B. E. JONES, Register. coming week, after having been tempor­ stone am the committee in rhargeof pre­ ary residents of Medford for the paid »ev­ paration». Prosecuting attorney E. E. A N ew and Com plete NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION eral month». Kelly has, however, sounded a tim ely D cjiartm i'iit of the Inteeior I.. B. Avery »pent »everal day» the fore note of warning against the indiseritnin- Line o f Fishing Tackle U. H. laind Office at, Roseburg, Oregon. part of tlie week w itli h i* fam ily in thia ate II-X* of poisoned bait, and tl»' attend Jantt .ry lii, p il.’l. —— a t the city, returning on Wednesday to Grant» ant danger to game and song birds. Notice is hereby given that Clayton 11. I ’a»», when* he 1» in charge ° f the “ Along the Keunchi'c” a New Eng­ Simmons, whose p ist-ofli n gddresH ¡«495 commissary department of the railroad land comedy, w ith a fine hand, comes to H all Street, Portland, Oregon, did on j constrnctlnn camp. the Gold H ill o|»20.00, tlii' tim lx 'r estimahxl 1,0ft),000 frame of mind. AH s|>eclttl scenery is hoard fis t at 50 cents per M , ami the business. Su|»'rvi»or Henry inform» Tlie News •arriisl for the p rishirtio n. Home pleas­ land as nothing; that said applicant w ill ' th a t of the twelve pupils of the Rock ing singing and character spiH'ialtie» am oiler final proof in support of his appli-1 For Sale, Sweet Cider Eight acre» of I ami 2 1.. miles fron Point seliirtil tlie following »even have Introduced du rin g tlie action of the piece cation ami sworn stateniolit on the 4th ' We also issue limiting and fish­ By (lie gallon or barrel. Made from town g'xxi hon->c and “ Along the Keniiclx*c” sends its ■ ,1 t v n on place day of A p ril, 1913, Ix'fore Register and I been neither absent nor lardy during tlie ing Upense* audience home feeling pleased and satis-! Receiver United States Land O lliw , nt strlekly sounds clean apples " ’ill con- ahmit thrv ■ nere» ty to null “tnmtv school year: Sadie Iterg, Maude Nelson, inuc tin ,It the ,ii* t i f tin year 1913. off, balance t in i" Go I s'lriti:: ■ t: Marie Fiippen, Benjamin Flippen, Tcl- tied tjia t “ Along tin* Kennebec’ » had I Roseburg, Oregon. Address Jas. F. Davis Any is'rson is at, lilx .rly to protest this / I 'in r t z and placer location notices a been in town. pine*'. Call or address, mer Berg, Eva Baker, Sadie Flippen. i The News office. Gobi H ill, Ore. — D. Av: I - “ALONG THE KENNEBEC” B e a u tifu l Scenic P ro d u c tio n / p p c a rin g a t Gold dill Opera Û.JI nouse Thursday, Feb. 6th BIG STREET PARADE 3:30 We’re After You! “ Y o u a re ih e In d iv id u a l W e R e q u ire ” Í5Í + THE GOLD HILL BANK r BON TON Gold Hill Livery D a rlin g & H o d g e s All Get bhe Best Give us a trial B e tte r ta k e T h e X ew s