r vo l is GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1913 Lawmakers Want Colossal Budget Sum Total of Appropriations if Passed Would Deplete the State Coffers S E N A T O R -E L E C T BRADY B R IE F N E W S OF OREGON Yamhill county now has a realty board. Eugene 1« going to have a new high achool building In the near future. 11. N. Foater, a well known citizen of i Corvallis, committed suicide Saturday. The third annual show of the Ore gon Cut club waa held In Portland last ' week. February 12 baa been designated as ''Earth Education Day” for the schools of Or jgon. The state railroad commiaaion has ordered a new railroad station for Mon mouth. Charged with killing an aged trap per In his cabin, 35 miles from Burna, Robert Sbleze waa arrested. Movement la under way in the treas ury department to abolish the office of tea Inspector at Portland, transfer ring thia work to Tacoma. The heat quality show yet held by the Umatilla-Morrow county poultry association was brought to a close Sat urday after running a week. Representative Hawley haa secured an appropriation of $6000 in the river and barb« bill for making a correct survey of the Coquille river. Monroe celebrated Saturday because of the actual laying of steel rails through the city by the Portland, Eu gene * Eastern railway company. William D. Haywood, former presi dent of the Western Federation of Miners, and at present one of the big organisers of the I. W. W., waa in Portland Sunday. % The chamber of commerce of tha United States has elected as director for Washington, Oregon and Califor nia, A. H. Averill of tha chamber of commerce, Portland. NO. 39 Hill Magnates to Visit the Valley Mountain to Mahomet, Finally; Visit Means Real Railroad Activity Baker Will Vote On Water Bend» Salem, O r., Jao. 31. W ill'll Siati' a n il In o li c o n in ii» » io h c r, $02,000. -Va uihlitir.nal proof that the time for Treasurer T. II. Kay a iui'inla>r ni 33—Additional Inr »tate library, $7501) "»Uroad activity in Southern Oregon is purin.se of voting on bon llu- legislature, whirl h. va» (nr u già»! »annually, rlfjt** at naiifi, i* offered the ii(ip* n<lin^ sum of $165,000 to compi o- • c Baker m any years before In i h cti'il to hi* 37—Murala court, visit of a special aolotul of Great North water system will be held i the near present office, lw tlown aa tlie 42—New judicial di»triet, Twelfth dia- ern officials who are expected to arrive future, the city attorney h ing been "w atch »log n( thr In :• ury ’ unii the lU'W trli't, new circuit judge and district at- sometime the first of the month, and instructed by the board of c :.mikaion- appropriation hillu n ■rllowlog ih« torti«/, spend a week in the Rogue River valley. ers to prepare an ordinance » that ef- present session un' al.inning to him. 02—Fur public lev«« in Portland, $50,- Needle« to say, they will be welcomed feet. Two questions will be submitted. "M urublltahavla rii uni -tneed In itila mai with the glad hand at Medford, where One will authorize the r. ue of $94,703 nc»»ion creating new office«, Iwauda and «al—Armory at Engi ne, $25,000, the party will necessarily stop while en to repair aix and three-q.nrters miles other Julia than I « v i i iw lipfor.-,” di - 117—For charitable maternity hoapital, route to the future cities of Eagle Point of line between the settling tank and clam i Mr. Kay, all« r li« had clucked $61100 annually. and Butte Falla via tlie Pacific and reservoir, and the other the Issuance Eastern. over the bilia and miele a Hat of thè onc» Ilo—Eur reiraburaiug heira ni .lutiti of the whole amount of $165,000 to do carrying new appropriations. Morriaou, $14,684.15. Included in the party will be the em the work and construct new feeders Sur« enough, il all the bilia alluniti la- 118—-Establishing alate cinbalniera’ ex- pire builder's »on, Louis W. Hili, who is to several other streams to which tha «u n ica law the appropriaiintia would run uuiintng board. $lu a day (or service«, now president of the Great Northern Ex-Governor Jamta H. Brady, who city has title. far luto tlic iiiiliiutia KtO—iàitubli.alilug a aiate iuduatriul broke the deadlock and waa elected line and auccemor to hi» capable parent. "Ixaik at that bill «ailing for $25,000 mc I kmi I for girla, $50,000. -------------------- I hirer high official» will accompany, a» the United State» Senator from Idaho. for a bureau ol mine»,” he aulii. " If thia . / * x pro|ar»-d visit will be made upon the an- bureau were aatabHahed there would l>e Medford Plan ia Unique \jO V e m O r tw is te r n u alto u r of inspection of the crjri)parry’» constant demanda (or mure appropria Medford.—Medford'» ncwly-eleoted n _ • / l'11” 4' n <)r,'8)11' Washington and Idaho. tions for it, and Oregon luta no more mayor, W. W. Elfert, launched what Is t\.e m O V e S \ y r , l C i a l Thw w U lbe the first Visit of a party of need of an expenaive bureau of uiinca _____ Hill line officers to the valley. bolleved to be an Innovation in.Ameri- than a wagon baa (or a fifth wheel. That tlie survey from Bandon to Exgle can municipal government when at hip 2 -y“ ? l,L 2 V“ ? ; ~ G.?Vfcr“Or LlB‘e’ Point " iU n alize.1 in construction the Almost «ver «ine« I can retnetnlier va formal Inatullatlon he announced that Salim, Or , Jan. 28.—That the law for removed from office State Industrial coming Hummer, and that the Hill inter rious legislature» bave l»»'ii aakiat to In addition to the office of major and Insurance Commissioner Hamilton ests will probable take over the Pacific- make apprupriatioua for Indian war vet appointment of county xclnad auperviaora council he would appoint an advisory Higday, of Seattle, who resigned last Interior road, now building at Grants erana. Alxiut 12 ycara ago the lcgiala- will remain ua it »tumia for at leant two cabinet of prominent cltlxena from dif tur.' wax udd that if an appropriation wax >'v“rH w*“ *vrtai" l,lb «•»•’ulng ferent walka of life who would be nak Saturday and gave his letter of resign Pass to Crescent City, before its comple atlon to the newspapers. In the let tion. are rumors which the proposed visit made paying the vi b rali» for their lime. 1,10 " " * ‘e buli'tltiib'ly postponed ed to attend every meeting of the city no further claima ever ....... I he made, hutia.'aubstiWUi blU No. 12, by Howard council and confer with the city offi ter Higday called attention to the fact has given rise to. Alaiut $200,000 wax appropriati d for the ThU * “* th*' *eoond Üme ,,M' " n“u’ cer« regarding all matters of munici that Llstar had intimated to him that Although thia arrangement would give purpoae. Now a bill ha» btvn in trx lttc d ***” ’ ,m •lu,*tl,,n' Tb” «"* pal administration. at the explralon of his term next June the Hill line two outlets to the sea, it ia b. pay the veterana fur their borace at the “ k,,tod o,r “ ," 11 b> alai- he would not be reappointed, and then argued by those who know that both The botine said that representatives of big mill porta are essential to the business of the rate of « fa day. If the legiahtture under- i '"'‘"'K ,l,r ’‘"KTvixor law and factory interests had called on road. Tlie Bandon harbor, being a deep Uk«*$t to do thia it will take another $200,- tried another lack, adopting tile local option principle, providing that tlie law Governor Hay on November 19 and water harbor, is ideally suitted to the 000 liefore the job ia done.” demanded removal of Higday on ac- vt-asclx of heavy draught, such as will The atab* treasurer declared that ap aliould he MU»pciided in any county where oount of his advocacy of first aid to soon be engaged in the Panama canal propriation bill» had been introduced for a majority of the achool Ixiurdx pétition the injured as part of Industrial In trade. ahuoat every oonuelvable purpoae, and against the appoiniment of HUpurvixura. A abort debate took plaee, and on tlie surance while some of them were meritorious. »till Tiie Bandon line aa surveyed pa«a<'a Salam.—The only Important work oourts and county courts will be abol Lister considered the letter an af Gold Hill and Sams Valley, connecting In Ida opinion, tlie great majority of them vote tla* hoituu bill wax lout, It) to H. aliould tie aunt bi the junk heap, lien Those voting nu were: Burge«», Dimiek, accomplished during the s e c o n d ished, and their places will be taken front and removed Higday with with the Pacific <k Eastern at a point sharp letter. la the bat of thoae bilia that create new ! MeG.ill.sh, Neuner, Patton, Smith of week's session of tha legislature, aside by superior courts. mid-way between Eagle Point and Med Jobe and make new appropriation* : “ sa., Stewart and Wood, with Malarkey, from tha election of Dr. Harry Lane W ill Investigate Stats Institutions ford. Harrell un<l Holli* alterni. to the United States senate, whloh was The membership of various commit Great Northern officials are keeping a mere perfunctory matter devoid of tees of Investigation of state Institu closely in touch with operations at- the the old tlma political Interest, was tions authorized by the Lewalllng res Grants Pass end of the new Pacific-Inter the passage of several vetoed bills olution. constating of two from the ior, now under construction by the city of the last session over Governor senate and three from the house, was of a mill tax of Grants Paas. West's bead. The Important bills in provided In a joint reaolution Intro 24—Pay fur lioraea of Indian war vet Baltimore.—President Taft, speak troduced this session are mostly In duced In the heuse by Representative eran* $50,(KN). lng at the annual banquet of the Mer- the committee stage, or have only Salem.—The State Federation of La 27—I ml uat rial accident commission, Lewelllng of Linn. chants and Manufacturers' association, bor concluded Ita anual Hesston Sat passed one house. $50,000. The house passed the resolution, but defended the administration's attitude The tension between the legislature urday after a four days' diacuaaion of the senate voted It down. By special 32—For Pacific liveaba k exposition at the problem* before organized labor. and the governor became acute during request of Governor West, however, in the Panama canal disagreement Portland, $5(KK), The matter which brought out tha the week and the Indications pointed this action was reconsidered and the with England. He declared that Its 43, 45, 134, 140, 174, 270 and senate position was not unpatriotic or dis bill» 87, 88, 140—Eatabliahing agricul llvelleat diacuaaion and produced tha to a lively scrap between the execu- j resolution adopted, honorable and asserted there was no Widows' Psnsion Passes House tural experiment atatlona, each carrying wldeat divergence of opinion waa the tlve and the lawmakers. The incep reason for anyone to oppose the pro 5Vashlngton.—A virtually undisturb The house passed by unanimous an appropriation of from $3i**> to $ 10,000. employee' coinpenaatlon act. now be tion of the warfare wm the action of posal for arbitration by an Impartial ed tariff on the variety of articles In 01—To provide light, water and power fore the leglalnture. By a vote of 54 the house In lining up with the senate vote house bill 169, which provides for tribunal. the flax, hemp and jute schedule waa to »lute inatitutlona and cities of Willam to 23 the convention repudiated the in passing vetoed bills over his head. financial assistance from the various "Whether you call It a subsidy or bill, and by a vote of 43 to 2k passed a The governor waa particularly irrita counties for women with one or more Indicated at the tariff revision hearing ette valley, nu limit to expenae. not, I am In favor of making the rates 1 resolution severely condemning Rep- ted over the prospect of the passage children who are unable to work, and before the house ways and means com 02—Panama expuailion $500,000. between the coasts through the Pana mittee. No action will be taken until 73—To inveatigalc water resource», $50, j resentatlve A. W. Lawrence, of. Mult- of the Warner Lake bill, which he whose husbands are dead or Inmates ma canal lower,” he said. "Now the the committee considers the schedule 000. I nonuih county, for Introducing the claimed whs not for the Interest of of some Oregon institution. question Is, can we do that under our in executive session next month, but 81—Raising »alary of circuit judge» to j measure before having conaulted the actual settlers but for land specula By the provisions of the bill, the International obligations? I think we $4000. 1 labor force«. Thia la the bill which tors. He gave notice that he would use county is to pay $10 a month to de members have indicated that they con can, and if you read the authorities I sidered most of the duties as already 85— For Investigating rural credit« in » » • drawn by a compoaite committee the veto ax freely on bills. There was pendent women having one child un think youll find that we may. But if Europe, $2000. . representing both employer« and the talk among members of organizing the der 16 years of age. and $7.50 a month highly competitive. we are bound not to exempt coastwise two branches with a two-thirds major for each additional child. The committee, which heard the Women 112— Eor establishing course of logging I labor people. vessels we can agree to submit the ity to pass bills by the wholesale over testimony of many manufacturer* and only partially dependent are to be paid at 0 . A. 0 ., $65,000. ( The principal argument» uaed by the 113— Eor county fruit inapcctora, $3. ' opponent« of the bill, aaide from its his veto. It was also suggested that enough to bring their Incomes to the question to an Impartial tribunal.” Importers on the flax, hemp and jute The president concluded his speech doubtful constitutionality, are the the session might be extended over same figure. Administration of the schedule of the tariff, was not dispos per day. claims that some parts, particularly the usual forty days. In order to over act Is to be under exclusive Jurisdic with an appeal for constitutional gov ed to question the competitive charac M orr Clerks, More Justices ernment endangered In the last few ter and luxury classification of many section 15, are ambiguous, and that ride the governor's vetoes. tion of the Juvenile court. months, he said, by those who propos 1 s,|itc lif*' insurance, requiring ml- room |g left for doubtful constructions Deadline on Appropriations instead of having his operations con of the laces, embroideries and other ed remedies but who could not furnish ilitiunal clerks. The governor announced that he flne<J to one county in the matter of by the courts. articles in the schedule. This Indi concrete examples of their proposed 117—More justices of the peace. In lieu of the rejected bill, the fed would draw a deadline on appropria uniting two souls with but a single cates that the committee favors re reforms. I2li—Eur state reformatory, $50,000. eration decided to frame its own meas tions and that nothing above a certain thought, a regularly accredited preach tention of approximately the same 125—Eur prevention ofbubonic plague, ure, and have It ready for introduction amount would recelte hla approval. er will be able to perform marriages rates on many items. THE MARKETS. $5i**l annually. With adjournment at the end of the in any county in the state, if a bill In- at the next legislative session or ini The schedule Is one of the most 120—Emit tree inspector, $1200- per tiate it at the general election in 1914. second week 296 bills had been intro troduced by Representative Howard, profitable of the whole tariff scheme, Portland. year an.I expenses. duced in the house of representatives of Douglas, himself a minister, be and produced last year more than $49,- Wheat—Club, 86c; bluestem, 92c; 000,000 of revenue, with duties averag 135—State lire Insurance, $25,1**1 per and 153 bills ^n the senate, or a total comes a law. Farmers of Wasco Meet red Russian, 83c. annum fur 10 years, The Dalles.—The second annual of 449 bills so far this session. Last Legislative Brevities ing above 45 per cent ad valorem. Oats—$27 per ton. 138—Eor teachers’ retirement fund, 3 meeting of farmers of this district war session at the close of the second Bills to appropriate $371,000 for the Some of these articles will be reduced Hay—Timothy, $17; alfalfa. $13, |X'r cent of school taxes. held here under the auspices of the week 172 bills had been introduced in University of Oregon and $317,833.73 to stimulate competition and bring Butter—Creamery, 37c. 107—Boiler inspector, $7.500. Fruit Growers' association, 200 farm the house and 125 In the senate. for the Oregon Agricultural college revenue. Eggs—Candled, 30«. 100— Widows' pension hill. Wool Schedule Under Fire ers and merchants attending. Many Liquor Laws Proposed se re introduced In the house by the Hops—1912 crop, 20c. 174—Walnut experiment station in The Wool schedule will be under This session of the legislature has ways and means committee. Wool—Eastern Oregon. 18o; Wil fire this week, and It Is expected that Yamhill county, $H**> annually, Trainload of Insane Reachee Pendleton seen the introduction of more bills re With the passage of Senator Wood's 177—Columbia Southern irrigation pro the woolgrowers and wool manufactur Pendleton.—After an all day trip, un lating to the liquor business and mor bill for the creation of new counties, lamette valley, 22V&C. ject, $500,000. ing association will present an un eventful insofar ns the.behavior of the als than any for several years past. which has become a law without the Seattle. 188 For O. A. row testing associa :’00 patients were concerned, the spe Many of them, In fact a majority of approval of the governor, the way has broken front In their fight against any Wheat—'Bluestem, 92c; duk, tt c ; change In the present rates. tions $5t**i annually. cial train currying the insane from the them, have emanated from the gover been opened to the formation of new 101— Eor the Oregon Social Hygiene '■talent Institution to their new homo nor. This is not true of one of the counties without a vote by the people red Russian, 83c. The expectation, however, is that Eggs—31c. society, $32,1**). the democratic majority both In the In lids city crrlvcd here Saturday. more important, whch came In the of the state, and without a fight in the Butter—Creamery. 36c. 202—Eor relief of I:. C. Williams, $10,- committee and house In the next con Bhape of a resolution to place before legislature. ________________ 000. gress will favor the same revision as the people at the next general election ' Wilson Observes Landing of Allens Balkan Conference Declared Off Floods in South 2OI—Animal ln ,.|i', ("!•», to lie paid by incorporated in the Underwood bill a constitutional amendment providing New York.—Hundreds of aliens, London.—The Balkan plenipotenti for the repeal of the home rule amend Memphis, Tenn,—The entire delta that passed the house at the last ses fees charged u : i h i ‘t jo se . wiling tlie aries, who have received full powers ment. It Is Introduced with his ap many of them still clad In the garb ol section of four states was under water sion of congress. animal», distant lands, stood before the Itnmi from 1 to 15 feet deep and families from their respective governments, ap proval, however. $05—llnre m of min . ■? '5,000. Democratic senators In caucus re gration officials in Ellis Island, seek by the thousands were fleeing in ter affirmed their determination to permit pointed n committee to draft a note to 200—State board if . eeoimtnney, to !»■ Radical changes In the Judicial sys the Turkish plenipotentiaries, explain tem are proposed by a bill introduced lng admission to the country, whilt ror from a wall of water that is pour none of President Taft’s nominations paid by fees. tng why the pence conference must by Representative Latourette, of Mult- Woodrow Wilson, president-elect, oh ing through a gap 1000 feet wide in to be confirmed at this time, with the Senate Bills Tooclun ; Treasury served with a scrutinizing eye the the levee at Beulah, Miss. now be considered broken off. exception of army, navy and diplomat nomnh. If It becomes a law, circuit 25—Additional appropriulion for dairy ■ manner of their welcome. ic appointments. Supervisors Will Keep School Jobs What the Legislature Found to Keep Busy at for One Week Labor Federation Repudiates Bill Taft Defends Canal Position News Notes From the National . Capital