Professional Cards T a lk W i t h I L e g a l Notices K ello g g ’ In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for J a c k s o n C o u n t y . Lillie Strompf, Plaintiff,) Suit In -vs- ) Equity. ■he Strouipf, D cieudaut,) Summons To Joi> Strompf, the above |iiam ,si Now Is the time to buy property In defen d an t: A. E. KELLOGG Gold lllllj don’t w ait till jo n lim e to In the name of the state of Oregon, have it ; buy now nud m ake the t n - . GOLD HILL. OREGON r e s ta r's p rofit, a w ord Io the wise Is you are hereby commanded to apiwar su fficien t! if yon lim e nol (he ru s h ; and answer lit«- complaint of the plaint ill Embalnier and uneral talk to Kellogg lie will get II for you; against you now on tile in the above en ­ Director he has some real barg ain s Just now titled Court and cause on or liefore the Com plete line of burial robes, last day prescribed hi the publication In Gold lllll pro p erties. casket«, etc. herein, to-wit on or lieforv six.,w,s>ks l i e g u aran tee 7 p er ceut and h are from the first day of puhliiailioii of this FUNERAL CAR Offici1 Pilone: Home. !»—M; Resilience tie te r paid less th an II p er cent on summons. And you ate hereby notified .Phone, Home 3—K ; Pacific 46-Main. sm ln g accounts paid by the m onth, that if you tail to appear and answer the both larg e and sm all,. The Pacific) said complaint, for want thereof plaiiitifl CLEMENT H. SMITH. M. D. B uilding A Loan Association. T alk will apply to tin-Court for the relief pray with A. K. Kellogg, local Mgent. cd for in her com plaint, to-wit, for a GENERAL PRACTITIONER ihscrve setting aside and aiiiiulliiit; tin Office in Wells Building ..O w n your own hom es; stop paying m arriage relations now existing Ix'tween rem . The P acific Building A Loan plaintiff and defendant liervin. Hours 10-12—2-4 V 'soriation will fu rn ish you the mon­ This summons is published in The r o u x H . C A R K IS U L K S S O. TA Y LO R ey; pay by the m o n th ; ju s t like p ay -' tiold Hill News by order of lion. F \l lag re n t; It costs no m o re; talk with Calkins, judge of the above entitled CARKIN & TAYLOR Kellogg, he does th e ir business In Court, which said order was made and LAWYERS Gold Hill. entered of record on i l l , 1 21st day of Oct­ OOMS 17-19 OVKR JACKSON COUNTY BAN» ober, 1912, and w hlrhsaid onler requires FOR SALE—W ell im proved farm of MEDFORD. OREGON you to appear and answer the said com ­ 42 acres 3 m iles from Gold H ill. 20 plaint on or before the last day proscribed CLARK.E. SAUNDERS, M. D. acres u n aer cu ltivation, w ater rig h t, in said onler for publication of this sum ­ and irrig a tin g system with place, Practice Limited to , mons. Dale of the first publication the plenty of tim ber on place, 200 f r u i t : Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 9th day of November. 1912 trees 3 y ears old, 1 acre In b erries. I Eyes scientifically exam ined and glasses D k ARMOND A D k ARMOXD, good house, b arn and out buildings. | furnished when needed. 27-33 Attorneys for PlaiiUitf. picket and w ire fence, *4 mile from 1- .eit-Corsv P-i. . r.2. M-slford, On*. DR. R. C. KELSEY o r n e n in H IL L H O S P IT A L COR. THIRD A C S t S . GOLD H IL L , OREGON GOLD DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE DENTIST $ 3 .5 0 G u a r a n te e d T e n Y e a r s .... J o h n R. K e lse y school. Team , stock and im plem ents j ge w ith place. P rice *4000, p art down, b alance on favorable term s. • FOR SALE— 40 acres unim proved land in Sam s Valley, price *20 per ca re ; also an 80 a cre tra c t a t sam e price .p e r acre. B oth tra c ts nicely lo­ Government cated. "BUTTER TRUST” OBJECT OF SUIT Starts Action to Dissolve the Elgin Board of Trade. A gent FOR SALE—F arm , 30 acres, 6 m iles from Gold H ill, rich riv er bottom land. 7 acres in alfalfa, good im ­ A. E. KELLOGG provem ents and fences, all under Chicago.—Suit to dissolve the Elgin NOTARY PUBLIC cu ltiv atio n ex cepting 4 acres. Price board of trad e, frequently called the Phone 88 Main *6000; *2000 cash, b alance on ons "b u tte r tru s t.” and th e Atnerlcuu As­ GOLD H ILL, OREGON and tw o y ears time. sociation of C ream ery M anufacturers, London.—T he T urklsh-B alkuu peace ASSAYER AND CHEMIST. FOR SALE— 160 acres of tim b er land was filed in th e U nited S ta te s court conference w as form ally opened at St. ;• m n es from Gold Hill, about 2 Ah here, by re p resen tativ es of the depart- ! Jum es palace Monday, by S ir Edward E A R L V. IN GLES, B Sc.—G eneral a s­ say and an alytical work. Cement m illion feet fine fir and pine tim ber m ent of justice. A conspiracy a rb i­ Grey, th e B ritish se c re ta ry for foreign Is here to stay, and is very much alive to the and asphalt testing. Best equip­ .—wrly all tillab le land, plenty sf tra rily to fix the price of b u tte r In the affairs, who m ade a brief speech of ! ped assay office and testing labor needs of this growing city, and will design In terest of big m an u factu rers and i.p-ing w ater on th e tra c t and nicely welcome. atory in Oregon. All work guar­ and execute anything in the Building line. anteed. Cal vet t-P aJdock block. 1 icated for (arm in g and stock ra is ­ sto rag e concerns Is charged, tbe gov­ T he m ain conditions likely to be Brick, Stone and Cem ent Plain or artistic ern m en t also alleging th e tw o organ­ ing. P rice *20 p er acre, o r will en ­ asked by th e allies include the Imme­ Phone S70-J. Grants Paas. Oregon. te rta in a proposition w ith mill men izations w ork to g eth er to fix prices of diate su rre n d e r of S cutari, A drianople . b u tte r and eggs. and Jan ln a. to the g arriso n s of which j for th e tim ber a t *1.50 p er M. Price-m aking m achinery of the E l­ will be gran ted full m ilitary honors; FOR SALE— 120 acres improved gin B u tter Board is crushed, the 117,- the evacuation of E astern Europe by N o r th b o u n d farm 6A4 m iles from Gold H ill, rich 000,000 co rn er In b u tte r Is on the T urkey as fur east as T ch atalja, to a j No. 20 8:07 a. m. A S p e c ia lty No. 24 (m otor) 11:04 a. m. creek bottom lan d ; 80 acres u n d er verge of collapse and b u tte r prices al­ Hue which experts appointed by the | An old perfected w ater ready a re on a dow nward toboggan.- co n tractin g p a rtie s will delim it on No. 32 (m otor) 5:37 p. ui. cultivation. No. 16 6:29 p. m. rig h t, p lenty of w a te r; producing 75 The w holesale price of b u tte r fell 2 the spot: the cession to G reece of all I • to 100 tons alfalfa, can double th at cen ts M onday and will continue to the A egean islands, including Rhodes am ount w ith m ore acreag e; very rich shoot dow nw ard until th e cold-storage and 11 o th ers w hich Daly Is keeping S o u th b o u n d p lacer channel ru n n in g th ro u g h farm . houses thro u g h o u t the country th a t as a pledge for T urkish fulfillm ent No. 23 (motor) 8:07 a. m. a re filled w ith th e cream ery product of th e tre a ty of L ausanne; the annex No. 31 (m otor) 1 :42 p. m. P rice (9,000.00; term s reasonable. have been em ptied. Mo. 15 2:56 p. m. ation of C rete to Greece, and the pay­ No. 19 11:0»> n. m. F i r e , L i f e , C a s u a l t y , A c c i ­ T hese a re a few of th e resu lts th a t m ent of a w ar Indem nity and the ex­ d e n t a n d S i c K I n s u r a n c e , followed in th e wake of violent action penses sustained on acount of O tto­ 'L o a n s a n d I n v e s tm e n ts th a t w as forced upon th e Elgin Board m an prisoners. In retu rn th e allies •F-F + -F + + + + + -F-F-F + + + -F of T rad e by a few of the progressive will g ran t com plete am nesty to the + GOLD HILL OPERA HOUSE -F m em bers of th a t body. T be action M ussulm an population in th e te rrito r­ + Seating Capacity 600. -F cam e but a couple of steps and a ies they annex for any acts of hostility +• Stage 50x22. -F jum p ahead of governm ent action th a t during the w ar; the retu rn of all prls- ) may resu lt In th e dissolution of the oners; the recognition of the spiritual ■F It Is the object of the board as a tru st. . -F m an ag e m en t to book only sovereignty of the Sultan over O tto­ T he reorg an izatio n of th e board m ans becom ing su b je c ts of the Balkan •F firs t class a ttra c tio n s and and th e am endm ent to its rules was sthtes, and the free ad m in istratio n by •F ab o u t tw o p erfo rm an ces a th e culm ination of a b itte r fight for the M ussulm ans of th eir pious funds •F m onth. T h e sta g e has been! of th e organization waged for In the Balkans. •F en la rg e d an d new d ressin g y ears betw een th e com m ittee or sell­ Drives off a Terror -F room s ad d ed to th e b u ild in g Thu chief executioner of death in the ing in te re sts and th e producers. T he •F w ith new scen ery a n d th e H am ilton Freed on Parole. w inter and spring months is pneumonia. com m ission men elected a board of I * W alla W alla. W ash.—O rtis H am il­ •F p resen t stag e, we can stag e • ( ouhl Shout for Joy five d irectors, abolished th e quotation Its advance agents are colds and grip. In ton w as released on parole from the •F any k in d Of a pro d u ctio n . BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON ‘‘I u a n t to tliHiik yon f,..m llw Isittoni com m ittee and made a num ber of Im­ p en iten tiary by the s ta te pardon any attack by one of these maladies no •F T h < D o u se in th e Future of my h eart,” wrote ('. it. Ruder, of tin^; should b>- lost in taking the best p o rtan t changes in th e organization board. H am ilton w as sentenced F eb­ •F w ill be b o o k ed through* th e Medford lodge of E lks wilt build a Iz-wishoi^, W. V a., "fo r the wonderful m ethods. , meilii-ine obtainable to drive it off. ru ary 26, 1910, to serve one to ten •F N o rth w estern T h e a tric a l as- double Is-nefit I got from Electric Bittern, *75,000 tem ple th is year. An o rd er m ade req u ires th a t all b u t­ Countless thousands have found this to y ears for em bezzlem ent of s ta te funds •F sociation h av in g signed a con- in curing inc of ls,th a w ven- case of Cyrils H am lin W alker, the oldest te r m u st be sold th e sam e week In be Dr. K ing’s New Discovery/ "M y hus­ while ad ju tan t general of the national 4- tr a c t to th is effect, and they living w hite child born w est of the stomach trouble and of rheum atism , from w hich it is m ade and th a t all prices guard. band believes it kept him from having .-F have assu red us th a t they I Rocky m ountains, celebrated his 74th which I hud Iss-n all ii I iihmi I helpless suf- pneumonia three or four tim es,” writes a re to be m ade from Elgin instead of •F w ill use th e ir b est en d eav o rs furer for ten year-. Il suited my ease as birthday a t A lbany S aturday. Mrs. George y . Place, Rawsonvllle, V t., from th e shipping point. Cost of T rials *250.000. •F to only boffic good com panies though made just for m e.” For dyspep­ •'G randm a'' C elestla W alling, a pio­ “ and for cougljs. colds and croup we Los A ngeles.—-The trials of the Me- + W . H. 8TICKEL, n eer woman of 73 years died a t Amity. sia, indigi-stion, jaudii-e, and to rid i I mi have never found itse q n a l.” G uarM tced i N am ara brothers, th e d y n am iters now |F M an ag er INDIA'S VICEROY WOUNDED Mrs. W alling crossed th e plains In system o f kidney poisons that cause rheu (or all bronchial affections. Price 50,-ts. I in San Q uentin p en iten tiary , and of + + + « + + ♦ + + + + + + ;• + + and *1.90. Trial Isittle at art druggists. 1847, when she was only 8 years old. inatisni, Eleetrie Bitters have no superior. Aaaaasln’a A ttem pt to K ill B^ron rfar- 1 f'iarenAe D arrow , who w as acquitted P re p a ra tio n s'a re helrtg m ade |>y the Try them . Every Isittle is guaraiilis-d to — »------------- i of having bribed a s ju ro r In the ease dinge it Almost Success * secretary of*state's office for the pub­ shliSfJ.O Only 59ets. at all druggist». A Reminder cost Los An Delhi, India.— Baron and B hronpsj of Jam es g e ljs county approxim ately *250,000, lication of the 1913 Blud Book, which Obstetrical work is cash. No . H ardinge, Viceroy and Vlce-rqine of ions’to this rub- ra n Is- made. India, n arro w ly escaped assassination , \ llriheift v t ‘ . NO EXEMPTION th s year S . • • • » A ’ 8 Clement H. nifii, M. D. • by a nqtive fan atic w hile m aking th eir JL -M T fn-m ptly obtained 0 * WO Jr Mark«, cerem onial en try Into Delhi, the 'new ' T ran sactio n s nt the P ortland pqsthl .« re g ir t« r « d . I I O pt rights L egislation Proposed Forcing Asses- savings bank slilfce It was established, Im perial cap ital of India. . twiwtt ______ ' t _______ ia m p k —AO*’ a . ilig h as tr Administratrix's Notice of A| pointment fiend modal, akatrh